"Departments will be revived, 16 regions will play Quaid-e-Azam Trophy 1st Class": Shakil Shaikh

The Director of cricket was the right way to go, but although I was probably supportive at the time, it was obvious that he was too Conservative with his selections. This made our cricket dour and because of that,the whole structure was dismantled. We need a guy to give us direction, a guy that says come what may, we are playing like this. RR should have been that guy but he was also scared with those dreadful Aussie wickets and he lost my support

Yep he was a poor appointment. The only reason why he was appointed was because of the order that came from IK.

Misbah has a long history of failures as a player, captain, coach and chief selector.

As you can probably tell with what I'm alluding to, the old regime was not doing any favours for Pakistan cricket.
Yep he was a poor appointment. The only reason why he was appointed was because of the order that came from IK.

Misbah has a long history of failures as a player, captain, coach and chief selector.

As you can probably tell with what I'm alluding to, the old regime was not doing any favours for Pakistan cricket.

If IK made the appointment then it was a poor call. Misbah could have changed our cricketing culture but instead he was too Conservative
They are essentially going from 12 teams to 16 teams... which I think is probably fine. It will reduce the quality a bit but at least worthwhile domestic players won't be riding the bench.

For me the bigger question is whether or not they will extend the domestic season. This domestic season has essentially lasted 4 months which means most players will be doing nothing for the remaining 8 months and its hard to stay consistent going that long without quality practice. Ideally, the QeA season should be 3 months minimum and the domestic season as a whole should be minimum 6 months.

The department Test, ODI and T20 tournaments should take place in the first 6 months of the year and the regional or city based test, ODI and T20 tournaments should take place in the remaining 6 months of the year.

This way Pakistan will have a lengthy domestic season and a lot of our players, pacers who don't get quality game time in domestic cricket because of international commitments can get domestic exposure.
I agree a coach at the top, especially a failed one like Mickey, makes no difference. People don’t understand the role of coaches in international cricket. It is not what they think.

They almost serve no purpose. It is all about having a strong captain & a strong set of players. That is what drives results, not the coach you have in place.

Which is why the 6 team system failure needs to be addressed & let’s see what happens after the system is revised. If there are no improvement in results over the next 3-4 years & the quality of cricketers coming through isn’t any better, Sethi & co. will have to answer.

The 6 teams forced strength against strength and just needed a few tweaks such as more matches and better pitches.
The system you support was total rubbish. It was played on poor wickets( underprepared), with poor players most of whom were club players. Many of the batsman averaged 31-33 range and had long careers. We had it for decades and bar the IK era and couple of good periods we have been average to mediocre. Its the system that has resulted in only 2 wins in Australia, even 2 of our best teams that went to Australia in 95 and 99,only won one test.

This system needed to have been bedded down, tweak with more teams in time and better wickets and we are onto to something. Your mafia that has never bowled a ball or picked up a bat have no idea what the hell they are doing. Where have we heard that before
Welcome back to ZtBL vs SNGPL & Port qasim Auth. V Wapda, players with round bellies and having joint pain rolling over their arms and strolling for singles
Cracking slap on the face of the people who passionately follow and adore Pakistan cricket. They should build on the existing system and closed or amended loopholes and shortcomings in the existing setup. Shameful step by Sethi.

The current system is only three years old. Give it time and space to breathe. Perhaps increase the six teams to eight or ten and run second elevens parallel. Every year the chairman changes, there is no long term vision. If Khan wins elections next year, he will bring his own people and scrap departments again. Do these people think logically?

its all about politics and revenge at the moment.

If Sethi is so charged up, perhaps the guy should build new stadiums across the country and fix grassroots issues. That's where the change is needed the most.
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Because you have to pick a number, just like how geniuses who believe in less teams = higher quality theory stopped at 6 even though if they have 3 or 4 teams they will have more competition & more quality.

If same geniuses were hired by BCCI, they would reduce the teams from 38 to 12 & India will only produce legendary cricketers because you have to be bloody good to break into a 12 team competition out of 2 billion people, & India will never lose a game of cricket again. So easy.
The idea of fewer teams makes sense.Australia has 6 teams and the standard of cricket is very high.16 teams full of mediocre players playing for WAPDA,UBL etc will not change anything.There will be no rivalry or a fan base.They could have added another 4 teams and kept the present system.In England they created a first division consisting of 10 teams and a second division consisting of 8 teams with two-up two down relegation system.
i was hoping at most they would restore departmental cricket and leave the QeA as is, alas that was too much to ask. there is no hope for Pakistan cricket, especially test cricket, its gonna slip into the oblivion like hockey
Departments themselves should be weary of coming into the system again. This government is temporary and it will be on its way soon. The next administration will bring its own people and that could mean the end of the current system. Now why would corporate sector invest their time and resources in such volatile situation? It doesn’t make sense from business pov. Investing in a new PSL franchise would make a lot more financial sense than investing in domestic cricket. No one actually cares about domestic cricket. Most people only watch PSL when it comes to domestic cricket. So if I were to invest my money, I would spend in PSL. Not in domestic cricket.
Unless these departments have already been reassured by the powers that be that it’s going to be pdm who will win the next election as well.
If IK made the appointment then it was a poor call. Misbah could have changed our cricketing culture but instead he was too Conservative

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter to me which regime is calling the shots for Pakistan cricket. I want to see us improve because the standards have been very bad in the last 15 years.
The idea of fewer teams makes sense.Australia has 6 teams and the standard of cricket is very high.16 teams full of mediocre players playing for WAPDA,UBL etc will not change anything.There will be no rivalry or a fan base.They could have added another 4 teams and kept the present system.In England they created a first division consisting of 10 teams and a second division consisting of 8 teams with two-up two down relegation system.

The standard of cricket is not high because of fewer teams. It is one of the many reasons for Australia’s high standard of cricket.

Other factors that have contributed to their success are strong school & club cricket, multi-sports athletes that builds endurance & strength, great nutrition etc.

Australia would be more successful than Pakistan & produce better cricketers even if they have 20 domestic teams & Pakistan has 6 because they do other things right.

Number of domestic teams is not a magic formula for success or failure.
Whining that the reduced system hasn't magically restored cricket in 3 years is so short sighted.

There hasn't yet been even one generation of players to come through the new system- it's remnants from the old one.

Chopping and changing every 3 years is just pure disfunction. IK was right, there's no point placing cricket high on the priority list because it just reflects the state of the country. You can't fix cricket in isolation.
RIP Pakistan domestic cricket if this plan is implemented. Those celebrating have forgotten the awful state of FC cricket pre-2019, so here's a refresher of the wonders of "Purana Pakistan":

1) Excess mediocrity: [MENTION=131701]Mamoon[/MENTION] makes the argument that we shouldn't deny players with no prospect of international cricket the chance to play domestically. That's fair. But the old system was retaining too many journeymen with no right playing domestic cricket. Take Rameez Raja jnr. He was a specialist batsman averaging 27. With 16 FC teams, he played year in year out despite mediocre output. Finally in 2019, he was rightly demoted to 2nd XI. Or about how the entirety of Lahore Blues top 5 in this encounter with HBL in QEA 2017/18. Their lineup read:

Waqar Saleem - Opener - Average 25.
Tayyab Tahir - Opener - Average 33 (who looks like Don Bradman in this lineup)
Haris Nazar - #3 - Average 17.
Irfan Haider - #4 - Average 22.
Raza Ali Dar - #5 - Average 27.

How can a FC team not possess a single batsman averaging 40 in their ranks ? How does such lopsided matches prepare you for rigors of Test cricket ? Perhaps 6 teams are too few. However there's little justification for such a bloated roster of FC cricketers.

2) Lack of scrutiny enabling corruption and nepotism: With so many teams in this hotchpotch system and no broadcast coverage whatsoever, domestic cricket was hardly followed enabling all sorts of dirty tricks. [MENTION=141227]BunnyRabbit[/MENTION] pointed out a sly tactic from Salman Butt as captain of WAPDA, one of the leading critics of the new system. He would literally hide himself in the batting order, and conveniently avoid the new ball spells of someone like Mohammad Abbas, to inflate his stats.


Arsal Shaikh managed to play six FC matches taking 7 wickets at 53. No wonder daddy was so quick to tweet this announcement. Under the current setup where there's only three matches per round and one broadcast live (which attracts decent viewing figures by the standards of domestic 4-day cricket), such acts are near impossible.

3) Pathetic pitches - the pitches are mediocre now but they were horrific pre-2019. The abundance of FC teams, congested scheduling and lack of FC-standard venues meant pitches got overused and curators lacked time to prepare good wickets.

The average 1st innings score in the 2017/18 QEA Trophy was 233, amongst the lowest of any FC competition in the world, with 8 sub-100 totals. 13 of the 15 top wicket-takers were seamers so no wonder we can't produce good spinners. Sethi did nothing about this.

4) Declining role of Departments - Pre-2019, departments were already cutting back. In 2018, UBL closed their cricketing division. Covid and Pakistan's weak economy worsened their financial position, and with a likely change of Govt in 2023 why would departments return ?
I think it’s just a wish and a prayer from Sethi and this crook Shakeel Sheikh.

Why would the departments get involved with this right now, when there is much uncertainty surrounding the political situation in Pakistan?

Expect a u-turn any time soon. I doubt departments will be dumb enough to do this right now anyway.
At the end of the day, it doesn't matter to me which regime is calling the shots for Pakistan cricket. I want to see us improve because the standards have been very bad in the last 15 years.

Then why are you cheering for a return to a system that you say hasn't produced much for 15 or 20 years..I would argue more?

It's a busted flush..most of the depts don't even have teams anymore..we have tried numerous stupid mixes of dept and regions..nothing worked..so ask yourself why?

This system was our best shot..the elite rising to the to playing against our best..eventually the pitches and facilities would have improved..stability would have lead to investment and confidence..

But now its back to the old ghissa pita nizaam..these old babas just won't allow change..in the end it will be like hockey..the babas destroyed that too..
I think it’s just a wish and a prayer from Sethi and this crook Shakeel Sheikh.

Why would the departments get involved with this right now, when there is much uncertainty surrounding the political situation in Pakistan?

Expect a u-turn any time soon. I doubt departments will be dumb enough to do this right now anyway.

Luckily the season is over..unluckily these crooks have introduced uncertainty for next season..what a disaster
RIP Pakistan domestic cricket if this plan is implemented. Those celebrating have forgotten the awful state of FC cricket pre-2019, so here's a refresher of the wonders of "Purana Pakistan":

1) Excess mediocrity: [MENTION=131701]Mamoon[/MENTION] makes the argument that we shouldn't deny players with no prospect of international cricket the chance to play domestically. That's fair. But the old system was retaining too many journeymen with no right playing domestic cricket. Take Rameez Raja jnr. He was a specialist batsman averaging 27. With 16 FC teams, he played year in year out despite mediocre output. Finally in 2019, he was rightly demoted to 2nd XI. Or about how the entirety of Lahore Blues top 5 in this encounter with HBL in QEA 2017/18. Their lineup read:

Waqar Saleem - Opener - Average 25.
Tayyab Tahir - Opener - Average 33 (who looks like Don Bradman in this lineup)
Haris Nazar - #3 - Average 17.
Irfan Haider - #4 - Average 22.
Raza Ali Dar - #5 - Average 27.

How can a FC team not possess a single batsman averaging 40 in their ranks ? How does such lopsided matches prepare you for rigors of Test cricket ? Perhaps 6 teams are too few. However there's little justification for such a bloated roster of FC cricketers.

2) Lack of scrutiny enabling corruption and nepotism: With so many teams in this hotchpotch system and no broadcast coverage whatsoever, domestic cricket was hardly followed enabling all sorts of dirty tricks. [MENTION=141227]BunnyRabbit[/MENTION] pointed out a sly tactic from Salman Butt as captain of WAPDA, one of the leading critics of the new system. He would literally hide himself in the batting order, and conveniently avoid the new ball spells of someone like Mohammad Abbas, to inflate his stats.


Arsal Shaikh managed to play six FC matches taking 7 wickets at 53. No wonder daddy was so quick to tweet this announcement. Under the current setup where there's only three matches per round and one broadcast live (which attracts decent viewing figures by the standards of domestic 4-day cricket), such acts are near impossible.

3) Pathetic pitches - the pitches are mediocre now but they were horrific pre-2019. The abundance of FC teams, congested scheduling and lack of FC-standard venues meant pitches got overused and curators lacked time to prepare good wickets.

The average 1st innings score in the 2017/18 QEA Trophy was 233, amongst the lowest of any FC competition in the world, with 8 sub-100 totals. 13 of the 15 top wicket-takers were seamers so no wonder we can't produce good spinners. Sethi did nothing about this.

4) Declining role of Departments - Pre-2019, departments were already cutting back. In 2018, UBL closed their cricketing division. Covid and Pakistan's weak economy worsened their financial position, and with a likely change of Govt in 2023 why would departments return ?

A knife through the rubbish system that held our cricket back for decades [MENTION=131701]Mamoon[/MENTION] you asked for people that played for years with poor stats, do you want more names.
Even if we are able to somehow put the best domestic cricket system in Pakistan, we won't be able to produce anything apart from what we have already been producing for last 20 plus years if there is an overhaul of the whole system every 4-5 years after a government changes hands.
You can't blame Ramiz for not making a great progress without letting him complete his tenure . He was IK's appointee and I'm sure everyone in current regime was working on making him a failure .

Its like a batsman struggling on a difficult wicket in his initial overs and called back when he is still not out , blaming him for failure .

Ramiz has played club cricket , under 19 cricket, FC and test cricket, and above all very well educated , he knew what it took to improve the standard of cricket and he was working on a plan and it would take some years to show the result . Sethi and co, eying on PCB's post and money were afraid of Ramiz success had he allowed to complete his tenure, hence the coup.
Why not have 20 or 30 departmental teams? That way even more "cricketers" would be employed and earn a living.
Salman Butt has suggested to hold Departmental tournaments in the first half of the year and to hold the regional, city tournaments in the second half of the year and to use the departmental tournaments to feed the regions/cities and to select each player according to their region/city.
2022 Pakistan Test team is the worst Test team in Pakistan history. This is an outcome of the 6 teams reforms that was introduced by Imran Khan in 2019.

A total disaster. A total failure.
RIP Pakistan domestic cricket if this plan is implemented. Those celebrating have forgotten the awful state of FC cricket pre-2019, so here's a refresher of the wonders of "Purana Pakistan":

1) Excess mediocrity: [MENTION=131701]Mamoon[/MENTION] makes the argument that we shouldn't deny players with no prospect of international cricket the chance to play domestically. That's fair. But the old system was retaining too many journeymen with no right playing domestic cricket. Take Rameez Raja jnr. He was a specialist batsman averaging 27. With 16 FC teams, he played year in year out despite mediocre output. Finally in 2019, he was rightly demoted to 2nd XI. Or about how the entirety of Lahore Blues top 5 in this encounter with HBL in QEA 2017/18. Their lineup read:

Waqar Saleem - Opener - Average 25.
Tayyab Tahir - Opener - Average 33 (who looks like Don Bradman in this lineup)
Haris Nazar - #3 - Average 17.
Irfan Haider - #4 - Average 22.
Raza Ali Dar - #5 - Average 27.

How can a FC team not possess a single batsman averaging 40 in their ranks ? How does such lopsided matches prepare you for rigors of Test cricket ? Perhaps 6 teams are too few. However there's little justification for such a bloated roster of FC cricketers.

2) Lack of scrutiny enabling corruption and nepotism: With so many teams in this hotchpotch system and no broadcast coverage whatsoever, domestic cricket was hardly followed enabling all sorts of dirty tricks. [MENTION=141227]BunnyRabbit[/MENTION] pointed out a sly tactic from Salman Butt as captain of WAPDA, one of the leading critics of the new system. He would literally hide himself in the batting order, and conveniently avoid the new ball spells of someone like Mohammad Abbas, to inflate his stats.


Arsal Shaikh managed to play six FC matches taking 7 wickets at 53. No wonder daddy was so quick to tweet this announcement. Under the current setup where there's only three matches per round and one broadcast live (which attracts decent viewing figures by the standards of domestic 4-day cricket), such acts are near impossible.

3) Pathetic pitches - the pitches are mediocre now but they were horrific pre-2019. The abundance of FC teams, congested scheduling and lack of FC-standard venues meant pitches got overused and curators lacked time to prepare good wickets.

The average 1st innings score in the 2017/18 QEA Trophy was 233, amongst the lowest of any FC competition in the world, with 8 sub-100 totals. 13 of the 15 top wicket-takers were seamers so no wonder we can't produce good spinners. Sethi did nothing about this.

4) Declining role of Departments - Pre-2019, departments were already cutting back. In 2018, UBL closed their cricketing division. Covid and Pakistan's weak economy worsened their financial position, and with a likely change of Govt in 2023 why would departments return ?

Brilliant analysis but unfortunately will go over the head of some.

Sethi Sahib will do what he can to show he is doing something different without looking at what was wrong in the first place.
2022 Pakistan Test team is the worst Test team in Pakistan history. This is an outcome of the 6 teams reforms that was introduced by Imran Khan in 2019.

A total disaster. A total failure.

I have not seen teams before 2003 but yeah, this has to be the worst ever
Salman Butt has suggested to hold Departmental tournaments in the first half of the year and to hold the regional, city tournaments in the second half of the year and to use the departmental tournaments to feed the regions/cities and to select each player according to their region/city.

No player is gonna play that much cricket, especially first class. Body cant handle this, and do we have pitches and grounds to cater all this? Do we have enough budget for it?
No player is gonna play that much cricket, especially first class. Body cant handle this, and do we have pitches and grounds to cater all this? Do we have enough budget for it?

Departments sponsor and fund their own tournaments.
The 2019 reforms, envisioned by Imran Khan & implemented by puppets Mani & Wasim, destroyed Pakistan cricket.

It took Pakistan to new lows. This is the worst the Test team has looked since inception.

Sethi has his work cut out. The damage done in the last 4 years might be irreparable.
Excellent decision. Please remember that domestic cricket's purpose is not just to provide International cricketers but also to provide meaningful employment for cricketers who are good enough for first class level.

I suppose one way of getting as many extended family members and the children of friends cricket employment is by increasing the number of teams so high that the quality of what is first class cricket drops to include guys who can barely hold a bat or bowl with any ability at all. It used to work so well for these corrupt individuals in the past.
RIP Pakistan domestic cricket if this plan is implemented. Those celebrating have forgotten the awful state of FC cricket pre-2019, so here's a refresher of the wonders of "Purana Pakistan":

1) Excess mediocrity: [MENTION=131701]Mamoon[/MENTION] makes the argument that we shouldn't deny players with no prospect of international cricket the chance to play domestically. That's fair. But the old system was retaining too many journeymen with no right playing domestic cricket. Take Rameez Raja jnr. He was a specialist batsman averaging 27. With 16 FC teams, he played year in year out despite mediocre output. Finally in 2019, he was rightly demoted to 2nd XI. Or about how the entirety of Lahore Blues top 5 in this encounter with HBL in QEA 2017/18. Their lineup read:

Waqar Saleem - Opener - Average 25.
Tayyab Tahir - Opener - Average 33 (who looks like Don Bradman in this lineup)
Haris Nazar - #3 - Average 17.
Irfan Haider - #4 - Average 22.
Raza Ali Dar - #5 - Average 27.

How can a FC team not possess a single batsman averaging 40 in their ranks ? How does such lopsided matches prepare you for rigors of Test cricket ? Perhaps 6 teams are too few. However there's little justification for such a bloated roster of FC cricketers.

2) Lack of scrutiny enabling corruption and nepotism: With so many teams in this hotchpotch system and no broadcast coverage whatsoever, domestic cricket was hardly followed enabling all sorts of dirty tricks. [MENTION=141227]BunnyRabbit[/MENTION] pointed out a sly tactic from Salman Butt as captain of WAPDA, one of the leading critics of the new system. He would literally hide himself in the batting order, and conveniently avoid the new ball spells of someone like Mohammad Abbas, to inflate his stats.


Arsal Shaikh managed to play six FC matches taking 7 wickets at 53. No wonder daddy was so quick to tweet this announcement. Under the current setup where there's only three matches per round and one broadcast live (which attracts decent viewing figures by the standards of domestic 4-day cricket), such acts are near impossible.

3) Pathetic pitches - the pitches are mediocre now but they were horrific pre-2019. The abundance of FC teams, congested scheduling and lack of FC-standard venues meant pitches got overused and curators lacked time to prepare good wickets.

The average 1st innings score in the 2017/18 QEA Trophy was 233, amongst the lowest of any FC competition in the world, with 8 sub-100 totals. 13 of the 15 top wicket-takers were seamers so no wonder we can't produce good spinners. Sethi did nothing about this.

4) Declining role of Departments - Pre-2019, departments were already cutting back. In 2018, UBL closed their cricketing division. Covid and Pakistan's weak economy worsened their financial position, and with a likely change of Govt in 2023 why would departments return ?

Brilliant post..

But some people on here will ignore it as you can see from the eyes closed reactions from two posters above..

I work in organisational change..I've written many a business case and paper.

You have.benefits risks and constraints and then a timescale..e.g. it will take this long for this to benefit us and this is its cost etc.

So let's analyse this situation..I'm gonna put my emotion to the side here...

What is the goal and vision. To make Pakistan a premeir cricketing nation. One that can dominate for long periods at best and at worst stay within the top three or four for extended periods. How do you accomplish this?

1) what is the current situation like. What are the advantages and disadvantages. What are our processes like for various areas. E.g. player progression. Coaching. Training. Education. Administration. And so forth.

2) What was the past like? What were the pitfalls and problems?

Was the structure good? Did we dominate? Did we fail etc.

3) what do we want for the future

Do we want to dominate?

4) how do we get there.

Do we need a change in structure? If so what should it look like?

5) How much will this cost?

6) what are the ultimate outcomes we expect.

To be the best. In all age groups. To maximise our potential.

Now ask yourselves does Sethis nonsense get us closer or further from the above?
I suppose one way of getting as many extended family members and the children of friends cricket employment is by increasing the number of teams so high that the quality of what is first class cricket drops to include guys who can barely hold a bat or bowl with any ability at all. It used to work so well for these corrupt individuals in the past.

Meaningful employment. If that is the goal then this system will provide meaningful employment. But if the goal is to make Pakistan the best then it won't provide that. The dept structure was a system of it's time to help with funding a cricketers career while also helping employment. It was never meant to continue so long.

However the establishment and politicians have ne er improved this country so it persisted. Unfortunately if you want to be the best you need to make hard choices..Wasim and Co did. Sethi and Co can't. Sethi will fail. Because his method is outdated like his boss. They live in a different century to the rest of us..

We see bazball they see wapda vs shareef sugar miles. We see the IPL they see national bank dept t20 cup with 200 teams ..and sohail tanvir playing at 50 years old. Its over. Don't expect anything..
LAHORE: The country’s regional cricket bodies are being reinstated on interim basis as the Pakistan Cricket Board has started its work to restore PCB’s constitution of 2014.

Besides the regional bodies, around five different committees including one which will initiate the process of restoring departmental cricket will also be announced after PCB interim management committee’s meeting being held here on Saturday, well-informed sources told Dawn.

It is learnt that from the 16 regional bodies which will work on interim basis for a specific period, heads of four regions will be included in the Board of Governors (BoG) and sooner the system of departments will come into force with four departmental heads coming into the BoG as per the requirement of PCB’s 2014 constitution.

Moreover, committees including ones on domestic cricket restructuring and National Cricket Academy will also be announced after the approval of the management committee on Saturday, sources said.

Khawaja Nadeem, former LRCA president, had been nominated again to lead the region for the interim period, sources added.
