Board Requests - Season 1


PPCL Hall of Famer
Mar 30, 2012
This thread is the place where you can interact with your board.

There are a few rules to go with this, however.

You are only allowed to make one request from the board per week. However, throughout the entire season, you are only allowed to make a total of 5 requests also (yes I will be keeping tabs). If a request is rejected, it still counts as a request made. If a request is not eligible to be made, it will still be marked down as one of your used up requests, so think wisely before making requests.

So here are the board requests you are eligible to make in PPFMC (FM users will know there's more, but for this competition, this is what I'm allowing):

Increase Transfer Budget - Self explanatory. If you feel you require more transfer funds, (this will be applicable in the mid season transfer window) you can request to your board for your transfer budget to be increased. However, remember that money doesn't grow on trees.

Expand Stadium - Use this request to increase the attendance within the stadium. Even if your board accepts this request, sometimes the local government might not accept planning permission to do this. Stadium expansion isn't free, so think of the financial aspects also. If this does go ahead, expect your match attendance to decrease for a short period, as there will be stand closures, until the expansion is complete.

Build New Stadium - Same as expansion, the local government can intervene and prevent this from happening. Building a new stadium costs a hell of a lot of money, so if this is given the go ahead, it will probably happen at the end of the season, and also expect your transfer budget to be affected dramatically.

More Time - In theory this means that you're asking for more time to build the squad, but it in essence you're asking for more time to turn results around if you're on the verge of getting sacked. Only available if your job security status is low.

Requests Used:

Afrid1 - 2
Aneeq - 1
Amoeba - 1
Boi - 1
Canistani Hero - 1
CricketJoshila - 2
freelance_cricketer - 1
Genghis - 1
iZeeshan - 2
Kingusama92 - 1
Mohsin - 2
Pak_NM - 1
Pakistaniboy - 1
Saj001 - 2
Sidcricfan - 2
Sully3 - 1
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I'll kick things off with my board and ask them:

Expand Stadium
They are underestimating how good we really are ... I'll show'em! :)
Looks like my board has used the money for private holidays :butt
Hey Ibad, i'd like to Request "More Time" but in the rules it says that it's "Only available if your job security status is low." And mine isn't so what should I do...
Hey Ibad, i'd like to Request "More Time" but in the rules it says that it's "Only available if your job security status is low." And mine isn't so what should I do...

Isn't it obvious? Wait until your job security is low
Hey Ibad, i'd like to Request "More Time" but in the rules it says that it's "Only available if your job security status is low." And mine isn't so what should I do...

This option is only for the ones with low job security. So you can't ask for more time as you already have enough time..
Looks like my board has used the money for private holidays :butt

Or maybe the Chairman's sister is getting married. Expensive things I gather and you need to pay for everything in cash..........
Or maybe the Chairman's sister is getting married. Expensive things I gather and you need to pay for everything in cash..........

No can't be, he's the youngest of 6 brothers...though now I think abou it, i remember he was thinking of getting married...

...though I don't know why, Ive met his 8th wife, seems a lovely woman
Mohsin also used one of his attempts. Anyone add that in the first post..
Hey Ibad I made a request earlier

Biryani Royales: Increase Transfer Budget
It's lucky Taaj Manzoor has such a good relationship with his chairman........
Monsters Divided need more funding to bring a few star midfielders.

Message from your board

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Message from your board

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Ah great. Looks like I have a stubborn board. Close to the chop now :(
The Warriors United Manager requests for more time from the board. :usman
35 million is not enough! I'm one of the poorer managers.

I will force money out of them in a couple of weeks!
That's harsh that, im the second-last in the table and I still got my requested extra-time.

Feel sorry for Boi.
Can we request upgrading of staffing? I really need a good physio.

My team is getting too many key players with long term injuries.

Message from your board

KU close to chop it seems. Would really suck if he gets suspended, has done a lot of work with his team.
Norwegian Mafiosos Legendary Manager, Pakistaniboy

Needs an increase in the low transfer budget.

So, I just took over, seems like a raise in transfer budget is justified? Lets see how harsh the board is :))

Canistani Hero sincerely requests an increased transfer budget with the intention of recruiting adequate replacements and here by, ensuring a successful campaign :yk
@Ibad could you tell me what my transfer budget is? I want to know if I need more just in case.
Yes Ibad i also want to know my budget.I had 107million before last window closed.Normally the board adds some extra amount to mid season transfer.