Has the inclusion of Salman Butt as consultant to Chief Selector mean that we have moved on from the 2010 fixing saga?

Should the PCB have given Salman Butt a role as consultant to the Chief Selector?

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PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
Post the 2010 crisis:

Mohammad Amir played for Pakistan again, his views on Pakistan cricket now accepted as Gospel by many.
Mohammad Asif - not done that well since that day in 2010.
Salman Butt - has been deemed to have 'served his time' and is now a respected analyst on TV shows, and more recently a consultant for the Chief Selector, Wahab Riaz
Mohammad Hafeez, the Team Director has no qualms with Amir etc now whereas he was major opposer to Amir's re-inclusion after end of his ban.

So seems all is well with Pakistan cricket, and we are done with events of 2010. Those dark days consigned to some remote part of our memory, never to be touched upon again.

Or are we being disingenous to ourselves?
If we are talking about the specific players involved in 2010, then I would say yes.

If we are talking about spot fixing corruption, then no.

Situation is actually far worse because some fans want the inclusion of convicted players in Pakistan team such as Sharjeel.
The 2010 fixing saga involved 2 of the best cricketers who could have done wonders for Pakistan, Asif and Amir. I will skip Salman butt as a top performer but now he is the advisor to the chief selector of Pakistan now. This means we have not moved on and still persisting with such people.
InshaAllah Sharjeel Khan will play for Pakistan in order to improve their pathetic batting standards when it comes to meeting the demands of modern cricket.

I said it again. I’ll keep saying it.

I didn't mention Sharjeel as he was not there in 2010 - although given what happened in 2010.
I am shocked to see Salman Butt back in business with PCB as Chief Selector consultant. Hilarious.

And what is the role of Iftikhar Rao Anjum? I will never understand this mix.
I believe Pakistan team have evolved. Current team is very clean.

Pre-2011 Pakistan used to be involved in various controversies. Those haven't happened in a while.
I didn't mention Sharjeel as he was not there in 2010 - although given what happened in 2010.
Read above

I am sick and tired of being vilified for wanting to have the right kind of player playing for Pakistan in the correct position and correct format. Guys like me who support this are not evil, thieves or criminals. Accept mistakes are a part of human nature.
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I believe Pakistan team have evolved. Current team is very clean.

Pre-2011 Pakistan used to be involved in various controversies. Those haven't happened in a while.
Indeed. Babar kept his team clean and that is no small feat for a Pakistan side.

It’s beyond me how this has happened. Pakistan is heading back into the dark days again.
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Salman and Kamran to resign in a few months anyway. No way can these jokers work with each without their egos clashing on trivial issues.

All they did was sit on television and criticize previous team managements. Let’s see how they face up to the wrath of Pakistan fans when their selections inevitably doesn’t lead to success.
If the ICC had banned them for life- then you could argue that they should not be on tv as Analysts or doing commentary gigs/coaching assignments

There are degrees of a crime and punishment is given accordingly- spot fixing unlike match fixing doesn't warrant a life ban

They have served their time- 5 years is a long time in the life of highly skilled and motivated individuals

Now let them be. We all know what "legends" of the 90s were doing all the time- match fixing and deliberately underperforming to remove captain/s

I don't see anyone raising a finger at them even though they haven't even served a day of punishment
Salman and Kamran to resign in a few months anyway. No way can these jokers work with each without their egos clashing on trivial issues.

All they did was sit on television and criticize previous team managements. Let’s see how they face up to the wrath of Pakistan fans when their selections inevitably doesn’t lead to success.

The only opinions that matter are their own.

They don’t care for anyone else’s - as far they’re concerned you are wrong and they are right, and if you don’t agree they’ll just play the victim. So you can never actually win with them.

But I am heartened that the good guys are still around. Babar, Rizwan, Shaheen are dressing room leaders and undroppable. They will buffer the new toxic elements we have in place now.
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The 2010 gang did irreparable damage to our reputation in the world.

To see this whole gang as part of the cricket establishment is interesting to say the least.
If you look the wahab's consulting team it seems like we have wind the clock back to 2010 spot fixing saga. Same old characters guys,hopefully they don't bring on the same legacy to team.
The 2010 gang did irreparable damage to our reputation in the world.

To see this whole gang as part of the cricket establishment is interesting to say the least.
The day Amir was allowed to wear the national jersey again after selling out the country was the day the PCB moved on from 2010 fixing saga.

But there is no point of complaining now. When the fans couldnt complain about Amir returning to the team than there is no point in whining about Butt coming back. We lost that stand
Read above

I am sick and tired of being vilified for wanting to have the right kind of player playing for Pakistan in the correct position and correct format. Guys like me who support this are not evil, thieves or criminals. Accept mistakes are a part of human nature.

You do realize Sharjeel made a comeback in 2021 and even opened with Babar batting at 3 for him. He produced pedestrian results and just had a horrible PSL in 2023. His domestic performances are nothing exceptional either.

His time has come & gone.

As for this thread, I find it quite pathetic, a literal captain of the fixing scandal who not only ruined his own career but got his young bowlers involved and ruined their career is now getting a paying job from the PCB to be part of the selection. It's hard to believe a low life individual such as Butt can find himself anywhere near PCB. Unlike Amir who was literally a kid at the time, Salman was a captain and coordinated the entire fixing. With a nearly 250M population, is there no one available who can competently do the job Butt can do?

Might as well bring back Saleem Malik too. Why not. Run a fixer selection panel with all these low life losers.
God may have forgiven him but I just can’t.

The captain of the team, he took advantage of his position in the team for his own selfish reasons.

It’s because of him that we were robbed of seeing Asif and Amir bowl together in the 2011 World Cup.
What’s the new age Pakistan fans going to do about the national team selection manipulation done by Saya corps? Nothing? Why because they represent your starboys??

Hypocritical holier than thou specialists
The Qayyum report suspects have been allowed roles in the PCB. Amir has been allowed back. Why not Salman Butt who has now established himself as a solid cricket analyst on tv and youtube. Salman Butt also worked with Singapore as their head coach and is playing a central role in Ghani Institute. He would not be getting these roles if his cricketing knowledge, mind was not solid.

People in pakistan should mind their own business and not go after weak targets.
The 2010 gang did irreparable damage to our reputation in the world.

To see this whole gang as part of the cricket establishment is interesting to say the least.
In a country where criminals are in charge, people are murdered for their political views and PK count as much as ants on a motorway, this is all halal
God may have forgiven him but I just can’t.

The captain of the team, he took advantage of his position in the team for his own selfish reasons.

It’s because of him that we were robbed of seeing Asif and Amir bowl together in the 2011 World Cup.
He was just doing what the previous convicted fixers likes of Malik akram younis were doing before him, must have seen them with wads of cash though he could cash in aswell.
Yet another source of soul crushing international embarresment for Pakistan. Salman Butt was the "RING" leader of the trio involved in match fixing, he should never be allowed to go near an impressionable young cricket player his entire life. For those who try to equate Amir's pardon and now acceptance in the cricketing world with Butt's appointment, in my opinion Amir's case was mishandled severely (and predictibly) by the PCB. Amir was a near uneducated minor and was influnced heavily by his corrupt elder colleagues to whom he looked upto for guidance. The PCB should have made a one year rehabilitation plan for Amir and then eased him back into international cricket (with constant supervision), cricket legends across the world (Holding, Artherton, Pointing to name a few) said the same thing in effect, but instead the geniuses at the PCB robbed Pakistan and international cricket of a once in life time star.
Butt's appointment is an abomoination and a true reflection of the state of baighairrat leadership in Pakistan. As per usual, we have appointed the fox to guard the hen house. Shame!!!!
Absolutely shameful stuff from PCB, this Zaka is corrupt to the core and Wahab Riaz it seems that jacket stuff was dubious and he was part of that gang.

Hopefully someone will file a petition in court.
This. Somehow Mr Blazer got away with it and now in positions of power nationally
Misread the title.

Salman Butt, the architect of the most ignominious chapter in Pakistan cricket and his sidekick in charge???!!

Personally, I find this to be great news!

Now I will be able to sleep well at night, not staying up watching our boys get hammered down under..

Good riddence to bad rubbish
We wasted a golden generation. Asif, Amir and Butt. No surprise they won a T20 WC and would have won the world cup in 2011.
It means we have learned nothing. It's another reason why this stupid country will never move forward in cricket when we keep going backwards with dumb moves like this
What’s the new age Pakistan fans going to do about the national team selection manipulation done by Saya corps? Nothing? Why because they represent your starboys??

Hypocritical holier than thou specialists
What happened to Saya Corps investigation? Please share findings here.
Im sure Hafeez feels the same as he did before. However he knows the majority of cricket fans don’t care. Amir got the loudest chants when he was playing even after he came back. He’s just doing in line with Pakistani interests not his own.

I don’t care fixers are in administration/coaching roles. I think they just should never play as a player again. That’s how you both discourage fixing and give a chance of redemption. To instead help other players shine not yourself. Though the way butt has acted all these years, I am disappointed he was given even this role.
Shame isn't a big enough word to describe this. A convicted spot-fixer is now in charge of Pakistan cricket selection matters. When will corruption be viewed as something abhorrent? There is absolutely zero punishment meted out here. People say he has served his time. He served his time only because England criminally convicted him. Pakistan never gave him any punishment. PCB not only went out of their way to get Amir back into the fold but actively gave Salman Butt his sustenance through cricket. I feel disgusted by this.
Bring Asiif also in to official capacity to complete the humiliation .A cheat is a cheat always and never should represent any team.
It's a good way for Wahab to pay back Salman for the jacket he borrowed off Salmans mate.
It is nothing more than a reflection of the current govt's own principles. I could not think of a better representative than Salman Butt for the post Imran Khan era.

Except of course Salman was actually a highly gifted cricketer, I do feel he could have made a stack of money legitimately if the avenues were open to him in international cricket back then.
It would be interesting to see how he comes out from his ego and work with them now because he was not ready to play cricket with such players.
Pathetic by Hafeez to work with these losers. Wahab was suspected at the time and although I gave him the benefit of the doubt at the time, the more I see him with his mafia, the more I suspect him.
It is nothing more than a reflection of the current govt's own principles. I could not think of a better representative than Salman Butt for the post Imran Khan era.

Except of course Salman was actually a highly gifted cricketer, I do feel he could have made a stack of money legitimately if the avenues were open to him in international cricket back then.
Butt committed an unforgivable crime and any country with an iota of shame would have banished the loser forever.
Butt committed an unforgivable crime and any country with an iota of shame would have banished the loser forever.

Butt was just a reflection of the values taught by the leadership at the time. I don't blame the individuals, I think they reflect the standards set by their national govt.
Butt was just a reflection of the values taught by the leadership at the time. I don't blame the individuals, I think they reflect the standards set by their national govt.
That is true but as individuals we own our decisions, whether they are good or bad. Our national culture towards corruption is a mess and no doubt individuals get influenced by it, but ultimately we know the difference between right and wrong.
That is true but as individuals we own our decisions, whether they are good or bad. Our national culture towards corruption is a mess and no doubt individuals get influenced by it, but ultimately we know the difference between right and wrong.
Yes but now that Butt is being given an official position this is no longer an individual decision, it is being made an official representation of the nation. I think that is a true reflection of the values of this interim govt.
It was just a "mistake" guys get over it. He didn't mean to take money, betray his team, sell out his country, and ruin Pakistan's image on purpose.... it was all a mistake, just by accident
Yes but now that Butt is being given an official position this is no longer an individual decision, it is being made an official representation of the nation. I think that is a true reflection of the values of this interim govt.
True, it must have been sorted out even before announcing the new management because this decision can't be imposed by any individual for sure.
I think Pakistan could have found some one who is not a convicted fixer. Lots of other options.
This is utterly, utterly shameful. Salman Butt is a convicted felon who was the ring leader in the spot fixing saga. He lied continuously until years later when it suited him not to lie. The fact that he’s been given any sort of role, let alone one to do with selection of the national team, is an embarrassment for Pakistan.

The day has come when Imran Khan is in jail and pathetic cheats like Salman Butt are moving up in the world. Pakistan continues its spiral into the abyss.
Sreesanth and Azharuddin and Jadeja are allowed to administer cricket and coach in Cricket or appear on Star Sports as presenters but yes our nation wants Salman Butt to be punished for eternity and act even holier than the pope unnecessarily.
We have officially sown the seeds for another spot fixing incident by our players in the coming years. Just watch out.
Sreesanth and Azharuddin and Jadeja are allowed to administer cricket and coach in Cricket or appear on Star Sports as presenters but yes our nation wants Salman Butt to be punished for eternity and act even holier than the pope unnecessarily.
Every corrupt person needs to be punished for eternity. It's really that simple.
We have officially sown the seeds for another spot fixing incident by our players in the coming years. Just watch out.
It already happened. People said cricketers won’t fix again after the example of the trio. Sharjeel and khalid latif went ahead and did it. Then we let Sharjeel back into international cricket again. He got a very short run but had he succeeded there he would have been back in the side permanently. Sharjeel was out for even less than the trio.

We keep taking lax punishments to fixing. This ain’t even this bad. People keep talking about giving second chances, yet get upset when we keep getting fixing cases.

I firmly believe Sharjeel wouldn’t have fixed had he known he could get a life ban from cricket. No way of proving it sadly though. But don’t think it’s a coincidence that we have the most fixers as well as the most lenient sentences.
I will never move on from what they did and how they tarnished the character of both our cricket and our nation.

To sell our nation out for such few dollars? Does anyone really believe it was the only time they did such fixing? No, it was the first time they got caught. Even in the recording, the agent was bragging about how the Sydney test earlier in the year was also match fixed.

I would rather never win a single match again in cricket than have spot fixers and match fixers be part of our cricketing system.
Excellent stuff from Zaka Ashraf to reintegrate Salman Butt back into the game.

Mohd Amir got the laadla treatment in 2015-16 wheras Salman Butt suffered being for being the ring leader and that Amir was a naive masoom bacha who had no idea what he was doing or getting involved in.

Subsequent events have shown that Amir is a cunning selfish individual who was always interested in short cuts as opposed to working hard.

Hopefully Salman Butt uses the platform to contribute towards the betterment of Pakistan Cricket with his excellent cricketing mind and analysis and also shows the bird to the hating cowards who keep preying on him because they know he is not going to send ghundas to their homes to beat them up.

Ours is a cowardly nation who will enforce mob justice on the weak defenseless but will hide like kittens in our homes against the real ghundas, badmaash in our society
It already happened. People said cricketers won’t fix again after the example of the trio. Sharjeel and khalid latif went ahead and did it. Then we let Sharjeel back into international cricket again. He got a very short run but had he succeeded there he would have been back in the side permanently. Sharjeel was out for even less than the trio.

We keep taking lax punishments to fixing. This ain’t even this bad. People keep talking about giving second chances, yet get upset when we keep getting fixing cases.

I firmly believe Sharjeel wouldn’t have fixed had he known he could get a life ban from cricket. No way of proving it sadly though. But don’t think it’s a coincidence that we have the most fixers as well as the most lenient sentences.

Danish Kaneria has been life banned. It didn't stop spot fixing just like death sentences have not stopped murders and crimes. People will commit crimes till the end of this planet, greed is in human nature. You cannot punish people beyond the rule book.
Excellent stuff from Zaka Ashraf to reintegrate Salman Butt back into the game.

Mohd Amir got the laadla treatment in 2015-16 wheras Salman Butt suffered being for being the ring leader and that Amir was a naive masoom bacha who had no idea what he was doing or getting involved in.

Subsequent events have shown that Amir is a cunning selfish individual who was always interested in short cuts as opposed to working hard.

Hopefully Salman Butt uses the platform to contribute towards the betterment of Pakistan Cricket with his excellent cricketing mind and analysis and also shows the bird to the hating cowards who keep preying on him because they know he is not going to send ghundas to their homes to beat them up.

Ours is a cowardly nation who will enforce mob justice on the weak defenseless but will hide like kittens in our homes against the real ghundas, badmaash in our society
Unbelievable that you have chosen to describe Salman Butt as “weak” and “defenseless.” He was the captain of a Test team - the highest possible title you can receive in cricket. I have never accepted the characterization that Mohammad Amir was somehow some innocent kid when he made the decision to sell out his country - in fact, I think he should not have been allowed back either. But, Salman Butt has even more responsibility around those events than Amir does as he was the captain of the side.

You find that Salman Butt is that brilliant of a cricketing mind that we should look past such a horrible offense to both our cricket and our nation? He was an incredibly flawed batsmen with terrible defensive technique and out of his entire career he’s most well known for having sold the country out for a small amount of cash. There are many more people in Pakistan who could serve as selection consultants who are both better analysts and also not corrupt.
Danish Kaneria has been life banned. It didn't stop spot fixing just like death sentences have not stopped murders and crimes. People will commit crimes till the end of this planet, greed is in human nature. You cannot punish people beyond the rule book.
No one really cared about kaneria being banned. The trio had they been lesser players, PCB might have life banned them. Same with Sharjeel, wanted him back. Latif nowhere to be seen.

England are also the ones who pushed for the life ban as they thought danish corrupted their own. PCB didn’t care enough to object. What cricketers will do in the future is fix in Pakistan and psl knowing they can get away with lesser sentences due to the leniency of Pakistan. They probably will avoid doing anything in England. Kaneria was just doing it for a long time that’s why he continued.
Obviously butt seen his predecessors getting wads of cash for fixing no way he was going to turn down offers.

This is why they say kick fixers out permanently. Dont know why my comment gets deleted as akram & co are certified proven fixers !!
InshaAllah Sharjeel Khan will play for Pakistan in order to improve their pathetic batting standards when it comes to meeting the demands of modern cricket.

I said it again. I’ll keep saying it.
No Ahmed shahzad will take his place watch it .
Excellent stuff from Zaka Ashraf to reintegrate Salman Butt back into the game.

Mohd Amir got the laadla treatment in 2015-16 wheras Salman Butt suffered being for being the ring leader and that Amir was a naive masoom bacha who had no idea what he was doing or getting involved in.

Subsequent events have shown that Amir is a cunning selfish individual who was always interested in short cuts as opposed to working hard.

Hopefully Salman Butt uses the platform to contribute towards the betterment of Pakistan Cricket with his excellent cricketing mind and analysis and also shows the bird to the hating cowards who keep preying on him because they know he is not going to send ghundas to their homes to beat them up.

Ours is a cowardly nation who will enforce mob justice on the weak defenseless but will hide like kittens in our homes against the real ghundas, badmaash in our society
and what exactly is Butt's excellent cricketing mind, he is a cheat i hope if he visits Australia as selector they boycott him,
Salman Butt is the most cynical example of match fixing. I remember how he absolutely refused to accept guilt until it suddenly became convenient to do so.

I understand the sentiment that like everyone else he too should be allowed to move on with his life. That’s fair; but he betrayed an entire nation and then to have him in the national setup is a disgrace.

Let him get opportunities at the department/ province if he can, or as a private individual commenting. But national?

This step will not do PCB, or Pakistan cricket, any favours.
And I wonder what Hafeez has to say about all this. The doctor had such strong opinions back in the day on every subject under the sun- fixers and fixing, how tosses should be conducted and the like.

Now that you’re in the governing setup, what do you have to say? Doc? ….. Doc?…
Salman Butt in a role where he can influence players is a matter of concern.

However, it is also a judgement call by the management if they feel that after denying allegations for a long time, he accepted guilt, and has shown enough remorse to be allowed back.

Just hope for everyone's sake that the management are right.
When Waqar questioned Amir about the no-ball,Salmon lied on the spot saying he has asked Amir to do it to intimidate the batsmen. It proves he is a quite manipulative and smart cookie.Especially when pak is in need of proper guidance, they should not trust management responsibilities to him as they may never identify his real loyalty and intent.
Salman Butt in a role where he can influence players is a matter of concern.

However, it is also a judgement call by the management if they feel that after denying allegations for a long time, he accepted guilt, and has shown enough remorse to be allowed back.

Just hope for everyone's sake that the management are right.

If a stock broker was caught doing inside trading or a bank manager caught doing fraud would they be allowed back into that industry?

Also people seem to forget that forgiveness doesn't necessarily have to mean that the convicted person should be allowed to work in that industry again. One can forgive someone for a crime and be allowed to rehabilitate themselves and try to succeed in life, but do it in some other way...

Regarding Amir, I used the age argument myself... he was naive, just a kid who was lead astray... how I was wrong on that count.

If we keep giving a route back to these people it not only makes us look like fools to the rest of the world but also sets an appalling example to future generations.
If a stock broker was caught doing inside trading or a bank manager caught doing fraud would they be allowed back into that industry?


But then this is Pakistan.

We have MANY issues so Salman Butt walking back in is rather miniscule in the bigger picture.

But then this is Pakistan.

We have MANY issues so Salman Butt walking back in is rather miniscule in the bigger picture.

I'm not sure I agree.
A drug dealer makes his market by getting young kids addicted to drugs.

A loan shark becomes stronger as his customer base grows... the more people he lends to the more money he is owed.. as the borrower's debt spirals out of control the more control the loan shark has over that person.

In a corrupt country, where the elite rulers thrive through bribery and corruption, they have to ensure that the seeds are sown for future generations to fall into this trap.

What better way to progress this by involving a sport where the youngsters idolise their heroes?
Why Pakistan fan's who were supported the Aamir inclusion in the team are now criticised this move ?
Robber getting a management position at the same bank he got caught robbing.

We may not be unpredictable on the field anymore, but still are off of it.
Be it the 90s, 2000s, 2010s and even today, Pakistan is the best team to be in if you want to do something shady and yet be back in the mainstream by the end of the decade.
Read above

I am sick and tired of being vilified for wanting to have the right kind of player playing for Pakistan in the correct position and correct format. Guys like me who support this are not evil, thieves or criminals. Accept mistakes are a part of human nature.
Would you rather not give Saim a go over Sharjeel
The appointments have left former Pakistan captain and Pakistan Cricket Board chief Ramiz Raja unimpressed as per reports he said:

"It's insane to have a selection committee consisting of a member whose decision can be termed as a display of filial affection or non-affection and another who was locked up for match fixing."
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No wonder pcb and pak cricket administration and management has become a joke for the world. Butt as a chief selector - thats ridiculous. And hafeez the professor is working with him now- if he has any decency he should resign. Holier than thou attitude and then this.

Am convinced pak will be the #6 posta all this decade and will not qualify for any ko games getting exited in the league stage of every ko event
I am surprised at the votes to be honest.

Many people want Amir in the team while those same people discard butt even as consultant.

Does it mean the talent that we perceive supersedes the integrity of people or what?

Can somebody explain the logic here as to why Amir case was justified but butt's case is not?
I am surprised at the votes to be honest.

Many people want Amir in the team while those same people discard butt even as consultant.

Does it mean the talent that we perceive supersedes the integrity of people or what?

Can somebody explain the logic here as to why Amir case was justified but butt's case is not?
Said many times before if Amir and to some extent Asif weren’t talented, think most would have been happy for life bans and PCB may have even imposed them. In a way Butt is lucky he was grouped in with Amir.

It is also the reason we are reluctant to commit to life bans as what do we do if someone talented comes along again. We still want them to play after a ban. This is what happened with Sharjeel. Also why we didn’t fight for kaneria at all.

I would rather ban for life and root out fixing, and have us suffer slightly in the short terms for results by not including the fixer. Most countries and their fans would want this. But Pakistan sadly does not.