Cow slaughter to be punishable by life sentence in India, Gujarat


First Class Star
Mar 17, 2016

The leader of an Indian state has announced that slaughtering cows and transporting beef will soon be punishable by a life sentence, the harshest penalty yet for crimes against the revered animal in the Hindu-majority country.

The chief minister of Gujarat, Vijay Rupani, said his government would introduce a bill in the next week to bolster existing laws against butchering cows and related crimes. The current punishment is a Rs50,000 fine (£622) and up to seven years in jail.

“We want to make this law more strict,” said Rupani, a member of the Bharatiya Janata party (BJP), a Hindu nationalist party whose elected officials – including the Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi – have long championed a national ban on beef consumption.

“In the bill, we will make a provision wherein people found involved in cow-slaughtering as well as transportation of beef will be punished with life imprisonment,” Rupani told a gathering at a Hindu social organisation. “Their vehicles too will be seized permanently.”
So no more kebab's in Gujarat!!:(( Modi miyan turning on the screws here.
This won't work out well with the type of Justice system India has. Now extremists can simply accuse random person of slaughtering cows and get them jailed for life.
With all the boiling issues of pollution, population explosion, lack of drinking water and infrastructure, this is what the Govt comes up with. Yes, the Cow slaughter.

How about a long jail sentence for sheeting and peeing on the street or for driving a vehicle that leaves too much smoke?

This is the mark of a 3rd world country. Do not address the real issues. But give importance to irrelevant issues.
Let's not pretend, India is not secular. Is the BJP are secular party?

Our laws are mostly secular except the Muslim Personal laws and these beef laws.

Laws have to be secular.People and organisations can follow any religion.Thats because there is freedom of religion.I guess you have little understanding of secularism.
Our laws are mostly secular except the Muslim Personal laws and these beef laws.

Laws have to be secular.People and organisations can follow any religion.Thats because there is freedom of religion.I guess you have little understanding of secularism.

So you admit there are laws which are not secular but you still claim the country is secular?

Since you feel you know more, please list all the laws in India which are not secular?
So you admit there are laws which are not secular but you still claim the country is secular?

Since you feel you know more, please list all the laws in India which are not secular?

Laws are secular, but they do accommodate certain religious sentiments like Muslim personal law or beef ban because in this complex society, it is better to play safe when it comes to religious insecurities.
I am all for the UCC but how can we compare the beef ban with the muslim personal law? The latter is related to only the civil cases of muslims and the former affects all people irrespective of their religion..and how many deaths have occured because of this personal law compared to the beef ban??
On topic- Silly law.Religion should have no say in the state matters and laws but unfortunately we are still a third world country where religion is almost a way of life for people and its hard to separate it from state in the way western nations advocate .
I'm not against this. Hindu's are the majority in India and their interests are paramount. Pakistani's here talk big but we are much worse with minorities ourselves. God. We had the Qalima and other verses of the Quran removed from Dr. Abdus Salam's gravestone. Dr. Abdus Salam's who is arguably the greatest mind to come out of Pakistan. Pathetic. We lost our right to question someone else's way of treating minorities a long, long time ago.
I support this. Animals should not be killed... Be it cow, tiger or whatever...
I am all for the UCC but how can we compare the beef ban with the muslim personal law? The latter is related to only the civil cases of muslims and the former affects all people irrespective of their religion..and how many deaths have occured because of this personal law compared to the beef ban??

I think there is also a hindu succession act which covers hindus and sikhs or parsi marriage can argue about uniform civil code but finding its equivalence with institutionalization of prosecuting those who consume beef is shockingly amusing.
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I'm not against this. Hindu's are the majority in India and their interests are paramount. Pakistani's here talk big but we are much worse with minorities ourselves. God. We had the Qalima and other verses of the Quran removed from Dr. Abdus Salam's gravestone. Dr. Abdus Salam's who is arguably the greatest mind to come out of Pakistan. Pathetic. We lost our right to question someone else's way of treating minorities a long, long time ago.

That's a conflicting message. You are critical of Pakistani treatment of minorities yet you are saying that you are okay with Hindus imposing religious edicts on account of being the majority. Even the example you used for Pakistan is questionable as Ahmadis don't consider themselves a minority and this is where the dispute with the state lies.
That's a conflicting message. You are critical of Pakistani treatment of minorities yet you are saying that you are okay with Hindus imposing religious edicts on account of being the majority. Even the example you used for Pakistan is questionable as Ahmadis don't consider themselves a minority and this is where the dispute with the state lies.

You know what, I agree with you. But what I'm trying to point out is that we (Pakistani's) cannot be critical of India's treatment of Muslims (a minority) because of the way we treat minorities (Ahmedis, Christians, Hindus and even Shitte's). We consider it OK and don't have any problem with our treatment of minorities so we should consider it OK for India to harshly treat Muslims, if they do so.

As for Ahmedis not wanting to be a minority, obviously they don't want to be considered a minority. Nor do Shia Muslims or any other sects but unfortunately, Pakistani is plagued with Sectarian differences and violence and Wahabbi's have infiltrated the true form of Islam and converted everyone into extremists who think only they are on the true path and everyone else in an apostate and deserves to be executed publicly.

The founder of Pakistan, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, himself a Shia Muslim said that in Pakistan if someone said he/she was a Muslim, then they were Muslim and the matter was between him and God. Clearly, we did not follow what he said.
You know what, I agree with you. But what I'm trying to point out is that we (Pakistani's) cannot be critical of India's treatment of Muslims (a minority) because of the way we treat minorities (Ahmedis, Christians, Hindus and even Shitte's). We consider it OK and don't have any problem with our treatment of minorities so we should consider it OK for India to harshly treat Muslims, if they do so.

We can be critical of both.
I think there is also a hindu succession act which covers hindus and sikhs or parsi marriage can argue about uniform civil code but finding its equivalence with institutionalization of prosecuting those who consume beef is shockingly amusing.

People need something to legitimise their claim for beef ban. No matter how outrageous that muslim law is, it does not harm/ban our hindu friends from doing anything they wish to. Still they complain a lot about this law instead of us muslims..
Cows are sacred to Hindus, so I think Muslim's in India must respect their feelings and be sensitive to the emotions of the majority community. The " in your face secularism "will not work everywhere.
People need something to legitimise their claim for beef ban. No matter how outrageous that muslim law is, it does not harm/ban our hindu friends from doing anything they wish to. Still they complain a lot about this law instead of us muslims..

Why not? Muslims treat their books as Holy, and Hindus treat certain animals. So, how is it not harming Hindu friends when the same animals get butchered for meat (often, in an instigatory fashion just to evoke religious tension)? Besides, buffalo meat is still widely available, so it isn't like you are running out of options.
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Getting away from the India vs Pakistan debate (which has nothing to do with the law in India I would have thought) isn't the punishment already enough? RS 50,000 and up to a 7 year ban seems strict already, why the move to make it life imprisonment instead?

Is this to underline that religious sentiments of Hindus are not yet taken seriously enough by the secular minority in India?
Per Hinduism.

when a human dies, he/she would have to go through the cycle of reincarnation, this cycle consists of All the species available. Before becoming human again, last stage is "reincarnated as cow".

Basically, if any cow dies, he/she will reincarnated as Human. Thats why so much respect for Cows.

and this reflects in number of "cows killed / new human born" worldwide.

I can understand, that killing a "human-to-be" should have some sort of consequences, but life sentence is too much.

on a flip side, killing cow could also be awarded, considering it's fast tracking cow to human.

but then i am not a spiritual person.
I eat meat (Only Chicken and Fish).

When I was a kid, one of my Christian friends brought a small chick (the cutest thing I have ever seen) home. I used to play with it for hours. I took care of it like it was my baby.

That year on Christmas time, I went to their house. They were eating at that time and offered me some. I was eating and then in the conversation, I asked them about that chick. They told me it is in my mouth and I am chewing it. I almost puked. I was heart broken and felt like cccrapp.

For a few years, I could not even eat egg after that incident. But after some years, as I grew older, I started eating again (not on a regular basis).
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Cows are sacred to Hindus, so I think Muslim's in India must respect their feelings and be sensitive to the emotions of the majority community. The " in your face secularism "will not work everywhere.

Cows are not sacred to all Hindus. !!

Many parts of India have long history of animal sacrifices were common since vedic times especially down south. Even the word "pashu" which means "cow" in dravidan languages, was used to denote the animal sacrificed to please gods, during this time.

This whole "vegetarianism" and "don't hurt anything" concepts are actually imports from Jainism and Buddhism which had spread throughout India till around 600-700AD, and were competing with Hinduism around the same period. Such concepts were added as part of wider attempts to restructure Hinduism , spearheaded by the likes of Adi Shankara. This was meant to wean away /convert erstwhile followers of Buddhism and Jainism to Hinduism by convincing that Hinduism had more or less the same principles and practices. This was pretty successful too , given how Buddhism and Jainism have gone near instinct in India , without any apparent historical evidences of violent conversion/oppression.

Just because many parts of Northern and Western India have this historically misplaced assumption that Hinduism prerequisites Vegetarianism, doesn't mean that has to be imposed Countrywide !! Certain cultures of India (North east states, Bengal, Kerala etc ) have always had a high content of non-vegetarian food items , even long before the so called corruption of Indian culture by Muslim or British rule.

Also note the fact that majority of the Non-Vegetarian eating hindus (especially Red Meat consumers) were always from the Lower caste /Peasant communities. The pittance they were paid, and the general poor & opressed social conditions they lived in, made it difficult to afford protein rich vegetarian foods or more expensive meats(mutton). So that too played a part in the popularisation of Beef as a preferred meat and source of proteins .

This is taking the path of the Language wars of the late 60's, with the ruling government imposing one particular culture (dietary habits here) over the whole nation.. !

What is the guarantee that the BJP stops with just banning Beef ? What if they decide that non-vegetarian foods as a whole must be banned.? Or what festivals hindus should celebrate or not ? The list goes on...

This narrow brand of Hinduism cannot be thrust upon the rest of the country.. !
^ I agree with the above post.

Hinduism stole the concepts of Vegetarianism and animal protection from Jains and Buddhists. The Vedic age had animal sacrifices and people consuming meat.

With the advent of Buddhism and Jainism sects, Hinduism had to counter it by adopting those concepts into its fold.

Strangely the Buddhists from East Asia never adopted the Vegetarianism concepts. They seem to eat anything that moves.
Getting away from the India vs Pakistan debate (which has nothing to do with the law in India I would have thought) isn't the punishment already enough? RS 50,000 and up to a 7 year ban seems strict already, why the move to make it life imprisonment instead?

Is this to underline that religious sentiments of Hindus are not yet taken seriously enough by the secular minority in India?

question is, is the ban and fine being implicated on corporate(s) in India with record beef and cow products (such as leather) export?
Why not? Muslims treat their books as Holy, and Hindus treat certain animals. So, how is it not harming Hindu friends when the same animals get butchered for meat (often, in an instigatory fashion just to evoke religious tension)? Besides, buffalo meat is still widely available, so it isn't like you are running out of options.

You should have brought something more credible to compare with the beef ban instead of this Muslim personal law. And i live in Kerala. Our hindu friends love beef more than us muslims. So thats a lame argument tbh. And we help each other whenever the need arises. I think that is more important than this hindutva nationalism which has been promoted in Gujarat and the rest of North Indian states. You guys are moving away from the UCC instead of following it.....
You should have brought something more credible to compare with the beef ban instead of this Muslim personal law. And i live in Kerala. Our hindu friends love beef more than us muslims. So thats a lame argument tbh. And we help each other whenever the need arises. I think that is more important than this hindutva nationalism which has been promoted in Gujarat and the rest of North Indian states. You guys are moving away from the UCC instead of following it.....

Well, let's not compare it with anything else then.

Cow slaughter in India hurts religious sentiments of majority, I am sure you won't deny it. Cow slaughter has also been used as a tool to make a religious point. If you follow social media, you will find countless pictures or videos where cows have been killed just because a bunch Muslims wanted to send a message to Hindus, often with hashtags "GauMata".

I am a beef eater myself, and I don't distinguish between cows or buffaloes. But the reason I still oppose cow slaughter is because of the nature of our society and the reasons stated above.
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I don't think a day will come when there will be Beef shops in every nook and corner of India, so let the sensitive states to continue the ban on beef.
Nothing wrong with the ban of cow slaughter, hindu scriptures talk about how much Lord Krishna adored and loved cows and Hindus are the majority of India and if they want to impose a cow slaughter ban then so BE IT!!!!... Muslims from other countries should be last ppl complaining when in Muslim countries minorities have practically ZERO VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing wrong with the ban of cow slaughter, hindu scriptures talk about how much Lord Krishna adored and loved cows and Hindus are the majority of India and if they want to impose a cow slaughter ban then so BE IT!!!!... Muslims from other countries should be last ppl complaining when in Muslim countries minorities have practically ZERO VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I have mentioned in the post above, you can ban it in your state if culturally and historically your state has always considered eating beef as wrong ! That is what the Saudi, Iran or Ireland does when it comes to respective issues (Pork, Womens rights, Abortions respectively). I donot necessarily agree with their reasoning, yet their reasononing has validity..

But there is no need of extrapolating that to the whole of India where many states/cultures do not have the same view ! Otherwise it becomes the same sort of opression you accuse the Muslim fundamentalist nations of doing !
As I have mentioned in the post above, you can ban it in your state if culturally and historically your state has always considered eating beef as wrong ! That is what the Saudi, Iran or Ireland does when it comes to respective issues (Pork, Womens rights, Abortions respectively). I donot necessarily agree with their reasoning, yet their reasononing has validity..

But there is no need of extrapolating that to the whole of India where many states/cultures do not have the same view ! Otherwise it becomes the same sort of opression you accuse the Muslim fundamentalist nations of doing !

If at all this guy belongs to any part of India, then that's our very own Keralam. Our sanghi aliyan(or uncle) to be precise.:D
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Nothing wrong with the ban of cow slaughter, hindu scriptures talk about how much Lord Krishna adored and loved cows and Hindus are the majority of India and if they want to impose a cow slaughter ban then so BE IT!!!!... Muslims from other countries should be last ppl complaining when in Muslim countries minorities have practically ZERO VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well you can either chose to be a secular state or a theocratic state.

Those countries which you refer to are theocratic states.

As long as you India is a Hindu rahstra and not a secular country your logic is fine
Cows are not sacred to all Hindus. !!

Many parts of India have long history of animal sacrifices were common since vedic times especially down south. Even the word "pashu" which means "cow" in dravidan languages, was used to denote the animal sacrificed to please gods, during this time.

This whole "vegetarianism" and "don't hurt anything" concepts are actually imports from Jainism and Buddhism which had spread throughout India till around 600-700AD, and were competing with Hinduism around the same period. Such concepts were added as part of wider attempts to restructure Hinduism , spearheaded by the likes of Adi Shankara. This was meant to wean away /convert erstwhile followers of Buddhism and Jainism to Hinduism by convincing that Hinduism had more or less the same principles and practices. This was pretty successful too , given how Buddhism and Jainism have gone near instinct in India , without any apparent historical evidences of violent conversion/oppression.

Just because many parts of Northern and Western India have this historically misplaced assumption that Hinduism prerequisites Vegetarianism, doesn't mean that has to be imposed Countrywide !! Certain cultures of India (North east states, Bengal, Kerala etc ) have always had a high content of non-vegetarian food items , even long before the so called corruption of Indian culture by Muslim or British rule.

Also note the fact that majority of the Non-Vegetarian eating hindus (especially Red Meat consumers) were always from the Lower caste /Peasant communities. The pittance they were paid, and the general poor & opressed social conditions they lived in, made it difficult to afford protein rich vegetarian foods or more expensive meats(mutton). So that too played a part in the popularisation of Beef as a preferred meat and source of proteins .

This is taking the path of the Language wars of the late 60's, with the ruling government imposing one particular culture (dietary habits here) over the whole nation.. !

What is the guarantee that the BJP stops with just banning Beef ? What if they decide that non-vegetarian foods as a whole must be banned.? Or what festivals hindus should celebrate or not ? The list goes on...

This narrow brand of Hinduism cannot be thrust upon the rest of the country.. !

SandyB is a very informative poster and I always watch out for his posts.

Post more!
Really proud of the direction the country is going where Hindus can finally get independence from the english speaking elite, the communists and the seculars. Under a Hindu ruler who wears his religion on his sleeve and his dhoti we are finally seeing a revival of proud Hindu culture. Time to wipe away the inferiority the commies and english speaking elites has imposed upon us.
You chop the leaves and cut down fruits, the plant grows them back.

You cut down the wings and body of a bird and chop the legs of an animal, it is as good as Dead.

That is why laws are made to protect endangered species. Cows, Chicken, Goats, and lambs aren't endangered species.
Uttarakhand to issue ID cards to gaurakshaks, call them ‘cow guardians’

Uttarakhand will soon become the first state to issue identity cards to gau rakshaks (protectors of cows) who will now be known as gau sanrakshaks (guardians of cows), a senior official on Saturday said.

“All gau rakshaks in the state will now be known as gau sanrakshaks (guardians of cows). Similarly, all gau rakshaks will now be issued identity cards. The initiative has been taken to distinguish genuine gau rakshaks from ruffians who resort to violence in the name of cow protection,” said NS Rawat, chairman, Gau Sewa Ayog (Cow Commission).

Rawat said the initiative has been taken in keeping with the sentiment Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s expressed two years ago. “He (Modi) had said that some elements take recourse to violence in the name of cow protection,” Rawat said, adding “genuine gau rakshaks” from six of the total 13 districts in the state have been identified. “They will be issued identity cards,” he added.
India is going the route of Pakistan, religion on steroids, religion above everything else, dogma of religion protected by constitution, laws and Army...

Pakistansi should be happy, India is baking same stuff in their lab, what we are doing for last 4 decades...Based on our lab results, destruction of their culture and society is guarantee...I am not sure what not to like about this situation :ashwin
If this is what Modi called "achche din" then I dread to see what "buray din" will be!:)):)) I tell you guy's if he is re-elected next year then I expect things to get much worse in India. We all know their Muslim's are living a great life in India as they keep telling us.
No religious freedom in India.. just goes to prove how true and correct the two nation theory is
India is going the route of Pakistan, religion on steroids, religion above everything else, dogma of religion protected by constitution, laws and Army...

Pakistansi should be happy, India is baking same stuff in their lab, what we are doing for last 4 decades...Based on our lab results, destruction of their culture and society is guarantee...I am not sure what not to like about this situation :ashwin

They have not learned anything from Pakistan, destroying the fabric of their own secular democracy with their own hands. There were times when I was younger when people would talk about secular India and how Pakistan would have been better off if we had not mixed religious extremism with our national identity.

It was biggest mistake of our establishment and now we are seeing the same thing across the border. However I am pleased by the fact that there are progressive and liberal circles in India which are fighting against these changes in Indian society and recognise the value of secularism.

Situation of the subcontinent,

on one side of the border people are killed by mobs for alleged blasphemy, on the other side people are killed by mobs for alleged beef eating.

The world laughs at us.
Uttarakhand to issue ID cards to gaurakshaks, call them ‘cow guardians’

Uttarakhand will soon become the first state to issue identity cards to gau rakshaks (protectors of cows) who will now be known as gau sanrakshaks (guardians of cows), a senior official on Saturday said.

“All gau rakshaks in the state will now be known as gau sanrakshaks (guardians of cows). Similarly, all gau rakshaks will now be issued identity cards. The initiative has been taken to distinguish genuine gau rakshaks from ruffians who resort to violence in the name of cow protection,” said NS Rawat, chairman, Gau Sewa Ayog (Cow Commission).

Rawat said the initiative has been taken in keeping with the sentiment Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s expressed two years ago. “He (Modi) had said that some elements take recourse to violence in the name of cow protection,” Rawat said, adding “genuine gau rakshaks” from six of the total 13 districts in the state have been identified. “They will be issued identity cards,” he added.

What will be their role?

Do they walk cows across the road? See if they have been fed? Perhaps to ask them if anyone showed them a knife in a threatining manor?
What will be their role?

Do they walk cows across the road? See if they have been fed? Perhaps to ask them if anyone showed them a knife in a threatining manor?
they should take care of stray cows by moving them to specified shelters & feed them regularly but they don't do this job properly that's why stray cows problem is still present on Indian roads in some major cities & towns. Also some shelter homes are found in pathetic condition where cows are not feeded regularly & left to die in according to some recent media reports.

Their major job is to protect cows from transporting to slaughter houses.
Unfortunately in this process they also create lots of chaos & violence in the name of "gau raksha" by beating **** out of the drivers who gets caught transporting cows.
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Uttarakhand to issue ID cards to gaurakshaks, call them ‘cow guardians’

Uttarakhand will soon become the first state to issue identity cards to gau rakshaks (protectors of cows) who will now be known as gau sanrakshaks (guardians of cows), a senior official on Saturday said.

“All gau rakshaks in the state will now be known as gau sanrakshaks (guardians of cows). Similarly, all gau rakshaks will now be issued identity cards. The initiative has been taken to distinguish genuine gau rakshaks from ruffians who resort to violence in the name of cow protection,” said NS Rawat, chairman, Gau Sewa Ayog (Cow Commission).

Rawat said the initiative has been taken in keeping with the sentiment Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s expressed two years ago. “He (Modi) had said that some elements take recourse to violence in the name of cow protection,” Rawat said, adding “genuine gau rakshaks” from six of the total 13 districts in the state have been identified. “They will be issued identity cards,” he added.

If the cows feel threatened, can they ring an emergency number to call these guys?
India is going the route of Pakistan, religion on steroids, religion above everything else, dogma of religion protected by constitution, laws and Army...

Pakistansi should be happy, India is baking same stuff in their lab, what we are doing for last 4 decades...Based on our lab results, destruction of their culture and society is guarantee...I am not sure what not to like about this situation :ashwin

Easy for you and me to say, we both live abroad in countries which bask in European culture. I was born here, and you fled voluntarily to live a life as an American immigrant, and hoorah for you, that is your right.

But we should pause and ask ourselves, if India is following Pakistan, maybe the people of that region see some merit and beauty in the ways of the Pakistani people? Being a native Brit, I don't understand it, but then east is east and west is west. Perhaps we should respect that saying rather than try and beat everything into our own view of life?
For sure. We will send some pig meat also your way so you can have the full course.

If I have beef, I do not need anything else. It is the best meat in the world. Real men eat beef. :inti

Therefore, you shouldn't send me any other meat except for fresh beef (halal).
If I have beef, I do not need anything else. It is the best meat in the world. Real men eat beef. :inti

Therefore, you shouldn't send me any other meat except for fresh beef (halal).

I want you to have all the fun so we will throw some pig meat at your table so you can sleep well afterwards.
If I have beef, I do not need anything else. It is the best meat in the world. Real men eat beef. :inti

Therefore, you shouldn't send me any other meat except for fresh beef (halal).

Real men chug down beers too. I want (need) you to have at least a couple of pints after the pork vindaloo.
Uttarakhand to issue ID cards to gaurakshaks, call them ‘cow guardians’

Uttarakhand will soon become the first state to issue identity cards to gau rakshaks (protectors of cows) who will now be known as gau sanrakshaks (guardians of cows), a senior official on Saturday said.

“All gau rakshaks in the state will now be known as gau sanrakshaks (guardians of cows). Similarly, all gau rakshaks will now be issued identity cards. The initiative has been taken to distinguish genuine gau rakshaks from ruffians who resort to violence in the name of cow protection,” said NS Rawat, chairman, Gau Sewa Ayog (Cow Commission).

Rawat said the initiative has been taken in keeping with the sentiment Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s expressed two years ago. “He (Modi) had said that some elements take recourse to violence in the name of cow protection,” Rawat said, adding “genuine gau rakshaks” from six of the total 13 districts in the state have been identified. “They will be issued identity cards,” he added.

Cow guardians!

Is it a full-time job? Monday-Friday? 9-5?

Anyway, I asked DeepSeek AI to write a job description for a "cow guardian" position. Here was what DeepSeek wrote: :inti

**Job Title:** Cow Guardian

**Job Summary:**
The Cow Guardian is responsible for the care, well-being, and protection of cows within a farm or sanctuary setting. This role involves ensuring the health, safety, and comfort of the cows, as well as maintaining their living environment. The Cow Guardian must have a deep understanding of bovine behavior, nutrition, and health, and be committed to providing compassionate and ethical care.

**Key Responsibilities:**

1. **Daily Care and Feeding:**
- Provide daily feeding and ensure access to clean water.
- Monitor and adjust diets based on nutritional needs, age, and health conditions.
- Administer supplements or medications as prescribed by a veterinarian.

2. **Health Monitoring:**
- Conduct regular health checks to identify any signs of illness or injury.
- Maintain health records and report any concerns to the veterinarian.
- Assist with medical treatments and procedures as needed.

3. **Housing and Environment:**
- Maintain clean and safe living conditions for the cows, including barns, pastures, and feeding areas.
- Ensure proper ventilation, bedding, and space for each cow.
- Regularly inspect and repair fences, gates, and other enclosures.

4. **Behavioral Observation:**
- Monitor cow behavior to detect signs of stress, illness, or social issues.
- Implement enrichment activities to promote mental and physical well-being.
- Facilitate positive social interactions among the herd.

5. **Breeding and Calving Assistance:**
- Assist with breeding programs and monitor pregnant cows.
- Provide care during calving and ensure the health of both the cow and calf.
- Monitor newborns and provide necessary care and feeding.

6. **Record Keeping:**
- Maintain detailed records of feeding, health, breeding, and any incidents.
- Track growth, milk production, and other relevant data.

7. **Safety and Security:**
- Protect cows from predators, theft, and environmental hazards.
- Implement and follow safety protocols to prevent accidents and injuries.
- Respond to emergencies and provide immediate care as needed.

8. **Community and Education:**
- Educate visitors and the community about cow care and welfare.
- Participate in outreach programs and events to promote awareness.
- Work collaboratively with other staff and volunteers.

- Experience in animal care, particularly with cows or large livestock.
- Knowledge of bovine health, nutrition, and behavior.
- Ability to perform physical tasks, including lifting, bending, and standing for long periods.
- Strong observational skills and attention to detail.
- Compassionate and patient demeanor.
- Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
- Basic veterinary skills and knowledge of emergency care procedures.

**Working Conditions:**
- Work is primarily outdoors in various weather conditions.
- May require early mornings, late evenings, weekends, and holidays.
- Exposure to dust, dirt, and animal waste.

**Physical Requirements:**
- Ability to lift and carry heavy objects (e.g., feed bags, equipment).
- Stamina to walk long distances and stand for extended periods.
- Manual dexterity for handling animals and equipment.

**Reports To:** Farm Manager or Sanctuary Director

**Salary:** Competitive, based on experience and qualifications

**Benefits:** Health insurance, paid time off, and opportunities for professional development

**How to Apply:** Submit a resume and cover letter detailing your experience and passion for animal care to [employer contact information].


This job description outlines the essential duties and qualifications for a Cow Guardian, emphasizing the importance of compassionate and knowledgeable care for cows in a farm or sanctuary setting.
Cow guardians!

Is it a full-time job? Monday-Friday? 9-5?

Anyway, I asked DeepSeek AI to write a job description for a "cow guardian" position. Here was what DeepSeek wrote: :inti
Deepseek is quite primitive
It forgot the key requirement for cow guarding.

If you want to eat meat, go to a grocery store and buy it.

Meat is a staple diet for a lot of Hindu cultures as well, ensure licenses are regulated for trained butchers and deal with them.

Any 2 bit moron who hurts an innocent animal be it a cow, dog or even a pig should be given the maximum punishment. Period!!!

I will say the same if some Hindu kills a pig to taunt a Muslim and throw the dead body in sensitive areas.

Nothing about religion, in our part of the world there are no proper regulations for animals and I see people (of all religions) hurt innocent animals be it stray dogs and cats or cows/ other animals. I kind of endorse this law and not going to view it in a religious lens.
Deepseek is quite primitive
It forgot the key requirement for cow guarding.


Good point. :inti

Maybe "safety and security" section can be modified like this:

7. **Safety and Security:**
- Protect cows from predators, theft, and environmental hazards.
- Implement and follow safety protocols to prevent accidents and injuries.
- Respond to emergencies and provide immediate care as needed.
- Coordinate and participate in traditional mob lynching occasionally.
