Have you Performed Hajj or Umrah?

Have you Performed Hajj or Umrah ?

  • Yes I have performed Hajj

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • Yes I have performed Umrah

    Votes: 14 31.1%
  • I have performed Hajj and Umrah

    Votes: 6 13.3%
  • I have not yet performed either

    Votes: 22 48.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Jun 1, 2001
Have you been lucky enough to perform Hajj or Umrah or maybe even both ?
Alhamdulillah performed Umrah back in July/August 2004. Amazing experience seeing the Kabah for the very first time in real life.
Haven’t been Hajj though my mum and dad went last year for the first time.
nope .. Inshallah will do both soon.... I believe i am probably going for umrah next year... not sure about hajj though...
I ask your doa so that I can perform the Hajj this year, inshallah.

I need my Malingitis shot which is scheduled for tomorrow. Then send the Visa Application form, Passport, photo.

The Flight is scheduled to leave on 29th November 2008.
Unfortunately, I have not yet performed either. But, I will Inshallah perform Hajj or Umrah soon.
BD-fan said:
I ask your doa so that I can perform the Hajj this year, inshallah.

I need my Malingitis shot which is scheduled for tomorrow. Then send the Visa Application form, Passport, photo.

The Flight is scheduled to leave on 29th November 2008.

Inshallah you will be able to accomplish this and nothing will go wrong..
Alhamdulillah performed Umrah numerous times and performed Hajj once in 2005/06
BD-fan said:
I ask your doa so that I can perform the Hajj this year, inshallah.

I need my Malingitis shot which is scheduled for tomorrow. Then send the Visa Application form, Passport, photo.

The Flight is scheduled to leave on 29th November 2008.

InshaALLAH, hope all goes well and you are able to go. Keep us updated and make dua for all of us here :D
I performed haj last year alhamdulillah. I was 26 at the time 27 now. Performed an umrah in 99 too. Want to go haj again, its class.
Hajj - August 1985 and a few Umrahs (cant remember the number !)
Neither:(..... But it remains my biggest wish to perform Hajj or even Umrah. Insh´Allah I will definitely perform it one day:)!
Have been for Umrah 2 ramadans in a row now - due a hajj now Inshallah. Make du'a Allah invites me there....
DHONI183 said:
Neither:(..... But it remains my biggest wish to perform Hajj or even Umrah. Insh´Allah I will definitely perform it one day:)!

Mashallah - make intention and say "Labbaik Allahumma" frequently, have conviction in your intention and Allah will bring you there and when Allah invites you to His house, no force on earth will stop you getting there....
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mashallah I've performed Umrah 5 times, want to go again as it's been a long time since I last went.
I live an hour away from Makkah so I've performed Umrah countless times and Hajj once.
BD-fan said:
I ask your doa so that I can perform the Hajj this year, inshallah.

don't take this wrong way but why do you need our doa to perfom hajj?
TAK said:
don't take this wrong way but why do you need our doa to perfom hajj?
Why do people say doa upon their parents, children, relatives, friends and muslim brothers?

I am inshallah going on a journey that is the most difficult one that I have ever made. May be Allah grants one of your doa's and makes this journey easier for me.

Ofcourse I ask help only to Allah Subhana watala.

(The Shot (meningitis) didn't feel a thing.)
I would just like to know the concept of performing Hajj? Is it true that performing Hajj will wash away all your sins? no matter what you have done? I will really appreciate your reply.

If my post is inappropriate for any reason or does not belong in this thread, then Mods can delete it right away?
I alhamdulillah have performed hajj 3 times and umrah 4 times!

First time: Umrah when i was 2

2nd time:Hajj and Umrah when i was 9

3rd time: Hajj and Umrah when i was 10

and just last year i went for hajj and did umrah at age of 12, (sorry before it was a typo)

I have just got to say that every time i go there i feel like going there again!!

May Allah accept my Hajjs and Umrahs and everyone elses!! Ameen
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i believe if you can afford to do hajj more than twice.. its better to sponsor someone who can't.
Sultan Yusuf said:
Mashallah - make intention and say "Labbaik Allahumma" frequently, have conviction in your intention and Allah will bring you there and when Allah invites you to His house, no force on earth will stop you getting there....

Thank you so much for this encouragement, brother:9:.....
Caved12 said:
Is it true that performing Hajj will wash away all your sins?

i think that is nonsense, but it probably expalins why people keep returning
One Accepted Hajj has no reward but Paradise
Boi said:
One Accepted Hajj has no reward but Paradise

Can you describe the bold term above? Accepted Hajj? Could it not be accepted for any reason? What could be the reasons?
TAK said:
i think that is nonsense, but it probably expalins why people keep returning

Here is why muslims believe that an accepted hajj wipes away all the sins.

Abu Hurairah narrates: “I heard the Prophet say, ‘Whoever performs Hajj and does not commit any Rafath (obscenity) or Fusooq (transgression), he returns (free from sin) as the day his mother bore him’”. (Bukhari)

Amr Ibn Al-Aas narrates, “When Islam entered my heart, I went to the Messenger of Allah and said: ‘Give me your hand so that I may pledge allegiance to you.’ The Prophet spread his hand, but I withdrew mine. He said, ‘What is wrong Amr?’ I said, ‘I want to make a condition.’ ‘And what is that?’ he said. I said, ‘That Allah will forgive me.’ Then the Messenger of Allah said, ‘Did you not know that Islam wipes out what came before it, and that Hijrah wipes out what came before it and that Hajj wipes out what came before it!’” (Muslim: 121)

No one is forcing you to accept islam but it would be nice if some respect was shown and words like nonsense were kept of a thread discussing hajj.

Caved said:
Can you describe the bold term above? Accepted Hajj? Could it not be accepted for any reason? What could be the reasons?

Sincerety is really important.

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I heard the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) say: ‘Whoever does Hajj for the sake of Allah and does not have sexual relations (with his wife), commit sin, or dispute unjustly (during the Hajj), will come back like the day his mother gave birth to him.’” (Bukhaari: 1449, Muslim: 1350)
Wazeeri said:
Here is why muslims believe that an accepted hajj wipes away all the sins.

Thanks for your reply, so basically a person who has murdered, rape and done all kinds of wrong things, if he or she goes on to perform Hajj with all the right intentions, with a pure and clean mind, would come out with a clean chit?
Wazeeri said:
Here is why muslims believe that an accepted hajj wipes away all the sins.

none of the hadith you quote here speak of an accepted hajj but speak of performing the hajj whilst refraining from obscenity and transgression, sexual relations, sin, etc. in order to return to the "birth state"

the glaring omission here i feel is reference to the conduct of an individiual post-hajj

is there a an assupmption that the hajji/hajjan will see out the rest of his/her days sin free or will his/her pilgrimage be a built in insurance for any future transgressions?

is there any quaranic evidence that supports this theory of sins being cleansed by the performance of hajj?

No one is forcing you to accept islam...

so because i have a few doubts in my mind about the concept of being returned to a "birth state" post hajj i am rejecting islam?
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Thanks for your reply, so basically a person who has murdered, rape and done all kinds of wrong things, if he or she goes on to perform Hajj with all the right intentions, with a pure and clean mind, would come out with a clean chit?

A changed man is a different man.
so because i have a few doubts in my mind about the concept of being returned to a "birth state" post hajj i am rejecting islam?

I don't know what your religious inclinations are.

none of the hadith you quote here speak of an accepted hajj but speak of performing the hajj whilst refraining from obscenity and transgression, sexual relations, sin, etc. in order to return to the "birth state"

The birth state means when someone is without sin.

Bukhari Volume 1 said:
Abu Huraira

Allah's Apostle was asked, "What is the best deed?" He replied, "To believe in Allah and His Apostle (Muhammad). The questioner then asked, "What is the next? He replied, "To participate in Jihad in Allah's Cause." He again asked, "What is the next? He replied, "To perform Hajj which is accepted by Allah"

Allah accepteth only from those who are righteous (Al-Ma'idah 5:27)

the glaring omission here i feel is reference to the conduct of an individiual post-hajj

is there a an assupmption that the hajji/hajjan will see out the rest of his/her days sin free or will his/her pilgrimage be a built in insurance for any future transgressions?

A sign that your hajj has been accepted is good deeds afterwards.

is there any quaranic evidence that supports this theory of sins being cleansed by the performance of hajj?

No, don't think so.
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Hajj is one of the duties of a Muslim.

Its like Salah - you pray because that is your duty - any ajjar you get is great but that is the minimum that is required of you.

Same applies to Hajj - we can dress it up the way we like it but the fact remains that its the duty of each and every able bodied Muslim to make this pilgrimage.

If you get your Sin count initialized to 0 as a by product - great - but that is a right reserved by ALLAH and ALLAH alone.
Monstrosity Overlooking and Dominating The Kaaba...

Colonel Sanders He's Here, He's There, He's Every...

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ya know TAK, when I posted the same sentiments a few years ago - I got "crucified" for suggesting that progress was bad !
well MIG looks like we are in agreement here

i'm no enemy of progress, but at the cost of sanctity, NO

the street in which i took the second picture stinks

progress would be to provide drainage there, rather than a daily pumping in of clean and pumping out of dirty water
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Monstrosity Overlooking and Dominating The Kaaba...
When there are hundred and thousands of Muslims crowding the surrounding the Kaaba, what better place would our old (elders) want to be than watching the holy place from up above? (Not necessary only at Hajj time)

To you it may be dominating but to me these structures provide opportunities. If one has the option to stay nearby the Kaaba or stay 5 miles from Kaaba, where would he choose?

Intention on visiting Makkaah matters the most. If one wants to be awed by the big buildings then he is the loser.
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Boi said:
I alhamdulillah have performed hajj 3 times and umrah 4 times!

First time: Umrah when i was 2

2nd time:Hajj and Umrah when i was 9

3rd time: Hajj and Umrah when i was 10

and just last year i went for hajj and did umrah at age of 14

I have just got to say that every time i go there i feel like going there again!!

May Allah accept my Hajjs and Umrahs and everyone elses!! Ameen
As you performed the hajj and umrah whilst you were nabaligh (not adult), they count as nawafil. You will have to perform Hajj as an adult to complete your fardh obligation.
BD-fan said:
When there are hundred and thousands of Muslims crowding the surrounding the Kaaba, what better place would our old (elders) want to be than watching the holy place from up above? (Not necessary only at Hajj time)

To you it may be dominating but to me these structures provide opportunities. If one has the option to stay nearby the Kaaba or stay 5 miles from Kaaba, where would he choose?

Intention on visiting Makkaah matters the most. If one wants to be awed by the big buildings then he is the loser.

BD Fan - in any city of the world, there are some rules to maintain the character of a city.

If we go the current way, you may find a large McDonalds sign hanging off the minarets - after all that may serve some commercial purpose?

As for elders, they would like to be IN the haram and not sitting in their living rooms watching over Kaaba.

Fact is that these bldgs arent meant for the poor pilgrim - they are sold as timeshares to rich Muslims.
MIG said:
BD Fan - in any city of the world, there are some rules to maintain the character of a city.

If we go the current way, you may find a large McDonalds sign hanging off the minarets - after all that may serve some commercial purpose?

As for elders, they would like to be IN the haram and not sitting in their living rooms watching over Kaaba.

Fact is that these bldgs arent meant for the poor pilgrim - they are sold as timeshares to rich Muslims.
I wish I had the money to buy a Kaaba side window view floor. On a second thought can non-arabs buy property in Makkah?

How much does the character of the city matters when the character of the residents have been lost?

I considered the improvement of Kaaba and its surroundings as a blessing. I may not be directly benefitted from those tall buildings but others will. May be the rich ones will stay on their floors and the poor like us will have a better access to the haram sharif.
TAK good pictures - as I've only been during ramadan it is a site to see that street (and the tawaf area) relatively empty! The pollution levels are pretty bad in Makkah.

As for the buildings, it is a disappointment. However, they have started some major work there now. A few big hotels have been demolished (e.g. Makkah Hotel etc). Speaking to locals on my last trip, the plan is also to knock down Dar-al-Tawhid hotel and even the Hilton. The plan is to extend the haram in a big way and push the hotels back. The building in your pic is zam-zam towers - and that will not be demolished as apparently, a substantial portion of the the proceeds go back into haram.

Regarding KFC, don't worry about the colonel taking over, KFC gets annihilated by Al-Baik!! And justifiably so!!
Umrah journey

My Umrah journey was very relaxing this year. I have done Umrah with Traveleap umrah packages and they are offering professional services. Hotels were clean and the food was best. I love the journey.
Alhamdulilah I performed Umrah in 2004. Now I yearn to perform Hajj with my mother soon InshAllah. Waiting for Allah to call me. The feeling of being Harram and Masjid-E-Nabwi is unparalleled.
More than two million Muslims are gathered at the sacred hill of Mount Arafat in Saudi Arabia for an intense day of worship and reflection on what's considered the climax of the annual Haj pilgrimage.

Pilgrims clad in white robes signifying a state of purity spent the night in a sprawling encampment around the hill where God tested Hazrat Ibrahim's (AS) faith by commanding him to sacrifice his son Hazrat Ismail. It is also where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave his last sermon.

Some had tears streaming down their faces as the men and women raised their hands in worship on the slopes of the rocky hill.

Pilgrims pray at Mount Arafat on Saturday. — AFP
Other worshippers who had been praying in the nearby Mina area ascended in buses or on foot from before dawn. Some carried food, carpets for camping and fans to keep cool as temperatures rose towards 40 degrees Celsius.

Zaid Abdullah, a 30-year-old Yemeni who works in a supermarket in Saudi Arabia, said he was praying for his own country, where war has killed tens of thousands of people and caused the world's worst humanitarian crisis, and for Muslims around the globe.

“We can tolerate the heat because our sins are greater than that,” he said as he approached the granite hill also known as the Mount of Mercy. “We ask God to alleviate the heat of the hereafter. As for the heat of this life, we can bear it.”

Taxi driver Khaled Maatouq said he was seeking an end to fighting in his native Libya: “I pray that God unites us.”

For others, the pilgrimage is a form of relief. Egyptian merchant Ramadan al-Jeedi said he was grateful to accompany his mother after his father died last year.

“It's the greatest feeling, to feel that God the almighty chose us to be in this place,” he said.

Saudi Arabia has said more than two million pilgrims, mostly from abroad, have arrived for the five-day ritual, a religious duty once in a lifetime for every able-bodied Muslim who can afford the journey.

Among them are 200 survivors and relatives of victims of the attacks on two New Zealand mosques in March.

The pilgrims will spend the day on Mount Arafat. By sunset they will move to the rocky plain of Muzdalifa to gather pebbles to throw at stone columns symbolising the devil at Jamarat on Sunday, which marks the first day of Eidul Azha.

Saudi plans
Saudi Arabia stakes its reputation on its guardianship of Islam's holiest sites, Makkah and Madina, and organising the pilgrimage.

A perennial concern is the potential for disease spreading among pilgrims, who spend five days in close quarters, often eating outside and sleeping on the ground near holy sites.

The world's largest annual gathering of Muslims has in the past also seen stampedes, fires and riots, with authorities sometimes struggling to respond. Hundreds were killed in a crush in 2015, the worst disaster to strike Haj for at least 25 years.

Pilgrimage is also the backbone of a Saudi plan to expand tourism under a drive to diversify the kingdom's economy away from oil. The Haj and year-round Umrah generate billions of dollars in revenue from worshippers' lodging, transport, fees and gifts.

Officials aim to increase the number of Umrah and Haj pilgrims to 15 million and 5 million respectively by 2020 and the Umrah number to 30 million by 2030.

7 Umrahs and 2 Hajjs. Last 2 Umrahs and 1 Hajj I had already lost the faith but went because I was the Mehram.

However there is always that tranquil spirutual feeling I got while there especially in the Haram and Masjid ul Nabawi, most probably because of all the good vibes and positive energy.
Saudi Arabia Umrah Process

Recently, Saudia Arabia has opened up Umrah for fully vaccinated overseas visitors from 49 countries. I am planning to travel from UK in order to perform Umrah and also to visit Madinah.

I'm interested to hear any experiences of people who have recently visited Saudia from abroad to perform Umrah.

I understand there are three platforms which are needed:

1) Muqeem - Online platform to register vaccination status of overseas visitor.

2) Tawakkalna - App which is similar to NHS Covid-19 app which is essential to gain entry to any place.

3) Eatmarna - App where one can request permits and book slots in order to perform Umrah, pray inside Holy Mosques, pray close to Roza Pak and also to pay Salaam at Roza Pak.

I have two questions:

1) Does anyone know if I can register on the Tawakkalna and Eatmarna apps before entering Saudia? Tried to register on Tawakkalna but it didn't recognise my details. Or do I need to be registered on Muqeem first and then become eligible to register on Tawakkalna.

2) How is the availability of slots on Eatmarna app for Umrah and praying inside the Holy Mosques?

Interested to hear about different experiences of everyone.
<b>Hajj travellers unable to fly due to ticket delay</b>

Some British Muslims who booked pilgrimages to Mecca have been unable to board a flight as problems with a new Saudi registration system continue.

About a dozen people were told they could not fly from Manchester on Saturday as e-tickets covering flights and the Hajj were not issued in time, the Council of British Hajjis said.

They had to return home as they wait to hear if flights can be rearranged.

The BBC has contacted the Saudi Embassy for a response.

The country recently launched an online portal where Muslims from Europe, North America and Australia must register if they want to take part in this year's Hajj pilgrimage, which is due to start in July.

Selected applicants received booking confirmations for the packages in the past few weeks, although the system - known as Motawif - has prompted several complaints, including from some who had previously booked with separate operators and were concerned they could lose money.

Many pilgrims save for years, however the costs - ranging from £6,000 to more than £10,000 per person in the UK - often draw criticism about over-priced packages.

Rashid Mogradia, chair of the Council of British Hajjis (CBHUK), said Saudia staff at Manchester had been "very helpful" but it was "heart-breaking" to see some people unable to board the plane.

He said about 250 travellers, including England cricketer Adil Rashid, were able to fly out.

Some applicants have told the BBC that they had received mixed messages about whether they could travel this year.

Ali Haider said he and his wife had returned to their Sheffield home after being unable to fly from Manchester on Saturday, despite paying £18,500 for their total package.

He said they had received booking and visa confirmations in the past week, adding:

"We assumed everything was sorted, but we were never emailed the e-ticket."

Mr Haider spoke to a Motawif representative on the phone from the airport, but said "it was astonishing how inept they were".

The organisation eventually apologised to Mr Haider on Twitter and said it planned to "rearrange some flights due to high demand for plane seats on some dates".

"It feels to us like they are kind of unanswerable to anybody," Mr Haider said.

"It would be unthinkable that a UK company would do anything like this. I think the whole process has been run badly."

On Monday, Motawif tweeted that it was aware of problems in a number of cases related to booking confirmations and was attempting to contact those affected within 72 hours.

The BBC has attempted to contact the organisation.

British and other Western pilgrims could previously book via Saudi-licensed agents in their home countries.

Prof Sean McLoughlin, from the University of Leeds, has been researching the Hajj industry since 2011, and said the new system was "part of Saudi Arabia's strategy to centralise and simplify packages sales".

The kingdom has said it will host a million pilgrims this year as it accommodates foreign visitors for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic.

However it is not clear how many Hajj visas are being allocated to the UK, which was designated about 25,000 in 2019.

Prof McLoughlin said figures have ranged from 3,000 to 12,000.

"While the previous system was sometimes exploited by fraudsters, the best agents sought to make the complexities of Hajj easier for their pilgrims," he said.

"Motawif's failed miserably as it's come far too late - it's not been piloted or trialled, and it hasn't proved as flexible or competitively priced as first claimed.

"The other problem is that Motawif is not communicating clearly and is contradicting itself - they don't seem to have the capacity to deliver and their technical system has let them down badly."

He said the process was "at crisis point" as people were "turning up at airports and being told they could not travel".

A number of people have contacted the BBC with concerns that their bookings may not be fulfilled.

Yasmin Qureshi MP, who chairs the All Party Parliamentary Group on Hajj and Umrah, had previously called on the Saudi government to delay the new system until next year.

She warned it was "not going to work" and asked Hajj minister Tawfiq bin Fawzan Al-Rabiah if refunds would be given.

The UK's Foreign and Commonwealth Office has said it is "aware that not all problems have been resolved and continue to seek information from the Saudi authorities".

I have not performed Hajj or Umrah yet.

I want to finish Hajj over the next 4-5 years (inn sha Allah).
Looking back i am so grateful alhamdollilah i performed my hajj in 2018.

We have family friends returning home from the airport after waiting 8 hours only to be advised the plane had a technical issues as a excuse.

Other family friends have experienced sharing rooms in madina with random men and women.

May Allah make it easy for everyone to complete their hajj.

This new system defo needed delaying until next year as the saudis have nobody to answer to.

I haven't yet but I plan to soon Inshallah.

Have done many Umrahs. Inshallah Hajj maybe some time.

I have not performed Hajj or Umrah yet.

I want to finish Hajj over the next 4-5 years (inn sha Allah).

May God bless you with the opportunity.

I went to Hajj to take my mother in 2013.

I remember the travelling party were not willing to move much on the Day of Arafat, so I decided to travel to Mount Arafat alone from the camp. I ended up in a small cave as it was very hot. I realised I had no drink and prayed to help with my thirst until I get back out. Within mins people were walking above, one dropped a carton of juice, another a few mins later a bottle of water , both without knowing. I was lost on the way back as I didnt realise how huge the area was.

An incredible experience, one will never forget and will always want to return.
I performed Hajj in 2019. A month before i went i hadnt thought about Hajj and i had intended to go to PK. But there was a problem with the return tickets and i gave up on the PK trip. My Brother suggested we consider Hajj and asked me if i wanted to go and i said if it can be arranged at that late stage then i am going and the call came i was on plane to Mecca. May Allah accept my Hajj
I performed Hajj in 2019. A month before i went i hadnt thought about Hajj and i had intended to go to PK. But there was a problem with the return tickets and i gave up on the PK trip. My Brother suggested we consider Hajj and asked me if i wanted to go and i said if it can be arranged at that late stage then i am going and the call came i was on plane to Mecca. May Allah accept my Hajj


I was blessed to perform Hajj in 2019 as well. We may have crossed paths amongst the millions of pilgrims on that fateful day in Arafat :) It was extremely hot with not a cloud in the sky. Suddenly, out of the blue is poured a torrential rain right at asr time.
<I>Hajj 2022: British Muslims dissatisfied with travel chaos</I>

<b>The annual pilgrimage is due to start in 10 days but many UK travellers say they have had no confirmation of visas, flights or hotel bookings despite making full payment to a new portal unveiled by Saudi Arabia to handle this year's travel.</b>

Hundreds of British Muslims say they could lose thousands of pounds paid to a Saudi Arabian company responsible for this year's Hajj travel.

Farrukh and his family of five paid more than £36,000 through the new portal 'Motawif' which was introduced three weeks ago.

"When my money went I thought my job was done," said Farrukh.

"It said 'thank you very much, we've collected all your money but your package has failed.' And it stopped there."

Ten days later, Farrukh says he is still waiting for updates. The flight he paid for was on Tuesday.

"I rang the airline and they told me I'm not on any flight. I wasn't expecting to be because I'm not even at the visa stage yet in the process."

Saudi Arabia unveiled the Motawif portal earlier this month, where travellers from selected countries, including the UK, had to book through a lottery system in order to travel for hajj - the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

The new portal cut out UK-based tour operators who typically organised the trip for around 25,000 British Muslims each year.

Many travellers who had previous bookings for this year's hajj had to arrange refunds before they could book through the portal.

Groups of travellers have created Whatsapp groups to share experiences. Many say they have paid with debit cards after being given only 48 hours to complete arrangements, but that despite money leaving their banks their bookings are still showing as "Failed."

Motawif have told Farrukh: "We have been working diligently with the airline to get additional capacity and are in the process of arranging your flight.

"Kindly note we are trying our best to accommodate you on another flight or provide an alternative.

"We recommend you keep yourself ready for your hajj journey and await further information from us."

There are concerns that pilgrims seeking refunds will lose out on exchange rate and booking fees. Some say flights have changed with less than 24 hours notice, hotel choices downgraded without notice, and in some cases people have been turned away from the airport.

"People are running around calling their banks, reading small print, and really, this is through no fault of ours," said Farrukh.

"We've paid, we've been through the process, we've done everything that was asked of us. I've even had my PCR done - in case somebody pulls a flight out of a hat tomorrow, I'm ready to go."

Saudi authorities did not respond to Sky News' requests for comment but previously a Motawif agent told us the system is designed to tackle fraud and make hajj more accessible.

Sources close to the Ministry of Hajj told Sky News a taskforce has been set up within the department to deal specifically with the "crisis."

On its website, Motawif says it is the first portal in the sector to revolutionise the direct-to-consumer booking process. It is understood to be a pilot scheme for this year's pilgrimage on a reduced quota of 3,500 British travellers.

"I don't feel like I've been scammed," said Farrukh. "I feel like a lab rat."

Momina Khatun's booking was successful but her package was downgraded without notice.

Asked if she is completely worry-free about her trip, Momina said: "Not entirely, no. At the back of your head you think 'Okay I haven't received flight confirmations or hotel bookings.' If there was clear communication I could confidently say yes, I'm ready to go."

"My husband and I had a talk last night and we decided to go with low expectations," she told Sky News.

"If anything good happens then it's a bonus. We'll just sleep in the mosque or you know, we are just planning out worst case scenarios. That's what it's come to."

The Council for British Hajjis says 90 per cent of British pilgrims hoping to perform Hajj this year were impacted by Motawif.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Holy Khaana Kaaba view from the top of Makkah Clock Tower. Subhan Allah. <a href="https://t.co/UQxoVVITVY">pic.twitter.com/UQxoVVITVY</a></p>— Shoaib Akhtar (@shoaib100mph) <a href="https://twitter.com/shoaib100mph/status/1543709819844104193?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 3, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Holy Khaana Kaaba view from the top of Makkah Clock Tower. Subhan Allah. <a href="https://t.co/UQxoVVITVY">pic.twitter.com/UQxoVVITVY</a></p>— Shoaib Akhtar (@shoaib100mph) <a href="https://twitter.com/shoaib100mph/status/1543709819844104193?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 3, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Have been fortunate enough to have performed Umrah back in 2019. Hoping to perform Hajj next year IA.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Starting my beautiful journey from Makkah Muazzama to Madinah Munawwara on Harmain Express Bullet Train. One of the fastest in the world. 8 hour road journey between the two cities can now be covered only in a little over 2 hours. Really looking forward. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Makkah?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Makkah</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Madinah?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Madinah</a> <a href="https://t.co/bli0GSPV80">pic.twitter.com/bli0GSPV80</a></p>— Shoaib Akhtar (@shoaib100mph) <a href="https://twitter.com/shoaib100mph/status/1544216379410333696?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 5, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This man walked 6,500km for almost 12 months to get to Saudi Arabia from the UK for this year’s Hajj &#55357;&#56391; <a href="https://t.co/op02cmevLL">pic.twitter.com/op02cmevLL</a></p>— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) <a href="https://twitter.com/AJEnglish/status/1544720330832445440?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 6, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Pictures from Hajj




I was blessed to perform Hajj in 2019 as well. We may have crossed paths amongst the millions of pilgrims on that fateful day in Arafat :) It was extremely hot with not a cloud in the sky. Suddenly, out of the blue is poured a torrential rain right at asr time.

They may have indeed and I remember the rain very well.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Yorkshire and England leg spinner Adil Rashid will be completing his Hajj (pilgrimage to mecca) today. <br><br>We wish Adil and his family a very warm Hajj Mubarak, and a safe journey. <br><br>To all that are celebrating Eid-ul-Adha this weekend, we wish a very warm Eid Mubarak. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/OneRose?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#OneRose</a> <a href="https://t.co/r7DAYj1yKf">pic.twitter.com/r7DAYj1yKf</a></p>— Yorkshire CCC (@YorkshireCCC) <a href="https://twitter.com/YorkshireCCC/status/1545435316886052866?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 8, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Hope to perform Hajj one day if i ever have the money
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overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;"><a href="https://www.instagram.com/tv/CfyhtgSJOPu/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading" style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none;" target="_blank">A post shared by Shoaib Akhtar (@imshoaibakhtar)</a></p></div></blockquote> <script async src="//www.instagram.com/embed.js"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Alhamdolillah, completed my Hajj journey and headed back to Pakistan. Special thanks to Government of Saudi Arabia for having me over as a state guest. Saudi <a href="https://twitter.com/HajMinistry?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@HajMinistry</a> looked after me really well. Shukran Habibi Excellency Nawaf Bin Saeed Al-Malki, Ambassador <a href="https://twitter.com/KSAembassyPK?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@KSAembassyPK</a> <a href="https://t.co/eAtWDppXdU">pic.twitter.com/eAtWDppXdU</a></p>— Shoaib Akhtar (@shoaib100mph) <a href="https://twitter.com/shoaib100mph/status/1546840606697193472?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 12, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Going for Umrah soon Inshallah! Very excited about it
Its a absolute crazy and shocking that the cost of an hajj package from the uk is now £10kpp

Its simply a rip off now
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