Are we really going to pretend The Batman isn't the greatest superhero ever?

Who is the greatest superhero of them all?

  • Batman

    Votes: 47 42.7%
  • Superman

    Votes: 23 20.9%
  • Spiderman

    Votes: 15 13.6%
  • Wolverine

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • The Hulk

    Votes: 4 3.6%
  • Wonder Woman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Green Lantern

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Shakti Man

    Votes: 6 5.5%
  • RA ONE

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • Others

    Votes: 11 10.0%

  • Total voters


ODI Debutant
Nov 2, 2010
Seriously PP? Are we going to do this? Lettuce be cereal:

* Batman has no powers, he is just the ideal human being. Physically and mentally at the peak no man has reached before.
* He's rich and the CEO of an MNC
* Despite living a life of luxury, he chooses to fight crime and the many threats of the DC univers
* He killed Darkseid.

Bring on the challengers. :batman:

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What cereal do you want? Captain Crunch? fruit loops? Rice Krispies?
What cereal do you want? Captain Crunch? fruit loops? Rice Krispies?

Whatever kind Batman eats.

Oh wait, brb too busy saving Gotham from The Joker to eat breakfast. Brb bench pressing 700 lbs of dirt to dig myself out of my own coffin.

I am sorry, but it has to be Superman.

The man is invulnerable for crying out loud! You cannot physically harm this "man of steel". You could shoot a bullet from point blank at him and he would laugh at your face before laying the smack down.

Throw in abilities like Flight, speed, x-ray vision, crazy memory and he's above all other superheroes.

A superhero must have super-powers and not rely on technology.

Superman all the way.
But he's born with his powers, he didn't earn them and he isn't even a human!

Also, Batmans kicked his ass:

A superhero must have super-powers and not rely on technology.

Superman all the way.

Rubbish, supporting Superman is like supporting those that are born into wealth and royalty. It's like saying a good leader can only be from a certain class of citizen, whereas a hard worker is meaningless.
Do the red power ranger from the 90s count?

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alright........enough..............isn't there a rule on PP that u can't posted pics or vids of Shittiman???????
Look at this image, who is in the center? Superman.

The greatest is at the forefront. Batman is at the level of wonderwoman. Nuff said.

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I will act like most PP Fans (short term fan memory)

Thor is the best (last movie I saw was Thor and it was great! lol)
Batman was way down before nolan took it up.After the disastrous batman and robin,movies like spiderman,x men etc had all overtaken it and no one even gave it a chance then.In the nolan movies batman may have been shown as relatively realistic but there are lot of episodes in the comics where batman just delivers more than what is humanely possible.

Fact of the matter is its all about nolan here.Today because of him live shows,new games(Arkham aslyum and arkham city) have all been rejeuvenated.Nolan with the same method of filmmaking could have made any superhero look normal on the screen,except maybe superman.
Rubbish, supporting Superman is like supporting those that are born into wealth and royalty. It's like saying a good leader can only be from a certain class of citizen, whereas a hard worker is meaningless.

Surely the clue is in the term 'Super'hero?
can we vote for superhero villains (and no, you cant vote for Joker!! lol).......

real stretch but can we vote for.....

Batman was way down before nolan took it up.After the disastrous batman and robin,movies like spiderman,x men etc had all overtaken it and no one even gave it a chance then.In the nolan movies batman may have been shown as relatively realistic but there are lot of episodes in the comics where batman just delivers more than what is humanely possible.

Fact of the matter is its all about nolan here.Today because of him live shows,new games(Arkham aslyum and arkham city) have all been rejeuvenated.Nolan with the same method of filmmaking could have made any superhero look normal on the screen,except maybe superman.

Mario Puzo [the guy who wrote the Godfather] turned Superman into an eternal legend. Nolan isn't a touch on Puzo IMO.

Also I heard of rumors of Nolan working on a superman reboot?
Mario Puzo [the guy who wrote the Godfather] turned Superman into an eternal legend. Nolan isn't a touch on Puzo IMO.

Also I heard of rumors of Nolan working on a superman reboot?

nolan is just the producer.zack snyder is the director.The OP's question was about the greatest superhero,and he believes batman is realistic than others and hence he should be.My point was just the opposite,there are many comics(where fights with killer croc,hust ect etc)where batman is clearly shown to be over the top.I brought nolan in here because i was just sure he would have been influenced by those two movies.Before nolan's movies nobody would have spoke of batman like now.
I know you just watched Dark Knight on Global bro ;)

5 times in theater,a 100 times after that in the last 4 years and finally have had enuf bro of that movie sometime back.But as i said its all upto nolan would have just been a same old superheroic formula movie had anyone else maybe except for kubrick(in his time),arofonsky,etc etc had taken it up.
GOAT - U have now started like a million thread with title that starts off "Are we really going to pretend..."

comeon man.........Are you really gonna pretend that your vocabulary is so low? :yk
@ NH, lets be serious - what isn't super about a human being acting to his full potential and CHOOSING to work towards these abilities? Also Batman doesn't rely on technology, and if he does, he's built it.

Also, let me flex my minor comic book muscle and point out it was Frank Miller and the guy who wrote Year One who really brought Batman into the modern age.

@ everyone else:

Lettuce also examine the villains Batman has given us versus everyone else. The Joker, Scarecrow, Two face, Bane, Poison Ivy, Ra'as Al Ghul, Killer Croc, Hush, and The Riddler. This is almost as much quality baddies as all of Marvel universal combined!

Who does Superman have? Best is Doomsday really. Lex Luthor? brb being bald stopped being evil since Vin Diesel came out.

Surprised no one mentioned Spiderman... the only superhero to come near the Bat, really.
GOAT - U have now started like a million thread with title that starts off "Are we really going to pretend..."

comeon man.........Are you really gonna pretend that your vocabulary is so low? :yk

oh ouch. lol
I agree ... simply because Christian Bale is the baw$$ ... conceptually I'm not really a comics guy :yk
Might come as a surprise (especially since you've seen me), I actually like comic books.
The two threads I've made are actually the first foray into a series of threads I hope to open up. Considering the popularity of the first one and this one thus far, I'm thinking of franchising my license out to would be internet forum posters all over the world.

Structure would be simple, pay me for my ideas, processes, and support.
Make thread
The two threads I've made are actually the first foray into a series of threads I hope to open up. Considering the popularity of the first one and this one thus far, I'm thinking of franchising my license out to would be internet forum posters all over the world.

Structure would be simple, pay me for my ideas, processes, and support.
Make thread

lettuce be chocolate cereal. Dont get this.
Lettuce beef cereal, there are many subtitles in my humour that elude you.
Lettuce be Almond cereal, I wanna license. And I already have license for chai shop.
part time troll crew members are free. I expect to see a "are we really going to pretend chicken isn't the best pizza topping ever?" thread soon.
Lettuce be reese's puff cereal. Back on topic, I think he will be the greatest superhero of all time.
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Yeah... I couldn't put in the OP "no Indians", but.... no Indians.
Getting the thread back on track, the answer is Superman

Batman is cool BUT he isn't a patch on Superman
I will also go with Batman, but only because of Dark Knight and BM begins. It had no value before that.
Look at this image, who is in the center? Superman.

The greatest is at the forefront. Batman is at the level of wonderwoman. Nuff said.


Come on! You can be batman! You have to just work out a lot, be really smart and filthy rich! There's still hope! :)

You can never be superman. You're already too old. You're planet would have to explode when you were a baby.

And Batman gets the chicks!
Superman loses when an integral part of his attire is wearing underwear on top of his pants. :batman
Superman loses when an integral part of his attire is wearing underwear on top of his pants. :batman

I think that makes him even more awesome actually :yk

In anycase look at the original batman and he wears underwear on top of his pants
My top 3 super heroes are


Spawn Al Simmons

Guts from Berserk

When it comes to super villains

Joker from DC Universe / Violator from Spawn

Vegitta from Dragonball Z

Apocalypse from Marvel Universe
My top 3 super heroes are


Spawn Al Simmons

Guts from Berserk

When it comes to super villains

Joker from DC Universe / Violator from Spawn

Vegitta from Dragonball Z

Apocalypse from Marvel Universe

Finally, a fellow nerd.

Vegita is not a superhero though lol. Anime doesn't count
Was about to ask Geordie to add a poll.. realized he wasn't a mod anymore.

Gwen Stacy, MJ, Silver Sable (I don't even know)

The man is a CONQUEROR!

He struggled with MJ, and Gwen Stacy was short lived. Didn't know about Silver Sable though. Even still, par by superhero standards.
Finally, a fellow nerd.

Vegita is not a superhero though lol. Anime doesn't count

Oh! That's a downer for me :(

Anyway, if not for Vegetta I will go for Doomsday as one of my favt Super villain :19:

Honorable mention would be Blade, John Constantine and Dr Manhattan for super heroes :)
Superman loses when an integral part of his attire is wearing underwear on top of his pants. :batman

He rolls the way he wants to roll. :ibutt

The use of underwear is as follows -- "They keep outer garments from being soiled by bodily secretions and discharges, shape the body, and provide support for parts of it."

Does superman need protection from bodily secretions and discharges? NO, but his underwear might!

Does he need his underwear to shape his body? NO, Superman's body shapes the underwear.

Does he need support from underwear? NO, the underwear can't handle what's under the suit. :D
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Who's pretending?

Bat will always be above the rest.

@ poll. Shaktiman? Really now?
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Dr Manhattan
can materialize dematerialize.
cant be harmed by things like bullets, neculear devices etc
does not need to fly.. can teleport

and the clinchers ... can multi task, multiple ladies at the same time :D and is a scienctist to boot
and he can grow to any size he wants.
Iron Man LOL.

Btw, who the hell voted for Shaktiman? :facepalm:
It's gonna be close one between Superman and Spiderman.

You mean Batman?

I am surprised Spiderman hasn't got more votes. He's usually rated quite highly, I guess it's the unmanly version of him in the movies that ruined it. :))
It's because Peter Parker is a beta in real life. Batman is the only real alpha male. Clark Kent is on dat der phaggy time in real life also. Batman wins by default.
No Iron Man? No Cape?

Poll is rigged. :altaf

But yeh, agreed. Batman forever.
The way Robert Downey Jr. played Iron man it became my instant fav!
but batman still is the best
You mean Batman?

I am surprised Spiderman hasn't got more votes. He's usually rated quite highly, I guess it's the unmanly version of him in the movies that ruined it. :))

for comic fans spiderman will always be remembered as the change
The night Gewn Stacy Died is considered the begning of the Bronze Age
or the age when comic characters grew up
Seriously why no Iron Man? I tried to get permission to make an Iron Man suit in uni but I think they thought I was crazy :zoni

Batman is cool too though. So I'll just vote for him.
It has to be batman! the guy is just awesome

superman crumbles when you pull a greenie out on him!
Are we really gonna pretend that Spiderman isn't the greatest ever?

Come on! He doesnt even need to be part of the Justice League to get over his insecurities and can take all of them on at one go!

Spidey ftw!
You can make a reasonable argument for Spiderman, I agree that Peter Parkers betaness is an issue BUT Spiderman rises to the Goddamned occasion when need be.

Also he's a part of The Avengers = Marvel's Justice League.