[EXCLUSIVE] "In domestic cricket academies, we emphasize batting and bowling, not fielding": Mansoor Amjad

The Bald Eagle

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Staff member
Nov 25, 2023
This is nothing more disturbing than bottling a World Cup match that was within your grasp. Pakistan did just that, leaving millions of fans disheartened and shattered. Shortly after the humiliating defeat against the USA, Pakistan bowlers made huge amends against arch-rivals India on June 9 to restrict them to just 119.

It looked like a straightforward target until the 14th over of Pakistan's chase; however, a shoddy display of batting and a Bumrah masterclass combined to hand Pakistan back-to-back defeats and on the verge of elimination from the T20 World Cup.

Saj Sadiq was joined by former Pakistan all-rounder Mansoor Amjad, who also serves as the Sialkot Region head coach and the two dissected the shocking defeat against India. Amjad also emphasized the lackluster fielding display by Pakistan players and felt that they could have restricted India by 10 runs.

Check out the full interview here:

00:14 - Introduction
01:20 - On the Pakistan and India game
03:13 - On Pakistan's poor fielding
06:13 - On Shadab Khan
08:41 - On Pakistan's batting lineup
11:08 - Reasons behind Pakistan's failure in the World Cup
12;12 - On Gary Kirsten
13:13 - On Babar Azam's captaincy
15:02 - Conclusion

Yet we have spinners who can't turn the ball

Batsmen who are rabbits in headlights against any pace or ball over waist height or turn by any journeyman spinner.

And fast bowlers who trundle and don't even read the pitch and situation to adjust their line and lengths.

None of our bowlers bowl consistent bouncers or balls that rear up and hit the splice of the bat we used to have the bowlers shoaib was a great exponent of keeping the batsmen back on their toes with bouncer here and there .
Batting gets you more money than bowling and fielding I guess - especially when PSL is in the background.

Problem is we can't even bat in international games.
When a domestic coach says that players don't take the fielding seriously, then you know there's a problem.

Until such a time that Pakistan takes fielding and fitness seriously, then our cricket will always lag behind.
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I agree with him completely that fielding is also as important as batting and bowling, especially in T20 cricket where a couple of runs can make all the difference. Honestly speaking, team Pakistan is lacking not only in fielding but in batting too. How can you expect to win matches when Imad and Shadab are batting at number 5 and 6 for you? The batting lineup looked really weak right from the start of the match against India.
I agree with him completely that fielding is also as important as batting and bowling, especially in T20 cricket where a couple of runs can make all the difference. Honestly speaking, team Pakistan is lacking not only in fielding but in batting too. How can you expect to win matches when Imad and Shadab are batting at number 5 and 6 for you? The batting lineup looked really weak right from the start of the match against India.
Yep we don't pay heed on fielding at all and in every major tournament this lack of attention comes to haunt us. Hopefully Gary Kirsten will change this sloppy culture.
During the last world cup in England, there was an interview with the Indian fielding coach who stated that "His team would give a 110% effort to save one run". At the same time there was a statement from Ramiz that "i never dived whilst fielding because fielding was for peons". With this kind of thinking and attitude I think it contributes to one of the reasons why India is rated as one of the best teams in the world whilst Pakistan languishes near the bottom.
Inzamam mentioned the PCB should pay out of their skins but appoint all the top legends coaches at the academies, U19, A team levels and the coaches with the first class team to improve the standards in domestic cricket.
Players who are not willing to improve their fitness and fielding should be nowhere near international cricket.
The reality is that Pakistan is one of the worst fielding units in international cricket.