Funny PIA incidents?


Tape Ball Captain
Dec 20, 2005
Post of the Week
Anyone got any funny memorable incidents of things that happened whilst flying with the wonderful PIA???
delays are normal so expect 1-2 hour delays especially when leavin pakistan!

I saw a young beautiful air stewerd! usually they all grandma age and have MEN haircuts!!
SameerM said:
delays are normal so expect 1-2 hour delays especially when leavin pakistan!

I saw a young beautiful air stewerd! usually they all grandma age and have MEN haircuts!!
Which bit about thats funny bro? :20:
I rememebvr one anecdotal tale that i heard - I still dont believe it till this day.

Once, the flight departed on time - allegedly, there were no problems with check-in / passport etc.

Rumour has it that the flight departed on time and that the food was good and the air hostesses were helpful.

I know - I didnt believe it either...
u ask the hostess for a drink usually they tell u to go sit down and wait for dinner!
Rudeness is part of their training.

Oxy, u sure u wernt on an Emirate or BA flight??? u gotta be dreamin mate

ps. Nazir - You aint exactly posting much sense ur self r ya MATE?
Not really an incident and not even PIA as i live in India....but when I has 11 and was traveling to New York I was told we would be making a stop at heathrow.As i was just a kid and was scared i wouldnt be able to find my way to the transit lounge and get lost at the airport I was told to follow a lady sitting a few seats away from me who was also going to New York.I lost her when we landed but fortunately the staff at the airport made it easier for me than i thought.

Getting kidnapped at the JFK is another story for another time :)
I took the PIA flight from Lahore to Houston via Heathrow. They had male stewards from Lahore to Heathrow who were rude with no decent service. In Haethrow, they were replaced by nice female air hostesses who served patiently. I wonder why?
10 years ago I remember being on a PIA London to Karachi flight and the fellow next to me kept talking on a cell phone really, really load :D and flirting with the hostess
It was such a painfull display :31:
my friend went to Karachi Paksitan. One of his friends who is a pilot in PIA was in Pindi/Islamabad . He came to Karachi to see my friend. Well what had happened was there was a plane in Pindi, all ready to go but had no pilot so they called him and he said I'll take it
My brother shouted at the check-in lady at ISB airport. He called them a bunch of theives, she called security but it was sorted out cos by brother said sorry.
when i went to Pak in Aug with my 2 brothers, the customs guys stopped us and asked if we had any bottles or water in our luggage.....

My bro said nah we havent,
the customs guy goes you have come from UK,
bro goes if you find any in the luggage you can keep it and chucked him the keys to the padlocks

the look on his face was priceless cos he had held us up and there was a long queue still to get out, he just gave the keys back and let us go

the other one was when my dad chucked a cricket bat at a ASF officer in Lahore airport........

that was hilarious, they wouldnt allow the cricket bat on as hand luggage, dad complained that PIA had said you can take it through. This officer got up and tried to speak English to Dad in a very angry way

This got my dad really p.....d off and he shouted dont spk english to me you fat fool and then threw the bat at him and said go on u can play cricket in the airport....

The officer went bright red and then apologised to Dad.........cos dad had shut him up in front of a junior officer...... :14: :D :))) :))
For some reason my whole family likes PIA and yes there have been times when we hated PIA for a while but end of the day everyone likes PIA. My whole family travels to Pakistan least 2-3 times a year.

Oxy hopefully you will close your eyes now. Not once but twice PIA has arrived earlier once in Pakistan when me and my brothers went in October last year btw the flight was delayed at JFK for 40 minutes but still arrived about 20 minutes earlier. Once my sisters was coming from Islamabad to JFK when the flight arrived earlier by 35 minutes.

Anyway this is embrassing and I still am laughed at for this.

While coming back from Pakistan with my brothers the flight was delayed in Pakistan by hour an half. I was the only one awake cause my brothers went to sleep soon as they got on their seats. So the captain announced the flight delayed due to a "funny" problem. I was really ticked off thinking how on earth can he say the flight is late due to a funny problem btw the annoucement was in urdu.

So when we got to England I told my brothers basically I was complaining how PIA sucks cause the pilot said funny problem se flight delay hai...they just started rolling on the floor and kept laughing and laughing. We got to the US they made me tell the story all over again so I did with all the junoon...only to be laughed at...cause there is a urdu word which sounds like funny...which actually means mechnical.

so not so funny but embrassing for sure.
Heres one:

On our trip from Islamabad to New York, we had a nice plane, with TV in every seat, etc.

On the way back to Islamabad, we had to go first class, since the plane was over filled, and we decided it would be something new

We didnt get to see the normal cabin area, and we sat in our luxurious first class seats.

I was shocked to know that there was no TV in this plane, and it was first class, till I found it underneath the arm rest.

And then I found out that this plane was from the 90s, and it only had 3 channels, none showing cricket. So then I talked to the air hostess in my punjabi, and then I got very upset, because channel 1 had pirates of the caribbean, which I had seen, channel 2 had some old woman drama, and channel 3 had this really boring movie.

So I was so upset, that I refused to eat their first class food for 14 seconds (I let it sit there for 14 seconds)
my first funny experience changed the way i felt about PIA for the better.

Flying back from Karachi to Heathrow, it seemed that i misplaced my very expensive mount blonc sliver pen while possibly getting up and going to the toilet.

I explained to the air hostess that i may have possibly dropped my pen in or on my way to the loo, if anyone hands in a pen, it's mine.

A few minutes later i see 2 air hostesses walk up and down the ailes and start searching for my pen, few minutes later followed the head stuard, asking and even interrogating some poor passengers who sat near the toilet for the pen.... few moments later a pilot appears, possibly the captain and walks over to my seat and says " We are very sorry you have lots your pen sir, we will do everything in our power to try and find it for you" he then made his way back to the deck while looking around on the floor to see if he could find it...

All this commotion for a silver pen that was in my pocket the whole time... :22:

Another time i was travelling to Karachi from Heathrow and we got to sit in the upper deck just behind the pilots deck, As it was a quiet period for air travel, the flight was mostly full of off duty PIA staff... one by one othe staff would come up the stairs and visit the captains cockpit... everytime the door opened and closed... ciggerette smoke spured out from that direction....

Me being a smoker, i was very upset at not being allowed to smoke anywhere on the plane while some special people were... that even in the cockpit... I complained to the stuard that i would complain when we landed unless they let me smoke too... I was then lead to the rear of the plane told i could smoke all i wanted.... You got to love the PIA. :19:
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feather said:
For some reason my whole family likes PIA and yes there have been times when we hated PIA for a while but end of the day everyone likes PIA. My whole family travels to Pakistan least 2-3 times a year.

Oxy hopefully you will close your eyes now. Not once but twice PIA has arrived earlier once in Pakistan when me and my brothers went in October last year btw the flight was delayed at JFK for 40 minutes but still arrived about 20 minutes earlier. Once my sisters was coming from Islamabad to JFK when the flight arrived earlier by 35 minutes.

Anyway this is embrassing and I still am laughed at for this.

While coming back from Pakistan with my brothers the flight was delayed in Pakistan by hour an half. I was the only one awake cause my brothers went to sleep soon as they got on their seats. So the captain announced the flight delayed due to a "funny" problem. I was really ticked off thinking how on earth can he say the flight is late due to a funny problem btw the annoucement was in urdu.

So when we got to England I told my brothers basically I was complaining how PIA sucks cause the pilot said funny problem se flight delay hai...they just started rolling on the floor and kept laughing and laughing. We got to the US they made me tell the story all over again so I did with all the junoon...only to be laughed at...cause there is a urdu word which sounds like funny...which actually means mechnical.

so not so funny but embrassing for sure

funny for us while fanny for u
i don't know when u guys flew sure pia has been like that in the past but when i flew in 04 they were fantastic!
Salman said:
Me being a smoker, i was very upset at not being allowed to smoke anywhere on the plane while some special people were... that even in the cockpit... I complained to the stuard that i would complain when we landed unless they let me smoke too... I was then lead to the rear of the plane told i could smoke all i wanted.... You got to love the PIA. :19:

You do know that excess smoke in planes can cause the plane to crash, right?

Something to do with the science of the plane...
TheNewLegacy-ShoaibMalik said:
You do know that excess smoke in planes can cause the plane to crash, right?

Didd'nt know that but you would have thought the PIA pilots would...
TheNewLegacy-ShoaibMalik said:
You do know that excess smoke in planes can cause the plane to crash, right?

Something to do with the science of the plane...
but you also know that couple of kanjoos desi will suck in all the smoke to get a free cig so no worries
Heres another funny story my uncle told me about PIA just now :

He was due to leave from Karachi Airport at light 6 AM (IIRC), but in the morning, around 5 AM, PIA found the pilots "drunk" .

The flight was delayed by 24 hours, so that they could fly in pilots from England to Pakistan to fly the plane to JFK :))) (they were the pilots who were suppouse to take over from England)

And then the strange thing was, they took along 2 extra pilots to fly the plane from England.

Common sense non existant?
TheNewLegacy-ShoaibMalik said:
Heres another funny story my uncle told me about PIA just now :

He was due to leave from Karachi Airport at light 6 AM (IIRC), but in the morning, around 5 AM, PIA found the pilots "drunk" .

The flight was delayed by 24 hours, so that they could fly in pilots from England to Pakistan to fly the plane to JFK :))) (they were the pilots who were suppouse to take over from England)

And then the strange thing was, they took along 2 extra pilots to fly the plane from England.

Common sense non existant?

Do you know what happend to the pilot, another PIA pilot was but behind bars for 6 months for doing the same in Norway last year.

Pilot Gets 6 Months for Being Drunk

A Pakistani International Airlines pilot found to be intoxicated just before a flight from Norway to Pakistan has been sentenced to six months in jail.

The pilot was arrested at Gardermoen Airport outside Oslo in August. He admitted in court that he had several drinks the night before he was scheduled to be co-pilot on a flight to Pakistan and that he also had wine with his dinner, the newspaper Romerikes Blad reported.

Police were summoned to the airport after someone reported that a pilot in uniform appeared to be drunk. They found the co-pilot in the cockpit of the PIA jet updating the computer system.

His blood alcohol level proved to be well over the legal limit, the report said.

The judge who sentenced the pilot discounted his testimony that he had told the pilot he was too sick to fly on the return flight.

Source: United Press International
I think back in 1990 or 91 this really skinny hostess slapped this guy during the flight. The guy didn't say a word. Everyone was surprised that what really happened but kinda figured out he must have said something wrong to her. Later during the flight someone asked this fellow Pa ji kia huwa.....he said "I just asked her....Pishaab karnay ki jaga khidar hay...she said pechay hay.....and he replied hum nay tu sunna tha aggay hoti hay..." and she slapped him .
And yes it is against the Standard Operating Procedure to smoke in the cockpit. But pilots being the "damaad" (son in law) of PIA do anything they want to.
xbox said:
I think back in 1990 or 91 this really skinny hostess slapped this guy during the flight. The guy didn't say a word. Everyone was surprised that what really happened but kinda figured out he must have said something wrong to her. Later during the flight someone asked this fellow Pa ji kia huwa.....he said "I just asked her....Pishaab karnay ki jaga khidar hay...she said pechay hay.....and he replied hum nay tu sunna tha aggay hoti hay..." and she slapped him .

:))) :))) :))) :))

you gotta love Pakistani humour!!!!!!!!
xbox said:
I think back in 1990 or 91 this really skinny hostess slapped this guy during the flight. The guy didn't say a word. Everyone was surprised that what really happened but kinda figured out he must have said something wrong to her. Later during the flight someone asked this fellow Pa ji kia huwa.....he said "I just asked her....Pishaab karnay ki jaga khidar hay...she said pechay hay.....and he replied hum nay tu sunna tha aggay hoti hay..." and she slapped him .

:))) :))) :))) lucky he didn't get thrown off the plane :))) :)))
me and my sister travelled by Pia last year in july. My sister had a can of coke and was all hyper. so when ever she saw a air hostess she used to ask her the got so ****** (she asked her about 10 times in less that 30 mins) that she took her watch of and gave it to her.

then there was this annoying person sitting behind us who wouldn't let us take our seats back. but we still did..saying to the air hostess that it is our right at blah blah.

then when the food was rice and the same guy behind us started moaning how the food was no good..and he can cook better and he was a chef..he was so full of himself that he started complaining to the air hostess that u should put more salt in ur food etc.
the air hostess replied that some ppl like it plain so we have to cater for everyones need at which pointed i went loudly (so he can hear me) this is the best food i have ever had. the hostess gave me a chekky smile (gotta love those)and the guy didn't say a word for the whole trip.
This isnt exactly a "funny" moment..rather like bad luck for PIA and its passengers.. we were flying from Karachi to Toronto and we had to make a stop at Washington D.C. Just as the plane was about to land at D.C. airport, lightning struck our wing, i saw it "in my eye" lol.. anyways, as a result the plane was grounded for 8 hours and we weren't even allowed off the plane.. so can you imagine sitting inside a stuffy plane, for 8 hours! whilst already having travelled for like 18 odd hours..horrible!
Beat this!
