Could Pakistan's politics benefit from adopting American-Style party conventions?


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Aug 29, 2023
Could Pakistan's political landscape benefit from adopting an American-style party convention for each political party? In the U.S., these conventions are big events where party members come together to discuss policies, choose leaders, and set the agenda for the future. It's a way to bring everyone in the party together, energize supporters, and show a united front to the public.

If Pakistani political parties were to hold similar conventions, it could help strengthen internal democracy by giving party members a bigger voice in decision-making. It might also boost transparency and accountability, as leaders would need to regularly present their plans and achievements to a wide audience.

However, considering Pakistan's unique political environment, implementing such a system would come with its own set of challenges. Could this approach help make politics in Pakistan more effective and responsive to the people?
Seems like a waste of time. Far easier just to pick the son/daughter or relative of a party leader
Think our style is ideally suited for this

Get your own guys in a well choreographed environment and put some big speakers with good acoustics- should make for a good spectacle