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Better late than never: US comes to its senses on India-Pakistan conflict : Shamila N. Chaudhary


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Oct 2, 2004
“We support India’s right to self-defense,” U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton said after Pakistan-based militant organization Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) attacked Indian paramilitary forces in Kashmir on Feb. 14.

We should all remember this statement as the moment Bolton reset India-Pakistan relations as we’ve known them since 1947. Once a deliberate and cautious backchannel intermediary on security flare-ups between the nuclear-armed rivals, the United States has taken yet another step back from Pakistan and one closer to India.

What happens when the United States gives up its traditional role for one that, according to some in Pakistan, exacerbates the conflict? The consequences of that approach play out as we speak.

This week’s Indian retaliatory strike in Balakot, Pakistan represents just the third instance in history that a nuclear power has hit another nuclear power with conventional forces.

The rarity of the situation should concern the United States, but a shifting geopolitical environment inevitably draws the Americans closer to India, regardless of the details of the current flare up. India proves useful in American attempts to contain China, which only continue to strengthen.

Also, the complete U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan means the United States will rely on Pakistan less for use of its transit routes to support the war, expanding the political space to exert greater U.S. pressure on Pakistan’s links to anti-India militants.

In the long-run, a nuclear-armed India unfettered by the same American pressures may find it can act on its security interests more directly and forcefully than the past. But it runs the risk of creating new challenges for itself, in particular how a more confrontational relationship with Pakistan will hover like a dark cloud over its global ambitions.

A perpetual state of Indo-Pak war also bodes ill for the rest of the region, especially Afghanistan, where the two countries remain embroiled on opposite sides of the conflict. The stakes there only stand to intensify if India and Pakistan increasingly resort to more hostile tactics instead of actual conflict resolution.

History shows that U.S. intervention in India-Pakistan conflict yields positive results, as it did during the Kargil War in 1999. And despite Pakistan’s complicated relationship with the United States, it welcomes the American involvement.

With a smaller military footprint and unmatched conventional capabilities to those of India, Pakistan views the role of certain foreign governments as a critical component of its conflict resolution *******. But such intervention often comes at a cost for India, which faces the consequences of political backlash at home as well as continued threats from Pakistan’s militant proxies once fears of nuclear war diminish.

After the Pakistani military shot down two Indian air force planes and captured an Indian pilot, the United States walked back its rhetoric of self-defense. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged both countries “to exercise restraint, and avoid escalation at any cost.”

Pompeo’s statement comes several days too late and contradicts that of his own government, but it will serve its purpose nonetheless to signal that the United States is once again ready to intervene.

Beyond high-level diplomatic engagements, we can expect that at the working level in the U.S. embassies in Delhi and Islamabad and in Washington that diplomats, military strategists and intelligence analysts are closely tracking real-time events with the contingency plans they prepare for moments just like these.

The United States will look for other voices of influence to assist in bringing the two countries back from the brink, namely the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia and perhaps even China.

Last week, Pakistan suggested Indian retaliation could adversely impact the ongoing talks with the Taliban. If Pakistan decides to assume a spoiler role, the United States may find greater reason to urge Indian restraint.

But that won’t be easy in India, where the national elections, an increasingly stronger Indian military and the absence of justice for previous attacks linked to Pakistan all conspire against peaceful resolution of conflict.

While nuclear conflict remains highly unlikely, we must consider the possibility of additional surgical strikes by India and retaliation by Pakistan. Pakistan may jail some anti-India militants or temporarily shutdown their facilities, as it typically does under pressure, but we should not expect any military moves against them.

As long as India enjoys a more strategic relationship with the United States and it maintains stronger conventional military capabilities, Pakistan will not shift its policy of using militants as proxies against India.

With Bolton’s statement that the United States supports “India’s right to self-defense,” Pakistan’s use of proxies is likely to become more entrenched, further intertwining the United States in South Asia’s complex security politics rather than extracting it from them.

Shamila N. Chaudhary is senior advisor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and senior South Asia fellow at New America. She was director of Afghanistan and Pakistan at the White House National Security Council under President Barack Obama.

For those who dont know the author:

Shamila N. Chaudhary is senior advisor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and senior South Asia fellow at New America. She was director of Afghanistan and Pakistan at the White House National Security Council under President Barack Obama
John Bolton is a neocon, he was advocating for invading Venezuela and has a very gruesome history.
More bakwaas from the talking heads in Washington. Every single one of them has failed. They are essentially parroting a biased line and that has exploded in their faces...literally.

as usual they are assuming the following and then i'll explain why their policy has utterly failed.

Their assumptions:

1) India is the bigger economy, with a bigger military thus automatically is a more powerful force when compared to Pakistan.

Yes it is the bigger economy and military but 500 million live in abject poverty and it has immense structural problems that are hindering rapid human development of the sort China has achieved. It has a far right govt that uses coercion, communal tension and skullduggery to win elections thus increasing tension within its diverse society. Pakistan in comparison as has been seen in the last few days is a smaller country with less people and less mouths to feed. As can aslo be seen in teh last few days the indian military is not as powerful as it seems on paper.

2) Pakistan supports "militancy" and terror and therefore is the "bad guy". Thus any of its concerns cant be taken seriously until they stop being the bad guy.

This ignores that fact that 70k Pakistanis have died fighting terror imposed on it from outside. The pakistan military and establishment no longer uses militancy as a bargaining chip and with the last few days proving that it can defend itself it will further move away from asymmetrical means for saftey. With a new government comes a new policy that is reshaping the dynamic in the whole country. Its time the west realises this unless their motives are unrelated to Pakistan's progress. Pakistan has legitimate security concerns and these must be addressed or the cycle will continue. Pakistan has proved that it has the capability to continue to defend itself where required.

3) Pakistan is corrupt, lead poorly and generally days away from collapse on any given hour or day

We know there is some truth to this but generally it is based on a false assumption that the country will collapse. It wont. read Anatol Lievens book "Pakistan a hard country" which clearly mentions why this wont happen.

4) It has messed around in its neighbourhood for years, stoking flames with its good neighbour(s) thus cannot be trusted. Therefore anything they say must be countered by a claim from the good guy (could be afghanistan or India depending on the crisis)

this assumes another racist assumption that Pakistans problems are homegrown becasue it cant help itself from causing problems while everyone else's problems are also because of Pakistan, Again showing that Americans really should refrain from commenting on South asia as their analysis is poor and laughable at times.

5) The US must use India to contain China because India is a large economy and has a large military that can easily handle little Pakistan and the other south asian states.

We know this to be false from the last few days. Its military is a paper tiger and has deep structural problems. It hasnt fought a real war since 71 and the ease with which the PA dealt with them shows that China shouldnt be worried. On the contrary it seems that Pakistan and China have actually further contained the US and India. They are yet to see this due to their Hubris.

6) Everyone in the region should defacto accept India as a future global super power and hence tow the line or it will be bad for stability.

Again this will never happen and even less likely because of the last few days.

7) You can contain China.

Again they think they can but dont realise that China has actually turned the tables on them and begun to contain them and their allies.

My counter argument to their assumptions are in bold and my conclusion is below:

So in conclusion,

That India will commit furtehr surgical strikes becasue the environment has changed. This is a hard headed biased assumption and is working from the assumption that india actually suceeded. It didnt it failed iserably. Another strike will bring an even stronger more decisive response from Pakistan. She also doesnt realise that the damage inflicted on the Indian psyche will not be repaired overnight. I disagree that india will try again and again but the next strike will be met with a very strong and deadly response. Pakistan should be appluaded for showing restraint. They now know the cost of a surgical strike. Will any politician risk this again? I doubt it.

Next time Pakistan wont sit back. Every India position on the LOC will get hit and taken out. Their air defences are almost non existent, the fact they were taken out of the game so easily is a cause for concern. their best air assets were neutralised, their EW suites destroyed and shattered. Hardly a great resume to show to your patron. The next time their divisional HQ will get flattened and we will take a more aggressive hard line.

Therefore now is the time to sit back and stop writing bakwaas. India is a paper tiger and relying on it for anything will prove to be a big mistake for the US.
At the end of the day, money speaks. US is tightening the noose around China economically when the growth is slowing in China.

China is increasingly seeking to fill that void with India. There are already voices from people who matter online that the next few years could finally see Indian pharma and IT enter China while India will seek nation building help from China.

Many countries have second thoughts on China's Belt road initiative and this is the perfect time for the Chinese to capture Indian infra market.

USA will continue to be the top dog and India will maintain relations as it always did. But if anyone's asking why China didn't come forward during this conflict to support Pakistan, you now know the reasons. There's a potential of hundreds of billions of dollars of trade.
Every country has the right to self defense. India's adversary is a powerful Pakistan not a useless Palestine that the Americans are crying about here.