2011 Season


Local Club Regular
Sep 18, 2009
I had a game yesterday and scored maiden century! First ever century and scored it off less than 100 balls went at number one and the ball was looking like a football! Everything was going in my way, smashed 11 4s and 3 6s with my best Matrrixx Gladiator LE bat.




Brilliant! Hope there are many more to come!

Whats' next is this bat being framed and you won't be using it anymore?
Been involved in two match winning partnerships coming in at 6 and 5 so far this season. Seen off early jitters to get myself in and then get the drive going.

Didn't get a bat yesterday since our openers powerfully strode to a target of 104. It's difficult having ambitions to open the batting at this club when we've got so many openers in form at the moment.

CD: Why would you do that with a bat that you got runs with?
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Masha'Allah, a fantastic knock mate. It does look like an impressive willow.
thank you Uzair, Fireworks11 & Adil.
lol, Uzair bhai I wont be framing this bat . I'll try and use just this(Matrrixx) bat all season..
Was the bowling generous or have you been in good nick at nets and whatnot?
Bowling attack was good. I've just started off really good this season, playing more positively.. My batting was negatively criticized by few club mates and I showed them how good I can be by playing this knock..
You guys have anyone who takes videos? Inshallah this season I plan to record all my games so that I can improve my game.
Sami, some people like to keep them for "memories":)

Adil Bhai, recording sounds good but what will you do then? Send them to Gary?
Oh okay since you have bought package from Gary it would be good to send it to him so he can look at them I'm sure he wouldn't mind doing that..
ya! Great idea. I will have to compile a good amount of videos and send it to him for feedback.

The trigger movement trick has been working good for me so far as Gary recommends. We had 20/20 game on Friday night and I think I played 11-12 overs helping my team reach a decent score. Unfortunately our team lost but I felt very confident playing some shots which I would've never tried had it not been for trigger movements.
What have you been doing in trigger movement thing?

Trigger movement is very important because it gives you plenty of time to play the ball and read the length
Bob Woolmer recommends that if you are using the middle stump for your stance then take a small step to cover the entire off stump and get your momentum going.

In contrast, Gary recommends that if your normal stance is middle and aligned on the crease then trigger movement should be done by taking a step back towards the off stump. This allows your ample room for both front foot shots and back foot drives. Of course these concepts are based on the understanding that you are playing shots with flat bat aiming for the V areas whether it be towards the off side or straight / on side.
started with 82 in a friendly club game. using the BAS. cant wait to start using the Icon as well.
Bob Woolmer recommends that if you are using the middle stump for your stance then take a small step to cover the entire off stump and get your momentum going.

In contrast, Gary recommends that if your normal stance is middle and aligned on the crease then trigger movement should be done by taking a step back towards the off stump. This allows your ample room for both front foot shots and back foot drives. Of course these concepts are based on the understanding that you are playing shots with flat bat aiming for the V areas whether it be towards the off side or straight / on side.

I am yet to look at the videos of Bob Woolmer but how is Gary's coaching videos? Are they really helpful? Better than those Bob Woolmer ones?
Honestly, they both cover different techniques. Gary's videos & other training material is really top notch. He also covers some material on tips and tricks for 20/20 games. Bob's stuff is good but I would say Gary's is more focused on each technique.
man your lucky im like totally out of form i scored 3 and 20 of 6 balls LOL
More Good news for me after my 100, I've been named in the 1st team on saturday. I played 1 1st team match before but didnt get a bat or bowl but this time most likely I will bat in top 5.
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I bought these gloves yesterday frm mapperley sports to match my green matrrixx gladiator LE bat.
Salaam. Awesome bro, congrats!

Made my debut (first official one) last week. Wen't as an opener, made 19 from 58 balls :misbah
We were 90/1 after 23 overs, so I got run out more or less on purpose to let someone else come and up the scoring rate, but we collapsed to 127/9 after 30. overs :afridi
Can't believe that I thought I'd be seeing plenty of time to build an innings with my rise up the order to #5. The opening partnership for our team in a reduced innings of 35 overs were probably out there until the 30th over. By the time enough wickets had fallen for me to be out in the middle I was only able to face one ball.

So due to rain, bad luck when opening and our openers hogging all the time in the middle, I've faced three deliveries in four weeks.
I made 0(1) :afridi team all out for 33 :shakib
Lost by 180 something runs :sachin

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