Asian parents at their worst? Boy burnt to death by father for not doing school homework in Karachi


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
KARACHI: A man was arrested for allegedly setting his minor son on fire for not doing school homework in their Orangi Town house, police said.

They said that the incident took place on Sept 14 when Nazeer poured kerosene oil on his 12-year-old son, Shaheer, and set him on fire in Rais Amrohvi Colony.

The boy suffered critical burn wounds and was initially taken to the nearby Sindh Government Qatar Hospital, from where he was moved to the Burns Centre of the Dr Ruth Pfau Civil Hospital Karachi (CHK). He died during treatment later.

The police said that the father was arrested and a case was registered against him on the complaint of the victim’s mother.

Suspect tells investigators he just wanted to scare his son

He was produced before a judicial magistrate on Monday and the court remanded him in police custody till Sept 24.

During an initial probe, the suspect told investigators that he did not intend to kill his son.

He said he had sprinkled kerosene oil on him just to scare him as he was not doing his school homework. He said he had just lit a match to frighten the boy, but the oil caught fire and he got burnt badly.

The police said they were investigating the case.

A few days ago we were talking about student suicides due to pressures but how do we deal with parent like these?
KARACHI: A man was arrested for allegedly setting his minor son on fire for not doing school homework in their Orangi Town house, police said.

They said that the incident took place on Sept 14 when Nazeer poured kerosene oil on his 12-year-old son, Shaheer, and set him on fire in Rais Amrohvi Colony.

The boy suffered critical burn wounds and was initially taken to the nearby Sindh Government Qatar Hospital, from where he was moved to the Burns Centre of the Dr Ruth Pfau Civil Hospital Karachi (CHK). He died during treatment later.

The police said that the father was arrested and a case was registered against him on the complaint of the victim’s mother.

Suspect tells investigators he just wanted to scare his son

He was produced before a judicial magistrate on Monday and the court remanded him in police custody till Sept 24.

During an initial probe, the suspect told investigators that he did not intend to kill his son.

He said he had sprinkled kerosene oil on him just to scare him as he was not doing his school homework. He said he had just lit a match to frighten the boy, but the oil caught fire and he got burnt badly.

The police said they were investigating the case.


***! This is absolutely sickening. How on earth can anyone do this! Hope he gets the harshest punishment possible, even that would not be enough!
Reminds me of my dad

Was he that strict with you that this incident reminds you of him? I think Desi dads need proper consoling. The bullying culture in our society stems from our very own immediate family members.
At every stage of parenthood there are instances when you lose your temper. It's natural. But this is jahiliat even if it was an attempt to scare the child- this should be punished.
A few days ago we were talking about student suicides due to pressures but how do we deal with parent like these?

Give him a life sentence or death penalty, whatever the punishment is for murder. How else can you deal with it? I would hope this isn't an everyday occurrence in Asian countries, this guy just sounds like a lunatic.

In general though, Asian parents need to ease up on the pressure applied to kids to study. Might want to have a look at the underlying culture which creates such demands.
I am okay with light danda treatment (I myself used to receive danda treatment) but burning child is mindboggling.

Disciplining is important but nobody should go overboard.
There should be no physical phainti for kids in my opinion. There are other ways to rein them in.
This is absolutely sickening. The father (if you can even call him that) should get the harshest of punishments.
There should be no physical phainti for kids in my opinion. There are other ways to rein them in.

Agree, it seems to still be accepted in more rural parts of Asia, but glad we moved away from this in Britain a good while back. At the time everyone was up in arms with "spare the rod and spoil the child" warnings, but physically striking kids belongs to the dark ages.

That said, we should draw a line as to what we call kids in the west. You often get older teens attacking teachers once they are big enough, so they should be allowed some right to self defence.
No bro.

No one is like that.

I disagree. We don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. I’ve heard of enough horror stories from Pakistan regarding abuse of minors, even in the hands of their own guardians.

Disgusting. I hope the child recovers and Insh’Allah has a normal life. Life for a life. Need to hang the devil that thinks he is a father.
I have seen fathers threaten their kids with matchstick fire(a couple), it never went out of hand but just saying it’s not as uncommon as one thinks, absolutely stupid though.
Middle-class Pakistani parents, are good at not using physical punishment and providing care. However, there are some problems in the way they raise their kids. They may want their children to be successful but struggle to guide them in the right way. Instead of letting their kids explore life, they share old fashioned advice.

Some parents make their kids too dependent on them, and they might judge their kids rather than helping them understand their mistakes. When kids become teenagers and experience hormonal changes, parents may not realize the impact on their behavior, leading to misunderstandings.