GM Icon DXM 303 First Impressions

It would be great to see picture of the profile, face, back etc if you don't mind.

As I earlier said that the price of bat itself is very reasonable and I would say its a bargain, however, for us North American's shipping ruins the taste. Having said that the price you paid for shipping is not steep and is basically what you'd pay regular so ProDirect didn't charge you extra, Royal Mail is tad expensive.

Regarding what type of preparation the bat has undergone through it will still require knocking. The reason is that no one hands knocks the bat individually at Gunn & Moore's factory, they have a machine which knocks really fast and that only knocks the middle of the bat, hence, the edges and toe needs to be knocked.

As I said if it feels good in your hands then that is what it matters. Some people still prefer Kashmiri Willow over English Willow due to feel so it is basically each individuals preference.

PS: By looking at the pictures are you related to ca_gold bhai in any way ? LOL
**Update with pics**

CD, the reason I say I was overcharged is because different bats, albeit in the same weight and size have different shipping prices. For example, a Kookaburra Blade 250 was shipping for $18 so I'm led to believe they inflate shipping prices on their clearance items.

As for the knocking in, it hasn't even been knocked in on the machine at the factory so I guess it'll take some time by hand. Only issue I have with knocking this bat in is that it's tough to tell with the Pro-Tec sheet and Polycoat how much knocking is required and if seam marks are appearing.

I'm not sure I got the ca_gold reference, haven't heard of him. LOL
**Update with pics**

CD, the reason I say I was overcharged is because different bats, albeit in the same weight and size have different shipping prices. For example, a Kookaburra Blade 250 was shipping for $18 so I'm led to believe they inflate shipping prices on their clearance items.

As for the knocking in, it hasn't even been knocked in on the machine at the factory so I guess it'll take some time by hand. Only issue I have with knocking this bat in is that it's tough to tell with the Pro-Tec sheet and Polycoat how much knocking is required and if seam marks are appearing.

I'm not sure I got the ca_gold reference, haven't heard of him. LOL

JazakAllah Khair, for the pictures, I appreciate it.

Oh really? Have never heard of that so I was kinda surprised. I mean 20-25 Pounds is basically standard rate for Royal Mail shipping to Toronto.

Ahh okay, it really sucks! I guess you'll have to judge by the sounds and see how much knocking it requires etc..

If you plan to sell this then will you be buying another bat from ProDirect (a English bat) or one from Pakistan?

The reason why I asked ca_gold bhai is because the first two pictures you had posted were taken in ca_gold bhai's picture taking skills lol
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More than likely an English or Australian bat. I've had my eye on the Blade 250 which seems like a little bit of a step up from this so perhaps I'll go with that if I can get my money out of this one.
One of my club mate has Blade and it is a superb bat! The shape and profile of that bat is very good so as a opener it would be a good buy. Plus I have seen a few Balde 250's (I think Majid Bhai had em) and they looked as good as high G2
hmmm.... it might just be a Blade 250 for me then. Any ideas as to the best place to buy one?

I've heard quite a bit about Kooks breaking easily though? Unfounded?
hmmm.... it might just be a Blade 250 for me then. Any ideas as to the best place to buy one?

I've heard quite a bit about Kooks breaking easily though? Unfounded?

Hmm not too sure but I'll look at places for you.

Did you try ProDirect though? They have some impressive bargains and the bargain I saw today was a definite buy and I'm glad the person who bought it will like it :).

Hmm breaking from where? No, any specific area where they are breaking etc?
Who bought what? What bargain? I'm confused.

Nowhere specific, just heard people complaining about Kooks breaking.
Not sure if I would be allowed to name the person but the bat he purchased was more than 50% off the RRP so ProDirect have great great bargains so keep watching there website.
Not sure if I would be allowed to name the person but the bat he purchased was more than 50% off the RRP so ProDirect have great great bargains so keep watching there website.

Can you at the very least say which bat it was?
You won't find anymore, all gone!

I remember not too long ago ProDirect had impressive impressive sale on Gray Nicolls! Usually every year around time December-January ProDirect discounts there products, the rule is simple the soon you buy, the better bat you will find.
Yea, I jumped in a bit late so I missed some of the higher end GMs and a Kahuna that I had my eye on. All that's left now is Junior and Lefty stuff. :(

Btw, how does the Kahuna stack up to the Blade?
Yea, I jumped in a bit late so I missed some of the higher end GMs and a Kahuna that I had my eye on. All that's left now is Junior and Lefty stuff. :(

Btw, how does the Kahuna stack up to the Blade?

Yup, I remember a while ago (near the end of December) they had good bargains on Gray Nicolls (very good indeed for Gray Nicolls) and good bargains for Kook bats. I didn't find a big or impressive discount on GM bats to be honest.

Blade has got a higher middle whereas Kahuna I think has mid positioned sweetspot. So Kahuna is a great model as well, picked up few at Qasra and Hagee they feel good in hands.
Yup, I remember a while ago (near the end of December) they had good bargains on Gray Nicolls (very good indeed for Gray Nicolls) and good bargains for Kook bats. I didn't find a big or impressive discount on GM bats to be honest.

Blade has got a higher middle whereas Kahuna I think has mid positioned sweetspot. So Kahuna is a great model as well, picked up few at Qasra and Hagee they feel good in hands.

I'm guessing that means the Rogue is the new Ice with a low sweetspot.

Damn, now I want to sell this bat and get a Kook.
Damn, all these bats and I had to buy this one (though it's really not that bad).

What's the best way to sell a bat in Toronto? I assume Craigslist would be useless.
If you really need a good Kookaburra I know a person in UK who will be visiting Kookaburra factory soon and he can pickup beauty for you if you wish to buy one.

Club mates if not them then craigslist along Kijiji would be good.
REALLY? I might have to take you up on that offer CD! I'll PM you as I've now got a few questions for you.
Its a poly bat, unless you're playing with a tape ball I would say you are really hurting your cricket. These are not made to face a hard ball. If you are playing cricket for fun, with this bat your not going to get any fun.

I would say it would be a low grade Kashmir/other. It's been such a long time since I have dealt with a poly bat. If you've ever heard the ping of a poly bat with a mallet you'll know what I'm talking about. They are not for facing six stitchers.

Anyone who tells you this bat is good is just being a yes man, if you are serious about playing cricket and enjoying your cricket get at least a kashmir bat. Its not going to be any fun having your arms shocked off your shoulders when a fast bowler sends one down. If you are serious about finding an affordable bat there are plenty of cheap bats online. Just ask.
Bat looks nice! but what is nicer, is your camera! is it a DSLR??

No, this was taken with a point and shoot. Too much trouble to get the DSLR out and set up. LOL

Its a poly bat, unless you're playing with a tape ball I would say you are really hurting your cricket. These are not made to face a hard ball. If you are playing cricket for fun, with this bat your not going to get any fun.

I would say it would be a low grade Kashmir/other. It's been such a long time since I have dealt with a poly bat. If you've ever heard the ping of a poly bat with a mallet you'll know what I'm talking about. They are not for facing six stitchers.

Anyone who tells you this bat is good is just being a yes man, if you are serious about playing cricket and enjoying your cricket get at least a kashmir bat. Its not going to be any fun having your arms shocked off your shoulders when a fast bowler sends one down. If you are serious about finding an affordable bat there are plenty of cheap bats online. Just ask.

I think you're missing quite a bit here mate, the bat is English Willow with a white polycoat. It's meant to play hardball and has a pretty fair ping to boot. Do your research :)
Bhai the bat looks very nice am sure it will play well once its fully knocked in and played in. I had similar sort of Slazenger ultimate classic grade 4 or 5 bleached when I 1st used the bat in the nets it was really poor but after netting few times and more knocking the bat improved quickly. It now plays very well.
Btw the other bat ur talking abt kook blade 250 I got it last season. That was an awesome bat very very good ping and balanced light pick up. Kooks lower grade usually play just as good their top ones. I do recommend it very highly.
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