I already asked the question to you in Trump Gaza thread. So pls answer it, either here or in that thread. Stop being desperate and open multiple threads on same topic. Also wake me up when an Indian poster creates a thread glorifying Hindu kings of the past and then subsequently opens another thread asking why Hinduphobia exists. LOL.
1. Islamic invaders can be glorified. Even though they killed thousands of hindus but Hindus must forget all those and praise them for building few monuments and infrastructure.
2. Same Hindus cant hate muslims even though in year 2025 the muslims are still glorifying those barbaric invaders who killed thousands of hindus. Or else a silly thread will appear why Islamophobia exists among Hindutvas?
3. Try to differentiate between evil and good work is fine for Islamic Invaders but cant apply to Israel or Western world when they try to rebuild the Gaza Strip going against Islamic traditions.
4. Another excuse will come, well in those days barbarism was accepted norm and even hindu kings have done it. But the question is, why are you opening a thread about it glorifying it today in 2025.
Kya Hypocrisy hai.