Hazrat Umar (ra) TV series

Is this series dubbed in English or Urdu? Would be better for showing it to masses back in Pakistan.

Subtitles in English

Made by Qatar

Based on authentic textes, backed by some scholars, criticised by others
Does criticise Arab culture in parts along with jaahiliyah
Shows the storys of the slaves Bilal and Washi really well as well as how Quraysh rejected Islam and then accepted it

None of the actors who play the parts are said to practising in real life but the respect they show to the characters is venerable
Watching it these days, done with 12 episodes.

Absolutely brilliant, and I guess the jaahil mullahs in Pakistan are not aware of it because I haven't seen them whimpering over the brilliant depiction of Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Ali among others.

The acting and dialogue is top notch and so are the casting decisions, but the fight scenes are a let down. The actors have no clue about handling a sword.

9/10 overall.

I agree mostly.

I think it is an amazing effort, and it really brings the Seerah to life. It focuses on each individual, whether major or minor in impact on the story.

The two things that really stood out as an area for potential improvement were the battle scenes, and the elongated dialogue. It just didn't come across as natural enough and sometimes the dialogue seemed force as if every character was there to make a speech rather than converse. Perhaps that is how the Arabs of the time did talk. But yeah, just some observations.

The scene where they show a young Ali rush into the door with the monk (Khadeeja's cousin) was so powerful. Where they just showed the door close. And you just sensed that behind this door, lay the greatest man that ever lived, trembling under a blanket, thinking he had gone delirious. Very powerful scene.
I agree mostly.

I think it is an amazing effort, and it really brings the Seerah to life. It focuses on each individual, whether major or minor in impact on the story.

The two things that really stood out as an area for potential improvement were the battle scenes, and the elongated dialogue. It just didn't come across as natural enough and sometimes the dialogue seemed force as if every character was there to make a speech rather than converse. Perhaps that is how the Arabs of the time did talk. But yeah, just some observations.

The scene where they show a young Ali rush into the door with the monk (Khadeeja's cousin) was so powerful. Where they just showed the door close. And you just sensed that behind this door, lay the greatest man that ever lived, trembling under a blanket, thinking he had gone delirious. Very powerful scene.

True. It was also fascinating for me because I had no idea that they were going to show Hazrat Ali on screen, and that was his first appearance. I was quite shocked.

Some of the exchange is little over the top for sure, but the fact that it's in Arabic really enhances the experience, which is perhaps the major reason why I like it a lot more than the Message.

You could really see how much thought the production team put into the casting decisions - Hazrat, Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Ali are exactly what I had in my mind and they capture their personalities and mannerism to perfection.

Hazrat Abu Bakr has that calm, pragmatic and mild personality while the actors of Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Ali capture their courage and aggression in amazing fashion. It's so easy to forget that it's not really them. If you look at the Shiite depictions of Hazrat Ali, he actually resembles the actor a lot.

Hazrat Usman's casting was not that good in my view, he didn't have much to do on screen and was easily overshadowed by the rest. The image I have in mind of him was clearly not captured in this series. The Quraysh leaders are brilliant as well.

True. It was also fascinating for me because I had no idea that they were going to show Hazrat Ali on screen, and that was his first appearance. I was quite shocked.

Some of the exchange is little over the top for sure, but the fact that it's in Arabic really enhances the experience, which is perhaps the major reason why I like it a lot more than the Message.

You could really see how much thought the production team put into the casting decisions - Hazrat, Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Ali are exactly what I had in my mind and they capture their personalities and mannerism to perfection.

Hazrat Abu Bakr has that calm, pragmatic and mild personality while the actors of Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Ali capture their courage and aggression in amazing fashion. It's so easy to forget that it's not really them. If you look at the Shiite depictions of Hazrat Ali, he actually resembles the actor a lot.

Hazrat Usman's casting was not that good in my view, he didn't have much to do on screen and was easily overshadowed by the rest. The image I have in mind of him was clearly not captured in this series. The Quraysh leaders are brilliant as well.

Very true, the casting was well done.

Except for perhaps Sayyidina Hamza, whom I thought was better captured by Anthony Quinn.

I still need to finish this series.
Very true, the casting was well done.

Except for perhaps Sayyidina Hamza, whom I thought was better captured by Anthony Quinn.

I still need to finish this series.

Yes, this actor would have been better off playing some Mongol leader. Anthony Quinn was brilliant.
Fntastic series and gives an insight into what a real leader is about. Wont see any leader like him in this day and age.
'Omar Ibn Al Khattab (RA) biography, story as Caliph, always inspiring.
Sorry if this sounds dull but there are clips out there on youtube in regards to our Prophets, and since we are not allowed to draw/picture the respected prophets; It surely means we cannot watch films in regards to them either, which include someone acting as them?

But why does this not apply to the clips in this thread, though these are not specificially prophets?

If someone can enlighten and clarify this - then, I shall definitely bookmark this for mid-summer.
The Prophet isn't shown in this series. The companions are. There is a difference of opinion on showing companions.
I have been watching this series for last few months.

I'm up to Episode 21 of 31 and I have been most impressed with the production values and accurate depiction of the storylines.

This truly is the greatest story ever told.
I have been watching this series for last few months.

I'm up to Episode 21 of 31 and I have been most impressed with the production values and accurate depiction of the storylines.

This truly is the greatest story ever told.

Glad you like it, think it's underrated. Very well made and produced.
I believe you can sign up here (free) and watch or download


I have downloaded all 30 episodes (there are 31 episodes but last two is a single download). You can choose to download as c.500 MB files or c.150 MB files

Can't notice quality difference myself

They were actually taken down. For some reason, MBC had put them on YouTube but then later removed them.

Try Dailymotion. http://www.dailymotion.com/FaroukOmar Some available here but not sure if it's complete.

More on Vimeo also. https://vimeo.com/gatetoislam

Another show that the fans of the Omer series should watch is the Resurrection Ertugrul (Dirilis Ertugrul). It’s a Turkish show based on the father of Osman I, of the Ottoman Empire. If you guys enjoyed the Omer series then you will most certainty enjoy Ertugrul as well. It’s so captivating that I haven’t seen anything like it in years. The production value is high and the message and values it contains is truly reflective of the Islamic ideals of the past. I urge all of you to check it out if you haven’t already.

The first two seasons are available with English subtitles on Netflix. However, if you’re lazy like me and prefer to watch the dubbed (first season only) in Urdu, then that’s available here:


Seasons 1 & 2 are also available with Urdu subs here: https://www.giveme5.co/

Rest of the seasons in English are available on Wlext.net

It’s currently going on it’s fourth season in Turkey. Don’t miss it.
had heard about this people calling it a Turkish 'Game of Thrones' except its real-ish
I remember the first time i watched this and was left in awe on how well they directed the battle scenes, really gave a rush of blood just by watching.
Another show that the fans of the Omer series should watch is the Resurrection Ertugrul (Dirilis Ertugrul). It’s a Turkish show based on the father of Osman I, of the Ottoman Empire. If you guys enjoyed the Omer series then you will most certainty enjoy Ertugrul as well. It’s so captivating that I haven’t seen anything like it in years. The production value is high and the message and values it contains is truly reflective of the Islamic ideals of the past. I urge all of you to check it out if you haven’t already.

The first two seasons are available with English subtitles on Netflix. However, if you’re lazy like me and prefer to watch the dubbed (first season only) in Urdu, then that’s available here:


Seasons 1 & 2 are also available with Urdu subs here: https://www.giveme5.co/

Rest of the seasons in English are available on Wlext.net

It’s currently going on it’s fourth season in Turkey. Don’t miss it.

Have heard of this before, but it's a lot more brutal from what I hear and doesn't follow the Islamic storytelling of this series. Still, I'm looking forward to start watching it.

Also hope they continue this Hazrat Umar series, was a very interesting watch. Too bad some sensitive people who probably do worse sins than watching a series about one of the sahabah got it shut down.
Have recently started watching this series. Very good series. What i love is that it gives the view point of both parties and gives you an understanding of the point of views of many even Wahshi's aswell.

Only problem is while reading the subtitles you miss out on the scenes, thus, The message was better. But this series is just as good, huge benefit if you understand Arabic.
Have recently started watching this series. Very good series. What i love is that it gives the view point of both parties and gives you an understanding of the point of views of many even Wahshi’s aswell.

Only problem is while reading the subtitles you miss out on the scenes, thus, The message was better. But this series is just as good, huge benefit if you understand Arabic.

There’s an Urdu/Hindi dubbed version. Granted that the dubbing is amateurish at times.
I came across this show recently as well.

How historically accurate is this series (from a mainstream Sunni standpoint)? There is clear restriction on showing any form or resemblance of Prophet (Peace be upon him) but does that apply for major sahabas such as Abu Bakr, Usman, Umar, Ali (May Allah be pleased with all of them) as well?
Started to watch this a few days ago. I have watched 6 episodes so far. The show is very well crafted, with a lot of great characters, who have there own distinct motivations. Even though the show is about Hazrat Umar (RA), he is not portrayed as the main character yet. For me that is a good thing because it has been intriguing to follow the story of Bilal (RA) for example. I recommend this to those who haven't seen it, they don't show Hazrat Khadija (RA) and the Prophet (PBUH) on screen of course.