[EXCLUSIVE] "Pakistan Cricket Board is a circus, the people working there are jokers and their decisions are jokes": Yasir Arafat


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Sep 11, 2023
Former Pakistan all-rounder and NHPC coach Yasir Arafat has criticized the Pakistan Cricket Board for its poor management. He expressed his frustration after Pakistan's Test series defeat at home against Bangladesh, stating that the PCB is currently run like a "circus" by "jokers".

In PakPassion's latest exclusive interview by Saj, Arafat explained his reasoning behind this harsh criticism. He also highlighted his concerns over the PCB's decision to schedule the Champions Cup One Day tournament just before a crucial Test series against England.

The topics he discussed in this interview include:

Champions One-Day Cup Conundrum: He criticizes the PCB's decision to schedule the Champions Cup One Day tournament just before a crucial Test series against England, questioning the logic behind it.

Fitness Fiasco: He highlights the fitness issues plaguing Pakistan's pacers, emphasizing the need for a more robust fitness program to ensure players can withstand the demands of international cricket.

Player Power: He discusses the rise of player power in recent times, suggesting that players are becoming increasingly influential in team selection and decision-making processes.

Four-Day Cricket Crisis: He expresses concern over players refusing to play four-day cricket, citing it as a crucial aspect of a player's development and a necessary step towards success in Test cricket.

Watch full interview here:

What is the purpose of military training by the way? Some of the activities are highly injury prone and can be career threatening.
Pakistan cricket is in a serious decline already and with no signs of this circus abating, unfortunately more disasters await team green ahead. Tbh Champions Cup seems a good idea superficially but instant results seem extremely difficult with this cricket calender.
not circus ..its a mental hospital with 0 brains .. need stick treatment for pcb
Well said by Yasir. PCB is a circus atm.

Considering this circus, I am afraid that we might see a shift in the Champions trophy away from Pakistan as well.

Also, this is pretty alarming that top players are refusing 4-day cricket. they just don not want to work hard. Easy money has blinded them and made them limited cricketers with limited skills.
Huge risk by Arafat to say this, he must know what he is against with the PCB
PCB has enough to choose from a pool of friends though
Yes pool of endless recycling of garbage then rinse repeat every few months cos they think fans have memories of a goldfish.
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There is an old saying that when the tide goes out, those skinny dipping naked will be exposed. Over the years a steady stream of talent has kept us competitive, but that has dried up in both batting and bowling and the PCB are exposed with no competency in anything
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Huge risk by Arafat to say this, he must know what he is against with the PCB
Good that he has spoken up.

This is someone who has seen the system recently and was part of a training camp not so long ago. If he is saying this then it just shows how bad the situation is in Pakistan cricket.

Freeloaders running Pakistan cricket, the same names with no qualifications being given key roles - no wonder we are in such a mess.
All this circus 🤡 started when we brought Misbah with Dual Pcb position! Shouldn’t have replaced him with Mickey! Everything was going good! Misbah came and he ruined Pakistan cricket
All this circus 🤡 started when we brought Misbah with Dual Pcb position! Shouldn’t have replaced him with Mickey! Everything was going good! Misbah came and he ruined Pakistan cricket
PCB has a habit of bringing people out of nowhere who are not only incompetent but also have a thinking of the 90s era and do not want to see any change for good.
The best interview I ever watched by any former Pakistan cricket. He spoke well, was passion in his voice and raised the absolutely right questions .
All this circus 🤡 started when we brought Misbah with Dual Pcb position! Shouldn’t have replaced him with Mickey! Everything was going good! Misbah came and he ruined Pakistan cricket
Thats was the back day of Pakistan cricket, Pakistan cricket has not been the same since Misbah got involved in cricket affairs .
Thats was the back day of Pakistan cricket, Pakistan cricket has not been the same since Misbah got involved in cricket affairs .
It is not just about Misbah, the whole PCB management should be blamed for all this drama and chaos. In the last 2-3 years, too much tearing and Band-Aid kind of stuff happened in PCB which is not good for anyone. Stability is missing for long now.
PCB needs professionals running the sport, people who have proper plans and are working in a structured environment.

At the moment it's musical chairs, the same people being recycled over and over again.

The results are there for all to see.
Until the PM selects his chamcha Chairman approach is stopped this circus won’t end. The biggest problem is that even the former cricketer turned PM didn’t fix this mess. We will continue to have politically compromised chairmen who lack the integrity and credibility to bring about any real change.
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