Citizen Khan : "BBC 1 presents a British Muslim sitcom"

series over but really funny. xmas special bring it on
Back tonight at 8.30 for a Xmas special.

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I was reminded of Navid from Still Game as I watched a re-run of an episode today. A Pakistani Muslim Shopkeeper is one of the stars of the show. Infinitely funnier than Citizen Khan ( If you guys can understand it)

I like the way that they lady's face has a mop in front of it so you can never see her.
I was reminded of Navid from Still Game as I watched a re-run of an episode today. A Pakistani Muslim Shopkeeper is one of the stars of the show. Infinitely funnier than Citizen Khan ( If you guys can understand it)

Ah i forgot about this, i loved Still Game when it used to be on.
I don't understand why English television portrays Islam as some sort of Dharmic (Indian) religion that eats curry or is it just me?
It's back tomorrow.

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I've watched the two episodes of the third series and to be honest I'm not that impressed.

The jokes seem a bit stale and the novelty seems to have worn off.
i find this series funny. I think episode 1 was funnier than episode 2 but both have still been quite funny.
My children love it and that says a lot about the target audience. This series has been a let down. Its not bad but its not great either.
I somehow got roped into watching an episdoe

man its cringeworthy and disturbing

to make it worse the jokes arent even that good either
Series 4 starts tonight.

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Most of the comedy on TV is terrible and probably always was but we forget the rubbish and remember the good ones. This is no worse or better than alot of the stuff put out there. The best comedy on TV at the moment is the Asian Provocateur- the episode this week was the single best episode i have seen in a long time.
Series 4 starts tonight.

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Did you see him at New Street Station? he was making the train announcements from the control room for a while :)))

Can't wait to watch this series; I think it's a brilliant show and Adil Ray is a brilliant Actor. Beyond the Midlands don't expect the white folk to get the humour or the Uncle Tom like Asians.
I preferred Goodness Gracious me.

He has done well to get to a 4th season.
Just watched the trailer to see if I was missing anything. Evidently not. I write far funnier stuff on here and I do it for free.
Done amazingly well to be getting the viewing figures they have achieved
Just watched the trailer to see if I was missing anything. Evidently not. I write far funnier stuff on here and I do it for free.
You sir are one of those who havent been corrupted yet by the lure of material gain. Hopefully the situatuon will remain the same post your PP members interview and you will continue to provide us genuine chuckles pro bono.
Also, got to love how geniuses link the lure of material gain with enjoying a sitcom :yk2
Did pretty well to get to a 4th series lol. Amazing stuff, to be fair. Either we're all missing something and it is actually hilarious, or the standards of programming are currently quite low. Personally I think it could be the second one.
Did pretty well to get to a 4th series lol. Amazing stuff, to be fair. Either we're all missing something and it is actually hilarious, or the standards of programming are currently quite low. Personally I think it could be the second one.

The show itself is not incredible in terms of the narrative and script but people from the midlands and inner city regions in particular can relate to the humour. The Brit Asians must really give it that ratingz boost but it has managed to appeal to folk all over the UK some how, didn't expect a season 4.
I understand he tries to travel to the USA and gets arrested at Customs.
It's one of those shows your not supposed to take seriously and only watch from time to time.
It is one of the shows where you laugh at the characters, not with them. Not a good show.:facepalm:
U not meant to take it seriously . It is the exaggeration on the stereotypes that makes it what it is
Not sure why people get so worked up about it. You have an off switch on your TV if it is not your bag.If you don't like Maajid Nawaz attack Maajid Nawaaz and his lack of policies/uncle tom-ness.
Did pretty well to get to a 4th series lol. Amazing stuff, to be fair. Either we're all missing something and it is actually hilarious, or the standards of programming are currently quite low. Personally I think it could be the second one.

Whats shocking, is that they cancelled decent sitcoms like My Family cuz it was too 'middle class'
Not sure why people get so worked up about it. You have an off switch on your TV if it is not your bag.If you don't like Maajid Nawaz attack Maajid Nawaaz and his lack of policies/uncle tom-ness.

Are you based in the midlands s28? or beyond that? most fans are from the midlands. I get that you have people who don't like it and that's fine but then you have coconuts that just spread hatred. I enjoy the show, didn't like the first episode of the latest season though. Asian Provocetuer is something you need to give a look it's hilarious :))
Whats shocking, is that they cancelled decent sitcoms like My Family cuz it was too 'middle class'

Maybe the ratings were an issue? Citizen Khan has lasted as long as it has is because of the viewership. Atlantis was cancelled not sure if you watch that series but I thought it was pretty good light hearted drama/fantasy/adventure for the BBC, after 2 seasons it's done. Perhaps it was a shoot out between the new Last Kingdom and whether or not they were going to persist with Atlantis
My Family was canned because it was getting old and they 'jumped the shark' by making Mikey gay. Citizen Khan in many ways is a sort of cross between My Family and Mind Your Language.
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Are you based in the midlands s28? or beyond that? most fans are from the midlands. I get that you have people who don't like it and that's fine but then you have coconuts that just spread hatred. I enjoy the show, didn't like the first episode of the latest season though. Asian Provocetuer is something you need to give a look it's hilarious :))

Live and work London. Originally from Midlands.
Will give Asian Provacateur a go but will be tough to beat Phoneshop

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Will give Asian Provacateur a go but will be tough to beat Phoneshop

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The thing is I don't think that show is built around him is it? I recall watching an episode or two a while back and it's all boring until the Razz Prince shows up
My god I ended up watching this after match of the day and it was like being a kid in the 1970's. I can't imagine any loser who would attach himself to this show other than on this site.
The show overall is awful

I'd rate it 2/10

Probably all together, only 3/5 good episodes

I do enjoy the fact that people dislike the show, mainly because of the girl because I think their parents realise that their daughter is just another aliah
I do agree it is overall lame but lets recognise Adil's achievements

Prime-time show with decent viewing ratings, on BBC1, getting some representation for 'normal Muslims'. without it being about linking them to terrorists.

Yes it would probably be cheaper to just re-run 'Mind Your Language' (for casual racism and stereotyping) or Seinfeld for actual comedy but it doesn't fit the BBC remit and industry dynamics which require new productions and minority representation etc
I do agree it is overall lame but lets recognise Adil's achievements

Prime-time show with decent viewing ratings, on BBC1, getting some representation for 'normal Muslims'. without it being about linking them to terrorists.

Yes it would probably be cheaper to just re-run 'Mind Your Language' (for casual racism and stereotyping) or Seinfeld for actual comedy but it doesn't fit the BBC remit and industry dynamics which require new productions and minority representation etc

Totally agree, there are always some really cringworthy moments every season but it's been refreshing to see Muslim not being linked to terrorism for once on TV.

btw, baby Mo's bowling machine in the last episode was a good bit of comedy.
yeh was hoping for a bit more detail on it so i can rig up my own
It's racist against British Pakistani lads

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Thoughts on Friday's episode? Found it hilarious :)):)):))
Horrible horrible horrible. Just cringe worthy. The whole setup is from the 1970's. It as if ive been transported back in time or something. The jokes are not funny. But my 9 year old found it hilarious. That says it all really.
They should just bring back the original and best openly "racist" - 'Mind Your Language'

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I think CK is closer to It ain't half hot mum character Rangi Ram, the smiling, nodding "1000 apologies shaib" Indian.

Some funny parts some not so funny parts. Gone down hill for this show since the 1st season.
any better now?

I only seen episode 1 of the new season so far as well, the show has a certain type of humour which only inner city brit asians can relate to (but there seems to be an appeal across the UK which would explain why the show has been renewed again and again) e.g the jibes towards bengalis and indians :))) basically the joke going around is that Beganlis are short/inferior and that indians are not good for anything besides dominating the customer service scene for EE and Amazon; while these may not be true entirely I find it funny tbh every time the show writers go after them :))) :))) :)))
Not a big fan, it's not Seinfeld, or Curb Your Enthusiasm. It's not even UK quality like The Office or Phoneshop but at least its a portrayal of a Muslim on TV who isn't a terrorist. Thank heavens for small mercies.