Cricket Shop in Johannesburg or Durban


Jul 29, 2010
Hi everyone.

Anyone who live in Johannesburg or Durban?

who can tell me where i can find a cricket shop?

My dad is leaving for south africa tomorrow.

so if anyone know a good shop please let me have the address or email/web site.

want him to bring a new bat back from there.

best Regards
I am located in Denmark they dont have many shops here :( unfo u cant buy good stuff ehere
its also cause its a present :D so i tought there might be some good places in south africa.

hope someone can give me a link or a adress for a good shop :D

CD thanks alot for your help :D

Best regards
The absolute best place to go in all of SA is sportshorizons. They are a couple bats from there when my cousin went. You should really check it out. They're not a specialist store but they had a HUGE variety of me check it out.
the prices are very steep on that site. adidas pellara elite bat for 5000 rand = 450 GBP almost. definitely not worth it.
the website it useless.........I honestly wouldent have given it to you........the store on the flesh has about 500+ bats to choose from........and the people who work there know there stuff!
he had an pellera pro laying around.

8 straight grains he said weight 2lbs8.

i dont know how the addidas bats are.

most proberly gonna buy that bat.

anyone with any experince with addidas pellera?

best regards
There's a shop named Rashid Cassim & co(i think) it's in Fordsburg. Then there's a shop out of Joburg in Vanderbijlpark owned by the Morkel's father but in Joburg there are plenty sportshops even in the malls although they are quite pricey. Bats from India & Pakistan are usually the best & much cheaper. Sometimes it's these bats which just have a name & are so expensive. Why don't you rather ask someone to send you a bat via courier from these countries. Even Amla uses vampire from India. I'm sure even Boom Boom sells bats but you'll have to check