Atiq Ahmed: Former Indian politician and brother shot dead live on TV

Lets discuss this again when the cloud of genocide is not hanging over chaiwalla

Yes… that would be a NEVER!

If not for the courts etc the misuse and lack of understanding of the word “genocide” itself should acquit Modi :))

Probably the first genocide in world history where population of the genocided community (is that a word?) grows.

On the flip side how about numbers on minority population in Pakistan or what happened in Bangladesh?
I can tell you what are third world countries,

Countries which invade others and loot and kill people there to enrich themselves and try to portray themselves as civilized are actually not. They are rich because they looted others. I haven't seen a more blatant display of shamelessness than displaying looted booty in a public museum.

Third world countries are also in perennial need of loans and bailouts are run around the world to get money to sustain themselves.

Its funny that you go around calling others third world.

Getting rich and powerful through invasion isn't a mark of a third world country, otherwise all empires which sprung from Europe would be third world including US of A. Civilisation is more than naked power, it is rule of law, upholding values of the nation, and making the world a better place through invention and enlightenment. Visit any European country and tell me which is the model of civilisation, Europe or India.
India is still a third world country. The standard of living, freedom of speech, infrastructure development is nothing infront of the country you are currently residing in. As compared to Indians going abroad how many foreigners come to India and settle? I have seen Pakistanis openly criticising their government which is something Indians can't do these days. Most of them are scared to openly criticise the government. There are some hypocrites like you who are living abroad but want Indians living in India to not utter a single word against the present government. :inti

I just gave couple of examples how western world don't percieve India as third world rather an emerging market. Britain going soft on Covid ban, Obama openly saying Brazil and India catching up to US/UK etc. Not sure if I trust those or just hollow statements by internet no bodies who are hell bent of claiming India is 3rd world.

Problem is no one understands the meaning of third world and uses it losely with hidden racial connotation. Third world countries are those who cannot sustain themselved and depends on aids from developed nations. Examples being African nations like Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria or war striken areas like Syria etc. Western governments and their NGOs organize multiple monetary schemes and aids for them using tax payers money. Do they send any such aid to Indian govt? On the contrary they invest in Indian market as it being the biggest emerging market. So pls stop embarrassing yourself by using these term like 3rd world etc. losely without knowing anything what it even means.

Freedom of speech, standard of living, infrastructure are surely a problem but that dosen't make India a 3rd world country. Off-topic but didn't Nupur Sharma had the same 'Freedom of Speech'? See we all are hypocrite in our own way based on personal liking/dislikings...but that dosen't make India a 3rd world country.
Just so that we are clear, Atiq Ahmed and his brother had 30 murder cases against them. I am not saying gunning them down was the right approach but they were far from being innocent victims.

Had Samajwadi Party reigned him down when they were in power, this situation would have never arised and perhaps Yogi Adityanath would also have not appeared.

Yogi's entire style of governance is going medieval on the gangsters. Thats why he said in parliament "Sab Gangsters ko mitti me mila denge". Personally I don't appreciate such style of governance but it is as it is. Just hearing, another of Atiq's brother is caught in Nasik and being dragged in UP to face Yogustice (yogi ka justice).

Our liberal brothers are crying foul only bcoz Atiq is from minority community. When Yogi's police shot down Brahmin gangster Vikas Dubey, there was no such hue and cry, neither there was any hue and cry when Palghar Sadhus were lynched who were also in police custody. So what liberals say, majority of Indians laugh it out or simply ignore.

Having said that, this is a huge security lapse from UP police. Hopefully all the 3 gunners get proper thrashing and jailtime they deserve. Home minister must also give a mouthfull to Yogi and ask him the reason for such security lapse.

With respect but you seem to have bit of a chip on your shoulder mate. I don't think anyone has praised this attack on Atiq and have criticized it on UP police. But why on every thread you bring out Brits are superior, India is 3rd world, Brits are this, Brits are that etc. What is the relevance of any of that with this issue that we are discussing? LOL.

We can always discuss 1st world/3rd world and what your beloved Brits think about India in relevant threads. Correct no?
Who are you trying to fool here? Read the bolded part in the above post. You were indirectly trying to defend the killers because Atiq and his brother were not innocent victims. Maybe it is going over your head but the real point of discussion is the killing of two criminals by other criminals in the presence of so called 'great' UP police who didn't even fire a single bullet in response. It all looked pre planned like a bollywood movie. Weren't you the one who was praising Yogi and UP police? Weren't you the one who wanted Yogi as the next PM lol? This is what will happen once he becomes PM. People killing others in broad daylight and dumb andhbhakhts celebrating the victory of Ram over Raavan. :facepalm :inti
If not for the courts etc the misuse and lack of understanding of the word “genocide” itself should acquit Modi :))

Probably the first genocide in world history where population of the genocided community (is that a word?) grows.

On the flip side how about numbers on minority population in Pakistan or what happened in Bangladesh?

Well you do have a point there if somehow IK was responsible for any if those. Whereas we all know which chai walla was banned from entry to a fee countries due to the same genocidal allegation Hindus love to laugh off
Who are you trying to fool here? Read the bolded part in the above post. You were indirectly trying to defend the killers because Atiq and his brother were not innocent victims. Maybe it is going over your head but the real point of discussion is the killing of two criminals by other criminals in the presence of so called 'great' UP police who didn't even fire a single bullet in response. It all looked pre planned like a bollywood movie. Weren't you the one who was praising Yogi and UP police? Weren't you the one who wanted Yogi as the next PM lol? This is what will happen once he becomes PM. People killing others in broad daylight and dumb andhbhakhts celebrating the victory of Ram over Raavan. :facepalm :inti

Looks like you have missed this part of my post as this does not suit the agenda

Having said that, this is a huge security lapse from UP police. Hopefully all the 3 gunners get proper thrashing and jailtime they deserve. Home minister must also give a mouthfull to Yogi and ask him the reason for such security lapse.
Its all fun and games for indians till the victim of extra judicial killings is a family member. Hooe none of the posters have to live through it.

The wrong should be identified as wrong and not celebrated. Hopefully the hindu posters here will take note of that.
Well you do have a point there if somehow IK was responsible for any if those. Whereas we all know which chai walla was banned from entry to a fee countries due to the same genocidal allegation Hindus love to laugh off

Man seriously how are you so cut off from reality.

Modi “was” banned back in the day sure…but what’s going on now? Have you missed the events of last few years.

Wasn’t Imran Khan replaced as easily as opening a chocolate wrapper “allegedly” on the behest of America?

I am laughing at the dumb use of big words like genocide.

Anyway you do you man. Those points have communicated to you plenty of times in the past and still went over your head so I don’t know if things will change now.
Its all fun and games for indians till the victim of extra judicial killings is a family member. Hooe none of the posters have to live through it.

The wrong should be identified as wrong and not celebrated. Hopefully the hindu posters here will take note of that.

The mother of one of the encountered criminal refused to attend her sons funeral.

If my family member was a terrorist or a gangster don’t know if there would be much acceptance either.

Pretty much every Indian poster has already said it shouldn’t have been done the way it was.

Not sure what you are going on and on about.
This one is straight from human rights watch


(New York) – Authorities in India have adopted laws and policies that systematically discriminate against Muslims and stigmatize critics of the government, Human Rights Watch said today. Prejudices embedded in the government of the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have infiltrated independent institutions, such as the police and the courts, empowering nationalist groups to threaten, harass, and attack religious minorities with impunity.

February 23, 2021 marks the one-year anniversary of the communal violence in Delhi that killed 53 people, 40 of them Muslim. Instead of conducting a credible and impartial investigation, including into allegations that BJP leaders incited violence and police officials were complicit in attacks, the authorities have targeted activists and protest organizers. The authorities have lately responded to another mass protest, this time by farmers, by vilifying minority Sikh protesters and opening investigations into their alleged affiliation with separatist groups.

“The BJP’s embrace of the Hindu majority at the expense of minorities has seeped into government institutions, undermining equal protection of the law without discrimination,” said Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “The government has not only failed to protect Muslims and other minorities from attacks but is providing political patronage and cover for bigotry.”

The February 2020 attacks in Delhi had followed months of peaceful protests by Indians of all faiths against the government’s discriminatory citizenship law and proposed policies. BJP leaders and supporters attempted to discredit protesters, particularly Muslims, by accusing them of conspiring against national interests.

Similarly, after hundreds of thousands of farmers of various faiths began protesting against the government’s new farm laws in November 2020, senior BJP leaders, their supporters on social media, and pro-government media, began blaming the Sikhs, another religious minority. They accuse Sikhs of having a “Khalistani” agenda, a reference to a Sikh separatist insurgency in Punjab in the 1980s and 90s. On February 8, Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke in parliament, describing people participating in various peaceful protests as “parasites,” and calling international criticism of increasing authoritarianism in India a “foreign destructive ideology.”

Following violent clashes on January 26 between the police and protesting farmers who broke through police barricades to enter Delhi, the authorities filed baseless criminal cases against journalists, ordered the internet to be shut down at multiple sites, and ordered Twitter to block nearly 1,200 accounts, including of journalists and news organizations, some of which Twitter later restored. On February 14, the authorities arrested a climate activist, accusing her of sedition and criminal conspiracy for allegedly editing a document providing information on the protests and how to support them on social media, and issued warrants against two others.

The latest arrests come amid increased targeting of activists, academics, and other critics, by the government in recent years. The authorities have especially harassed and prosecuted those protecting the rights of minorities and vulnerable communities. BJP leaders and affiliated groups have long portrayed minority communities, especially Muslims, as a threat to national security and to the Hindu way of life. They have raised the bogey of “love jihad,” claiming that Muslim men lure Hindu women into marriages to convert them to Islam, labeled Muslims illegal immigrants or even extremists, and accused them of hurting Hindu sentiment over cow slaughter.

Since Modi’s BJP came to power in 2014, it has taken various legislative and other actions that have legitimized discrimination against religious minorities and enabled violent Hindu nationalism, Human Rights Watch said.

The government passed a citizenship law in December 2019 that discriminates against Muslims, making religion the basis for citizenship for the first time. In August 2019, the government also revoked the constitutional autonomy granted to the only Muslim-majority state, Jammu and Kashmir, and imposed restrictions in violation of people’s basic rights. Since October 2018, Indian authorities have threatened to deport Rohingya Muslim refugees to Myanmar despite the risks to their lives and security, and have already repatriated over a dozen. States use laws against cow slaughter to prosecute Muslim cattle traders even as BJP-affiliated groups attack Muslims and Dalits on rumors that they killed or traded cows for beef. Most recently, three BJP-ruled states have passed an anti-conversion law, which in practice is used against Muslim men who marry Hindu women.

Read more at:
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Well you do have a point there if somehow IK was responsible for any if those. Whereas we all know which chai walla was banned from entry to a fee countries due to the same genocidal allegation Hindus love to laugh off

Modi was banned when he was not the PM and a court case were going against him. But after he became PM, he was given red carpet welcome in USA, UK, Australia everywhere. He also got highest civilian award in UAE.

Remember what PM David Cameron said about the same chaiwala live from Wembley Stadium on 19 Nov 2015?

Then again, all of these has been discussed many times before and not relevant to this topic.
Looks like you have missed this part of my post as this does not suit the agenda

Lol at thrashing and jailtime. Pretty sure UP police will serve plates full of 'mathura ka peda' and 'barfi' to these criminals for perfectly executing the plan. This is all pre planned. Watch the videos and see how the policemen were cornering themselves before and after Atiq was shot dead. :inti
Lol at thrashing and jailtime. Pretty sure UP police will serve plates full of 'mathura ka peda' and 'barfi' to these criminals for perfectly executing the plan. This is all pre planned. Watch the videos and see how the policemen were cornering themselves before and after Atiq was shot dead. :inti
Only andhbhakts can't the see so obvious connivance of bisht admin with these shooters.
Lol at thrashing and jailtime. Pretty sure UP police will serve plates full of 'mathura ka peda' and 'barfi' to these criminals for perfectly executing the plan. This is all pre planned. Watch the videos and see how the policemen were cornering themselves before and after Atiq was shot dead. :inti

I can't comment on what delicacies UP police will serve them on Jail as that is not my control but I was just responding to your jibe that somehow I am supporting the attackers. No one has supported the attackers if you thoroughly read all the posts in this thread. Let it be CJ, Local.Dada or myself all have said this is a huge security lapse from UP police and action must be taken. All I said was Atiq was no saint either, he had 46 criminal cases against him out of which 30 are murder cases.
Modi was banned when he was not the PM and a court case were going against him. But after he became PM, he was given red carpet welcome in USA, UK, Australia everywhere. He also got highest civilian award in UAE.

Remember what PM David Cameron said about the same chaiwala live from Wembley Stadium on 19 Nov 2015?

Then again, all of these has been discussed many times before and not relevant to this topic.

Not at all. But i just wanted to make a point that the chaiwalla and Imran are very different. One is an educated well accomplished and well spoken sportsman who has been a ladies man who is fighting for the sovereignty of his nation and champions minority rights. The other is known as a chai walla, illiterate by indian standards, with dubious sexual preferences who violates minorities and starts war mongering when its time to get votes.

So yes a world of difference between the two but i agree its a topic for another discussion. I just brought it up because some buffoon here was finding similarities between the two.

To the topic at hand, when will the killers in this case get a clean chit and walk away like chai walla did after his role in the gujarat riots?
Lovelesh Tiwari, Arun Maurya, Sunny Singh — Know About The Shooters Who Killed Atiq Ahmed At Point Blank Range

All the three shooters of Atiq Ahmed and Ashraf — Lovelesh Tiwari, Arun Maurya, and Sunny Singh — aged 18, 22, and 23 have been taken into police custody and the probe is on.


The three shooters who shot Atiq Ahmed and his brother Khalid Azim alias Ashraf are drug addicts and their history sheeter as per their family members. Their families did not know about their whereabouts and one of them was a drug addict. All three shooters — Lovelesh Tiwari, Arun Maurya, and Sunny Singh — aged 18, 22, and 23 have been taken into police custody and the probe is on.

Gangster-turned-politician Atiq Ahmed and his brother Ashraf were shot dead at Prayagraj’s Colvin Hospital by the three assailants who posed as journalists while the mafia brothers were interacting with the media. Both the brothers were handcuffed while being escorted by police for a medical examination when the shooters pulled the trigger from point-blank range during a live television broadcast.

Lovelesh Tiwari: Involved In Criminal Activities, Drug Addict

Lovelesh, a resident of Kotwali in Banda district, used to visit home rarely and that the last he visited was around one week ago, said his younger brother Sarvesh Tiwari, adding “He used to take a lot of drugs.” As per his Facebook profile, Tiwari (22) is a Bajrang Dal leader. On his profile, he says he is a Zila Sah Pramukh of the Bajrang Dal.

Lavlesh’s father, Yagya Tiwari has distanced his family from him saying they had no information about how he reached there.

Sunny Singh, History Sheeter, Booked In 17 Cases

Hamirpur resident Sunny Singh (23) is a history-sheeter who has been booked in 17 cases by the police. He was involved in a theft at Kurara Police Station in 2016 which was his first crime. He also carried out a shooting incident near the Kurara Police Station the same year.

Shooter Sunny Singh's name is registered at number 13 in the list of history sheeters at Kurara Police Station.

“He used to wander around and did no work. We live separately and don't know how he became a criminal. We have no idea about the incident,” said his brother Pintu Singh while speaking to ANI.

Arun Maurya Left the House At The Age Of 8

Arun Maurya (18) belongs to the village Baghela Pukhta within the limits of Soron Kotwali police station in Kasganj and left his home at the of 7-8. Maurya’s father and mother have died and he used to live with his uncle but left the house at the age of 7 to 8, told his aunty.

He has not returned home for 17-18 years, she added.
Can't believe andhbhakhts on social media are praising these drugs addicts for chanting 'jai shree ram' after executing a murder. One of them belongs to Bajrang Dal. Sunny Singh has been booked in 17 cases but was roaming freely? UP police at its best. :inti
I can't comment on what delicacies UP police will serve them on Jail as that is not my control but I was just responding to your jibe that somehow I am supporting the attackers. No one has supported the attackers if you thoroughly read all the posts in this thread. Let it be CJ, Local.Dada or myself all have said this is a huge security lapse from UP police and action must be taken. All I said was Atiq was no saint either, he had 46 criminal cases against him out of which 30 are murder cases.

Whatever delicacies it is, just add some 'bhaang' into it because the shooters were drug addicts. :inti
Can't believe andhbhakhts on social media are praising these drugs addicts for chanting 'jai shree ram' after executing a murder. One of them belongs to Bajrang Dal. Sunny Singh has been booked in 17 cases but was roaming freely? UP police at its best. :inti

What's hard to believe? You have UK based Indians on this very thread saying India is not a third world country, and while it was a shame this type of shooting was carried out in front of compliant cops in UP, it's not that serious. Yogi should just get a little reprimand for being a bit naughty.
Indian logic: equate a chai walla with an oxford grad.

Even a chai walla is preferable to a supposed 'Oxford grad' who thinks that Germany and Japan share a border, Osama Bin Laden is a martyr etc, among other things.
What's hard to believe? You have UK based Indians on this very thread saying India is not a third world country, and while it was a shame this type of shooting was carried out in front of compliant cops in UP, it's not that serious. Yogi should just get a little reprimand for being a bit naughty.

I suppose gunning down 100s of unarmed innocent civilians like Major Dwyer did during the Jalianwala bagh massacre would probably "elevate" us or atleast put us on path to being a First world country? Perhaps Bonus points if we conquer and loot some other country ?
Lets discuss this again when the cloud of genocide is not hanging over chaiwalla

Yes… that would be a NEVER!

There isn't anything to discuss. One is among the most powerful leaders in the world and other isn't even powerful enough to save his chair.

And i doubt world cares if Pakistanis harp on something he never did.
Not at all. But i just wanted to make a point that the chaiwalla and Imran are very different. One is an educated well accomplished and well spoken sportsman who has been a ladies man who is fighting for the sovereignty of his nation and champions minority rights. The other is known as a chai walla, illiterate by indian standards, with dubious sexual preferences who violates minorities and starts war mongering when its time to get votes.

So yes a world of difference between the two but i agree its a topic for another discussion. I just brought it up because some buffoon here was finding similarities between the two.

To the topic at hand, when will the killers in this case get a clean chit and walk away like chai walla did after his role in the gujarat riots?

This post is so wrong at so many levels that I don't know how to respond. What is the co-relation of being a handsome ladies man with politics? :91:

Ofcourse Imran and Modi are different, the former had affluent childhood and well educated in Oxford where as Modi's dad used to run a tea stall to make living for his family where he used to work as a helper. But what does that have anything to do with present day? Modi is a grass root politician who has worked his way through the ranks. He was elected 2 times CM of Gujarat and made it one of the most developed states in India. Then was elected twice as PM by people of India. That is his curriculum vitae which a paper degree cant give. Imran on the other hand couldn't even finish 1 term as a PM and removed via vote of co-confidence. Rightly or wrongly, that you need to debate with your countrymen but Imran is no longer the PM of Pakistan as far as I know as an outsider, so what are we even discussing here? LOL
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Even a chai walla is preferable to a supposed 'Oxford grad' who thinks that Germany and Japan share a border, Osama Bin Laden is a martyr etc, among other things.

It’s funny the current Pm of Pakistan is far from being a chaiwala. In fact I believe he is from an elite business family.

Bilawal I think is a graduate from Oxford/
Cambridge too if I am not mistaken and obviously a young 40 year old Bilawal is more stylish and handsome than present day Imran Khan.

It should definitely work out better than a chaiwala’s
Rule shouldn’t it.

That tells you what the overseas folk look for in a leader.

Also if Imran Khan is the most accomplished and educated person in Pakistan then I leave it for interpretation.

The point I was making is Indians can elect the most popular leader into office while…..

Clearly I touched a nerve even though what I said in my post originally was being empathetic to most Pakistanis.

As far as this incident goes, as usual the usual
Suspects make it a Hindu-Muslim thing.
Well you do have a point there if somehow IK was responsible for any if those. Whereas we all know which chai walla was banned from entry to a fee countries due to the same genocidal allegation Hindus love to laugh off

Allegations yes. Conviction NO.

Same country that banned him when he was accused have now hosted him in the white House thrice. One President wrote a combined OP-ed with him. One President joined him on stage for a Indian origin people event and another President has hosted him in the white house.

He addressed the US Congress to thundering applause.

Got awarded highest state awards by various countries.

He will be a guest at the Bastille day parade this year.

Stop living in the past. Look at today.
Its amusing that you call yourself as a critic of pakistani economy and then call other countries third world. Its like a man on the footpath Calling a man living in a decent apartment a destitute.

India IS a 3rd world country. What do you not understand about that statement? There's no conceivable way you can argue that it isn't a 3rd world country.

Honestly, your problem isn't just blind nationalism it goes much deeper than that. Plain ignorance.
More I read and look at this...

<iframe width="400" height="500" frameborder="0" src=""></iframe>
I suppose gunning down 100s of unarmed innocent civilians like Major Dwyer did during the Jalianwala bagh massacre would probably "elevate" us or atleast put us on path to being a First world country? Perhaps Bonus points if we conquer and loot some other country ?

So now you are reduced to comparing with Britain two centuries ago to defend this despicable example of Indian law enforcement in action. :facepalm:

There's nothing wrong with actually being a third world nation by the way, as long as you are actually developing along the right lines. Kangaroo courts and lynch mob justice is not a sign of a developing nation though.
More I read and look at this...

<iframe width="400" height="500" frameborder="0" src=""></iframe>

Drug addicts chanting 'jai shree ram' after shooting Atiq and his brother. What were they thinking? What has 'jai shree ram' got to do with this? Pretty sure they were asked to chant the same by their masters to give this a religious touch. :inti
So now you are reduced to comparing with Britain two centuries ago to defend this despicable example of Indian law enforcement in action. :facepalm:

that was Not 2 Centuries ago ... but if you want a event from a more recent vintage then look no further than Iraqi invasion circa 2003. Perhaps that should be our next milestone towards becoming a "First" world nation ?
That doesn't but you said world perceives India as 3rd world country is factually incorrect. A third world country doesn't tops the list of every emerging market investments, neither countries like Britain makes it an exception straight after Covid. Barack Obama in floor of British Parliament in his 2014 speech said that India along with Brazil are biggest markets in the world closing on us (USA & UK). Go and watch that video in youtube if you can.


What did I just read? Contain the chest thump for a second and think. Yes, India is a good country to manufacture your goods in precisely because it's a 3rd world country and the labor is cheaper there compared to first-world countries.

India is classified as a Lower-Middle-Income country by the World Bank, and guess who else is an LMIC? Literally every country in South Asia, and all these countries are 3rd world.

And just for reference, Brazil is considered only an upper-middle-income country despite having a per capita $1,430 higher than Pak, Bang, and Ind's per capita combined. Before you get your hopes up no, Brazil isn't a first-world country it's a second-world country.

I hope you're starting to understand how ridiculous you sound. Didn't think I needed to bring out numbers to prove my point but alas.

You are calling it as 3rd world country as a pure jealousy bcoz Pakistan (your home country) is in a mess.

:ns Have to pull out Nawaz twice for this one.

So before my comment you guys thought it wasn't a 3rd world country? You think that what I'm saying is so outrageous that I'm saying it out of jealousy...

I request to know what pack you guys are collectively smocking. Must be some otherworldly stuff.

Ok we are making some progress. Baby steps. Will not rush it .

"Baby steps. Will not rush it ."

Really dude?
that was Not 2 Centuries ago ... but if you want a event from a more recent vintage then look no further than Iraqi invasion circa 2003. Perhaps that should be our next milestone towards becoming a "First" world nation ?

I think just building homes and roads with safely secured power cables would be a start.
I think just building homes and roads with safely secured power cables would be a start.

And toilets...

This killing is not politically motivated at all, chanting "Jai Shree Ram" is akin to terrorists chanting "Allahu Akbar".

Time to call a spade a spade, we are witnessing the rise of Saffron Terrorism.

What did I just read? Contain the chest thump for a second and think. Yes, India is a good country to manufacture your goods in precisely because it's a 3rd world country and the labor is cheaper there compared to first-world countries.

India is classified as a Lower-Middle-Income country by the World Bank, and guess who else is an LMIC? Literally every country in South Asia, and all these countries are 3rd world.

And just for reference, Brazil is considered only an upper-middle-income country despite having a per capita $1,430 higher than Pak, Bang, and Ind's per capita combined. Before you get your hopes up no, Brazil isn't a first-world country it's a second-world country.

I hope you're starting to understand how ridiculous you sound. Didn't think I needed to bring out numbers to prove my point but alas.

:ns Have to pull out Nawaz twice for this one.

So before my comment you guys thought it wasn't a 3rd world country? You think that what I'm saying is so outrageous that I'm saying it out of jealousy...

I request to know what pack you guys are collectively smocking. Must be some otherworldly stuff.

"Baby steps. Will not rush it ."

Really dude?

This will be my last post on this thread because obviously most of you either are trolling or have no clue what the term Third world means

Historically speaking, classifying countries as first, second and third world have nothing to do with development or GDP or any other economic criteria. At present, the term “Third world countries” is wrongly used in the sense that these countries are misinterpreted as developing or under-developed. This stereotyped thinking has led to some incorrect beliefs.

The term Third World Country was coined by USA during cold war>

First world countries. This includes the countries which supported Capitalism and the USA. After World War II, The Soviet Union gained power and start spreading communism among its neighboring nations. To counter it an “anti communist” organisation was formed known as NATO. Some of its initial members were The United States, The United Kingdom, Belgium, France and Netherlands. These were called first world countries, This political tension between NATO and Eastern Bloc(the Soviet Union and its satellite states) led to Cold war. Since then the definition of NATO has also changed. Now it has become defensive military alliance of “The West” nations.

Second world countries. This includes the countries which supported Communalism and the USSR. These countries were under the communist rule of Soviet Union. These countries are considered to be in between prosperity and poverty in latest term(same stereotype thinking as first world). These were know as Communist Bloc.

Third world countries - This includes the countries which were non aligned to both USA and USSR and were neutral throughout the Cold war. India was a third world country and so was Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Switzerland, China, etc,. During cold war era, the term “third world” defined countries that didn’t aligned with either NATO or Communist Bloc. No economic criteria was used to define them but due to many Third World countries being non-industrialized it became a stereotype to refer poor countries as “Third World”. After cold war ended these term have become outdated and have been misused since. India is currently referred to as Newly industrialized country(NIC) along with China and Brazil.

NIC are countries whose economies have not yet reached a developed country's status but have, in a macroeconomic sense, outpaced their developing counterparts.

So it makes no sense to refer us as “Third Word”. UAE and Brazil are too part of Third World. These terms “First”,”Second” and “Third” nation made sense during cold war and doesn’t make sense now. Not all third world nation are economically bad.

I find it hilarious that Pakistani's living affluent life overseas is calling India as 3rd world country without even knowing what it means purely our of jealousy since its home country is under disarray. Loving this meltdown, especially on a thread where it had no relevance.
More I read and look at this...

<iframe width="400" height="500" frameborder="0" src=""></iframe>

Lol look at the how police have captured them and making sure they are not hurt.

"Baby steps. Will not rush it ."

Really dude?

So wait… I said India is the 5th largest economy which is a fact. Not made up. However you found whatever pseudo math/stats you came up with to give a reason why it is at no.5. So what you are telling me economy no.1-4 is fair but 5 is a wrong number because of whatever new analysis you came up with :))

I said India is a global leader when it comes to financial digitization. You were finding excuses that oh some PDM guy said it. Then you said digitizing is no big deal. Then you said partial digitization. I gave you all the answers and told you what goes on behind digitizing an economy like India and all the infrastructure that needs to be in place. Clearly a serious case of coping, that’s how it comes across.

Pakistan doesn’t have an elected leader, Afghanistan- self explanatory, Srilankan leader ran away after the uprising. India is the largest democracy with a unanimously elected leader in a democratic set up. You may not like him that’s a different debate but he won fair and square. You still have problems with that.

You had no problem admitting there is some truth to India is a major power player in terms of diplomacy, trade etc and has done a stellar job in those areas especially of foreign policy. You probably didn’t have any pseudo-math because your big boss IK said it multiple times.

However we need to acknowledge India is a 3rd world country just because you woke up this morning, got riled up and felt that way. Ok….

Maybe baby steps was too much of a compliment.
Good riddance! The man was a monster who did irreparable damage to UP in the past

The duty of state is not to murder criminals , but to arrest and present charge sheet in the court. Whether you have murder or hundred , the court has the power to execute punishments .

Unfortunately , UP is ruled by illeterate criminal.
The duty of state is not to murder criminals , but to arrest and present charge sheet in the court. Whether you have murder or hundred , the court has the power to execute punishments .

Unfortunately , UP is ruled by illeterate criminal.

We have seen over the years how law and order works in UP and Bihar.
Gangster Atiq Ahmed Received 9 Bullets, 1 Was On Head: Sources On Autopsy
Atiq Ahmed was shot once on the head and eight times on the chest and back, the autopsy has found, according to sources.

Gangster Atiq Ahmedwas shot at least nine times in his shocking murder on camera outside a hospital in Uttar Pradesh Saturday night, the autopsy report has found.

According to sources, at least nine bullet injuries were found in the dreaded gangster's body during the postmortem examination. Five bullets were reportedly recovered from the body of his brother Ashraf Ahmed, also shot dead outside the hospital in Prayagraj. Police had taken them to the hospital for a medical check-up.

Atiq Ahmed was shot once on the head and eight times on the chest and back, the autopsy has found. The headshot was captured on live TV as three shooters, all arrested now, rained bullets at the gangster-turned-politician and his brother, killing them on the spot.

According to sources, the autopsy found five bullet injuries in Ashraf's body -- one on the face and four on his back.

The post-mortem examination was conducted by a team of five doctors. The proceedings were also videographed to ensure proper probe into the high profile case.

Atiq Ahmed, a former MLA and MP, faced at least 100 criminal cases. He was in the headlines since February when Umesh Pal, a lawyer and a witness in the 2005 murder of BSP MLA Raju Pal, was gunned down outside his home in Prayagraj.

The duty of state is not to murder criminals , but to arrest and present charge sheet in the court. Whether you have murder or hundred , the court has the power to execute punishments .

Unfortunately , UP is ruled by illeterate criminal.

You are comparing with civilised western countries which have moved beyond mafias and warlord style justice, we had those centuries ago, but through democracy and development of citizens rights and rule of law, we have a highly sophisticated and developed legal system where the accused are allowed to present their defence at a trial.

Third world countries resort to mafia hits like the old days in Sicily, or Colombia under Pablo Escobar. Hindutvas will resort to pointing at their economies, or Google CEOs in USA to try to deflect from this, but truth is, only basket case countries or banana republics operate at this level. The same Hindutvas who shout loudest about their economies will of course ignore China's economy when deriding them over human rights. This is the stink of hypocrisy which you may catch a whiff of reading these threads.
However we need to acknowledge India is a 3rd world country just because you woke up this morning, got riled up and felt that way. Ok…..

You don't need to do anything. Believe what you want Dada. Baby steps, remember?
Historically speaking, classifying countries as first, second and third world have nothing to do with development or GDP or any other economic criteria.

First world countries NATO, Second world countries. supported Communalism, Third world countries - non aligned

NIC are countries whose economies have not yet reached a developed country's status but have, in a macroeconomic sense, outpaced their developing counterparts.

So it makes no sense to refer us as “Third Word”. UAE and Brazil are too part of Third World. These terms “First”,”Second” and “Third” nation made sense during cold war and doesn’t make sense now. Not all third world nation are economically bad.

I hope you didn't waste your time writing all that up and just copy-pasted it from some website. I cut down the word salad so they'd be less of an eyesore, but still kept the main points. Nonetheless, it's a very embarrassing write-up because I already know what these terms mean.

I even referred to their meaning in one of my previous comments.

You might not know this but having a per Capita of 2,257 USD doesn't qualify as first or even second world... but knows, maybe with some Indian logic it just might since there's no set standard for what counts as first world.

Most people say 3rd world in a symbolic sense nowadays. 3rd world = poor living conditions. Understand? You probably didn't understand but I'll move.

Even when writing that comment I had full confidence that you and your clone Local Dada will miss the point, which is why I also started referencing the World Bank's country classification by income level, where India is clearly classified as a lower-middle-income country. Symbolically all lower-income counties = 3rd world, Middle-income = 2nd world, High-income = 1st world.

If you want to believe that India is a first-world/high-income country then go ahead. Who's stopping you? Everyone is allowed to be delusional it's not like we're in a university where everyone needs to know the facts.

The thing with you guys is that you are hopeless when it comes to having a logical conversation. I can write a whole book on this topic but being deluded as you guys are I'm sure it'll make no difference whatsoever.

I find it hilarious that Pakistani's living affluent life overseas is calling India as 3rd world country without even knowing what it means purely our of jealousy since its home country is under disarray. Loving this meltdown, especially on a thread where it had no relevance.

You and your clones keep repeating the word "jealousy", what's with that? Why does calling a 3rd world country a 3rd world country makes me jealous? All I did was state something that's both factually and symbolically correct.

The problem has little to do with me and more to do with you guys as a collective.

This will be my last post on this thread because obviously most of you either are trolling or have no clue what the term Third world means

Good, take a break.
The men who shot and killed gangster-politician Atiq Ahmed and his brother, Ashraf, have been shifted to another jail in Uttar Pradesh due to security reasons.

Sunny Singh, Arun Maurya, Lovelesh Towari - the three men in their twenties who killed the gangsters while they were being escorted by cops - have been moved to Pratapgarh jail from the earlier Naini jail in Prayagraj.

According to intelligence inputs, there could have been an attack on the three in Naini jail.

The three men, who cops say wanted to make a name for themselves by eliminating Ahmed's gang, were sent to judicial custody for 14 days after they were produced in court over the weekend.

The Uttar Pradesh government has given a three-member judicial inquiry committee two months to submit a report on the killings, which were caught on live television.

I hope you didn't waste your time writing all that up and just copy-pasted it from some website. I cut down the word salad so they'd be less of an eyesore, but still kept the main points. Nonetheless, it's a very embarrassing write-up because I already know what these terms mean.

I even referred to their meaning in one of my previous comments.

Most people say 3rd world in a symbolic sense nowadays. 3rd world = poor living conditions. Understand? You probably didn't understand but I'll move.

Even when writing that comment I had full confidence that you and your clone Local Dada will miss the point, which is why I also started referencing the World Bank's country classification by income level, where India is clearly classified as a lower-middle-income country. Symbolically all lower-income counties = 3rd world, Middle-income = 2nd world, High-income = 1st world.

If you want to believe that India is a first-world/high-income country then go ahead. Who's stopping you? Everyone is allowed to be delusional it's not like we're in a university where everyone needs to know the facts.

The thing with you guys is that you are hopeless when it comes to having a logical conversation. I can write a whole book on this topic but being deluded as you guys are I'm sure it'll make no difference whatsoever.

You and your clones keep repeating the word "jealousy", what's with that? Why does calling a 3rd world country a 3rd world country makes me jealous? All I did was state something that's both factually and symbolically correct.

The problem has little to do with me and more to do with you guys as a collective.

Good, take a break.

Irony is you of all people calling others delusional :91:

When did I say India is a first world country? I have repeated multiple times in this thread that India is the biggest emerging market for western world along with Brazil and China. That is why these 3 countries are known as NIC (Newly Industrialized countries).

You are living in fools world if you think India is on the same level of 3rd world as Somalia or South Sudan.
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If not for the courts etc the misuse and lack of understanding of the word “genocide” itself should acquit Modi :))

Probably the first genocide in world history where population of the genocided community (is that a word?) grows.

On the flip side how about numbers on minority population in Pakistan or what happened in Bangladesh?

Wait, are you one of those that think Pakistan had non-Muslim population at around 20% at partition time and it's 4% now?
Irony is you of all people calling others delusional :91:

When did I say India is a first world country? I have repeated multiple times in this thread that India is the biggest emerging market for western world along with Brazil and China. That is why these 3 countries are known as NIC (Newly Industrialized countries).

You are living in fools world if you think India is on the same level of 3rd world as Somalia or South Sudan.

It's a valid point. Indians keep bringing up the size of their economy when people point out it's a poor country. The size of India's economy is as relevant as the size New Zealand's economy, for example. If you don't want to sound like complete idiots then don't bring up the size of economy where it's not relevant.
Irony is you of all people calling others delusional :91:

When did I say India is a first world country? I have repeated multiple times in this thread that India is the biggest emerging market for western world along with Brazil and China. That is why these 3 countries are known as NIC (Newly Industrialized countries).

You are living in fools world if you think India is on the same level of 3rd world as Pakistan, Somalia or South Sudan.

Why'd you write paragraphs on top of paragraphs arguing with me if you agreed this whole time?

If you agreed that India was 3rd world you shouldn't have started a pointless argument.
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Wait, are you one of those that think Pakistan had non-Muslim population at around 20% at partition time and it's 4% now?

-Apples to Apples Compared to the neighborhood (including China) India is no less than paradise for minority communities.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional.
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It's a valid point. Indians keep bringing up the size of their economy when people point out it's a poor country. The size of India's economy is as relevant as the size New Zealand's economy, for example. If you don't want to sound like complete idiots then don't bring up the size of economy where it's not relevant.

Especially when said poster is himself sitting in England while telling everyone here about the size of Indian economy.
-Apples to Apples Compared to the neighborhood (including China) India is no less than paradise for minority communities.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional.

But let's talk about the minority numbers you wanted to talk about. Can you elaborate more on those numbers?
No, but I don't regret what happened either.

This is contradiction , if you do not agree , you should feel bad about that.

This is No rocket science , there are many criminals in India who are on bail , should they all be executed in this manner?
This is contradiction , if you do not agree , you should feel bad about that.

This is No rocket science , there are many criminals in India who are on bail , should they all be executed in this manner?

The man was a notorious gangster, not a petty thief. Anyways, I do not care for such elements in the society, where they rot in jail or whether someone murders them.
This is contradiction , if you do not agree , you should feel bad about that.

This is No rocket science , there are many criminals in India who are on bail , should they all be executed in this manner?

It is not a state approved execution (at-least officially). The guy was a gangster who had plenty of powerful enemies and hit put out by rival gangs.

It’s a failure of police etc and no one is saying anything different.

However the guy who died himself doesn’t deserve sympathy.

Why can’t you see them as 2 different things.
This is contradiction , if you do not agree , you should feel bad about that.

This is No rocket science , there are many criminals in India who are on bail , should they all be executed in this manner?

Many of us feel that what happened was not as per law and hence not right. But we don't feel bad for the person to whom this happened.

Let me tell you a story.

Prayagraj(Earlier known a Allahabad) has a very prestigious university. IIIT or Indian institute of information technology. Its ranked among 600 in QS world rankings.

Couple of My friends studied from there in 2000s.

They tell us horrifying stories of Atique Ahmed and his goons.

There were regular instances of Muslim youths entering the campus and misbehaving with girls. No one could do anything as Atik would protect them as they were his people.

His men would take away whatever they want from shops and no one would squeak.

These were just the regular daily happenings.

I am not even going into his murders extortions rapes etc.
Many of us feel that what happened was not as per law and hence not right. But we don't feel bad for the person to whom this happened.

Let me tell you a story.

Prayagraj(Earlier known a Allahabad) has a very prestigious university. IIIT or Indian institute of information technology. Its ranked among 600 in QS world rankings.

Couple of My friends studied from there in 2000s.

They tell us horrifying stories of Atique Ahmed and his goons.

There were regular instances of Muslim youths entering the campus and misbehaving with girls. No one could do anything as Atik would protect them as they were his people.

His men would take away whatever they want from shops and no one would squeak.

These were just the regular daily happenings.

I am not even going into his murders extortions rapes etc.

For a lot of people on this forum, that kind of behaviour is perfectly justified, and any attempt to stop it amounts to islamophobia or facism. And it's like this all over the world.
And they complain of islamophobia everywhere. The worst sufferers of this kind of behaviour are innocent muslims themselves. But the skulls are too thick to absorb this simple fact.
For a lot of people on this forum, that kind of behaviour is perfectly justified, and any attempt to stop it amounts to islamophobia or facism. And it's like this all over the world.
And they complain of islamophobia everywhere. The worst sufferers of this kind of behaviour are innocent muslims themselves. But the skulls are too thick to absorb this simple fact.

Asaduddin Owaisi has demanded for the CM of UP to resign immediately.
Many of us feel that what happened was not as per law and hence not right. But we don't feel bad for the person to whom this happened.

Let me tell you a story.

Prayagraj(Earlier known a Allahabad) has a very prestigious university. IIIT or Indian institute of information technology. Its ranked among 600 in QS world rankings.

Couple of My friends studied from there in 2000s.

They tell us horrifying stories of Atique Ahmed and his goons.

There were regular instances of Muslim youths entering the campus and misbehaving with girls. No one could do anything as Atik would protect them as they were his people.

His men would take away whatever they want from shops and no one would squeak.

These were just the regular daily happenings.

I am not even going into his murders extortions rapes etc.

So now you started to believe in “stories” when they suit your narrative?

Do you wanna hear a few “stories” that a few friends from Indian occupied Kashmir tell me about the atrocities committed by the Indian army?
The man was a notorious gangster, not a petty thief. Anyways, I do not care for such elements in the society, where they rot in jail or whether someone murders them.
So let's kill all gangsters, thieves, criminals in India! Why do we need law courts then if you want to be the police, judge and executioner all in one?

Mind you, there would be some who are innocent but have been nabbed by police due to different reasons. Not saying for a moment that Atiq was innocent but there are so many innocents rotting in jails for years.

You know what? You are sounding exactly Ike sanghis do who have no respect for law.
Also when anarchy spreads in a country by a actions of some bigots, so many innocents get killed too under the garb of vigilante justice. After all, anarchy doesn't distinguish between religions, castes, genders or social status. It just destroys everything in its path.

Will you be ok with that too?
It is not a state approved execution (at-least officially). The guy was a gangster who had plenty of powerful enemies and hit put out by rival gangs.

It’s a failure of police etc and no one is saying anything different.

However the guy who died himself doesn’t deserve sympathy.

Why can’t you see them as 2 different things.

Because the bigger picture is rule of law and how civilised countries implement it. You can't aspire to first world status if your law enforcement agencies still display the traits of a banana republic.
Because the bigger picture is rule of law and how civilised countries implement it. You can't aspire to first world status if your law enforcement agencies still display the traits of a banana republic.

Who decides what is civilized?

I don't believe that nations built on invading looting and killing people of other nations are civilized.

On top of that they display the loot shamelessly. This was done by dacoits. No?
Because the bigger picture is rule of law and how civilised countries implement it. You can't aspire to first world status if your law enforcement agencies still display the traits of a banana republic.

What about gangster rappers etc getting shot in heavily crowded areas like Las Vegas etc, school
Shootings etc


Some guy in a Sherwani and beard in London running around scaring the living daylights of people with a sharp object or people harassing Nawaz Sharif or folks from his party on sovereign UK territory.

We can be all day here.

Everything that has to be said on this incident has been said. You are clutching at straws at this point.
What about gangster rappers etc getting shot in heavily crowded areas like Las Vegas etc, school
Shootings etc


Some guy in a Sherwani and beard in London running around scaring the living daylights of people with a sharp object or people harassing Nawaz Sharif or folks from his party on sovereign UK territory.

We can be all day here.

Everything that has to be said on this incident has been said. You are clutching at straws at this point.

You are the one clutching at straws. In the UK or London, if a criminal was shot while being escorted by police then questions would be asked. Especially if their family had been shot previously, and the authorities were suspected of being complicit. But in India you have a govt headed by someone who is generally regarded as being complicit in a massacre when he was leader of his local state before he became PM, so this is nothing new.

It is quite amazing how posters here try to present themselves as modern thinkers while openly supporting bigots such as Adityanath and Modi. It just doesn't compute.
You are the one clutching at straws. In the UK or London, if a criminal was shot while being escorted by police then questions would be asked. Especially if their family had been shot previously, and the authorities were suspected of being complicit. But in India you have a govt headed by someone who is generally regarded as being complicit in a massacre when he was leader of his local state before he became PM, so this is nothing new.

It is quite amazing how posters here try to present themselves as modern thinkers while openly supporting bigots such as Adityanath and Modi. It just doesn't compute.

Ronnie Reagan the president of the USA was shot and seriously injured back in the 80s ... Going by that logic America was in a similar situation then if not worse ?
I don't understand how anyone is shocked here by the behaviour of RSS India.

Remember, RSS member Godse assassinated the founder of independent India', Mahatma Gandhi.

Godse till this day is revered within RSS.

The enemy of India is not at its borders, but their Hindutva brethren within.

Where one kills shouting 'Jai Shree Ram', it is a sign of the rise of Saffron Terrorism.
I don't understand how anyone is shocked here by the behaviour of RSS India.

Remember, RSS member Godse assassinated the founder of independent India', Mahatma Gandhi.

Godse till this day is revered within RSS.

The enemy of India is not at its borders, but their Hindutva brethren within.

Where one kills shouting 'Jai Shree Ram', it is a sign of the rise of Saffron Terrorism.

Nail. On. The. Head.
I don't understand how anyone is shocked here by the behaviour of RSS India.

Remember, RSS member Godse assassinated the founder of independent India', Mahatma Gandhi.

Godse till this day is revered within RSS.

The enemy of India is not at its borders, but their Hindutva brethren within.

Where one kills shouting 'Jai Shree Ram', it is a sign of the rise of Saffron Terrorism.

You will be surprised by how many people actually care about RSS

These days in India, engaging in politics have become a form of livelihood. The employment rate is relatively higher in South India, hence you dont see many people engaging in anyform of politics unless, they are really interested.

Very few people actually care about RSS intentions (I dont even consume any information about them), but support BJP cat the center casue, most people are fed up with appeasement politics by Congress. The middle class masses which comprise the largest voting population are inclined towards reforms that bring more employment and BJP capitalized that. The Congress communication message was always on Socialism but BJP was at least successful in their “Make in India” sort of messages (though results of it may be debatable)

So, large population doesnt really care about RSS as much you hear on Social media