Has Junaid Khan filled the void Mohammed Amir left behind?


Local Club Captain
Feb 21, 2012
Sorry if this thread has been done before but I didn't see anything and I made it.

J.Khan some argue has got just as much potential as Aamir had/has, for me I think the void has definitely be filled, don't get me wrong having Aamir would be great but damn if Junaid keeps playing the way he did against India than I will never have any complaints.

Has the void of M.Aamir and Aasif been filled by our new bowlers in Junaid and Irfan?
In short, yes the vacancy has been filled but I would say that it hasn't been filled by the same talent. I agree Junaid is very good and will no doubt be a very good bowler but I feel Amir had/has a special class and talent that was going to make him the best in the world.

If and when Amir is allowed back into the team (I think he should be once he has done his time), it would be one of, if not the best attacks in the world.......Amir, Junaid, Irfan, Ajmal......we would rule the world in the bowling department.
Junaids doing extremely well but Amir was just one of those players you see once or twice in a life time. Its such a shame for world cricket to lose such a talent especially considering the lack of quality fast bowlers going around these days.
I'd say the combination of Junaid and Irfan has made up for Amir's loss. We have a very exciting opening bowling partnership now, which will be expected to perform particularly in English conditions.
What about combination of amir and asif? :D

on topic, i think junaid has done reasonably well. He has a better average than amir in all formats of the game. I know stats are not everything but they do mean something. Junaid has the potential to reach 350+ test wickets.

When Pakistan had no decent fast bowlers after the 2 A's got banned, people were praying for a decent pacer. Now that they have got 2 very good fast bowlers in junaid and Irfan, they want some amir like beast.
The greedy is always needy.
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What about combination of amir and asif? :D

on topic, i think junaid has done reasonably well. He has a better average than amir in all formats of the game. I know stats are not everything but they do mean something. Junaid has the potential to reach 350+ test wickets.

When Pakistan had no decent fast bowlers after the 2 A's got banned, people were praying for a decent pacer. Now that they have got 2 very good fast bowlers in junaid and Irfan, they want some amir like beast.
The greedy is always needy.

Don't think anyone has come near replacing Asif who in my opinion was a far better bowler than Amir.
Junaid will fill the Gap for next few years until Amir returns and wrecks havoc on the world game again with his amazing bowling.
Not yet. Junaid and Irfan haven't bowled in a single test match together, IIRC. They have the potential to do so.
Junaid is not 10% of what Amir was.

Lol. This is taking it way too far. Amir is a better bowler than Junaid but the latter is extremely talented as well and both will become ATG's by the time their careers are over, InshAllah.
Junaid at this point of a career has a better record than Amir in both Tests and ODi's.
So statistically yes, he has even done better than filling it he has done better than Amir.
He hasn't just filled it, he's done better.

Our bowling attack now is stronger than it's been for a while now. Two spinners in the top 5, one of them no.1 bowler, the other no.1 all rounder. Two pacers with mid 20 averages.

It's tests our bowling is arguably lacking, but that's more to do with the loss of two pacers rather than just one.
Comparing stats of the two players at same stages of the career is futile and pointless. When Junaid can make Australia/England batsmen look like Mugs when he plays against them then we can start to compare the two.

Amir was a special once in an era talent, Junaid is a good bowler and may one day become world class only time will tell..
stop comparing the guy who bowls with passion for his country to a cheat. move on, amir made his own choice when he cheated his nation
Comparing stats of the two players at same stages of the career is futile and pointless. When Junaid can make Australia/England batsmen look like Mugs when he plays against them then we can start to compare the two.

Amir was a special once in an era talent, Junaid is a good bowler and may one day become world class only time will tell..

Amir and Junaid played 3 Tests in SL.
Amir averaged 43 on those Flat Tracks whereas Junaid averaged 24.

He is talking about the void left by him, if someone half as talented as the latter can do better than him than he has certainly filled the Void.
Comparing stats of the two players at same stages of the career is futile and pointless. When Junaid can make Australia/England batsmen look like Mugs when he plays against them then we can start to compare the two.

Amir was a special once in an era talent, Junaid is a good bowler and may one day become world class only time will tell..
To be fair Amir hadn't reached his potential. So he hadn't even created the bigger void for Junaid to fill yet anyway.

Hence Junaid's more than already filled the extent of the void Amir had created on the point he left the team.
Amir and Junaid played 3 Tests in SL.
Amir averaged 43 on those Flat Tracks whereas Junaid averaged 24.

He is talking about the void left by him, if someone half as talented as the latter can do better than him than he has certainly filled the Void.

He was 17 then! Do you think it's worthwhile comparing a 17 year old to someone 5 years older?

Amir was an improving bowler and the latest we saw of him was truly special. At 18, he was still nowhere near his peak.

Junaid has done very well and I believe he has huge potential. But he's not Amir, no-one is, unless they too perform like he did as a teenager they shouldn't be compared to him. Even if Junaid averages 25 over the next few years, he shouldn't be compared to him, simply because we don't know how far Amir could have gone.
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Sorry if this thread has been done before but I didn't see anything and I made it.

J.Khan some argue has got just as much potential as Aamir had/has, for me I think the void has definitely be filled, don't get me wrong having Aamir would be great but damn if Junaid keeps playing the way he did against India than I will never have any complaints.

Has the void of M.Aamir and Aasif been filled by our new bowlers in Junaid and Irfan?

If he keeps playing like that he wil end up as the greatest bowler of all time.
He was 17 then! Do you think it's worthwhile comparing a 17 year old to someone 5 years older?

Amir was an improving bowler and the latest we saw of him was truly special. At 18, he was still nowhere near his peak.

Junaid has done very well and I believe he has huge potential. But he's not Amir, no-one is, unless they too perform like he did as a teenager they shouldn't be compared to him. Even if Junaid averages 25 over the next few years, he shouldn't be compared to him, simply because we don't know how far Amir could have gone.

The OP is talking about the void left by him, that does not involve age or anything else the only thing it involves is Performance.
Looking at Aamer everyone could tell that he was special but I think we are exagerrating what Aamer achieved. If you look at Aamer's record it isn't earth shattering.

Junaid is performing better than Aamer overall.

The void he cannot fill is the promise Aamer brought with him.
Imagine having Asif, Amir , Junaid and Irfan what an attack that would be

Don't see why we can't once they have completed their bans. If they are up to the standard then they should be considered. All those calling for life bans should get off their high horses and see sense. The whole point of having the investigations and subsequent bans was to punish any guilty players. That has been done and we should move on and allow them to carry on with their careers, having learnt their lesson. We complain of them "cheating" our nation.....a nation which is full of corruption from the the man on the street right up to the elected leaders of the nation???? Come on, lets be honest.....the whole sub continent is built on daily corruption and its unfortunately an accepted way of life for people living there. Unless this changes, don't apply double standards.
Don't see why we can't once they have completed their bans. If they are up to the standard then they should be considered. All those calling for life bans should get off their high horses and see sense. The whole point of having the investigations and subsequent bans was to punish any guilty players. That has been done and we should move on and allow them to carry on with their careers, having learnt their lesson. We complain of them "cheating" our nation.....a nation which is full of corruption from the the man on the street right up to the elected leaders of the nation???? Come on, lets be honest.....the whole sub continent is built on daily corruption and its unfortunately an accepted way of life for people living there. Unless this changes, don't apply double standards.

But will Asif be fit to play once he serves his ban? Remember, Asif has always been controversial. I hope he is fit to play once he serves his ban, and he doesn't get involved in any drug scandals. Then maybe for a couple of years we can see Junaid, Irfan, Amir, and Asif in the same squad. One of them will have to make way for Ajmal in the playing XI, though.
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Void left by amir?

Amir only played a handful of games in each format and did reasonably well overall but he didnt really play for long enough or perform exceptionally to create a ''void''

Asif on the other hand was a huge blow because he was a proven test performer who lead our attack outstandingly on/off for 2-3 years, his loss is even felt today in test cricket

Junaid has done well over the last yr or so but irfan again is a unknown quantitiy with only a handful of games in each format - it takes more than that to actually create become a quality and reliable bowler
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Junaid has filled it. Bowls as good as amir (or even better sometimes), pace is just as good, and statistically he is much better. Above all, we can be sure that he will try his hardest all the time. Amir had an age advantage and that is why he is so hyped on PP, let me tell you that we just cannot predict what he could have been by now if he was playing, he could have average 10 or averaged 50, we do not know, and never will.
Why do Pakistani fans have a hard time accepting Junaid for who he is? I know Junaid is a pathan but its really a shame that some Pak fans always bring a Aamer in to the conversation whenever discussing Junaid. Accept Junaid for the bowler that he is irrespective of his ethnic background, let the kid be.
Why do Pakistani fans have a hard time accepting Junaid for who he is? I know Junaid is a pathan but its really a shame that some Pak fans always bring a Aamer in to the conversation whenever discussing Junaid. Accept Junaid for the bowler that he is irrespective of his ethnic background, let the kid be.

It's not having a hard time accepting Junaid. It's having a hard time forgetting Amir. I agree with your points though.
Why do Pakistani fans have a hard time accepting Junaid for who he is? I know Junaid is a pathan but its really a shame that some Pak fans always bring a Aamer in to the conversation whenever discussing Junaid. Accept Junaid for the bowler that he is irrespective of his ethnic background, let the kid be.

WHERE exactly was Junaid's ethnic background brought into this? I never even thought about him being a Pathan......what the hell difference does that make to anyone?
I had stopped watching cricket during the time Asif and Aamer were on fire destroying batting sides. I only started watching again when I herd that three of Pakistan players got caught spot fixing. So I really don't know what kinda void Aamer really left. But let me tell you this much. I have been following Juniad Khan for a while now and he has been a very great talent in my eyes. His passion and aggression to me put him over Aamir any day. He loves this country and has the fire in his eyes to want to succeed. He may not be as talented as Aamer but he surely is the best when it comes to performance. So If I was given a choice between the two then I'd say Junaid Khan all the way!
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much better than amir...gonna completely ignore the super phast bowling.

as proven with the elections though, the people of this country love cheats and dishonesty anyway, this reflects with alot of people who choose a cheat over an upcoming honest lad, who wont ever sell his country out
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Why do Pakistani fans have a hard time accepting Junaid for who he is? I know Junaid is a pathan but its really a shame that some Pak fans always bring a Aamer in to the conversation whenever discussing Junaid. Accept Junaid for the bowler that he is irrespective of his ethnic background, let the kid be.

:junaid imagine junaid khan getting caught in spot fixiing scandal... never sell his country,, hehehe

Nonetheless pakistan will have the strongest bowling unit of all time.
Junaid, Irfan, Amir, Ajmal, hafeez...

we need a batsman with a 40 plus average tho
^^ keep dreaming that wont ever happen, his entire community and his family will disown him, people of swabi would destroy him and he wont be safe

even with the elections, saw a video of bearded dudes coming and vandalizing ballots and the police started shooting at them. nobody tolerates that stuff there
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Mohammed Aamer was by a distance the best young pace bowler the time he got banned and he was possibly at his peak. Junaid has definitely bowled well, is he Aamer good yet, possibly not.
While its great having him, you can't discount that Amir was very highly praised as early as 18 and was loaded with potential.

& then there's the thought of what our pace bowling attack could have been.. With the likes of Amir + Junaid + Asif.

I don't think the void will be filled until Amir makes his comeback inshAllah in 2015, hopefully have developed into a decent all-rounder!
Statistically speaking , Junaid is ahead.. but I wouldn't read too much into it....

Amir was raw.. He had the potential to be an ATG. Whether he will still become one is anyone's guess.

But let me tell you guys, we can find bowlers like Amir and Junaid.. if we try really hard on streets of Pakistan..

But we can search for next decade , and we won't find a bowler like Asif the magician : )
:junaid imagine junaid khan getting caught in spot fixiing scandal... Never sell his country,, hehehe

nonetheless pakistan will have the strongest bowling unit of all time.
Junaid, irfan, amir, ajmal, hafeez...

We need a batsman with a 40 plus average tho

^^ keep dreaming that wont ever happen, his entire community and his family will disown him, people of swabi would destroy him and he wont be safe

even with the elections, saw a video of bearded dudes coming and vandalizing ballots and the police started shooting at them. Nobody tolerates that stuff there

:junaid imagine junaid khan getting caught in spot fixiing scandal... never sell his country,, hehehe

he won't even think of doing it, they will kick him out of his own house if he does that, they won't tolerate any of that stuff in swabi or any other pashtun area, this is what i like about pakhtuns!
Junaid has potential to be a great bowler if he keeps on learning.

Amir was an exceptional talent, saw him bowling at speeds close to 150 in Melbourne test, no video evidence just memory (spell to Shane Watson also exceptional with 7 men on the offside - catch dropped at point by Abrul Rauf when Watson was on 99 and Richie Benued had just pointed that the fielder there should not be there). Amir displayed control and intelligence which was beyond his experience and was already being termed as the best 17 year old when he was bowling in England.

Though I would always appreciate Asif as being the best bowler of the three, have not seen Fazal Mahmood bowl but he was in that sort of category. Canny, intelligent and someone who was born to play test cricket. Wasted talent both of them (Amir and Asif) and now we have Junaid who may not be as good individually to anyone of them but may end up with better test records than both of them.
Why do Pakistani fans have a hard time accepting Junaid for who he is? I know Junaid is a pathan but its really a shame that some Pak fans always bring a Aamer in to the conversation whenever discussing Junaid. Accept Junaid for the bowler that he is irrespective of his ethnic background, let the kid be.

Chill. I haven't ever read any Pakistani on Pakpassion bringing up Junaid and Amir's ethnicity, you're the first person to do so and should be ashamed of yourself.

Amir was just a better cricketer.
The best thing Muhammad Aamir had not Junaid Khan has is
Ponting's, Hussey and Tendulkar's Wicket. I am not sure if he had Hussey in his list of wickets but he definitely missed out from punter and 10ulkar. :)
But it feels much relaxed to have Junaid Khan in Champions trophy and have a satisfactory bowling attack of Pakistan.
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^ I said "these days".

his 6 months old stats are irrelevant.
the Gulf between them seems to widen with every ODI lately but lets see how he performs in the tests. I think Aamir was just phenomenal and the complete bowler.
Gets smashed regularly these days.

I've seen Amir being smashed around more than a couple of times in his 15 ODI career. Particularly the one against NZ at UAE where McCullum got a hundred.

While Amir was certainly more 'gifted', Junaid does look really promising (the horrendous CT he had notwithstanding) The way he bowled in that test match against SL and the ODI series against India was mindblowing!
^ I said "these days".

his 6 months old stats are irrelevant.

Again, not really. In his last 9 ODIs, has gone for 6rpo+ only once. For a fast bowler who bowls in powerplays and at the death, anything less than that is not 'getting smashed'.
Amir had every trick up his sleeve at the age of 18

Junaid is still learning.

Junaid can be a Pakistan great

Aamir could have been a Legend

Thats the difference
Anyway bumping this thread between now and the next 2 years is pointless. Amir was a teenager who was improving day by day. Junaid is now 23 so they cannot be compared.
Amir had every trick up his sleeve at the age of 18

Junaid is still learning.

Junaid can be a Pakistan great

Aamir could have been a Legend

Thats the difference

Junaid without all the tricks still has better statistics than amir.
Strange world we live in.
Its not fair at all to compare the two. Junaid hopefully can turn into one gem of a bowler and turn up more often than is doing right now.
Junaid without all the tricks still has better statistics than amir.
Strange world we live in.

stats arent everything

the way Amir bowled was something else. Everyone rated him , and he hadnt reached full potenial, still had some consistency issues

dont get me wrong , i'm a fan of Junaid but i doubt he will get legend status
stats arent everything

the way Amir bowled was something else. Everyone rated him , and he hadnt reached full potenial, still had some consistency issues

dont get me wrong , i'm a fan of Junaid but i doubt he will get legend status

Amir bowled those "legendary" deliveries with a red new duke ball in England under cloud cover.
Do you actually expect Junaid to do the same with a kookaburra in the u.a.e or england?

I know they were exceptional bowling performances by amir in england but one must also remember the conditions.
Amir bowled those "legendary" deliveries with a red new duke ball in England under cloud cover.
Do you actually expect Junaid to do the same with a kookaburra in the u.a.e or england?

I know they were exceptional bowling performances by amir in england but one must also remember the conditions.

True. Amir played his matches in Australia and England, and still averaged something like 30 in tests, right ??
He had potential.. but the way Pakistani fans over-hype him to be potential legend is ridiculous. It's like declaring Shiker Dhawan the next Brian Lara.
Amir bowled those "legendary" deliveries with a red new duke ball in England under cloud cover.
Do you actually expect Junaid to do the same with a kookaburra in the u.a.e or england?

I know they were exceptional bowling performances by amir in england but one must also remember the conditions.

He bowled better than any bowler in the series , including asif and Anderson. None of them produced such delivers at such pace.
He bowled better than any bowler in the series , including asif and Anderson. None of them produced such delivers at such pace.

19 year old Ishant Sharma outbowled the whole Aussie bowling lineup on Indian flat tracks.
Zaheer, RP Singh outbowled all English pacers in 2007 series. It happens all the time.

As for Amir's pace in England, it was in mid to late 130s. I am actually an Amir fan, but a lot of talk about him in this forum is nothing but exaggeration.
He bowled better than any bowler in the series , including asif and Anderson. None of them produced such delivers at such pace.

He did better than Asif no doubt about that, but he was not better than Anderson.
Anderson picked up 23 wickets at 13. Amir picked up 19 at 18.
19 year old Ishant Sharma outbowled the whole Aussie bowling lineup on Indian flat tracks.
Zaheer, RP Singh outbowled all English pacers in 2007 series. It happens all the time.

As for Amir's pace in England, it was in mid to late 130s. I am actually an Amir fan, but a lot of talk about him in this forum is nothing but exaggeration.

Honestly do you think Amir was another Sharma or Singh ?
Amir leading the attack at his age shows that he was something special.

He was key in the only World Cup trophy that Pakistan have won in recent times.
Junaid has been a great find and he has to just find that path to being consistent,which he did in the last 2 ODIs,more or less. He can be another Youngsta Beauty! :junaid
On a side note-I think we should stop thinking about Amir and move on. Even though,I want him back but people just get greedy and greedy.We were praying for 1 good bowler after Asif and Amir got banned and we got 2 in Irfan and Junaid but we keep asking for more and more. But I really think we need him considering our 3rd seamer's problems.
Amir leading the attack at his age shows that he was something special.

He was key in the only World Cup trophy that Pakistan have won in recent times.

he wasnt really key, apart from getting dilshan out he wasnt that special in that tounrment. People forget it was Abdul Razzaq who destroyed the Sri Lankan top order
Can we please get over this cheat and just rate Junaid on his own as a bowler.

PP doesn't care about a player's actual potential/ability, but how x player compares to y player means y player is terrible.

he wasnt really key, apart from getting dilshan out he wasnt that special in that tounrment. People forget it was Abdul Razzaq who destroyed the Sri Lankan top order

I think I possibly got that tournament mixed up with the following one!