China and the US are locked in a superpower tech war to 'win the 21st century'


First Class Captain
Jul 29, 2020
In a calm workspace above the bustling Huaqiangbei electronics market in Shenzhen, China, engineer Xiong Chang reaches for a metal part sitting on the desk behind him.

It might not look special but it's a powerful example of why his UK-based tech start-up has chosen "China's Silicon Valley".

"A quote for that [part] in a factory in the US would be several thousands of dollars and they'd probably quote you a lead time of maybe two, three weeks," Chang says.

"This same piece, we can get it back in three days from a factory here and for less than a hundred dollars."

Chang's company is building a prototype agricultural robot that kills weeds by spraying hot oil on them, potentially solving the problem of herbicide-resistant weeds plaguing the world's farms.

It's one of a growing number of tech start-ups basing themselves in Shenzhen, just over the border from Hong Kong.

Until the 1980s, Shenzhen was a sleepy fishing village with fewer than 100,000 inhabitants.

Today, it's a sprawling metropolis of high-rise towers and home to 12.5 million residents as well as many of China's tech titans, including Huawei, which has its headquarters here.

Huaqiangbei, the world's largest electronics market, is a "Mecca of hardware", says Chang, where you can find the parts to build any type of electronic gadget, all in one place and at scale.

"I think it's really true what they say — a month in Shenzhen is similar to four months anywhere else in the world."

While the US has long had the edge in tech, China is catching up fast, investing heavily in AI, robotics, 5G and 6G, microchips and surveillance technology.

US President Joe Biden is planning a $330 billion package to rev up the US's investment in R&D, having noted its strategic competition with China is nothing less than a battle to "win the 21st century".

The so-called "tech cold war" is rapidly becoming the decisive battleground in the US-China superpower rivalry.

The US has sought to contain China's rise as a tech power, banning Huawei's 5G network in the US and placing a virtual prohibition on US companies supplying software and components to Chinese tech companies.

Last year the Trump administration also moved to ban TikTok in the US, fearing the app could be stealing users' personal data on behalf of the Communist regime in Beijing.

But analysts warn these skirmishes are only worsening a "digital iron curtain" falling between China and the West.

They say the world is being split into two competing and mutually exclusive tech ecosystems, each with its own internet, hardware, communications and financial platforms.

"The tech war is a world where you have two sets of countries with two rival standards," Apjit Walia, Deutsche Bank's global head of tech strategy, says.

"Whether it's how you compute with PCs, how you communicate with handsets and everything that goes around electronically, you start to have two standards."

The two internets

Back in 2019, Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg stood in front of a Georgetown University audience and sounded a warning.

China, he said, was developing an online world unfamiliar to those in the West, with its own values and platforms.

China is building its own internet focused on different values, and is now exporting their vision of the internet to other countries," Zuckerberg said.

Chinese social media platform WeChat, the Alibaba online marketplace and Baidu search engine have created a cyberspace distinct from the one dominated by US tech titans such as Facebook, Amazon and Google.

James Green, a former minister for trade affairs at the US embassy in China, says China's internet divergence has been underway for a decade.

"The Chinese side decided that, for domestic stability reasons, the Chinese internet had to be separate from the global internet," Green says.

"I think the Chinese leadership realised, hey, there are some technologies that we don't want to let foreigners in on, so we're just going to start to squeeze them out."

Platforms like Facebook and Google were banned as the Communist government created a "protected market" for Chinese tech firms that would willingly submit to Beijing's political demands.

"I think that was the push from the Chinese government to say, we need to have two ecosystems, a Chinese one and a global one," he says.

"And then I think the response of the Trump administration on what they've done on Huawei and in semi-conductors is in some ways a natural one."

China's building up of its own technological ecosystem has only continued, expanding beyond internet platforms to operating systems, CPU architectures, satellite communications networks and payment systems, with little interoperability with Western equivalents.

Trump administration sanctions may have hurt Huawei's smartphone business by cutting off the Chinese phone maker's access to the Google Android mobile operating system (OS), but according to the company's consumer business group CEO Richard Yu, it's forced Huawei to focus on developing its own Harmony OS.

The company has already started building phones without US microchips.

Chinese President Xi Jinping is pushing the nation to achieve technological self-sufficiency in areas like microchip manufacturing to wean itself off its dependence on the US.

According to Deutsche Bank's Apjit Walia, the growing digital divide could soon force individuals, companies and even nations to choose a system — or bear the cost of straddling two tech regimes.

"Companies and institutions … will have to find a way to either have two architectures and two sets of gadgets," Walia says.

"The same would go towards handsets. Will users have to have two different phones? One which uses WeChat and one which uses Gmail?

"That's a freak scenario which can actually be realistic at some point."

A tech war has casualties on both sides and it is going to cost the world dearly. A Deutsche Bank report estimates the cost of the tech war at more than $3.5 trillion over the next five years.

A rival financial system

The global financial system is emerging as a new and disruptive front in the tech war.

One key way the US exerts control over the financial system is through the Swift International payment network. Every day $5 trillion is transferred around the world using this system.

If the Biden administration chooses, it could sanction or cut off Chinese banks and corporations from international financial markets, causing immense damage to the Chinese economy.
The control of this infrastructure gives the US immense power to trace financial flows around the globe, as well as to cut entities off from using this infrastructure," Aditi Kumar, from the Harvard Kennedy School, says.

The Swift system enabled America to arrest and charge Huawei's chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou with violating US sanctions against Iran.

She remains under house arrest in Canada and the case has outraged the Chinese leadership, which took retaliatory actions by arresting Canadian citizens in China.

China is already responding to this new financial threat by making its national currency, the yuan, digital. In 2020, China became the first major economy to test a digital currency in four of its cities.

The aim is to internationalise this new system as quickly as possible to undercut the world's reliance on the US dollar and the Swift system.

"It boosts trade, our influence will, you know, go bigger and bigger," says Qu Qiang from China's International Monetary Institute.
"Now with digital currency, our friends in Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos can download an app and they can then put their money into the authorised exchange post and be issued the Chinese digital currency, and they can use it for trade immediately," Qu Qiang says.

Aditi Kumar says this move from Beijing has Washington worried.

"[Beijing] would be capable of avoiding US oversight and US sanctions. With the digital infrastructure developed by China, the US could lose the ability to monitor or sanction."

Copycats no more

In Shenzhen, the trade war appears to be having little impact on the pace of Chinese innovation.

"From an engineering or technical standpoint, it's almost like the centre of everything that's made in the physical world," says American entrepreneur Garrett Winther, who now has a portfolio of 200 start-ups in the hi-tech hub.

Two years ago, China reached a significant milestone, surpassing the United States for the number of global patents it filed for the first time.

China registered nearly 60,000 patents — 1,000 more than the US — and most of them came from Shenzhen.
"The common misconception of China is that it's a big factory, right?" Winther says.

"In reality, there's a lot of expertise, knowledge, understanding.

"There's always going to be economic ups and downs, but the underlying drive that's happening in the culture of China right now is going to continue to advance new opportunities and new growth that I think we're just not even seeing coming yet."

America believes it can prevail and maintain its technological edge.

But China is spending big on hi-tech research, announcing a five-year plan worth $1.8 trillion dollars to dominate AI, robotics, 6G and all other technologies by 2035.

James Green, former minister for trade affairs at the US embassy in China, says the tech war expanded under Trump is not going to be resolved any time soon.

"Some of the issues, particularly around technology and technology ecosystems, are ones that will be with us for years to come," he says.

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I have bolded the part about the Rival Financial System creation, which is very interesting.

If China is success-full in going ahead with that strategy, the US Sanctions and FATF List etc. will be meaningless. There will be delinking.
Only problem, the overseas expatriates of participating countries in Chinas system, but living in Western countries will have some problem transferring money across.

For those interested, search for Foreign Correspondent by ABC, it is an excellent unbiased show from public broadcaster of Australia. They are covering China extensively for past few months.
I have bolded the part about the Rival Financial System creation, which is very interesting.

If China is success-full in going ahead with that strategy, the US Sanctions and FATF List etc. will be meaningless. There will be delinking.
Only problem, the overseas expatriates of participating countries in Chinas system, but living in Western countries will have some problem transferring money across.

For those interested, search for Foreign Correspondent by ABC, it is an excellent unbiased show from public broadcaster of Australia. They are covering China extensively for past few months.

Money and financial systems are over rated now.

In a world ruled by automation and Ai, work becomes extinct and therefore money becomes irrelevant.

The US today controls the world through the financial system and dollar, but when that ends they are well placed to even strengthen their hold on the world through a new system of data.

So called experts like economists are always terrible in making future predictions and are always wrong, if you want to know the future just talk to any tech or Ai expert.

Data is what will now become the big thing, and who controls the data and the flow of it controls the world.

Nationalism will die and corporations will take over, with american tech giants controlling all of it, what do you think Google and FB are for, Google was made through a pentagon backed competion at stanford and VC by the MIC, FB was funded by Peter Thiel, the MICs VC guy.

Americans are always two steps ahead of everyone in predicting the outcome of tomorrow.
Money and financial systems are over rated now.

In a world ruled by automation and Ai, work becomes extinct and therefore money becomes irrelevant.

The US today controls the world through the financial system and dollar, but when that ends they are well placed to even strengthen their hold on the world through a new system of data.

So called experts like economists are always terrible in making future predictions and are always wrong, if you want to know the future just talk to any tech or Ai expert.

Data is what will now become the big thing, and who controls the data and the flow of it controls the world.

Nationalism will die and corporations will take over, with american tech giants controlling all of it, what do you think Google and FB are for, Google was made through a pentagon backed competion at stanford and VC by the MIC, FB was funded by Peter Thiel, the MICs VC guy.

Americans are always two steps ahead of everyone in predicting the outcome of tomorrow.

Partly agree to some points you have made. But, China is rapidly catching up, though in a bit dystopian way.
They Chinese already are trying to delink the whole system, including the CPU Chips which run the machines of modern world.
That is the brain power of the whole AI world, might i say brain of todays World, and once they are able to do that, Imagine the possibilities.

They can have their own version of Operating Systems like Windows/Linux etc.. They already have their own version of Mobile OS. Once the Chinese achieve that, who is to stop them from running a whole parallel systems in the world and completely avoid detection from the US and Western World.

There will no FATF/Sanctions to comply to, because, well those transactions are not possible to detect.
I have bolded the part about the Rival Financial System creation, which is very interesting.

If China is success-full in going ahead with that strategy, the US Sanctions and FATF List etc. will be meaningless. There will be delinking.
Only problem, the overseas expatriates of participating countries in Chinas system, but living in Western countries will have some problem transferring money across.

For those interested, search for Foreign Correspondent by ABC, it is an excellent unbiased show from public broadcaster of Australia. They are covering China extensively for past few months.

How many big economies will be willing to accept the Chinese financial system? The west and America controls the system because they have the majority stake in it. I dont see other major economies like Japan SoKo India etc joining the Chinese system either.
Partly agree to some points you have made. But, China is rapidly catching up, though in a bit dystopian way.
They Chinese already are trying to delink the whole system, including the CPU Chips which run the machines of modern world.
That is the brain power of the whole AI world, might i say brain of todays World, and once they are able to do that, Imagine the possibilities.

They can have their own version of Operating Systems like Windows/Linux etc.. They already have their own version of Mobile OS. Once the Chinese achieve that, who is to stop them from running a whole parallel systems in the world and completely avoid detection from the US and Western World.

There will no FATF/Sanctions to comply to, because, well those transactions are not possible to detect.

Majority of the world has to accept that system first. Small african countries and struggling asian economies wont cut it.
How many big economies will be willing to accept the Chinese financial system? The west and America controls the system because they have the majority stake in it. I dont see other major economies like Japan SoKo India etc joining the Chinese system either.

It will not be countries like Australia/Japan/EU/India etc.

But China is running some major BRI projects in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Tajikistan and investing in lot of African Countries.
Don't think China is targeting the major economies. Imagine a parallel system is created and Russia/Iran and Pakistan plus say, 50 other countries want or wish to delink with the current Global Financial system.

It still will have global impact, in terms of supply chain etc.
No one likes being tied to one superpower who can then dictate terms to suit themselves. The more alternative options the better.
Majority of the world has to accept that system first. Small african countries and struggling asian economies wont cut it.

I wouldn't be so smug...thats where the domino effect will start from.

China is no saint but the vast majority of the world ( in terms of population) are no fans of the US and will bite the hands off someone who offers an alternative system to western hegemony.
The next big thing is AI and robotics. Who ever will achieve Artificial Super Intelligence first will rule the world. China and US are the only 2 nations heavily invested in it.
The SWIFT banking system is a Western system that ensures all transactions are traceable. This is how Amreeka applies economic sanctions; disabling the ability for companies/nations to make electronic transactions. It's now dying a slow and ignominious death cos the work around believe it or not is closer to the bartering system - wait for this - oil in exchange for goods and commodities, inc Gold. This is how Iran was able to sell its oil to Russia/China, in exchange for something meaningful, despite economic sanctions.

Of course crypto currency is another option, and the Western governments know it. China do to but China will create it's own crypto and start using it. Gold Dinar in Africa was the other option but Libya paid the paid.

Death to the Amreekan dollar!
Once the American Dollar crashes along with their financial banking system the west will crash with it .

There are alternatives in gold , cryto and barter trade for Pakistan, just need our leaders to think out of the box instead of them behaving like sheep all the time.
I have bolded the part about the Rival Financial System creation, which is very interesting.

If China is success-full in going ahead with that strategy, the US Sanctions and FATF List etc. will be meaningless. There will be delinking.
Only problem, the overseas expatriates of participating countries in Chinas system, but living in Western countries will have some problem transferring money across.

For those interested, search for Foreign Correspondent by ABC, it is an excellent unbiased show from public broadcaster of Australia. They are covering China extensively for past few months.

IMO US Economic weapons (Sanctions/FATF) etc. are already meaningless.

A country like North Korea have survived them for decades.

Heck, despite all corruption, even Pakistan have been easily brushing everything off in last 3 decades.
It will not be countries like Australia/Japan/EU/India etc.

But China is running some major BRI projects in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Tajikistan and investing in lot of African Countries.
Don't think China is targeting the major economies. Imagine a parallel system is created and Russia/Iran and Pakistan plus say, 50 other countries want or wish to delink with the current Global Financial system.

It still will have global impact, in terms of supply chain etc.

If those 50 countries have to delink themselves from the global chain to join the chinese chain, the choice will not be an easy one.

Without majority of major economies joining it, any chinese system will be a failure.
IMO US Economic weapons (Sanctions/FATF) etc. are already meaningless.

A country like North Korea have survived them for decades.

Heck, despite all corruption, even Pakistan have been easily brushing everything off in last 3 decades.

Surviving like NoKo isnt the way countries usually want to survive.
Surviving like NoKo isnt the way countries usually want to survive.

Of course. NK is an extreme example of a 'rogue state' that regularly threatens USA (and SK).

The point I'm trying to make is that there was always an 'alternative economy' beyond FATF.
A US senator has called for a government investigation into the impact on national security of garlic imports from China.

Republican Senator Rick Scott has written to the commerce secretary, claiming Chinese garlic is unsafe, citing unsanitary production methods.

China is the world's biggest exporter of fresh and chilled garlic and the US is a major consumer.

But the trade has been controversial for many years.

The US has accused China of "dumping" garlic on to the market at below-cost price.

Since the mid-1990s it has levied heavy tariffs or taxes on Chinese imports in order to prevent US producers from being priced out of the market.

In 2019, during the Trump administration, these tariffs were increased.

In his letter Senator Scott refers to these existing concerns. But he goes on to highlight "a severe public health concern over the quality and safety of garlic grown in foreign countries - most notably, garlic grown in Communist China" - and refers to growing practices which, he says, have been "well documented" in online videos, cooking blogs and documentaries.

He has called for the Department of Commerce to take action, under a law which allows investigations into the impact of specific imports on the security of the US.

Senator Scott also goes into much detail about the different types of garlic that should be looked into: "All grades of garlic, whole or separated into cloves, whether or not peeled, chilled, fresh, frozen, provisionally preserved or packed in water or other neutral substance."

He argues: "Food safety and security is an existential emergency that poses grave threats to our national security, public health, and economic prosperity."

The Office for Science and Society at McGill University in Quebec, which attempts to popularise and explain scientific issues, says there is "no evidence" that sewage is used as a fertiliser for growing garlic in China.

"In any case, there is no problem with this," an article published by the university in 2017 says.

"Human waste is as effective a fertilizer as is animal waste. Spreading human sewage on fields that grow crops doesn't sound appealing, but it is safer than you might think."

Source: BBC

Unsubstantiated claims and sensationalism distract from genuine trade concerns.
A US senator has called for a government investigation into the impact on national security of garlic imports from China.

Republican Senator Rick Scott has written to the commerce secretary, claiming Chinese garlic is unsafe, citing unsanitary production methods.

China is the world's biggest exporter of fresh and chilled garlic and the US is a major consumer.

But the trade has been controversial for many years.

The US has accused China of "dumping" garlic on to the market at below-cost price.

Since the mid-1990s it has levied heavy tariffs or taxes on Chinese imports in order to prevent US producers from being priced out of the market.

In 2019, during the Trump administration, these tariffs were increased.

In his letter Senator Scott refers to these existing concerns. But he goes on to highlight "a severe public health concern over the quality and safety of garlic grown in foreign countries - most notably, garlic grown in Communist China" - and refers to growing practices which, he says, have been "well documented" in online videos, cooking blogs and documentaries.

He has called for the Department of Commerce to take action, under a law which allows investigations into the impact of specific imports on the security of the US.

Senator Scott also goes into much detail about the different types of garlic that should be looked into: "All grades of garlic, whole or separated into cloves, whether or not peeled, chilled, fresh, frozen, provisionally preserved or packed in water or other neutral substance."

He argues: "Food safety and security is an existential emergency that poses grave threats to our national security, public health, and economic prosperity."

The Office for Science and Society at McGill University in Quebec, which attempts to popularise and explain scientific issues, says there is "no evidence" that sewage is used as a fertiliser for growing garlic in China.

"In any case, there is no problem with this," an article published by the university in 2017 says.

"Human waste is as effective a fertilizer as is animal waste. Spreading human sewage on fields that grow crops doesn't sound appealing, but it is safer than you might think."

Source: BBC

Yeah, just to create hype they have shown concerns but at the back end they will keep pursuing trade with china.

They just cant boycott on anything with china.
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China is no where near US. No one trusts their GDP figures and their economy is struggling. Their population is collapsing and soon the old and feeble in China vastly outnumber able bodied work force.

China has ways to go before they can catch up to US. If they are really a super power, they would have taken Taiwan by now. But the CCP know their military capacity and the truth behind their economic success and development.
China overtakes US as branded coffee shop capital of the world
Number rose by almost 60% in a year to 49,691 stores, making China ‘a global coffee industry powerhouse’

The branded coffee chain craze may trace its roots to a single Starbucks in Seattle’s Pike Place market in 1971, but now China has toppled the US as the country with the most branded coffee shops.

The number of branded coffee shops in China increased by 58% over the past 12 months to a record 49,691 outlets, according to research by World Coffee Portal. That was more than 9,000 in excess of the 40,062 in the US, where the market grew by just 4%. The US had held the crown as the world’s biggest coffee shop market for the entire 20-year history of the research.

Jeffrey Young, the founder and chief executive of World Coffee Portal, said: “The east Asian coffee shop market is clearly experiencing rapid growth led by phenomenal outlet expansion in China, which has fast become a global coffee industry powerhouse.”

The local chains Luckin Coffee and Cotti Coffee rapidly expanded over the past year, adding 5,059 and 6,004 stores respectively. Luckin, founded only six years ago, has 13,273 stores in China, making it by far the biggest operator.
