British Pakistani players are the only saviors of Pakistan cricket


ODI Debutant
Dec 10, 2007
Mentally this generation of Pakistanis aren't capable of playing cricket at the highest level. The solution is to attract British Pakistanis who are between 16 to 28 to play in Pakistan who are doing well at county level or are in ECB youth or A teams. This will revolutionise our cricket once we have 4 to 6 guys who aren't intimidated and can lead by example.

Trust me this soft generation of Pakistanis are going to lead us only to being no 10 in all the rankings. Dramatic action is needed. Instead of paying useless coaches use it to fund a programme to get these guys a comfortable set up and salary so that they switch over from England.
British Pakistanis are softer then native Pakistanis.. why would they leave the comforts of Britain to fight it out in the harsh system of PCB and Pakistan.. what a load of delusion.
Fix the system everything else will follow.. it's that simple really
From my experience, native Pakistanis have often shown themselves to be a lot more sharper, wiser and overall better humans. Their understanding of life is much more realistic
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Mentally this generation of Pakistanis aren't capable of playing cricket at the highest level. The solution is to attract British Pakistanis who are between 16 to 28 to play in Pakistan who are doing well at county level or are in ECB youth or A teams. This will revolutionise our cricket once we have 4 to 6 guys who aren't intimidated and can lead by example.

Trust me this soft generation of Pakistanis are going to lead us only to being no 10 in all the rankings. Dramatic action is needed. Instead of paying useless coaches use it to fund a programme to get these guys a comfortable set up and salary so that they switch over from England.
Yeah lets do this and ignore all the players who have been toiling hard in domestic cricket just to get an opportunity to play for Pakistan. What a great mindset. we already have a british Pakistani as a captain who smashes bowlers for fun in counties lol😂. What happens to this mentally strong British Pakistani when he representa Pakistan?
my suggestion is that why shouldn't we just try to reward domestic players who top the charts in domestics for years? guys like babar azam who haven't played much first should not even be allowed to represent Pakistan in tests.There should be some sort of criteria where only those players should be considered eligible for test selection Who have played at least 2 full domestic seasons.
The population of Pakistanis in Britain is around 1.5 million. Considering Britain is one of the sports power houses in the world, kids taking up cricket will be quite less in numbers. Then how many of them will be willing to play for Pakistan over England is another matter.
Please talk about Cricket. No irrelevant and political stuff in cricket related thread.
Every time I meet a Pakistani, resident Pakistanis or the ones who have left pakistan in past few seems to be much smarter, stronger mentally than overseas one. Problem is Pakistan's overall decline as a country and people
Isn't Imad Wasim one such cricketer?
Isn't Imad Wasim one such cricketer?
No. He is as Pakistani as anyone else in the team as he was raised in Pakistan. He was just born in the UK as his father was working / studying there at the time.
The successful British Pakistani players are an output of the well run county system starting at the youth level. They will never be successful in the jungle of Pakistan cricket. They’ll fold like a lawn chair when they see the facilities. Plus overseas Pakistanis are already seen as less Pakistani so it would ironic if the pcb ever turned to them for help.. hold on, we tried that with Wasim Khan and he was run out of town the minute he tried to bring some professionalism to the setup.
Britain has recently become a little pakistan but the Pakistani from Britain aren't cricketers lol, their workers
Kashif is the one that comes to mind.