Gray Nicolls Xiphos Review

Mar 5, 2011
G'day all!

Hope everyone is doing well. I decided after joining this forum that I wanted to do a bet review on a bat I got about 5 months ago.......I bought a gray nicolls xiphos 5 star cricket bat from a local shop in Oakville (AK pro). I was looking for a bat for the nets as I already have another xiphos for matches. My old one that iv'e been using for 3 years is preety much done and its all cracked up nd stuff.

Anyway, bought it 2 months ago and TBH I didnt want another Xiphos but when I saw it in the store I fell in love lol.

Weight: 2.8 (feels a lil bit lighter)

Size: Standard SH

Pickup and balance: simply amazing, dissapears in the backlift!

Edges: Massive 35 mm

Grains: 12 evenly spaced

The bat picks up brilliantly and its got a toe guard and I changed the grip to a GM shock absorba grip. The bats plays peerless especially on the drive and pull. The entire bat is the sweetspot! Its really big and hits off the middle even close to the toe end of the bat. I developed 3 minor cracks on it but thats because the willow is very soft.

Pictures are below! Please dont hesitate to comment or ask any questions!






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That looks really banged up for a 2 month old bat, did you play in the nets without knocking?
no sorry guys its not.....I said how long ago I got it twice.....the first time I said I got it about a half a year ago........then I said I got it 2 months go. Sorry for that..........I actually did get it about 6 months ago! I did rush the knocking a lil bit but honesty it doesnt look that bad in the flesh because ya its got some different coloured cherries on face and doesnt loook the greatest but underneath on the actual willow theres only like 2 cracks.........but I must say..........even if it doesnt look the most plays beautifully!
Looks really good for a 5 Star I would say.

Do you mind if I ask how much you paid for this ?
hey Canadian cricketer, welcome to pp, just wanted to ask u by any chance r u rueben? n is not my bad
I paid $200 for it. The man at the store was having a blowout on his bats because the cricket section of the store was closing out. Its a steal in my opinion!
Na he doesnt.........I went there to see a while back. In fact......the store was shutdown......I was lucky to get this bat at the last minute.
yea n im coming to beyond the boundary, n no i have been on this for a year but i dont post much
oh ya. I just thought that because it says ur a newcomer. Awh that really sucks because I cant..well I am registered but I dont have a ride :(

I might ask Anthony if he can give me a ride because he lives close by but if not then I wont be coming!

Man........u should really do a review or your new ihsan and or boom boom. says adidas xiphos 5 star! ya I looked at that but shipping and all would've been preety much the same price!