Boom Boom Blaze 175 (review. Sort of)


Sep 12, 2011
Just got this delivered (ebay).

Was listed as 2"7, is 2"10 on the scales. Can deal with that.

Picks up ok, probably no better or worse than the dead weight.

Really nice shape, 36mm edges with some concaving on the back - not extreme.

No idea where my bat mallet is, but rebound with a old soft ball is predictably good.

Probably won't even have time to knock it in & have a proper hit with it until next year.

One other thing - the handle is very thin. Will need another grip, if not 2.

<a href="" title="IMG_0236 by jjcs83, on Flickr"><img src="" width="374" height="500" alt="IMG_0236"></a>

<a href="" title="IMG_0235 by jjcs83, on Flickr"><img src="" width="374" height="500" alt="IMG_0235"></a>
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Looks quite good mate, looks impressive indeed.

Mind posting picture of top of handle and one of toe showing concaving etc?

Profile indeed looks lovely.
I got the same bat and trust me it's an amazing stick! The middle spot is so sweet although need to knock the bottom.
amazing grains, this bat looks to give a good competition to CA...... put the protector on and glad you didnt get a 2'7, a few yorkers and then we all would be reading inna lillah wa inna ilahi rajiyon for your bat :)

2'10 is perfect weight, if you are not enjoying the pick up or the balance try an extra grip
I have heard that these Blaze bats are still made by Ihsan not too sure how true is this hence was interested in seeing top of handle picture
Are Boom Boom bats readily available in Pakistan? My dad is going to Pakistan in January Inshallah and so I will ask him to pick me up a couple of sticks while there.
Yes they are. When I was in Lahore and Islamabad I did see Boom Boom at every shop I went too!

However, they were not 125, 150 or 175 range they were 3 Star, 4 Star, 5 Star etc ones.

If you can go with same maker then I'd say perhaps try Ihsan? Both are made at same place so...
Thanks Uzair. I am hoping to get the 5 star Boom Boom and an Ihsan Lynx x1.