George Galloway


First Class Captain
Feb 2, 2006
i know his show on saturday was hosted by a n other, i presumed this was because he was at the London demo

i hope the following piece from the daily sphincter rag is not long term

it appears george was involved in a scuffle with the filth on the demo and talksport wanted a greater balance on the reporting of gaza and let a n other host the show

either way i hope george is back this friday and saturday, if he isn't i would request the pak passion posters commence a complaint bombardment of talksport, which other than george's show is a stinking mound of dung
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George Galloway axed from TalkSPORT after scuffle with police at pro-Palestinian rally
By "Tamara Cohen"

Love the headline, misleading like the zionist people themseleves. I would like to bet Tamara Cohen is also one.

Headline leads you to blieve he has been axed for his "scuffle" fact of the matter is that TalkSport have openly stated it is due to his Anti-Israeli opinions!

"A source at the station said last night: 'A decision was taken by the director of programming that we wanted to have Ian Collins, to give a more balanced view of the Gaza situation. We felt this would be in the best interests of everyone"

Another voice in the media bites the dust, check mate from the zionists!
Well from what I heard on the show itself, he will be back next week.
George was covering for Ian Collins, it wasn't his show. He will most probably be back for his late night weekend show.
George has been airing his anti-israeli views since he started presenting the show, why would TalkSport decide to get rid of him now? he's controversial and controversy brings more listeners.

Jon Gaunt used to present the mid morning show and he was controversial coz he was anti-muslim. He never got axed for his views. Ironically in the end he got fired for calling someone a Nazi.
Faisal Akhtar said:
George has been airing his anti-israeli views since he started presenting the show, why would TalkSport decide to get rid of him now? he's controversial and controversy brings more listeners.

Jon Gaunt used to present the mid morning show and he was controversial coz he was anti-muslim. He never got axed for his views. Ironically in the end he got fired for calling someone a Nazi.

Viewership and self-interest takes backseat when it comes to the allegience to and interest of the state of Israel...many in the west would rather commit collective suicide rather then criticize the genocidal state of Israel...
Galloway gets Talksport a lot of listeners - I doubt they would axe him, unless he is deemed to cost too much.
I only listen to George's show.

I'd rather eat my radio then listen to the other content from 90% of their 'broadcasters'

The show last Friday was one of the best ever - would have sent alarm bells ringing in he Kinnessat (sp)

Was concerned when I tuned in on Sat - to hear Ian Collins justify why he was there and then say say 'I'm sure you will understand'
His latest blog:

"The barbaric Israeli assault on Gaza will go down in infamy alongside Deir Yasin and Sabra and Shatilla as one of the defining events of the Palestinian tragedy and resistance.

"The atrocities are continuing – so too must the world-wide protests. We in Britain have a particular responsibility. Our government, alongside George W Bush, has sickeningly placed the blame on the Palestinians for their suffering in Gaza.

"Our government arms the quisling Arab regimes whose cowardice and greed are as necessary to Israel's murder as its US supplied weapons.

"Historically, it was a British foreign minister who authored the Palestinian tragedy when he signed their country away to the Zionist movement.

"Respect helped organise the militant demonstration on Sunday in London outside the Israeli embassy within 24 hours of the first air raids on Gaza. We stand in solidarity with the protests called by diverse groups across Britain.

"Every single MP should be put under pressure to speak out clearly against Israel's aggression. Those who do not will have the blood of innocent Palestinians on their hands.

"Let's unify our efforts. Stop the Slaughter in Gaza. Hold the British government to account. Freedom for Palestine."
Thanks for the video Kasanova. Indeed it was a great speech. Keep it up George. We can rely on you bringing up issues in parliament.
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He's back on tonight on Talksport 10pm till 1am

Amonst others, topics being discussed (and quotes):
George Bush's last week
Apparently the most famous bumper sticker in America at the moment reads
"end of an error" :)) instead of a era.
well we did misunderestimate him.

Man City's bid for Kaka
How can a muslim be thinking of paying 100k+ million for a footballer when his fellow muslims in Palestine are eating off the streets.

Barack Obama's reign
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Muslims countries had been a lot more safer if only corrupt and boot-licker Muslim leaders had half the courage as George Galloway.
George Galloway is currently on BBC Question time.

Always worth watching, says it like it is, Geoffrey Boycott of Politics.
On_the_up said:
George Galloway is currently on BBC Question time.

Always worth watching, says it like it is, Geoffrey Boycott of Politics.

Thanks for that - last time i watched QT was the Griffin one, was getting bored of politicians talking rubbish - Galloway is a legend so will be worth the watch
Geordie Ahmed said:
Thanks for that - last time i watched QT was the Griffin one, was getting bored of politicians talking rubbish - Galloway is a legend so will be worth the watch
Yes apparently there was a chance he might have been on the Griffin one, (now that would have been worth watching). Been on the lookout for his appearance since then.
On_the_up said:
Yes apparently there was a chance he might have been on the Griffin one, (now that would have been worth watching). Been on the lookout for his appearance since then.

He mentioned on his talk show that he would have considered it BUT he wasnt asked - I dont really blame the BBC because Galloway would have destroyed him, DESTROYED him
I love this guy together with ahmedinejad,tony benn,norman finkelstein.This guy speaks the truth and nothing but it. I have learnt so much of him and his views are an inspiration to others. hail galloway
George Galloway came third in the Manchester Gorton seat.