Boom Boom 3 Star Bat Review


Apr 6, 2011
Hi guys,

This is my new boom boom 3 star cricket bat, which Ahmed Shehzad uses at the moment.

My dad bought it from Pakistan, sialkot Ihsan.

The weight of the bat is 2.8 lbs
the edges are around 31mm
It has 14 grains, which are no that straight.
Grade 2 willow (I think so)

But the ping is absolutely amazing,
I have only used this bat for training once
as I look forward to use it in a friendly match next week.

I really like this bat and especially the traditional shape of the bat.
It has another profile compared with the 4 and 5 star, but those were very expensive for me.

Look forward to your thoughts about this bat.


PS: Sorry for my poor english. Quality photos isnt that good, I'll post more photos in better quality as soon as possible.





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Looks brilliant! The face reminds me of my Harlequin same grains structure whereas heartwood is on outer edge.

If you are right hander it will suit you so I hope it goes really well for you.

I must say it looks very good for 3*.
it doesn't matter whether heartwood is on outside edge or inside edge. if it is there, i would much rather prefer it on the inside edge (which will be used less than the outside edge). heartwood being more brittle might start cracking up sooner.
it doesn't matter whether heartwood is on outside edge or inside edge. if it is there, i would much rather prefer it on the inside edge (which will be used less than the outside edge). heartwood being more brittle might start cracking up sooner.
true.. i would also prefer mine on inside edge due to that reason
Good point but we don't play test matches or anything like that so our bats don't crack very soon because we hardly use them. So that comment won't apply to us because we end up buying a new bat sooner or later.
So the fact that the heartwood is on the outer edge
It means that the bat will crack sooner?

Yes CD, I am a righthander and a attacking batsmen
Play firstclass cricket in The Netherlands, although the
Level of cricket cant be compared with other Test nations.
it doesn't mean anything. just enjoy the bat and put a scuff sheet on.