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Benazir Bhutto dead after suicide bomb attack (Condolences thread)

Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilahi Rajiyoon

I was never her supporter but this is not how it should have been. She knew full well that this might happen when she returned but despite that she came, she obviously believed in something strongly enough to die for it.

Musharaf needs to make sure things don't get out of hand here. He cannot come down on deomnstrators and oppress them otherwise the whole country would be up in flames. Other political leaders should not try to take advantage of this and keep their supporters from going out in the streets. I fear what will happen in Karachi in the next few days, I hope the PPP and MQM don't cut each other's throats. Someone needs to rise up from within the PPP and assume leadership and unite all supporters and channel it through. We need strong leadership now and the PPP has some very good leaders, I am not sure how many of them are injured.

Pray for Pakistan
members within her own family would be feeling redeemed today. fatima bhutto always blamed benazir for her fathers death, live by the sword u die by the sword.
Karachi is pretty tense right now. I got struck in traffic because of roads blocked and some PPP supporters were throwing stones and trying to set fire to vehicles and I hear gun shots outside as I type. Life is going be at stand still atleast here in Karachi for a few days.

Hope everyone makes it home safely.
sunny92 said:
Karachi is pretty tense right now. I got struck in traffic because of roads blocked and some PPP supporters were throwing stones and trying to set fire to vehicles and I hear gun shots outside as I type. Life is going be at stand still atleast here in Karachi for a few days.

Hope everyone makes it home safely.
Exactly same situation here in Rawalpindi too and getting worse every minute :(
One thing is for sure a dead Benazir is more dangerous to the country than a Benazir that was alive.
Seeing horrible scenes on TV :9: :9: :9: ........
Big Daddy said:
members within her own family would be feeling redeemed today. fatima bhutto always blamed benazir for her fathers death, live by the sword u die by the sword.

This can be said for the whole country. Who created the Taliban, who created militancy in Kashmir? Live by terrorism, die by terrorism!
what next ... some new leader must rise from the ranks of the PPP ..

who are the possibilities ?

should Imran merge his party with the PPP and run from PM ?
Karachi is bad health guyz..i came frm zamzama and ppl were running like all hell has broken..shahrah-e-faisal is absolutely blocked and all alternative ways are in tatters...wats worse is that the PPP stronghold Malir is rioting around shahrah-e-faisal.... all weddings in Defence have been called off... clifton is in a state of blackout..saddar, MA Jinnah and gurumandir are all tense.... Plz pray guyz..Plz pray for our country...everyone pray to Allah for forgiveness of our sins....
Joseph K. said:
This can be said for the whole country. Who created the Taliban, who created militancy in Kashmir? Live by terrorism, die by terrorism!

make this an excuse and garnish as much support and eradicate 2 evils. this is the time to do it .
It was inevitable. Rest in Peace, Benazir.

Personally I know little of her, but it seems she stood for progress and died for it. Though I don't subscribe to the belief that democracy is the only way, nor necessarily the happiest way, it is undoubtedly a move in the right direction, especially from dictatorship.
b0wld said:
Karachi is bad health guyz..i came frm zamzama and ppl were running like all hell has broken..shahrah-e-faisal is absolutely blocked and all alternative ways are in tatters...wats worse is that the PPP stronghold Malir is rioting around shahrah-e-faisal.... all weddings in Defence have been called off... clifton is in a state of blackout..saddar, MA Jinnah and gurumandir are all tense.... Plz pray guyz..Plz pray for our country...everyone pray to Allah for forgiveness of our sins....

terrible news ... the police must enforce a strict curfew until things calm down..
Guys 1 more breaking news I called my friend in Karachi a minute ago and guess what 1 more blast near Bilawal house.
Augustus said:
It was inevitable. Rest in Peace, Benazir.

Personally I know little of her, but it seems she stood for progress and died for it. Though I don't subscribe to the belief that democracy is the only way, nor necessarily the happiest way, it is undoubtedly a move in the right direction, especially from dictatorship.

Peoples party is run by only one aim to grab power and stuff the masses.
Umair99 said:
Benazir Bhutto came to my uncles house for dinner 3 weeks ago and sadly she is not with us anymore.

In the wider context of things, it's not the wisest of things to do inviting someone like Benazir over for dinner.

I feel for her children, and the families of those lost in the bombings. It's all a never-ending viscious cycle. 10 years from now, you will see Fatima Bhutto entering the world of dirty Pakistani politics.
Total mess in Hyderabad. Lights out in the whole city. Guys on the roads outside our plaza. Breaking cars, putting them on fire, hitting rocks at the nazim's office. This is crazy!
I think 2007 has to be the worst year in Pakistan's history :(
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

It's sad that she and many others were killed. She was however no angel herself. Her husband stole millions of dollars and she protected him.

This impacts many more people than just her supporters and throws many questions in the air. Will Musharraf still hold elections soon as he promised? I don't think election will held on Time.

May Allah have mercy upon her soul and look after the family that she has left behind. May Allah forgive us and her, comfort her in her grave and lighten her stay. Ameen.
khi - Many vehicles torched, many more to be reported, rioting in most ppp dominated areas, Khi link and highways blocked and some empty police check points set on fire.

All regional parties condemened the attack and all political parties suspended in Khi.
Any one know of the others who died in the blast?

And why are the people destroying hospitals, cars, etc? I will never understand what goes through the average Pakistani's mind (if anything at all).
Those of us not in Pakistan can only pray and hope that things dont descend into chaos. Our prayers and thoughts are with all of you guys in Pakistan.
FAM said:
Total mess in Hyderabad. Lights out in the whole city. Guys on the roads outside our plaza. Breaking cars, putting them on fire, hitting rocks at the nazim's office. This is crazy!

FAM where about in Hyd r u ?
man lahore has been shut down. my parents were at the y block defence lahore market, and the police came and ordered all the shops to be closed.
man this is bad, very bad.
by the way, any one seen the very last footage/moments of blast or the shots at her, surely many camerapersons were there filming or perhaps it has been censored or takena way for examination and clues?
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Wiji said:
Any one know of the others who died in the blast?

And why are the people destroying hospitals, cars, etc? I will never understand what goes through the average Pakistani's mind (if anything at all).
atleast 30 deaths are confirmed.

I can only say Pakistani people have no brains to think..... I mean what will they gain by destroying someones car..... Pakistan is in total mess right now :(
They are breaking the Sonari Bank now. Camera people are also there recording all this.
We are doomed...well those in the cities of Pakistan. Villages are fine no trouble and no bomb blasts. I can only pray for our Pakistanis brethern.
Gooner said:
We can pray as much as we can to those who have died and for the country to become a better place but i highly doubt Pakistan will be a peceful country. Islam and Politics do not go hand in hand.

What does Islam have to do with anything that's happened in Pakistan?
My condolences!!

Pray that no more blood shed will follow in form of revenge.
Why people are doing this.....What will they gain by killing innocent people???
for the country and its people who will forever remain our brothers, I pray to gods that sanity prevails.

pakistan can only getbetter from here.
not a surprise unfortunatley...i dont think there will be a civil war, the PPP will not be winning any elections now, while the wests key hope has been removed from the scene...condolences to the families of those killed...however ultimatley this may turn out to be a blessing in disguise for the nation, we will have to wait and see...sad day all around...things will calm down in a few days and we will probably see another mini emergency, but the elections wil go ahead...karachi will calm down eventually since the mqm control it, the nation should brace itself for short term pain..
Gooner said:
If you knew what she believed and wanted in Pakistan a WESTEN Pakistan which some Islamic parties didnt want.
Exactly! Ask yourself a simple question- Would a hardcore religious mulana want a lady to run Pakistan?
Very shocking . what is happening in Pakistan . Nothing is going right at the moment .Feel for the pakistanis .

R I P MS Bhutto. :(
Perth93 said:
for the country and its people who will forever remain our brothers, I pray to gods that sanity prevails.

pakistan can only get better from here
Thats what everyone says everytime some thing like this happends, until ofcourse Pakistanis manage to out do themselves!
deviously~fading~away said:
Exactly! Ask yourself a simple question- Would a hardcore religious mulana want a lady to run Pakistan?

thank you for your expert political punditry. you clearly know much more than us mere mortals. please go on and share your infinite knowledge and wisdom with us plebs.
deviously~fading~away said:
Exactly! Ask yourself a simple question- Would a hardcore religious mulana want a lady to run Pakistan?

strange considering she created the Taliban..its not that black and white..the so called mullahs didnt do this one..bibi had plenty of enemies....
Umair99 said:
Why people are doing this.....What will they gain by killing innocent people???

she got killed by the madmen she helped create.
folks can we please use this thread to pay tributes etc.

I've created another thread to discuss the political future of Pakistan post Benazir.

shocking. didn't think it would ever happen. always thought that her poor supporters would keep getting killed and she would survive time after time. this is absolutely surreal. didn't like her but this is tragic and a blow to democracy.

I think Pakistanis as a people are the ultimate losers. this gives Musharraf an excuse to further entrench himself. terrible.
I was justing making fun of her and posted something last night, i thought when someone said "she just dies", he was kidding. Never really imagined this, always said she should go back or something happen to her, but never meant it like this. Terrible news, my mom can't believe it either...
Serendipity said:
UN calls an emergency session!!!?

I guess they are worried about all hell breaking loose in a country which has nuclear capability.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon.

Dad just told me about it and i literally jumped out of bed- Shocking to say the least. May Allah forgive her and grant her a place in jannat!
Very very sad news and cheap act! Accept my condolence.

I hope 2008 will unfold a new era, full of smiles hopes and peace for Pakistan!
Did he say anything about elections? Martial Law?

Nothing, it was just a short address talking about how sad this was etc etc
Condolences to all those who died today in this mindless violence

Though i hated her political agenda and her personality, her death has shocked me .
Is there any other word who has died from the PPP? I heard 30 people were killed, is that what the TV sources are reporting?

What are events like on the streets, I heard there is a bomb blast in Karachi as well, any more news on that?
Mutazalzaluzzaman Tarar said:
thank you for your expert political punditry. you clearly know much more than us mere mortals. please go on and share your infinite knowledge and wisdom with us plebs.
ah i guess i should just bash Mush left & right instead like you
Inna Lillah wa inalahi rajeoon.

Just woke up to the new. Wow! What has our country come down to.....??
She should have learned the lesson after losing her father and brother to politics....just like Gandhi family in India. But I guess, power will do this to you!
her Father was hanged,1brother poisoned, another killed in police encounter and now she was shot.
Inna Lillah he wa inna illahe Raajaon

In Peshawar Riots have started, I managed to escape from Peshawar Saddar before voilent protests started. However Police stations have been burnt, cars have been smashed, properties have been set to fire. Please pray for the safety of your homeland because the conditions are very tense. Anything can happen
Zeenix said:
Inna Lillah he wa inna illahe Raajaon

In Peshawar Riots have started, I managed to escape from Peshawar Saddar before voilent protests started. However Police stations have been burnt, cars have been smashed, properties have been set to fire. Please pray for the safety of your homeland because the conditions are very tense. Anything can happen

Glad your ok, going to ring grandparents and other relatives now and hopefully everyone will be safe.
Whichever side you are on my deepest condolences to you all. I know that something of this magnitude affects everyone. My prayers are with you and your loved ones.

One note of optimism - In our darkest days (and they were very dark and terrifying) Chris Hani, a leader much loved by the masses was assassinated shortly before elections.

We held our breath as we awaited a full blown civil war which did not materialise. The threat was very real and anger ran very deep.

In hindsight the ability to keep their heads was a vital step in the path to a better future.

May Allah achieve the same for you all.
W63L35 said:
Inna Lillah wa inalahi rajeoon.

Just woke up to the new. Wow! What has our country come down to.....??
She should have learned the lesson after losing her father and brother to politics....just like Gandhi family in India. But I guess, power will do this to you!

Wait.. you are blaming her for her own assassination?