Half of UK Muslims will struggle to provide enough food to break fast during Ramadan

You sit on the fence a lot then :yk2

Sounds more like a floating/swing voter who listens to all of the points being made and considers the relative merits and drawbacks to each candidate, and then casts their vote accordingly. At least 1 in 3 UK voters typically carries this profile.
Like I asked before:

Do not get personal with each other - posts will be deleted.
Sounds more like a floating/swing voter who listens to all of the points being made and considers the relative merits and drawbacks to each candidate, and then casts their vote accordingly. At least 1 in 3 UK voters typically carries this profile.

Indeed, and the election campaigns target said swing voters. The reality is in the past 50 years, the key difference between the political parties have been economic policies. Thatcher decimated the North, but her economic policies are still paying dividends (literally) today. She didn’t win 3 terms for nothing.

Labour completely torpedoed the stability of the UK economy at the expense of asset based capitalism; and we are still ruing the day! Corbyn was going to reverse Brown’s ineptness.

The people described in the OP are a victim of asset inflation where affordability goes through the roof, and the divide between rich and poor widens. Long gone are they days of goods based capitalism where affordability was well within the reach of even civil workers.

We are going to see more coalitions going forward.
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There’s a difference between addressing a problem intelligently and demonising people, and as the above poster has said, many of these issues are not limited to select groups - all should be objectively criticised but not without solution, coconuts are those who hide and talk crap with their backs turned.

I have to say this is quite rich coming from someone who hides behind a screen and goes around calling my father a coward when you don't even know him.

If you go back to my post, I gave real life examples of Pakistanis I met at university. Not some random guys on road. The fact that I saw educated Pakistanis engage in crime shows it's a big problem in our community. That's not me going around demonising anybody, that's me sharing my experiences.

You come across as very narrow minded as well with how you stereotype Pakistanis who vote for Tories as coconuts. There were many Americans who voted for Trump even though they disliked the guy because the sentiment at the time was Biden wasn't going to ramp up tax.

Sadiq Khan is doing a poor job as Mayor of my city. Let me ask you if I vote against him, does that make me a coconut?
I have to say this is quite rich coming from someone who hides behind a screen and goes around calling my father a coward when you don't even know him.

If you go back to my post, I gave real life examples of Pakistanis I met at university. Not some random guys on road. The fact that I saw educated Pakistanis engage in crime shows it's a big problem in our community. That's not me going around demonising anybody, that's me sharing my experiences.

You come across as very narrow minded as well with how you stereotype Pakistanis who vote for Tories as coconuts. There were many Americans who voted for Trump even though they disliked the guy because the sentiment at the time was Biden wasn't going to ramp up tax.

Sadiq Khan is doing a poor job as Mayor of my city. Let me ask you if I vote against him, does that make me a coconut?

I could give you real life examples of white people I grew up with, from lower echelons to the highest. Some pretty disturbing stuff would surface, sadly most of it wouldn't pass the censorship rules on family websites such as this one. Why do you have this racist concept that only Pakistanis or their descendants are accountable?
I could give you real life examples of white people I grew up with, from lower echelons to the highest. Some pretty disturbing stuff would surface, sadly most of it wouldn't pass the censorship rules on family websites such as this one. Why do you have this racist concept that only Pakistanis or their descendants are accountable?

Being objective doesn't make me racist. I would actually like to see Pakistanis thrive. Like I've said before UK Pakistanis lag behind their American counterparts. We have a long way to go before we can even be in sight of catching up with them. The first step is to embrace our shortcomings. What also doesn't help is the fact that you're a British sahib one day and then a blind "patriot" the next day.
Many lazy yet cunning have done math that welfare pays about the same if they don’t work in comparison to wages - so why find a job and build your life from there?
And hence they purposely stay under the poverty line.

If this is true that welfare pays the same as the type of jobs they qualify for, then it makes sense to just take welfare right? Why work then? Hate the game not the player.
It's one of the main reasons why Pakistanis in UK lag behind their American counterparts in terms of education, career path and earnings.

Many UK Pakistanis live in their own bubble and are not willing to work their way up from a graduate or trainee role. They look for shortcuts instead.

Not really. Its because American Pakistanis come from middle/upper middle class families. Most of them had parents, grand parents, and some even great grandparents who were educated. British Pakistanis came from poorer backgrounds, and their families were less educated than the American ones.

Also the majority of American Pakistanis also prefer to socialize with other Pakistanis and Indian Muslims. You wont see many white or black people in dawats or non South Asian Muslims at iftars. This is human tribalism, we socialize with people who are most like us.
How not working gives more benefits than working ?How much doesUK pay as unemployed insurance ?

I don't have the exact numbers but let me tell you a couple of things that I observed in various visits to UK.

In an area named Small Heath, I was once staying with a British Pakistani family friends.
I noticed that the dad had a small job at Land Rover or something. The son (young healthy and married with one kid) did not work. His mother and his wife were a home-makers (did not work). They had three cars and lived in a medium size house.

During our conversations, I asked his son, how do you guys make the ends meet with one small job? It's very hard to do so in USA.
He laughed and said, the govt takes care of us.

While driving through the area during daytime, he made several stops to say hello Hi to his friends who were just strolling and wandering off the streets or were in their homes.
So I asked him, these guys don't have a job or go to college or something? He laughed again, and said, the govt takes care of them.

And then he drove-by a small street and proudly said with a chest thumping tone, "ALL houses in this street are owned by Pakistanis."

I looked at the street and it was absolutely loaded with trash. He noticed my scolding and had a guilty conscious type of laugh and said, these guys don't put their trash in the crash cans - so garbage trucks have stopped entering into this street.

Also met an Afghani acquaintance.
This guy lived in a small apartment and had 5 or six kids with no job. The answer was the same, govt pays more if you have more kids.

While these guys schemed to suck on welfare, I was left shocked and ashamed.

I mean, I could go on with a few more potent examples but let's say, I am just looking at the glass being half full.

I could give you real life examples of white people I grew up with, from lower echelons to the highest. Some pretty disturbing stuff would surface, sadly most of it wouldn't pass the censorship rules on family websites such as this one. Why do you have this racist concept that only Pakistanis or their descendants are accountable?

I think the OP came up with an astonishing number of a certain group that is 50% below the poverty line.
Whether it's true and accurate or not is not the question - but if we compare this certain group with any other group, then the common ground should be around 50% under the poverty line.

The so called "Whites" you talk about, are they also under 50% poverty line? If yes, we have a valid argument.

Because my stance is, if a certain group is 3rd and 4th generation British and 50% of its chunk is still under the poverty line, then we need to find the reason.

Is there anything in the British law that is biased towards this certain group, or the inability to positively grow is the lifestyle of this particular group?

If this is true that welfare pays the same as the type of jobs they qualify for, then it makes sense to just take welfare right? Why work then? Hate the game not the player.

I don't have any "Love" for such players either.
Third and fourth generation immigrants, and still being mentally stuck in the third world.
Not smearing 'em all with one brush stroke, but seriously, I get disappointed when I see many of them of jobless loafers and unskilled labor.

If you are unable to merge and take benefit from the open playgrounds of the first world, perhaps you should move back to where your mindset belongs?
Being objective doesn't make me racist. I would actually like to see Pakistanis thrive. Like I've said before UK Pakistanis lag behind their American counterparts. We have a long way to go before we can even be in sight of catching up with them. The first step is to embrace our shortcomings. What also doesn't help is the fact that you're a British sahib one day and then a blind "patriot" the next day.

You aren't objective, you are obsessing over stuff you have no control over. British Pakistanis bear little relation to American Pakistanis other than they nominally are descended from the same country, although culture can vary quite a lot depending on which region they originally hailed from.

Do you see Irish people worrying about how Micks are faring in USA? It's not our job to ponder incessantly how other people are living. Let them worry about how they get by. There is govt help if they need it, or govt jails if they step over the line.