Hazrat Umar (ra) TV series


Senior ODI Player
Jul 17, 2010
Post of the Week
Apologies if this has been posted but I couldn't find anything on the search. Mods please merge if you wish.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/xMu_654ASDk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Thats episode 1.

People seem uneasy with the depiction of a figure like Umar but I personally feel that its an excellent way to inform people of the life and work of this great man who is one of the greatest leaders in Islamic history and world history.

For those who practise tyranny and deprive others of their rights, I will be harsh and stern, but for those who follow the law, I will be most soft and tender.

A great man and I encourage all PPers muslim and non-muslim to learn more about him.
This is an amazing show. I strongly recommend everyone here to give it a watch. Historically accurate and explores so many themes especially inter family conflict which we tend to brush over at times when reading or discussing the life of the Prophet and his companions.

Long awaited but it lives up to the expectations.
I have downloaded all 30 eps. Took me a week because nobody seeds it. But when it is released on DVD will definitely get it then.
this was a great show was aired during ramadan on MBC, watched all of them live. Glad to see that they have put subtitles for non arabic speakers.
As for the series it is very good like the battle scenes especially those that involve the sword of Allah Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed(ra).
Alhamdulillah, just watched the first episode. It is amazing. I highly recommend fellow Muslims (Shias, Sunnis, everyone) to watch it.

DeadlyVenom, thanks for introducing this show to me. :)
Great show indeed. Thanks for posting about it DV. I just wish they'd dubbed it in English for the english speaking audience, I hate reading subtitles.
Alhamdulillah, just watched the first episode. It is amazing. I highly recommend fellow Muslims (Shias, Sunnis, everyone) to watch it.

DeadlyVenom, thanks for introducing this show to me. :)

No problem bro, glad to see you enjoyed it. It was spine tinglingly good. Nearly had tears at the end of the first episode when a young Ali (RA) was shown leading Warqa to see the Prophet (saw)

Great show indeed. Thanks for posting about it DV. I just wish they'd dubbed it in English for the english speaking audience, I hate reading subtitles.
I think the arabic adds authenticity. I find dubbed movies very difficult to watch. I tend to focus on the actors mouths been out of sync with the speech and get a headache lol. The only dubbed films I enjoy are kung fu ones.
No problem bro, glad to see you enjoyed it. It was spine tinglingly good. Nearly had tears at the end of the first episode when a young Ali (RA) was shown leading Warqa to see the Prophet (saw)

I think the arabic adds authenticity. I find dubbed movies very difficult to watch. I tend to focus on the actors mouths been out of sync with the speech and get a headache lol..

Right on both accounts. Esp first comment. Was such a powerful moment when you watch and you're thinking that behind that door would have been the greatest man that ever lived...
Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid

Those who are uncomfortable watching this video because of Sahabas, for them we have few points.

The said series is made in Qatar and has been shown all across the Muslim and Arab world already and have the approval of all Muslim scholars in these lands. There is NOT a single report of any Muslim country blocking this series.

The film Message was a similar film which came out in the 80's and is still seen all over the world, even shown on Pakistani media. Message was made by Hollywood and had shown the sahabas also but was a respectful movies.

These are the domains where Ijtihad is required and the door is open for interpretations. Allah judge people on the basis of their intentions. If the niyat is pure and action is also correct then there are two rewards for a Momin. If the niyat is pure but there is an error in the action, then there is one reward for the Momin. Allah does not punish a believer for sincere mistakes done with pure intentions.

Those who see this series fall in love with Sayyadna Umer and the sahabas. They come to know of the real heroes of Islam and Ummah. They get to know their history which most of the children do not know and most of all, this series is made with love and adab by Muslims and all events are historically correct, without showing any image of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). If there is any sharr in this, there is greater khair indeed.

Read the comments of the people here and see how deeply this series have impacted their hearts and have brought them closer to Islam and Khilafat e Rashida. Again, we say, this is a domain for Ijtihad and there is difference of opinion between scholars but generally Muslims have accepted such series and programs all across the Muslim world.

So, take it easy and calm down. Don't watch if you don't want to but don't be harsh on others who want to watch. We personally are ok with this because of the reasons we gave. Rest, Allah knows best and may He forgive our mistakes if we err in sincerity. Jazak Allah . ZH
Have watched 10 episodes in full and skipped through a selection of episodes knowing when key moments take place to see how they've portrayed them. I must say this is an excellent excellent product - the production values are top notch - excellent camera work and great score to establish mood. The direction is excellent - a couple of scenes executed exceptionally well: the very beginning when Hazrat Umar RA begins to reminice about his life - the pan from left to right and the colour fill to transition to the younger self, his acceptance of Islam is very touching and has brought me to tears several times (I've repeatedly watched this scene and have trouble holding back the tears each time - to receive confirmation that you are loved by Allah - amazing!). Him remembering a previous encounter with a Sahabi at that particular time shown in flash-back is a great touch. The brotherhood among the Sahaba is addressed very well - the joy they show at each others successes and accepting of Islam is equally well-done.

This is a must watch!
I thought the only thing lacking was the quality of battle scenes. I think Badr should have been given the entire episode. They should have got some expert in choreographing war scenes.
^^^ true but what one needs to realise, that the way arabs fought were exactly like these, raids and skirmishes not like the romans where they had soldier lines and organised.

Even when Khalid Bin Waleed RA became the general, he introduced the very concept of taking these small raids and skirmishes at a bigger level and break a massive battle into small ones
I don't want an image created in my mind of the Sahaba (R.A) based on their portrayals by certain actors. That's why I abstained from watching "The Message" as well.

Not the best example but when I used to read LOTR or the HP books, the book characters that I visualized were the ones that were portrayed in the movie, complete with facial features, voice and the like.
That's just my personal opinion on the matter. :)
Awesome share DV.....

While (TRUE){


i actually learn more from vid programs rather than any other medium.

i've seen upto episode 28........Muslims now defeated Persia, and Byzantine and control Jerusalem, Iraq and Syria
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Up to episode 5 now and just downloaded the next 5 too .
I find it really interesting and I am starting to get hooked on it .
Can you post a link? I use the official mbc link and I have to watch ads.
Ive always been told you're forbidden to see pics of Sahaba and the Prophet pbuh obviously.
So I was avoiding it for a while but ended up watching 2 episodes yesterday. It was actually good
So oh well... might as well continue
Rewatched the first 4 episodes today and it seems the character of hazrat umar (ra) before Islam is different to what I learned. In the show he is portrayed as very calm and statesman like initially and very influential in Quraysh. However from texts I have read he was very aggressive and wanting to fight.

Whats your opinions?
Rewatched the first 4 episodes today and it seems the character of hazrat umar (ra) before Islam is different to what I learned. In the show he is portrayed as very calm and statesman like initially and very influential in Quraysh. However from texts I have read he was very aggressive and wanting to fight.

Whats your opinions?

If this is true then they should have portrayed him in that manner because it takes something away from the whole series .
If this is true then they should have portrayed him in that manner because it takes something away from the whole series .

Not necessarily. Ep 5 shows some of Hazrat Umars pre Islamic temper and aggressiveness.

I think his position in Quraysh has been exaggerated a bit. I could be wrong though.
Is there anywhere else where i can watch this series apart from youtube as it is blocked in Pakistan?
Not necessarily. Ep 5 shows some of Hazrat Umars pre Islamic temper and aggressiveness.

I think his position in Quraysh has been exaggerated a bit. I could be wrong though.

no DV it hasnt been exxagerated, and these are one of the reasons that our beloved Prophet SAW used to make dua to Allah, to give islam either Abu Jahl or Umar Ibn Khattab.

Sorry highlighted that, because there are other reasons too, such as his wisdom and his courage
no DV it hasnt been exxagerated, and these are one of the reasons that our beloved Prophet SAW used to make dua to Allah, to give islam either Abu Jahl or Umar Ibn Khattab.

Sorry highlighted that, because there are other reasons too, such as his wisdom and his courage

My understanding was that the dua was made due to his incredible strength of character.

I wasnt aware that he was high up in Quraysh and could even advise Abu Jahl, Abu Sufyan and Abu Lahb etc.
If this is true then they should have portrayed him in that manner because it takes something away from the whole series .

Not necessarily. Ep 5 shows some of Hazrat Umars pre Islamic temper and aggressiveness.

I think his position in Quraysh has been exaggerated a bit. I could be wrong though.

I thought they portrayed him as it should have been. He was aggressive yes. But only against what he thought was falsehood. He was always a clear thinker and held strong opinions. That could be mistaken for wanton aggressiveness but it shouldn't be. He just had a very clear eye and heart for the truth.

And his position is in no way exaggerated. He was pretty much touted to be the next leader of the Quraysh. They had big hopes for him. Which is why the Prophet made Dua that one of the two Umars accept Islam. Which is also why Abu Lahb was so shocked and angry when Umar accepted.
Thanks for the clarification gents. Did a bit of a trawl of some books today and found what you were saying to be correct. Guess the pre islamic hot tempered nature of Umar (ra) stood out a bit more and thats why I remembered it and not his diplomatic side.

Absolutely love the portrayal of Wahshi ibn Harb and his mental anguish at not being a free man. Of course he went onto get freedom after killing Hamza uncle of the Prophet. He's not a person who is analyzed in much detail in Islamic history so it was good to get a bit of a back story on him and understand the context behind why he killed Hamza and how important it was to him.

He went on to kill Musaylma the liar after accepting Islam and used to show people his spear and say 'with this spear I killed the best and worst of men.' I've read a book in which it is mentioned he was still fond of Ethopian Beer after accepting Islam and can imagine him sitting like a boss looking back at his life and the things he had to do so that he could one day be free.
Wahshi relates his story of conversion:
"After the Battle of Uhud, I continued to live in Makkah for quite a long time until the Muslims conquered Makkah. I then ran away to Ta'if, but soon Islam reached that area as well. I heard that however grave the crime of a person might be, [God] forgave him. I, therefore, reached [Muhammad] with Shahadatayn on my lips.[1] Muhammad saw me and said "Are you the same Wahshy, the Ethiopian?" I replied in the affirmative. Thereupon he said: "How did you kill Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib?" I gave an account of the matter. Muhammad was moved and said: "I should not see your face until you are resurrected, because the heart-rending calamity fell upon my uncle at your hands". It is explained by Islamic scholars that the reason for Wahshy avoiding Muhammad, was not out of continued anger against Wahshy, but in case Wahshy interpreted a look on the face of Muhammad as anger for him, which would therefore make him distraught.
Wahshi says: "So long as Muhammad was alive I kept myself hidden from him. After his death the battle with Musaylimah took place. I joined the army of Islam and used the same weapon against Musaylimah and succeeded in killing him with the help of one of the Ansar. If I killed the best of men (Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib) with this weapon, the worst man, too, did not escape its terror."

personally i have learnt a lot from this series .
I thought they portrayed him as it should have been. He was aggressive yes. But only against what he thought was falsehood. He was always a clear thinker and held strong opinions. That could be mistaken for wanton aggressiveness but it shouldn't be. He just had a very clear eye and heart for the truth.

And his position is in no way exaggerated. He was pretty much touted to be the next leader of the Quraysh. They had big hopes for him. Which is why the Prophet made Dua that one of the two Umars accept Islam. Which is also why Abu Lahb was so shocked and angry when Umar accepted.

agree completely
I agree that his role, character isn't exaggerated or over-stated. He was touted to be the next leader (ambassador etc.), he had been promoted by his own father to participate in the elders' meetings on behalf of Banu Adaiyy so he was special right from the onset (remember he was one of the few people who could read and write, had an appreciation for poetry).

In terms of his early opposition to Islam, my take is that the conflict within him is shown very well - he's shown to be rather logical with great foresight, he's shown to be fair and to speak the truth. His opposition to Islam was rooted in something completely different than what the elder Quraish leaders believed. While they had issues with being relegated to equal status, and rejection of their faith, Hazrat Umar RA's concerns appeared to be more related to disunity. Also, in the series, they show Hazrat Amr ibn-Al-Aas' take on Hazrat Umar RA accepting Islam and that sums it up rather well - he didn't really care for the older traditions, and was his own man.

With the above, I think his opposition to Islam in the beginning may have been overstated in books - looking at all the characters who accepted Islam, very few were outright aggressive - many of them had expressed doubts initially or expressed their derision passively at best. The one's who were aggressive, or were actively involved in persecuting Muslims, rarely ended up accepting and died in that state e.g., Abu Jahal, Waleed ibn-al-Mugheera, Utbah ibn-Rabee'ah, or Umayyah ibn Khalaf (Hazrat Bilal's previous master and tormentor) - some exceptions do exist of course.

I actually found Utbah's role to be quite interesting - opposed, yet conflicted, and then there's Hazrat Suhail ibn-Amr - again mostly passive in opposition (at most spoke against the Prophet SAW), and with his own sons accepting Islam perhaps could only go so far.
Thanks for the clarification gents. Did a bit of a trawl of some books today and found what you were saying to be correct. Guess the pre islamic hot tempered nature of Umar (ra) stood out a bit more and thats why I remembered it and not his diplomatic side.

Absolutely love the portrayal of Wahshi ibn Harb and his mental anguish at not being a free man. Of course he went onto get freedom after killing Hamza uncle of the Prophet. He's not a person who is analyzed in much detail in Islamic history so it was good to get a bit of a back story on him and understand the context behind why he killed Hamza and how important it was to him.

He went on to kill Musaylma the liar after accepting Islam and used to show people his spear and say 'with this spear I killed the best and worst of men.' I've read a book in which it is mentioned he was still fond of Ethopian Beer after accepting Islam and can imagine him sitting like a boss looking back at his life and the things he had to do so that he could one day be free.

Definitely one of the most intriguing dynamics and characters in the series. You're right. He doesn't get explored in the books or in other productions like the Message. The dynamics between him and Bilal were amazing and intriguing.
Im not able to watch the episode very regularly. Just watched episode 9. Tears literally flowed out at the scene of Umar (ra) conversion to Islam.

I'm so glad I started watching this show. Haven't been this shook up in a long time.
Im not able to watch the episode very regularly. Just watched episode 9. Tears literally flowed out at the scene of Umar (ra) conversion to Islam.

I'm so glad I started watching this show. Haven't been this shook up in a long time.

Indeed that scene is remarkable. I've read that story plenty of times, but the way it is portrayed is very well done. When Hazrat Khabbab RA tells him the Prophet SAWs prayer, you know that Hazrat Umar RA himself knows he's on the verge of accepting and to hear that the one of the two persons who Allah loves more will be granted Islam is confirmation in life of his status with Allah.

Just wait as you move on in the series, there's plenty of other scenes that really tug at your heart.
^^Yeah, I've watched up to EP 14 and the most moving scene for me was when Jaafar Bin Tayyar recictes Surah Maryam/Mary (about Jesus/Esa) in front of Najashi, which makes him tear up....truly a emotional scene and illuminates the beauty of Quran even for an ajami (non arab) like myself...

Nothing in the Bible comes close to relating Jesus' story with the same level of beauty, reverence and humanity...
For me another element that was extremely moving were the earliest of promises made to the Prophet SAW and the Sahaba RA. Can you imagine? You're few in number, persecuted everyday, rejected everyday, your leader is touted as a liar, you don't know if tomorrow or the day after whether you will survive or not and then you're promised regions held by the current superpowers? On hearing these promises you are ridiculed even further only to be vindicated in their belief as many witnessed those promises fulfilled in their own lifetime!

Anytime the show mentions anything related to Islam spreading to the farthest reaches of East and West just leaves me in awe.
Just finished episode 17

It really has been a brilliant show. It has certainly increased my knowledge on Islamic history, I have read books before BUT it is easier to remember when it is in this visual form
For me another element that was extremely moving were the earliest of promises made to the Prophet SAW and the Sahaba RA. Can you imagine? You're few in number, persecuted everyday, rejected everyday, your leader is touted as a liar, you don't know if tomorrow or the day after whether you will survive or not and then you're promised regions held by the current superpowers? On hearing these promises you are ridiculed even further only to be vindicated in their belief as many witnessed those promises fulfilled in their own lifetime!

Anytime the show mentions anything related to Islam spreading to the farthest reaches of East and West just leaves me in awe.


and now imagine, if we would have been during those times, with the attitudes we carry now and the logics we show in interpreting an ayah or verse of the quran and the way we debate now.

Which group would we been? That should scare the **** out of us
I didnt know that people like movies and drama series made on islam

This is something I watched recently on the conquest of Istanbul in 1453. It is portrayed beautifully.

Some of you might find it interesting

I just noticed the actor that plays Abu Bakr (AS) also plays Salahuddin in the movie Kingdom of Heaven . Or at least I think it's him.
watched all 30 mashallah
I got really emotional at the deaths of Umar ibn Al-Khattāb (ra) and Khalid ibn al-Walid (ra).This series has increased my knowledge massively .
I need to download this and get them on DVD for my old man is there anyway i can download the videos .
watched all 30 mashallah
I got really emotional at the deaths of Umar ibn Al-Khattāb (ra) and Khalid ibn al-Walid (ra).This series has increased my knowledge massively .
I need to download this and get them on DVD for my old man is there anyway i can download the videos .

Several ways - the one I used is keepvid.com - it's an online site, you can put the link in from YouTube and it will allow download of the videos in different formats - select the format that best works for you and you can then burn them to DVD or author a DVD based on these.

I've used the above to download soft copies which I have then put on my handheld and have been watching them repeatedly while commuting to work.
Several ways - the one I used is keepvid.com - it's an online site, you can put the link in from YouTube and it will allow download of the videos in different formats - select the format that best works for you and you can then burn them to DVD or author a DVD based on these.

I've used the above to download soft copies which I have then put on my handheld and have been watching them repeatedly while commuting to work.

thanks a lot bro
Watched all 30 episodes. Brilliant work and very correct History of Islam is shown in this series.
Im rewatching the scenes of the Ridda wars and Khalids command of the army. The dialogue is amazing. The discussions between Umar (ra) and Abi Bakr(ra) are splendidly shown. So eloquent, so caring for the welfare of the Ummah and so appreciative of the other.

Khalids bravery and initiative in battle captured superbly and Umars frustration also shown.

Watching it these days, done with 12 episodes.

Absolutely brilliant, and I guess the jaahil mullahs in Pakistan are not aware of it because I haven't seen them whimpering over the brilliant depiction of Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Ali among others.

The acting and dialogue is top notch and so are the casting decisions, but the fight scenes are a let down. The actors have no clue about handling a sword.

9/10 overall.
Need to watch this, will bookmark this thread to remind myself.
Is this series dubbed in English or Urdu? Would be better for showing it to masses back in Pakistan.