CA Plus 12000 TRD Spectacular Break


May 8, 2011
Hi All,

Will post some photos of the break of my 12000 TRD but it was a massive break which was about 3cm under the splice which has saddened me immensely.

On inspection of the willow I have come to the conclusion that the TRD are massively over dried as the willow internally backs up this assumption. I was playing a pull shot which still went for six but much to my despair the bat was almost broken through.
ohhh i gave my 12000 to a friend for 1 match and the he broke it the toe of the bat is basically separated from the top
Hes got the bat but said to me he will get another one for me i didn't say no either :D
My toe has a sizeable dent as well. I have seen other CA bats in the past dent or completely break up. But the middle do ping very well.


Huh! :O

Saw this breakage for the first time, I am don't know much about bats or willows in technical aspects but this certainly shouldn't have happened.

Not sure if its because of over drying etc
Huh! :O

Saw this breakage for the first time, I am don't know much about bats or willows in technical aspects but this certainly shouldn't have happened.

Not sure if its because of over drying etc

Photos are not that clear ball struck the middle of the bat and usually when the break occurs higher on the bat it is due to over drying to get large size for the weight.

This is the worst break I have ever seen it did not even make a noise until I looked down on the bat.
Sorry for your bat That thing happens when quality of willow is poor or cheap whatever I still remember my CA somo breakage and after that i prefer GN,GM english bats etc etc
Photos are not that clear ball struck the middle of the bat and usually when the break occurs higher on the bat it is due to over drying to get large size for the weight.

This is the worst break I have ever seen it did not even make a noise until I looked down on the bat.

I feel your pain, I'm sorry to see this mate!
Thats pure willow damage - nothing to do with the handle..... willow was too weak- u might be right that it was over dried. you can tell more by looking at the splinters or the broken wood. The point where its broken - how does that willow look/feel?

John, can u please post another picture of the whole bat? maybe from couple of angles....front, back and side...or maybe take the stickers off from that broken point.even a bit- to show more of the wood.

TBH seeing a bat like this is a sickening feeling!
it did not even make a noise until I looked down on the bat.

lesser pressing +overdried = soft breakage and no noise.

makes sense as well- CA cant get so many lighter clefts so as to make so many 10000,12000,LEs, TRDs and all are so thick?

I got busy otherwise I would have bought one last week. Didn't have a calling card to call that Pak sports shop! I am seriously rethinking what to get!
Huh! :O

Saw this breakage for the first time, I am don't know much about bats or willows in technical aspects but this certainly shouldn't have happened.

Not sure if its because of over drying etc

Definitely from over drying CD these bats are time bombs which I am sorry to say as I am quite technical about these sorts of things
I'm speechless mate.

Was this that good looking CA you got from CA Sialkot?

PS: I PM'd you did you get my PM?
:( RIP 12000. That was a fantastic looking bat.
That said, I don't think you can generalise and say this is a CA problem. I have never seen any sort of breakage like this ever before. Might just be a one-off poor piece of willow. CA are generally very durable bats.
Didn't you oil the bat when you got it ?

Internal moisture percentage of the wood has nothing to do with oiling.

Oiling will not increase moisture but contain what is already existing and if moisture percentage is to low the willow will fail simple as that.
sorry mate i know how it feels

lagta ha cd bhai ke nazar lag gai hai :p
My friend also broke his 12000 LE. Im my opionion the top of the bat is too thin, with big middles the upper part of the bat needs to have some wood for support i.e. GM Icon bats. Compare the side on view of that bat to a CA and you can tell.
John . . .i feel for you mate. . . .

i know you rated this bat very very highly in terms of performance. this is one of the reasons i steer clear from asian brands, the after sales service is pretty much non existent. they cost top dollar too.

have you tried contacting the sellor??
really sorry for you mate!

how is the yuvraj singh bat turning out for you??
Internal moisture percentage of the wood has nothing to do with oiling.

Oiling will not increase moisture but contain what is already existing and if moisture percentage is to low the willow will fail simple as that.

When oil is soaked in, doesn't it goes inside the willow/cleft?
My friend also broke his 12000 LE. Im my opionion the top of the bat is too thin, with big middles the upper part of the bat needs to have some wood for support i.e. GM Icon bats. Compare the side on view of that bat to a CA and you can tell.

good observation.

CA and MB shoulders are getting thinner - guess to make edges thicker. SS or GM shapes are much more distributed in that regard.