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Do you fear the future for your children?

I got to question loads too, until I realised that questioning the Jews, WW1&2, and Zionism were always shot down and filed under 'taboo' or what not. The brainwashed reaction was always being labelled an anti-semite by society just for questioning, or worse yet, refusing to accept the narrative.
If you replace Jews with Muslims and include criticism of the Prophet, and this is exactly what EDL /BNP types say all the time

"Political correctness gone mad, can't even criticise them or you get labelled a racist /bigot"
I think you will find that kids today have a far wider range of thoughts and opinions than the generations above us.

Family is the number one source of dogmatic thought in our lives. How many things do you consider as the absolute truth. Religion for example. 99% of the religious beliefs are drilled into people by their family and society. Would you be the same religion if your parents were not. Highly likely not, you would believe the things they taught you.

The problem here is not independent thought, it's that you disagree with the kind of thoughts and opinions they are forming because of outside influence.
i think our generation had the benefit of growing up with tech without the pervasive influence of social media, and if its a choice between parent and state, id always want the parent to enstill their dogmas rather than the state. even if wrong, parents pass on their dogmas with the best intentions, they want their kids to be responsible, happy, independent adults, whereas the state, i do not believe will ever have those motivations.
I got to question loads too, until I realised that questioning the Jews, WW1&2, and Zionism were always shot down and filed under 'taboo' or what not. The brainwashed reaction was always being labelled an anti-semite by society just for questioning, or worse yet, refusing to accept the narrative.

The government has no control over the narrative anymore thanks to the internet. Brexit, Trump, Ukraine - are just few examples. Cannot control the internet like the Radio, TV, and Newspapers.

I don't know if you were born in the UK or not, but decline in values - family and religious - is the one sole reason the UK has become a dump.
i remember very clearly our lessons around ww2 with open debate abt how much hand the allies had in the radicalisation of the germans under the nazis via their punitive impositions after ww1. even anti-zionism wasn't a massive issue, i remember talking to teachers abt reading beyond chutzpah by finkelstien when i was a teen. they never had a problem with it.

the government has massive control over the narrative via teachers in school, especially for younger kids.

i spent a few years abroad when i was younger, born and raise here otherwise.
i think our generation had the benefit of growing up with tech without the pervasive influence of social media, and if its a choice between parent and state, id always want the parent to enstill their dogmas rather than the state. even if wrong, parents pass on their dogmas with the best intentions, they want their kids to be responsible, happy, independent adults, whereas the state, i do not believe will ever have those motivations.

In the case of society, its just things that are not allowed to be said in the open, or maybe some sex-ed in school. Everything else , kids pick up from talking to friends and the internet.

But family dogma is insular, it discourages asking questions. There are certain things that have to be accepted at face value or you get scolded because it makes elders uncomfortable. It prevents people from growing beyond their silos
i remember very clearly our lessons around ww2 with open debate abt how much hand the allies had in the radicalisation of the germans under the nazis via their punitive impositions after ww1. even anti-zionism wasn't a massive issue, i remember talking to teachers abt reading beyond chutzpah by finkelstien when i was a teen. they never had a problem with it.

the government has massive control over the narrative via teachers in school, especially for younger kids.

i spent a few years abroad when i was younger, born and raise here otherwise.
I asked my history teacher once why Germany was to blame for WW1 when Germany never started the war, and why broadsheets were reporting 6 Million Jews had died after WW1. She would not and could not answer. I named dropped Balfour declaration and was swiftly ignored.

Teachers are powerless. Children of today are more influenced by TikTok etc. Parenting is also heading in the same direction, day by day, parents too are becoming powerless.

How do you convince a child that hard work, education etc pays off when one video of theirs on TikTok can go viral and earn them millions? Where's the motive for hard work?

When children are not taught to think for themselves and instead are convinced that memorising information for 3 years hands you a degree and a whopping debt pile, then it is game over. And speaking of debt, the realities are well known.
i think our generation had the benefit of growing up with tech without the pervasive influence of social media, and if its a choice between parent and state, id always want the parent to enstill their dogmas rather than the state. even if wrong, parents pass on their dogmas with the best intentions, they want their kids to be responsible, happy, independent adults, whereas the state, i do not believe will ever have those motivations.
This is an interesting point and to some extent the rightwing in india has the same complaint about the propaganda about islamic rule in india by nehruvian schoolbooks and gandhian non-sense.
i remember very clearly our lessons around ww2 with open debate abt how much hand the allies had in the radicalisation of the germans under the nazis via their punitive impositions after ww1. even anti-zionism wasn't a massive issue, i remember talking to teachers abt reading beyond chutzpah by finkelstien when i was a teen. they never had a problem with it.

the government has massive control over the narrative via teachers in school, especially for younger kids.

i spent a few years abroad when i was younger, born and raise here otherwise.
What do you think in your opinion should have been the conseqeunces to Germany for their leading role in WW1? after all they were trying to conquer France via neutral Belgium.

They were wiling to treat Belgium as collateral damage.
Worried yes, UKs screwed up and in terminal decline. No sunny uplands, higher and higher taxation with crumbling public services, increased crime.

A politically fragmented nation with baked in unproductivity and a current govt which will continue the trend of last 20+ years of spending beyond means.

Future generations will inherit debt, potholes, non existing NHS, loads of flats but not ebough houses, no state pension, no private pension, no high paying jobs, no incentive to start own business, high stress etc etc etc
I mean, its not really a surprise is it? it was an island nation with limited natural resources. They plundered the world through colonisation. That went away thanks to the Krauts for a large part. Post WW2, they did it thro' "trade" while the developing world didn't know how to use their resources. Once that happened they the rug got pulled form underneath their feet.

Of course, there is Brexit.
I don't think, this thread is about WW1 or WW2 and who is responsible for those wars and jews etc.

Are you worried for your children's future???
i think our generation had the benefit of growing up with tech without the pervasive influence of social media, and if its a choice between parent and state, id always want the parent to enstill their dogmas rather than the state. even if wrong, parents pass on their dogmas with the best intentions, they want their kids to be responsible, happy, independent adults, whereas the state, i do not believe will ever have those motivations.
Honestly I don't worry about kids not being exposed to enough diversity of views and viewpoints. The internet does that plenty even if schools and parents don't. In fact, I worry that they'll be pulled into extreme viewpoints on either side as a result of social media or some obscure corner of the net. I think that unfortunately increases the burden on us parents who don't understand half the stuff kids are up to and are poorly equipped to discreetly monitor.
cancel the internet, cut down the tv channels, and then trust me, the world will feel as safe as the 90s.
Future generations are going to be less social , linked with computers, half robot like .

When you’re always connected to a smart phone , internet , you are open to manipulation & brainwashing but also can find truth & understanding.

I think it will come down to your beliefs & morals being practiced, to save you from becoming a minion of others who control information.

On the plus side more children are being safeguarded & being taught traditional values , as the parents can see what’s unfolding.
i grew up questioning everything. my teachers were a mix of creationists and non-creationists, i believed in Abrahamic creation stories when i was a kid, i went and gave a debate in favour of the Iraq war cos the class was split into two on a summers day and the side arguing against was sitting in the sun, my history teacher said "this is the stuff you have to learn to pass the exams, read it in your own time, we're watching roots", kids had debates on empire, and racism, and everything. heck, i was even a borderline socialist back then.

no one ever held my views against me or told me they were wrong, because they all never feared airing their views, the fear of being recorded and reported changed all that. its simply not worth losing your job over. the government could easily legislate to mitigate the fear, but they choose not to because they get greater control over the narrative.

That was the Britain I grew up in as well, although we didn't have social media when I was at school. Since Andrew Tate came up on my feeds last year, I've started seeing a lot of stuff which is very provocative. There's a fine line between free speech and dog whistle politics. The last thing I want to see is free speech like it's practiced on Speakers Corner shut down, but at least those guys seem more interested in having genuine discussions rather than acting as rabble rousers.

By the way, arguing in favour of the Iraq war? :troll
I got to question loads too, until I realised that questioning the Jews, WW1&2, and Zionism were always shot down and filed under 'taboo' or what not. The brainwashed reaction was always being labelled an anti-semite by society just for questioning, or worse yet, refusing to accept the narrative.

The government has no control over the narrative anymore thanks to the internet. Brexit, Trump, Ukraine - are just few examples. Cannot control the internet like the Radio, TV, and Newspapers.

I don't know if you were born in the UK or not, but decline in values - family and religious - is the one sole reason the UK has become a dump.

Yes this putting israelism on a pedestal is causing more resentment and blowback than most other causes combined. When one group is given a free pass, and can be seen to be controlling the narrative, it undermines the principle of equality. No one should resent the success of Jewish people, but the israeli blood lust is causing worldwide ructions.
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Yes because Situation is Middle East was never stable and somehow it always impact lives in Pakistan

Stability in Afghanistan and Middle East is in best interest of Pakistan
Honestly I don't worry about kids not being exposed to enough diversity of views and viewpoints. The internet does that plenty even if schools and parents don't. In fact, I worry that they'll be pulled into extreme viewpoints on either side as a result of social media or some obscure corner of the net. I think that unfortunately increases the burden on us parents who don't understand half the stuff kids are up to and are poorly equipped to discreetly monitor.

The problem is many parents themselves are busy watching some trash on tv or movies when they can be teaching their kids or doing activities with them.

There will be a big divide between intelligent people who have the ability to think & those who don’t .

Before is the kid is inside , at home , you know they are safe . Now with the internet this can change . As with the poor victim who was 12 & was groomed online by 19 years old man , the current Olympian who then flew Over to rape her .
Canceling internet may mean dictators/oppressors may get away with their oppressions.
My point is that dictators and oppressors were also there in the 90s. Having no social media or news coverage meant that the world seemed like a peaceful place.
That was the Britain I grew up in as well, although we didn't have social media when I was at school. Since Andrew Tate came up on my feeds last year, I've started seeing a lot of stuff which is very provocative. There's a fine line between free speech and dog whistle politics. The last thing I want to see is free speech like it's practiced on Speakers Corner shut down, but at least those guys seem more interested in having genuine discussions rather than acting as rabble rousers.

By the way, arguing in favour of the Iraq war? :troll

adnrew tate is an agent provocateur but social media trends have shown us that these guys appeal to a specific age and demographic, and when they grow a bit older these guys lose influence. i think andrew tate is the price we have to pay for free speech, id have a world with andrew tate and me being able to argue why hes wrong, than a world where the price of shutting him up is my ability to speak up.

yes, it was an interesting encounter, i was the only one arguing for the war, it was hilarious dont think i did too well. but in a nutshell i said it was justified cos he genocided kurds, and his removal gave opportunity for the minorities in Iraq to express themselves, and i said complaining why other dictators weren't being removed was whataboutism.

Honestly I don't worry about kids not being exposed to enough diversity of views and viewpoints. The internet does that plenty even if schools and parents don't. In fact, I worry that they'll be pulled into extreme viewpoints on either side as a result of social media or some obscure corner of the net. I think that unfortunately increases the burden on us parents who don't understand half the stuff kids are up to and are poorly equipped to discreetly monitor.

being exposed to diverse points of view in social media tidbits is not how u develop views, the attention span is far too small to dwell on what these things fundamentally mean. people jump on certain ideas, without fully digested whats going on.

What do you think in your opinion should have been the conseqeunces to Germany for their leading role in WW1? after all they were trying to conquer France via neutral Belgium.

They were wiling to treat Belgium as collateral damage.

I dont think the point was ever about arguing different punishments for Germany, just that those specific sanctions created massive wealth erosion and capital flight which fed directly into the "elders of zion" conspiracy, which the nazis used to gain control of Germany, that was my point i think. i dont remember for sure.

I asked my history teacher once why Germany was to blame for WW1 when Germany never started the war, and why broadsheets were reporting 6 Million Jews had died after WW1. She would not and could not answer. I named dropped Balfour declaration and was swiftly ignored.

Teachers are powerless. Children of today are more influenced by TikTok etc. Parenting is also heading in the same direction, day by day, parents too are becoming powerless.

How do you convince a child that hard work, education etc pays off when one video of theirs on TikTok can go viral and earn them millions? Where's the motive for hard work?

When children are not taught to think for themselves and instead are convinced that memorising information for 3 years hands you a degree and a whopping debt pile, then it is game over. And speaking of debt, the realities are well known.

my teachers always answered, my history teacher was a 6ft 4, dread wearing rasta, he did not bite his tongue on anything, lol.

social media may create attention grabbing content, but fundamental views are formed mostly by interaction with real people imo.
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The problem is many parents themselves are busy watching some trash on tv or movies when they can be teaching their kids or doing activities with them.

There will be a big divide between intelligent people who have the ability to think & those who don’t .

Before is the kid is inside , at home , you know they are safe . Now with the internet this can change . As with the poor victim who was 12 & was groomed online by 19 years old man , the current Olympian who then flew Over to rape her .
The problem is both parents are now needed to work just to service debts to survive. No parent at home and the rest is obvious.

This is the price we pay for accepting a failed capitalist system, bartering values for materialism fuelled by debt.

Bottom line, unless anyone is a parent, they have no idea just how bad it is.
The problem is many parents themselves are busy watching some trash on tv or movies when they can be teaching their kids or doing activities with them.

There will be a big divide between intelligent people who have the ability to think & those who don’t .

Before is the kid is inside , at home , you know they are safe . Now with the internet this can change . As with the poor victim who was 12 & was groomed online by 19 years old man , the current Olympian who then flew Over to rape her .

Internet? The satanic Olympics opening ceremony was on TV worldwide.

Those who want to normalise this stuff are a big problem in society too and need to be deported to Rwanda.
Yes this putting israelism on a pedestal is causing more resentment and blowback than most other causes combined. When one group is given a free pass, and can be seen to be controlling the narrative, it undermines the principle of equality. No one should resent the success of Jewish people, but the israeli blood lust is causing worldwide ructions.

Money lending isn't hard work.

Money lending isn't hard work.
per capita pbly the highest ratio from major nobel prize winners, have a presence in leading science and research institutes all over the world, have significant control over the global tech industry, defence industry, real estate in all major cities. influence every industry, that's before you get to the legal and political influence they wield.

you can have problems with Israel all you want, but even you would have to admit they have achieved disproportionate success for a community of their size.
my teachers always answered, my history teacher was a 6ft 4, dread wearing rasta, he did not bite his tongue on anything, lol.

social media may create attention grabbing content, but fundamental views are formed mostly by interaction with real people imo.
Debating the credibility of Abrahamic religions, isn’t questioning the narrative, it is debating the oldest subject in humanity.

Exposing/Questioning the narrative is like Ken Livingstone stated a historical fact and getting sacked for it because it alters the narrative and generic perception.

Fundamental views are from interactions but also experience, education at home, and values all of which are physical - real people - long before social media.

Here and now, social media is the king, there is little physical interaction between kids and the real world, which is why it is easier to brainwash kids through social media - legitimising Homosexuality, wars, LGBTQ, gender choice, Genocide of Palestinians, etc etc.

Forget about challenging the narrative, Julian Assange exposed the narrative - so much for freedom of though and speech in the West.

Kids born in this generation are easily in the worst generation post WW2. Not only slaves to the system and debt, but slaves of their minds too.
per capita pbly the highest ratio from major nobel prize winners, have a presence in leading science and research institutes all over the world, have significant control over the global tech industry, defence industry, real estate in all major cities. influence every industry, that's before you get to the legal and political influence they wield.

you can have problems with Israel all you want, but even you would have to admit they have achieved disproportionate success for a community of their size.

You missed the point. Money lending is what propelled and is the precursor to everything you mention above.

I admit, they have achieved much, but installing key people in key areas because money lending gives you leverage, leverage they have had long before Islam was bestowed.

And let me be clear - I have no problems with Jews - just Zionists.
You missed the point. Money lending is what propelled and is the precursor to everything you mention above.

I admit, they have achieved much, but installing key people in key areas because money lending gives you leverage, leverage they have had long before Islam was bestowed.

And let me be clear - I have no problems with Jews - just Zionists.
a disproportionate number of money lenders, the majority at some point in western Europe were ashkanazi jews. however that does not mean all Ashkenazi jews were money lenders. sephardic and mizrahi jews were barely represented in the finance economy of western Europe, however they still operated as traders and merchants for centuries.

if we are talking pre Islamic times, money lending was rampant in the roman empire, but they didnt come to dominate global trade and industry, if anything the jewish unfair advantage was the power of the synagogue to direct their business activities, they had nodal decentralised but directed capitalism. whereas all other centralised networks came and went with empires, they managed to keep going in all geo-political environments because their networks had no one point of failure.

it is that same network effect, not the fact that some jews happened to be very successful money lenders, which ensured that they were successful across the board, across multiple industries, including academia and research even today.
a disproportionate number of money lenders, the majority at some point in western Europe were ashkanazi jews. however that does not mean all Ashkenazi jews were money lenders. sephardic and mizrahi jews were barely represented in the finance economy of western Europe, however they still operated as traders and merchants for centuries.

if we are talking pre Islamic times, money lending was rampant in the roman empire, but they didnt come to dominate global trade and industry, if anything the jewish unfair advantage was the power of the synagogue to direct their business activities, they had nodal decentralised but directed capitalism. whereas all other centralised networks came and went with empires, they managed to keep going in all geo-political environments because their networks had no one point of failure.

it is that same network effect, not the fact that some jews happened to be very successful money lenders, which ensured that they were successful across the board, across multiple industries, including academia and research even today.
Disproportionally is not relevant when all you need are key posts. Posts which lend money directly to Kings/Governments, who in turn control the masses which yields maximum power and influence, that lead to agreements such as Balfour declaration.

The Western financial system funnels its money, and is clears its money, through a few banks not 1000s. The Western media system is owned by a handful of companies not 1000s. The Western political system doesn’t need Congress/Senate for war, when the Commander in Chief will do.

Combine all this power with a religious motive and agenda (Zionism) and you have modern day West. Every aspect of the West in terms of domestic/foreign policy, economic policy, media (inc Hollywood) narrative, social system, is controlled and influenced by Zionists one way or another - whether in positions of high power or whether controlling people in high positions - to service and achieve their religious agenda.

The problem is their agenda has now spread into society - the Rainbow agenda - is the kiss of death. It is designed to slowly destroy the values and structure of the ‘goyum’. Zionists control the media narrative, to sway opinion. The schools have been infiltrated with this agenda under the guise of a modernised syllabus, brainwashing children. The satanic Olympic opening ceremony - watched by billions, including children. Apparently dissing the belief of 2.2 Billion Christians live on global TV is an example of modern Western values.

This is precisely why my opinion is not alone, it is shared by the majority of Christians, by orthodox Jews, by the majority of Europeans, we are all worried about our children’s future in the West.
Disproportionally is not relevant when all you need are key posts. Posts which lend money directly to Kings/Governments, who in turn control the masses which yields maximum power and influence, that lead to agreements such as Balfour declaration.

The Western financial system funnels its money, and is clears its money, through a few banks not 1000s. The Western media system is owned by a handful of companies not 1000s. The Western political system doesn’t need Congress/Senate for war, when the Commander in Chief will do.

Combine all this power with a religious motive and agenda (Zionism) and you have modern day West. Every aspect of the West in terms of domestic/foreign policy, economic policy, media (inc Hollywood) narrative, social system, is controlled and influenced by Zionists one way or another - whether in positions of high power or whether controlling people in high positions - to service and achieve their religious agenda.

The problem is their agenda has now spread into society - the Rainbow agenda - is the kiss of death. It is designed to slowly destroy the values and structure of the ‘goyum’. Zionists control the media narrative, to sway opinion. The schools have been infiltrated with this agenda under the guise of a modernised syllabus, brainwashing children. The satanic Olympic opening ceremony - watched by billions, including children. Apparently dissing the belief of 2.2 Billion Christians live on global TV is an example of modern Western values.

This is precisely why my opinion is not alone, it is shared by the majority of Christians, by orthodox Jews, by the majority of Europeans, we are all worried about our children’s future in the West.
I m not here to argue about how much political power jews currently have.

you implied that they cannot be considered to be successful because money lending is easy.


Money lending isn't hard work.

my point was to refute that (i.e. that they arent successful and their business and academic achievements are solely a result of being money lenders), give me a better reason than what i said, as to why they have been so good at finance and trade, long before they had any meaningful political influence in western Europe.
I m not here to argue about how much political power jews currently have.

you implied that they cannot be considered to be successful because money lending is easy.
No. I did not imply that. I simply said lending money is not hard work. It is not. Charging someone interest then holding someone to ransom on unpaid debt is not hard work.

my point was to refute that (i.e. that they arent successful and their business and academic achievements are solely a result of being money lenders), give me a better reason than what i said, as to why they have been so good at finance and trade, long before they had any meaningful political influence in western Europe.

You misunderstood the point. You accept that Jews/Zionists do yield high power and can influence aspects like foreign policy because of money. Why stop at foreign policy then? Domestic policy, media, finance, they are all under immense control and influence of Zionists because of money.

As for another better reason of success, Judeo-Christianity. The Jewish money-lenders were the first to set up banks, and financial institutions, including central banks, because wait for this - USURY is forbidden in Christianity and Islam. THIS is why Jews are so good at trade and finance in the West, cos they were the first to disobey their messenger, and filled the void that Christians may have controlled in the West had they disobeyed their Messiah.

Zionism is not immune from criticism or ridicule, orthodox Jews are the most critical of Zionism - it's lies and agenda must be exposed for the sake of our children - and you or anyone can shout anti-semitism/conspiracy theory all you want, defend Israel till its blue, but children come first and thankfully society is waking up to the Rainbow mafia and those who fund it.
No. I did not imply that. I simply said lending money is not hard work. It is not. Charging someone interest then holding someone to ransom on unpaid debt is not hard work.

You misunderstood the point. You accept that Jews/Zionists do yield high power and can influence aspects like foreign policy because of money. Why stop at foreign policy then? Domestic policy, media, finance, they are all under immense control and influence of Zionists because of money.

As for another better reason of success, Judeo-Christianity. The Jewish money-lenders were the first to set up banks, and financial institutions, including central banks, because wait for this - USURY is forbidden in Christianity and Islam. THIS is why Jews are so good at trade and finance in the West, cos they were the first to disobey their messenger, and filled the void that Christians may have controlled in the West had they disobeyed their Messiah.

Zionism is not immune from criticism or ridicule, orthodox Jews are the most critical of Zionism - it's lies and agenda must be exposed for the sake of our children - and you or anyone can shout anti-semitism/conspiracy theory all you want, defend Israel till its blue, but children come first and thankfully society is waking up to the Rainbow mafia and those who fund it.
ive never argued that they dont wield significant influence around the world. my only bone of contention is the argument that they formed banks a few hundred years ago, and that was that. one only needs to see how many banks fail to know that money lending may not be hard work, but doing it right definitely is.

if money lending was really the only reason of their influence they'd have long lost their power wealth and influence to much larger communities who've gotten in on the banking game. the reason they dont is that they have the highest level of financial literacy per capita ive seen, they have a strong work ethic, a strong proclivity to work for themselves and the rabbis and synagogues which direct their internal welfare and investment.

the only reason i make a point of this is because every community can replicate what they do, but it wont happen if you discount the logical reasons for why they are so successful in the modern day.