Indian government ordered killings in Pakistan, intelligence officials claim


Feb 13, 2024
Apologies for the long post. Its an interesting read.

Allegations of up to 20 assassinations since 2020 follow Canada’s accusation of Delhi role in murders of dissidents

The Indian government assassinated individuals in Pakistan as part of a wider strategy to eliminate terrorists living on foreign soil, according to Indian and Pakistani intelligence operatives who spoke to the Guardian.

Interviews with intelligence officials in both countries, as well as documents shared by Pakistani investigators, shed new light on how India’s foreign intelligence agency allegedly began to carry out assassinations abroad as part of an emboldened approach to national security after 2019. The agency, the Research & Analysis Wing (Raw), is directly controlled by the office of India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, who is running for a third term in office in elections later this month.

The accounts appear to give further weight to allegations that Delhi has implemented a policy of targeting those it considers hostile to India. While the new allegations refer to individuals charged with serious and violent terror offences, India has also been accused publicly by Washington and Ottawa of involvement in the murders of dissident figures including a Sikh activist in Canada and of a botched assassination attempt on another Sikh in the US last year.

The fresh claims relate to almost 20 killings since 2020, carried out by unknown gunmen in Pakistan. While India has previously been unofficially linked to the deaths, this is the first time Indian intelligence personnel have discussed the alleged operations in Pakistan, and detailed documentation has been seen alleging Raw’s direct involvement in the assassinations.

The allegations also suggest that Sikh separatists in the Khalistan movement were targeted as part of these Indian foreign operations, both in Pakistan and the west.

According to Pakistani investigators, these deaths were orchestrated by Indian intelligence sleeper-cells mostly operating out of the United Arab Emirates. The rise in killings in 2023 was credited to the increased activity of these cells, which are accused of paying millions of rupees to local criminals or poor Pakistanis to carry out the assassinations. Indian agents also allegedly recruited jihadists to carry out the shootings, making them believe they were killing “infidels”.

According to two Indian intelligence officers, the spy agency’s shift to focusing on dissidents abroad was triggered by the Pulwama attack in 2019, when a suicide bomber targeted a military convoy in Indian-administered Kashmir, killing 40 paramilitary personnel. The Pakistan-based terror group Jaish-e-Mohammed claimed responsibility.

Modi was running for a second term at the time and was brought back to power in the aftermath of the attack.

“After Pulwama, the approach changed to target the elements outside the country before they are able to launch an attack or create any disturbance,” one Indian intelligence operative said. “We could not stop the attacks because ultimately their safe havens were in Pakistan, so we had to get to the source.”

To conduct such operations “needed approval from the highest level of government”, he added.

The officer said India had drawn inspiration from intelligence agencies such as Israel’s the Mossad and Russia’s KGB, which have been linked to extrajudicial killings on foreign soil. He also said the killing of the Saudi journalist and dissident Jamal Khashoggi, who was murdered in 2018 in the Saudi embassy, had been directly cited by Raw officials.

“It was a few months after the killing of Jamal Khashoggi that there was a debate among the top brass of intelligence in the prime minister’s office about how something can be learned from the case. One senior officer said in a meeting that if Saudis can do this, why not us?” he recounted.

“What the Saudis did was very effective. You not only get rid of your enemy but send a chilling message, a warning to the people working against you. Every intelligence agency has been doing this. Our country cannot be strong without exerting power over our enemies.”

Senior officials from two separate Pakistani intelligence agencies said they suspected India’s involvement in up to 20 killings since 2020. They pointed to evidence relating to previously undisclosed inquiries into seven of the cases – including witness testimonies, arrest records, financial statements, WhatsApp messages and passports – which investigators say showcase in detail the operations conducted by Indian spies to assassinate targets on Pakistani soil. The Guardian has seen the documents but they could not be independently verified.

The intelligence sources claimed that targeted assassinations increased significantly in 2023, accusing India of involvement in the suspected deaths of about 15 people, most of whom were shot at close range by unknown gunmen.

In a response to the Guardian, India’s ministry of external affairs denied all the allegations, reiterating an earlier statement that they were “false and malicious anti-India propaganda”. The ministry emphasised a previous denial made by India’s foreign minister, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, that targeted killings in other countries were “not the government of India’s policy”.

In the killing of Zahid Akhund, an alias for the convicted Kashmiri terrorist Zahoor Mistry who was involved in the deadly hijacking of an Air India flight, the Pakistani documents say a Raw handler allegedly paid for information on Akhund’s movements and location over a period of months. She then allegedly contacted him directly, pretending to be a journalist who wanted to interview a terrorist, in order to confirm his identity.

“Are you Zahid? I am a journalist from the New York Post,” read messages in the dossier shown to the Guardian. Zahid is said to have responded: “For what u r messaging me?”

Millions of rupees were then allegedly paid to Afghan nationals to carry out the shooting in Karachi in March 2022. They fled over the border but their handlers were later arrested by Pakistani security agencies.

According to the evidence gathered by Pakistan, the killings were regularly coordinated out of the UAE, where Raw established sleeper cells that would separately arrange different parts of the operation and recruit the killers.

Investigators alleged that millions of rupees would often be paid to criminals or impoverished locals to carry out the murders, with documents claiming that payments were mostly done via Dubai. Meetings of Raw handlers overseeing the killings are also said to have taken also place in Nepal, the Maldives and Mauritius.

“This policy of Indian agents organising killings in Pakistan hasn’t been developed overnight,” said a Pakistani official. “We believe they have worked for around two years to establish these sleeper cells in the UAE who are mostly organising the executions. After that, we began witnessing many killings.”

In the case of Shahid Latif, the commander of Jaish-e-Mohammed and one of India’s most notorious militants, several attempts were allegedly made to kill him. In the end, the documents claim, it was an illiterate 20-year-old Pakistani who carried out the assassination in Pakistan in October, allegedly recruited by Raw in the UAE, where he was working for a minimal salary in an Amazon packing warehouse.

Pakistani investigators found that the man had allegedly been paid 1.5m Pakistani rupees (£4,000) by an undercover Indian agent to track down Latif and later was promised 15m Pakistani rupees and his own catering company in the UAE if he carried out the killing. The young man shot Latif dead in a mosque in Sialkot but was arrested soon after, along with accomplices.

The killings of Bashir Ahmad Peer, commander of the militant outfit Hizbul Mujahideen, and Saleem Rehmani, who was on India’s most-wanted list, were also allegedly planned out of the UAE, with transaction receipts from Dubai appearing to show payments of millions of rupees to the killers. Rehmani’s death had previously been reported as the result of a suspected armed robbery.

Analysts believe Pakistani authorities have been reluctant to publicly acknowledge the killings as most of the targets are known terrorists and associates of outlawed militant groups that Islamabad has long denied sheltering.

In most cases, public information about their deaths has been scant. However, Pakistani agencies showed evidence they had conducted investigations and arrests behind closed doors.

The figures given to the Guardian match up with those collated by analysts who have been tracking unclaimed militant killings in Pakistan. Ajay Sahni, the executive director of the Institute for Conflict Management in Delhi, said his organisation had documented 20 suspicious fatalities in Pakistan by unknown attackers since 2020, though two had been claimed by local militant groups. He emphasised that because of Pakistan’s refusal to publicly investigate the cases – or even acknowledge that these individuals had been living in their jurisdiction – “we have no way of knowing the cause”.

“If you look at the numbers, there is clearly a shift in intent by someone or other,” said Sahni. “It would be in Pakistan’s interest to say this has been done by India. Equally, one of the legitimate lines of inquiry would be possible involvement of the Indian agencies.”

Pakistan’s foreign secretary, Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi, publicly acknowledged two of the killings in a press conference in January, where he accused India of carrying out a “sophisticated and sinister”campaign of “extraterritorial and extrajudicial killings” in Pakistan.

Islamabad’s accusations were met with scepticism by others, due to the longstanding animosity between the two neighbouring countries who have gone to war four times and have often made unsubstantiated accusations against the other.

For decades India has accused Pakistan of bankrolling a violent militant insurgency in the disputed region of Indian-administered Kashmir and of giving a safe haven to terrorists. In the early 2000s, India was hit by successive terrorist attacks orchestrated by Pakistan-based Islamist militant groups, including the 2006 Mumbai train blasts, which killed more than 160 people, and the 2008 Mumbai bombings, which killed 172 people.

Both countries are known to have carried out cross-border intelligence operations, including small bomb blasts. However, analysts and Pakistani officials described the alleged systematic targeted killings of dissidents by Indian agents on Pakistani soil since 2020 as “new and unprecedented”.

The majority of those allegedly killed by Raw in Pakistan in the past three years have been individuals associated with militant groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed, and in several cases have convictions or proven links to some of India’s deadliest terrorist incidents, which have killed hundreds of people. Others were seen to be “handlers” of Kashmiri militants who helped coordinate attacks and spread information from afar.

According to one of the Indian intelligence officers, the Pulwama attack in 2019 prompted fears that militant groups in Pakistan were planning a repeat of attacks such as the 2008 Mumbai bombings.

“The previous approach had been to foil terrorist attacks,” he said. “But while we were able to make significant progress in bringing the terrorist numbers down in Kashmir, the problem was the handlers in Pakistan. We could not just wait for another Mumbai or an attack on parliament when we are aware that the planners were still operating in Pakistan.”

In September, the Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, told parliamentthere were “credible allegations” that Indian agents had orchestrated the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a prominent Sikh activist who was gunned down in Vancouver. Weeks later, the US Department of Justice released an indictment vividly detailing how an Indian agent had attempted to recruit a hitman in New York to kill another Sikh activist, later named as Gurpatwant Singh Pannun.

Both men had been major advocates of the Khalistan movement, which seeks to create an independent Sikh state and is illegal in India. India denied any involvement in the killing of Nijjar, while according to a recent report, India’s own investigation into Pannun’s death concluded that it had been carried out by a rogue agent who was no longer working for Raw.

According to one Indian intelligence official, Delhi recently ordered the suspension of targeted killings in Pakistan after Canada and the US went public with their allegations. No suspicious killings have taken place so far this year.

Two Indian operatives separately confirmed that diaspora Khalistani activists had become a focus of India’s foreign operations after hundreds of thousands of farmers, mostly Sikhs from Punjab, descended on Delhi to protest against new farm laws. The protest ultimately forced the government into a rare policy U-turn, which was seen as an embarrassment.

The suspicion in Delhi was that firebrand Sikh activists living abroad, particularly those in Canada, the US and the UK, were fuelling the farmers’ protests and stirring up international support through their strong global networks. It stoked fears that these activists could be a destabilising force and were capable of reviving Khalistani militancy in India.

“Places were raided and people were arrested in Punjab, but things were actually being controlled from places like Canada,” said one of the Indian intelligence operatives. “Like other intelligence agencies, we had to deal with it.”

In the UK, Sikhs in the West Midlands were issued “threat to life” warnings, amid growing concern about the safety of separatist campaigners who Sikhs claim are being targeted by the Indian government.

Paramjtt Singh Panjwar
Paramjit Singh Panjwar

Before the US and Canadian cases, a high-profile Khalistani leader, Paramjit Singh Panjwar, was shot dead in Lahore last May. Pakistani investigators claimed they had warned Panjwar that his life was in danger a month before he was killed and said another Khalistani activist living in Pakistan has also faced threats to his life.

Panjwar’s assassination is among those alleged to have been carried out by Indian operatives using what Pakistani agencies described as the “religious method”. According to the documents, Indian agents used social media to infiltrate networks of Islamic State (IS) and units connected to the Taliban, where they recruited and groomed Pakistani Islamist radicals to carry out hit jobs on Indian dissidents by telling them they were carrying out “sacred killings” of “infidels”.

These agents allegedly sought help from former IS fighters from the Indian state of Kerala – who had travelled to Afghanistan to fight for IS but surrendered after 2019 and were brought back through diplomatic channels – to get access to these jihadist networks.

According to an investigation by the Pakistani agencies, Panjwar’s killer, who was later caught, allegedly thought he was working on the instructions of the Pakistan Taliban affiliate Badri 313 Battalion and had to prove himself by killing an enemy of Islam.

Riyaz Ahmed
Riyaz Ahmed

The killing of Riyaz Ahmed, a topLashkar-e-Taiba commander, in September last year was allegedly carried out by Raw in a similar manner. His killer, Pakistan believes, was recruited through a Telegram channel for those who wanted to fight for IS, and which had been infiltrated by Raw agents.

They have claimed the assassin was Muhammad Abdullah, a 20-year-old from Lahore. He allegedly told Pakistani investigators he was promised he would be sent to Afghanistan to fight for IS if he passed the test of killing an “infidel” in Pakistan, with Ahmed presented as the target. Abdullah shot and killed Ahmed during early morning prayers at a mosque in Rawalkot, but was later arrested by Pakistani authorities.

Walter Ladwig, a political scientist at King’s College London, said the alleged shift in strategy was in line with Modi’s more aggressive approach to foreign policy and that just as western states have been accused of extrajudicial killings abroad in the name of national security, there were those in Delhi who felt “India reserves the right to do the same”.

Daniel Markey, a senior adviser on south Asia at the United States Institute of Peace, said: “In terms of India’s involvement, it all kind of adds up. It’s utterly consistent with this framing of India having arrived on the world stage. Being willing to take this kind of action against perceived threats has been interpreted, at least by some Indians, as a marker of great power status.”

The allegations of extrajudicial killings, which would violate international law, could raise difficult questions for western countries that have pursued an increasingly close strategic and economic relationship with Modi and his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) government, including pushing for intelligence-sharing agreements.

A former senior Raw official who served before Modi’s premiership denied that extrajudicial killings were part of the agency’s remit. He confirmed that nothing would be done without the knowledge of the national security adviser, who would then report it to the prime minister, and on occasion they would report directly to the prime minister. “I could not do anything without their approval,” he said.

The former Raw official claimed that the killings were more likely to have been carried out by Pakistan themselves, a view that has been echoed by others in India.

Pakistani agencies denied this, pointing to a list of more than two dozen dissidents living in Pakistan to whom they had recently issued direct warnings of threats to their lives and instructed them to go into hiding. Three individuals in Pakistan said they had been given these warnings. They claimed others who had not heeded the threats and continued their normal routines were now dead.

Source: the Guardian News
Where is the FATF now? Will it grey or black list India now? The above article shows the real state sponsoring terrorists.
A former senior Raw official who served before Modi’s premiership denied that extrajudicial killings were part of the agency’s remit. He confirmed that nothing would be done without the knowledge of the national security adviser, who would then report it to the prime minister, and on occasion they would report directly to the prime minister. “I could not do anything without their approval,” he said.

The former Raw official claimed that the killings were more likely to have been carried out by Pakistan themselves, a view that has been echoed by others in India.
It's the reality of the world we live in. Most Indian taxpayers would be disappointed if their intelligence agencies weren't carrying out these plots.

Pakistan's agencies should likewise do the same to eliminate the anti-Pakistan terrorists residing in Afghanistan.
It's the reality of the world we live in. Most Indian taxpayers would be disappointed if their intelligence agencies weren't carrying out these plots.

Pakistan's agencies should likewise do the same to eliminate the anti-Pakistan terrorists residing in Afghanistan.

RAW are behind majority of the terrorist activities in pakistan. Until pak forces eliminate the serpents head, then nothing changes.
Nothing wrong with that. India has special relations with the state of israel, who with their current actions are on a par with Nazi Germany if not worse.
Yes.. I rather India be called Amreekए of South Asia than North Korea
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Where is the FATF now? Will it grey or black list India now? The above article shows the real state sponsoring terrorists.

One thing going against Pakistan is that these are organisations and individuals whose whereabouts PAK government claimed they had no idea about .

PAK will lose the cloak of "plausible deniability ".

So there's no win scenario for Pakistan to some extent.
One thing going against Pakistan is that these are organisations and individuals whose whereabouts PAK government claimed they had no idea about .

PAK will lose the cloak of "plausible deniability ".

So there's no win scenario for Pakistan to some extent.
Plus it once again shatters the image of the powerful army and intelligence.
Even if 100% true then it suits Pakistan to deny it.
One thing going against Pakistan is that these are organisations and individuals whose whereabouts PAK government claimed they had no idea about .

PAK will lose the cloak of "plausible deniability ".

So there's no win scenario for Pakistan to some extent.
Plausible Deniability?
The country is run by crooks with a stolen election...I think the word Plausible is something that should never be equated with Pakistan
It's the reality of the world we live in. Most Indian taxpayers would be disappointed if their intelligence agencies weren't carrying out these plots.

Pakistan's agencies should likewise do the same to eliminate the anti-Pakistan terrorists residing in Afghanistan.

They should also try to recruit mujahids in India who would be willing to eliminate dangerous hindutvas who are working to damage Pakistan. There is clearly not much mileage to be gained pursuing peace with the current regime in Delhi.
One thing going against Pakistan is that these are organisations and individuals whose whereabouts PAK government claimed they had no idea about .

PAK will lose the cloak of "plausible deniability ".

So there's no win scenario for Pakistan to some extent.
India owes an explanation here definitely.
Then why not on FATF grey list, just because India is containing China for US?
I'm not sure you understand what FATF means. It's a task force to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. Pakistan hasn't offered any evidence of either of the above to the governing body. In fact it's not done anything beyond a single press conference in which it named a couple of names but hasn't provided any documentation.

Even with the Guardian report above, not a single Pakistani government official went on record. Even the subsequent statement from the foreign office is high on rhetoric but short on specifics.

It might very well be true that India violated FATF regulations in funding these assassins but no action is possible without Pakistan providing documentation and evidence.
I'm not sure you understand what FATF means. It's a task force to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. Pakistan hasn't offered any evidence of either of the above to the governing body. In fact it's not done anything beyond a single press conference in which it named a couple of names but hasn't provided any documentation.

Even with the Guardian report above, not a single Pakistani government official went on record. Even the subsequent statement from the foreign office is high on rhetoric but short on specifics.

It might very well be true that India violated FATF regulations in funding these assassins but no action is possible without Pakistan providing documentation and evidence.
Bro i guess you are not following the news, Pakistan presented a dossier against Indian government back in Imran Khan's tenure as PM. Also a big case also emerged a couple of years ago where Indian banks were found guilty of suspicious money laundering stuff. But as i said earlier due to India's closeness with Western bloc they don't get penalized at all.

Bro i guess you are not following the news, Pakistan presented a dossier against Indian government back in Imran Khan's tenure as PM. Also a big case also emerged a couple of years ago where Indian banks were found guilty of suspicious money laundering stuff. But as i said earlier due to India's closeness with Western bloc they don't get penalized at all.

Unfortunately only about 10 pages of that dossier were made available publicly (do let me know if you have access to more) but those 10 pages were an extremely amateurish production which seemed to focus more on internal political opposition to the Imran Khan government than India. I don't doubt the Indian government has some involvement (though less than your paranoia makes it) in Pakistan but the Pakistani government has to do a better job of presenting evidence and documentation if it wants any action from the international community including it's own allies like China and the OIC.

Also i'm not sure if you actually read the article you posted. It talks about the FATF being concerned about the Popular Front of India which was potentially an Islamic terror funding organisation. The Indian government instantly banned it which satisfied the FATF which is why it wasn't penalised.
Unfortunately only about 10 pages of that dossier were made available publicly (do let me know if you have access to more) but those 10 pages were an extremely amateurish production which seemed to focus more on internal political opposition to the Imran Khan government than India. I don't doubt the Indian government has some involvement (though less than your paranoia makes it) in Pakistan but the Pakistani government has to do a better job of presenting evidence and documentation if it wants any action from the international community including it's own allies like China and the OIC.

Also i'm not sure if you actually read the article you posted. It talks about the FATF being concerned about the Popular Front of India which was potentially an Islamic terror funding organisation. The Indian government instantly banned it which satisfied the FATF which is why it wasn't penalised.
Lol...Ask Ajay Doval how innocent is Indian government. You don't need to be that apologetic on their crimes.
I'm not sure you understand what FATF means. It's a task force to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. Pakistan hasn't offered any evidence of either of the above to the governing body. In fact it's not done anything beyond a single press conference in which it named a couple of names but hasn't provided any documentation.

Even with the Guardian report above, not a single Pakistani government official went on record. Even the subsequent statement from the foreign office is high on rhetoric but short on specifics.

It might very well be true that India violated FATF regulations in funding these assassins but no action is possible without Pakistan providing documentation and evidence.
Problem is Pakistan can never officially do much bcoz the question that will be asked is why were these terrorists roaming free in Pakistan ?

That wud be very difficult question for the Pakistan govt to answer. Will basically validate what India has always said about Pakistan - that they don't take any meaningful action against terror groups ! Which means a return to FATF
The Foreign Office (FO) on Friday said that the Indian network of extra-judicial and extra-territorial killings was now a “global phenomenon” that required a coordinated international response.

The statement was issued after The Guardian, in a report published on Thursday, said that the Indian government assassinated individuals in Pakistan as part of a wider strategy to eliminate terrorists living on foreign soil.

The report cited intelligence officials from both countries, as well as documents shared by Pakistani investigators, saying they “shed new light on how India’s foreign intelligence agency allegedly began to carry out assassinations abroad as part of an emboldened approach to national security after 2019”.

India has denied the claims made in the report.

In a statement, the FO said that India’s assassination of Pakistani nationals on Pakistani soil was a clear violation of the country’s sovereignty and a breach of the UN Charter.

It also highlighted a press conference by Foreign Secretary Syrus Sajjad Qazi in January, wherein he had said there was “credible evidence” of links between Indian agents and the assassination of two Pakistani nationals in Sialkot and Rawalakot.

“These cases exposed the increasing sophistication and brazenness of Indian-sponsored terrorist acts inside Pakistan, with striking similarities to the pattern observed in other countries, including Canada and the United States,” the FO said.

In October 2023, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had cited what he said was credible evidence of a potential link between Indian agents and the murder of a Sikh separatist leader.

The next month, the US Department of Justice had said an Indian government official directed an unsuccessful plot to assassinate a Sikh separatist on US soil.

“It is critical to bring to justice the perpetrators, facilitators, financiers and sponsors of these extra-judicial and extra-territorial killings. India must be held accountable internationally for its blatant violation of international law,” the FO said.

Report says Indian involvement in up to 20 killings in Pakistan
The Guardian report said that the accounts appeared to “give further weight to allegations that Delhi has implemented a policy of targeting those it considers hostile to India”. It noted that India has been publicly accused by Washington and Canada of involvement in the murders of dissident activists.

“The fresh claims relate to almost 20 killings since 2020, carried out by unidentified gunmen in Pakistan. While India has previously been unofficially linked to the deaths, this is the first time Indian intelligence personnel have discussed the alleged operations in Pakistan, and detailed documentation has alleged Research Analysis Wing’s (RAW) direct involvement in the assassinations,” it said.

Source: Dawn News
Because it's a sham institution by US Bloc to control the countries in the rival world bloc.
Yes.. their instructions their laws India was aware about this since 62 , surprised Pakistan still doesn’t think so..

Most tech is from them , innovation from internet to digital banking, ofcourse they call the shots
Apologies for the long post. Its an interesting read.

Allegations of up to 20 assassinations since 2020 follow Canada’s accusation of Delhi role in murders of dissidents

The Indian government assassinated individuals in Pakistan as part of a wider strategy to eliminate terrorists living on foreign soil, according to Indian and Pakistani intelligence operatives who spoke to the Guardian.

Interviews with intelligence officials in both countries, as well as documents shared by Pakistani investigators, shed new light on how India’s foreign intelligence agency allegedly began to carry out assassinations abroad as part of an emboldened approach to national security after 2019. The agency, the Research & Analysis Wing (Raw), is directly controlled by the office of India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, who is running for a third term in office in elections later this month.

The accounts appear to give further weight to allegations that Delhi has implemented a policy of targeting those it considers hostile to India. While the new allegations refer to individuals charged with serious and violent terror offences, India has also been accused publicly by Washington and Ottawa of involvement in the murders of dissident figures including a Sikh activist in Canada and of a botched assassination attempt on another Sikh in the US last year.

The fresh claims relate to almost 20 killings since 2020, carried out by unknown gunmen in Pakistan. While India has previously been unofficially linked to the deaths, this is the first time Indian intelligence personnel have discussed the alleged operations in Pakistan, and detailed documentation has been seen alleging Raw’s direct involvement in the assassinations.

The allegations also suggest that Sikh separatists in the Khalistan movement were targeted as part of these Indian foreign operations, both in Pakistan and the west.

According to Pakistani investigators, these deaths were orchestrated by Indian intelligence sleeper-cells mostly operating out of the United Arab Emirates. The rise in killings in 2023 was credited to the increased activity of these cells, which are accused of paying millions of rupees to local criminals or poor Pakistanis to carry out the assassinations. Indian agents also allegedly recruited jihadists to carry out the shootings, making them believe they were killing “infidels”.

According to two Indian intelligence officers, the spy agency’s shift to focusing on dissidents abroad was triggered by the Pulwama attack in 2019, when a suicide bomber targeted a military convoy in Indian-administered Kashmir, killing 40 paramilitary personnel. The Pakistan-based terror group Jaish-e-Mohammed claimed responsibility.

Modi was running for a second term at the time and was brought back to power in the aftermath of the attack.

“After Pulwama, the approach changed to target the elements outside the country before they are able to launch an attack or create any disturbance,” one Indian intelligence operative said. “We could not stop the attacks because ultimately their safe havens were in Pakistan, so we had to get to the source.”

To conduct such operations “needed approval from the highest level of government”, he added.

The officer said India had drawn inspiration from intelligence agencies such as Israel’s the Mossad and Russia’s KGB, which have been linked to extrajudicial killings on foreign soil. He also said the killing of the Saudi journalist and dissident Jamal Khashoggi, who was murdered in 2018 in the Saudi embassy, had been directly cited by Raw officials.

“It was a few months after the killing of Jamal Khashoggi that there was a debate among the top brass of intelligence in the prime minister’s office about how something can be learned from the case. One senior officer said in a meeting that if Saudis can do this, why not us?” he recounted.

“What the Saudis did was very effective. You not only get rid of your enemy but send a chilling message, a warning to the people working against you. Every intelligence agency has been doing this. Our country cannot be strong without exerting power over our enemies.”

Senior officials from two separate Pakistani intelligence agencies said they suspected India’s involvement in up to 20 killings since 2020. They pointed to evidence relating to previously undisclosed inquiries into seven of the cases – including witness testimonies, arrest records, financial statements, WhatsApp messages and passports – which investigators say showcase in detail the operations conducted by Indian spies to assassinate targets on Pakistani soil. The Guardian has seen the documents but they could not be independently verified.

The intelligence sources claimed that targeted assassinations increased significantly in 2023, accusing India of involvement in the suspected deaths of about 15 people, most of whom were shot at close range by unknown gunmen.

In a response to the Guardian, India’s ministry of external affairs denied all the allegations, reiterating an earlier statement that they were “false and malicious anti-India propaganda”. The ministry emphasised a previous denial made by India’s foreign minister, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, that targeted killings in other countries were “not the government of India’s policy”.

In the killing of Zahid Akhund, an alias for the convicted Kashmiri terrorist Zahoor Mistry who was involved in the deadly hijacking of an Air India flight, the Pakistani documents say a Raw handler allegedly paid for information on Akhund’s movements and location over a period of months. She then allegedly contacted him directly, pretending to be a journalist who wanted to interview a terrorist, in order to confirm his identity.

“Are you Zahid? I am a journalist from the New York Post,” read messages in the dossier shown to the Guardian. Zahid is said to have responded: “For what u r messaging me?”

Millions of rupees were then allegedly paid to Afghan nationals to carry out the shooting in Karachi in March 2022. They fled over the border but their handlers were later arrested by Pakistani security agencies.

According to the evidence gathered by Pakistan, the killings were regularly coordinated out of the UAE, where Raw established sleeper cells that would separately arrange different parts of the operation and recruit the killers.

Investigators alleged that millions of rupees would often be paid to criminals or impoverished locals to carry out the murders, with documents claiming that payments were mostly done via Dubai. Meetings of Raw handlers overseeing the killings are also said to have taken also place in Nepal, the Maldives and Mauritius.

“This policy of Indian agents organising killings in Pakistan hasn’t been developed overnight,” said a Pakistani official. “We believe they have worked for around two years to establish these sleeper cells in the UAE who are mostly organising the executions. After that, we began witnessing many killings.”

In the case of Shahid Latif, the commander of Jaish-e-Mohammed and one of India’s most notorious militants, several attempts were allegedly made to kill him. In the end, the documents claim, it was an illiterate 20-year-old Pakistani who carried out the assassination in Pakistan in October, allegedly recruited by Raw in the UAE, where he was working for a minimal salary in an Amazon packing warehouse.

Pakistani investigators found that the man had allegedly been paid 1.5m Pakistani rupees (£4,000) by an undercover Indian agent to track down Latif and later was promised 15m Pakistani rupees and his own catering company in the UAE if he carried out the killing. The young man shot Latif dead in a mosque in Sialkot but was arrested soon after, along with accomplices.

The killings of Bashir Ahmad Peer, commander of the militant outfit Hizbul Mujahideen, and Saleem Rehmani, who was on India’s most-wanted list, were also allegedly planned out of the UAE, with transaction receipts from Dubai appearing to show payments of millions of rupees to the killers. Rehmani’s death had previously been reported as the result of a suspected armed robbery.

Analysts believe Pakistani authorities have been reluctant to publicly acknowledge the killings as most of the targets are known terrorists and associates of outlawed militant groups that Islamabad has long denied sheltering.

In most cases, public information about their deaths has been scant. However, Pakistani agencies showed evidence they had conducted investigations and arrests behind closed doors.

The figures given to the Guardian match up with those collated by analysts who have been tracking unclaimed militant killings in Pakistan. Ajay Sahni, the executive director of the Institute for Conflict Management in Delhi, said his organisation had documented 20 suspicious fatalities in Pakistan by unknown attackers since 2020, though two had been claimed by local militant groups. He emphasised that because of Pakistan’s refusal to publicly investigate the cases – or even acknowledge that these individuals had been living in their jurisdiction – “we have no way of knowing the cause”.

“If you look at the numbers, there is clearly a shift in intent by someone or other,” said Sahni. “It would be in Pakistan’s interest to say this has been done by India. Equally, one of the legitimate lines of inquiry would be possible involvement of the Indian agencies.”

Pakistan’s foreign secretary, Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi, publicly acknowledged two of the killings in a press conference in January, where he accused India of carrying out a “sophisticated and sinister”campaign of “extraterritorial and extrajudicial killings” in Pakistan.

Islamabad’s accusations were met with scepticism by others, due to the longstanding animosity between the two neighbouring countries who have gone to war four times and have often made unsubstantiated accusations against the other.

For decades India has accused Pakistan of bankrolling a violent militant insurgency in the disputed region of Indian-administered Kashmir and of giving a safe haven to terrorists. In the early 2000s, India was hit by successive terrorist attacks orchestrated by Pakistan-based Islamist militant groups, including the 2006 Mumbai train blasts, which killed more than 160 people, and the 2008 Mumbai bombings, which killed 172 people.

Both countries are known to have carried out cross-border intelligence operations, including small bomb blasts. However, analysts and Pakistani officials described the alleged systematic targeted killings of dissidents by Indian agents on Pakistani soil since 2020 as “new and unprecedented”.

The majority of those allegedly killed by Raw in Pakistan in the past three years have been individuals associated with militant groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed, and in several cases have convictions or proven links to some of India’s deadliest terrorist incidents, which have killed hundreds of people. Others were seen to be “handlers” of Kashmiri militants who helped coordinate attacks and spread information from afar.

According to one of the Indian intelligence officers, the Pulwama attack in 2019 prompted fears that militant groups in Pakistan were planning a repeat of attacks such as the 2008 Mumbai bombings.

“The previous approach had been to foil terrorist attacks,” he said. “But while we were able to make significant progress in bringing the terrorist numbers down in Kashmir, the problem was the handlers in Pakistan. We could not just wait for another Mumbai or an attack on parliament when we are aware that the planners were still operating in Pakistan.”

In September, the Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, told parliamentthere were “credible allegations” that Indian agents had orchestrated the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a prominent Sikh activist who was gunned down in Vancouver. Weeks later, the US Department of Justice released an indictment vividly detailing how an Indian agent had attempted to recruit a hitman in New York to kill another Sikh activist, later named as Gurpatwant Singh Pannun.

Both men had been major advocates of the Khalistan movement, which seeks to create an independent Sikh state and is illegal in India. India denied any involvement in the killing of Nijjar, while according to a recent report, India’s own investigation into Pannun’s death concluded that it had been carried out by a rogue agent who was no longer working for Raw.

According to one Indian intelligence official, Delhi recently ordered the suspension of targeted killings in Pakistan after Canada and the US went public with their allegations. No suspicious killings have taken place so far this year.

Two Indian operatives separately confirmed that diaspora Khalistani activists had become a focus of India’s foreign operations after hundreds of thousands of farmers, mostly Sikhs from Punjab, descended on Delhi to protest against new farm laws. The protest ultimately forced the government into a rare policy U-turn, which was seen as an embarrassment.

The suspicion in Delhi was that firebrand Sikh activists living abroad, particularly those in Canada, the US and the UK, were fuelling the farmers’ protests and stirring up international support through their strong global networks. It stoked fears that these activists could be a destabilising force and were capable of reviving Khalistani militancy in India.

“Places were raided and people were arrested in Punjab, but things were actually being controlled from places like Canada,” said one of the Indian intelligence operatives. “Like other intelligence agencies, we had to deal with it.”

In the UK, Sikhs in the West Midlands were issued “threat to life” warnings, amid growing concern about the safety of separatist campaigners who Sikhs claim are being targeted by the Indian government.

Paramjtt Singh Panjwar
Paramjit Singh Panjwar

Before the US and Canadian cases, a high-profile Khalistani leader, Paramjit Singh Panjwar, was shot dead in Lahore last May. Pakistani investigators claimed they had warned Panjwar that his life was in danger a month before he was killed and said another Khalistani activist living in Pakistan has also faced threats to his life.

Panjwar’s assassination is among those alleged to have been carried out by Indian operatives using what Pakistani agencies described as the “religious method”. According to the documents, Indian agents used social media to infiltrate networks of Islamic State (IS) and units connected to the Taliban, where they recruited and groomed Pakistani Islamist radicals to carry out hit jobs on Indian dissidents by telling them they were carrying out “sacred killings” of “infidels”.

These agents allegedly sought help from former IS fighters from the Indian state of Kerala – who had travelled to Afghanistan to fight for IS but surrendered after 2019 and were brought back through diplomatic channels – to get access to these jihadist networks.

According to an investigation by the Pakistani agencies, Panjwar’s killer, who was later caught, allegedly thought he was working on the instructions of the Pakistan Taliban affiliate Badri 313 Battalion and had to prove himself by killing an enemy of Islam.

Riyaz Ahmed
Riyaz Ahmed

The killing of Riyaz Ahmed, a topLashkar-e-Taiba commander, in September last year was allegedly carried out by Raw in a similar manner. His killer, Pakistan believes, was recruited through a Telegram channel for those who wanted to fight for IS, and which had been infiltrated by Raw agents.

They have claimed the assassin was Muhammad Abdullah, a 20-year-old from Lahore. He allegedly told Pakistani investigators he was promised he would be sent to Afghanistan to fight for IS if he passed the test of killing an “infidel” in Pakistan, with Ahmed presented as the target. Abdullah shot and killed Ahmed during early morning prayers at a mosque in Rawalkot, but was later arrested by Pakistani authorities.

Walter Ladwig, a political scientist at King’s College London, said the alleged shift in strategy was in line with Modi’s more aggressive approach to foreign policy and that just as western states have been accused of extrajudicial killings abroad in the name of national security, there were those in Delhi who felt “India reserves the right to do the same”.

Daniel Markey, a senior adviser on south Asia at the United States Institute of Peace, said: “In terms of India’s involvement, it all kind of adds up. It’s utterly consistent with this framing of India having arrived on the world stage. Being willing to take this kind of action against perceived threats has been interpreted, at least by some Indians, as a marker of great power status.”

The allegations of extrajudicial killings, which would violate international law, could raise difficult questions for western countries that have pursued an increasingly close strategic and economic relationship with Modi and his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) government, including pushing for intelligence-sharing agreements.

A former senior Raw official who served before Modi’s premiership denied that extrajudicial killings were part of the agency’s remit. He confirmed that nothing would be done without the knowledge of the national security adviser, who would then report it to the prime minister, and on occasion they would report directly to the prime minister. “I could not do anything without their approval,” he said.

The former Raw official claimed that the killings were more likely to have been carried out by Pakistan themselves, a view that has been echoed by others in India.

Pakistani agencies denied this, pointing to a list of more than two dozen dissidents living in Pakistan to whom they had recently issued direct warnings of threats to their lives and instructed them to go into hiding. Three individuals in Pakistan said they had been given these warnings. They claimed others who had not heeded the threats and continued their normal routines were now dead.

Source: the Guardian News

I m surprised they not added Bin Laden…

From this it seems western countries are pleasing Pakistan’s new government and want to sell some outdated technology to Pakistan…..
Simple. Pak and ISI should continue causing mayhem in India and IoK. India is not wrong when it accuses Pak of causing a lot of trouble there. What we need to do is up the anti by openly giving place to Indian separatists to visit Pak. Islamabad should host the likes Sikh and Kashmiri separatists for "talks" . We must strengthen our ties with China who are already sitting on Indian land causing them even greater misery. India despite it's economy and all can be badly hurt.
Indian opposition parties will definitely dent this guardian report as they want to win this election….., they may sue the guardian
It is pro Pak politicians responsible for all of this. They day they are removed we'll see an incredibly aggressive Pakistan.
Not gonna bother reading the entire novel posted, however, from the headline if it’s true that Indian agencies killed “terrorists” in Pakistan then on the behalf of every Indian I would like to say “Your Welcome” to my Pakistani friends.
India and its obsession with "ghar mein ghuss k marain gy" has not worked and this is also one of another hoax. Thanks brother.
If a terrorist flees to Pakistan, we'll kill him there: Defence minister Rajnath Singh
NEW DELHI: Union defence minister Rajnath Singh on Friday caused a sensation when he refrained from scotching a report in a foreign daily alleging that Indian agencies used hired guns to eliminate 20 Pakistan-based terrorists who were on India's 'most wanted' list for killings and other acts of violence.

Asked about a report in the UK daily The Guardian tying a spate of mysterious killings inside Pakistan to Indian agencies, Singh told TV channel News 18, "You mean terrorists? If any terrorist tries to disturb peace in India, tries to create turmoil in our country, he will not be spared, he will be given a befitting reply.

Even if he enters Pakistan, we shall enter Pakistan and kill them."

Won’t show mercy if someone tries to threaten India: Rajnath

When told that Rajnath’s remarks were in line with the “yeh naya Bharat hai, ghar me ghus kar marenge” stand delineated by PM Narendra Modi earlier in the day at his rally in Churu in Rajasthan, the defence minister nodded in affirmation and said, “The PM has rightly said... this is the power of India, Pakistan has also realised it. India has always tried to maintain cordial relations with its neighbours and there is no history of India trying to annex anyone’s territory, but if someone tries to threaten our country, and encourages terror activities, he will be shown no mercy.”

The Guardian report alleged that India rolled out a pre-emptive anti-terror policy after realising that terrorists in Pakistan could carry out more Pulwama-type attacks. It also alleged that the policy was greenlighted by the country’s external intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing, which, inspired by the example of Israeli and Russian agencies, decided to nip terror threats before they matured and, for that purpose, set up a special cell in the UAE. The newspaper alleged that people working with RAW-recruited accomplices, many of them Pakistanis, in Dubai who engaged local actors, some of them jihadis, who believed they were targeting infidels, to carry out assassination plots.

Earlier in the day, MEA had denied allegations that India carried out targeted assassinations in Pakistan, and called them “false and malicious propaganda”. The Guardian report quoted intelligence operatives in India and Pakistan to claim that India’s move was part of wider strategy to eliminate terrorists living on foreign soil.

The ministry also underlined a previous statement by foreign minister S Jaishankar in which he said that targeted killings in other countries were “not the policy of govt of India”. The killings last year of a number of terrorists, whose existence was denied by Pakistan as it rebuffed India’s efforts for cooperation, had foxed agencies and others in Pakistan.

Lashkar-e-Taiba commander Riyaz Ahmed was killed outside Al Quddus Masjid in Rawalakot, PoK, in Sept last year. Chief of Khalistan Commando Force, Paramjit Singh Panjwar, was shot dead by unidentified gunmen while he was on a morning walk near his residence in Lahore in May last year. Others killed were LeT operatives Maulana Ziaur Rehman, who was shot dead in Karachi’s Gulistan-e-Jauhar locality, and Mufti Qaiser Farooq, killed in Gulshan-i-Umar seminary last year. Jaish-e-Muhammed terrorist Shahid Latif, the chief handler of the fidayeen squad that attacked the Pathankot airbase in 2016, was gunned down by unidentified assailants in a mosque in Sialkot on Oct 10 last year.

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Pakistan denounces provocative remarks by Indian defence minister over assassination campaign

Islamabad on Saturday denounced the “provocative” remarks made by Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh in a televised interview yesterday, in which he appeared to confirm that New Delhi was carrying out an assassination campaign in Pakistan, as reported by The Guardian.

“If any terrorist from a neighbouring country tries to disturb India or carry out terrorist activities here, he will be given a fitting reply. If he escapes to Pakistan we will go to Pakistan and kill him there,” Singh said in an interview to Indian TV news network News18 on Friday.

Singh’s remarks followed The Guardian’s investigative report, published on Thursday, which said at least 20 individuals had been murdered in Pakistan since 2020 at the behest of Indian intelligence operatives. The report said it had seen evidence provided by Pakistani security agencies, and noted that Indian officers confirmed the new policy of assassinating enemies and dissidents on foreign soil. India’s Ministry of External Affairs had denied the allegations.

Singh said that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had made it clear this policy was “right” and that “India has the capability to do so. Pakistan has also started understanding this.”

Singh’s comments are the first time that India has acknowledged any assassinations by its operatives on foreign soil, The Guardian reported in a follow-up story published on Friday.

In October 2023, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had cited what he said was credible evidence of a potential link between Indian agents and the murder of a Sikh separatist leader. The following month, the US Department of Justice had said an Indian government official directed an unsuccessful plot to assassinate a Sikh separatist on US soil.

On January 25, Foreign Secretary Syrus Sajjad Qazi had said in a press conference that there was “credible evidence” of links between Indian agents and the assassination of two Pakistani nationals in Sialkot and Rawalakot.

In the Foreign Office statement issued today, Pakistan has officially condemned what it describes as “provocative remarks” made by the Indian defence minister.

The Foreign Office detailed in the foreign secretary’s presser on Jan 25, Pakistan had provided “irrefutable evidence” of India’s involvement in extrajudicial killings and transnational assassinations on Pakistani soil.

“India’s assertion of its preparedness to extra-judiciously execute more civilians, arbitrarily pronounced as ‘terrorists’, inside Pakistan constitutes a clear admission of culpability,” the FO said. “It is imperative for the international community to hold India accountable for its heinous and illegal actions.”

It added: “Pakistan stands resolute in its intent and ability to safeguard its sovereignty against any act of aggression, as demonstrated by its robust response to India’s reckless incursion in February 2019, which laid bare India’s hollow claims of military superiority.

The FO said that India’s ruling dispensation “habitually resort to hateful rhetoric to fuel hyper-nationalistic sentiments, unapologetically exploiting such discourse for electoral gains”, stressing that such “myopic and irresponsible behaviour” not only undermined regional peace but also impeded the prospects of constructive engagement in the long term.

“Pakistan has always demonstrated its commitment to peace in the region. However, our desire for peace should not be misconstrued. History attests to Pakistan’s firm resolve and ability to protect and defend itself,” it concluded.

Yesterday, the Foreign Office had said that the Indian network of extrajudicial and extraterritorial killings was now a “global phenomenon” that required a coordinated international response.

In the Friday statement, the FO had said that India’s assassination of Pakistani nationals on Pakistani soil was a clear violation of the country’s sovereignty and a breach of the UN Charter.

“These cases exposed the increasing sophistication and brazenness of Indian-sponsored terrorist acts inside Pakistan, with striking similarities to the pattern observed in other countries, including Canada and the United States,” the FO said.

“It is critical to bring to justice the perpetrators, facilitators, financiers and sponsors of these extrajudicial and extraterritorial killings. India must be held accountable internationally for its blatant violation of international law,” the FO had said.

What we need to do is up the anti by openly giving place to Indian separatists to visit Pak.
Pakistan already done that in past by calling Kashmir separatists in their land, but nothing worked… Pakistan needs to be focus at present economy crises rather than adventuring impossible thing…. Indian defence minister already issued warning to Pak
Simple. Pak and ISI should continue causing mayhem in India and IoK. India is not wrong when it accuses Pak of causing a lot of trouble there. What we need to do is up the anti by openly giving place to Indian separatists to visit Pak. Islamabad should host the likes Sikh and Kashmiri separatists for "talks" . We must strengthen our ties with China who are already sitting on Indian land causing them even greater misery. India despite it's economy and all can be badly hurt.
Pakistani intelligence is already actively involved in this. But worry not, my friend, India will birth another Pakistan in the next 75 years. The Muslim population is increasing faster than any other community in India - and currently, they are a tiny minority compared to the Hindus, yet the Hindus are so disturbed. Imagine the situation in a few decades when the Muslim population has started to catch up.

This is not the West where different populations can somewhat peacefully coexist. A second partition on the basis of religion, be it through civil war or plebiscite, is almost certain. India will crumble to pieces. And you can bet your kidneys that Pakistan will be actively involved in this.

Even now, Indians are worried about the fast pace with which its Muslim population is growing.
Such confidence from a country that has knocked the IMF's door a record 24 times till date.
Pakistani intelligence is already actively involved in this. But worry not, my friend, India will birth another Pakistan in the next 75 years. The Muslim population is increasing faster than any other community in India - and currently, they are a tiny minority compared to the Hindus, yet the Hindus are so disturbed. Imagine the situation in a few decades when the Muslim population has started to catch up.

This is not the West where different populations can somewhat peacefully coexist. A second partition on the basis of religion, be it through civil war or plebiscite, is almost certain. India will crumble to pieces. And you can bet your kidneys that Pakistan will be actively involved in this.

Even now, Indians are worried about the fast pace with which its Muslim population is growing.
So postpone the dream till 75 years? Even in Kashmir Muslim majority exist, still it’s a part of India… now kashmiri Muslim r saying they are Indians….. u can’t creat nation on majority basis…. If tomorrow black population in New York outnumbered whites, then Blacks demand for new nation justified?
Pakistani intelligence is already actively involved in this. But worry not, my friend, India will birth another Pakistan in the next 75 years. The Muslim population is increasing faster than any other community in India - and currently, they are a tiny minority compared to the Hindus, yet the Hindus are so disturbed. Imagine the situation in a few decades when the Muslim population has started to catch up.

This is not the West where different populations can somewhat peacefully coexist. A second partition on the basis of religion, be it through civil war or plebiscite, is almost certain. India will crumble to pieces. And you can bet your kidneys that Pakistan will be actively involved in this.

Even now, Indians are worried about the fast pace with which its Muslim population is growing.

Sometimes I am just amazed at the audacity of you guys, honestly. You got your own country in 1947 but still not satisfied. Now want this country to be divided again bcoz the remaining muslims in India aparently can't co exist with hindus. Never seen such entitlement from any other group.

Why don't Pakistan take over some of these 'Dara hua Mussalman' from India? Just like India is doing with persecuted minorities of Pak,BD & Afg and giving them citizenship based on CAA bill, why don't Pakistan give shelter to Indian muslims as well? You know why? Bcoz even if Pakistan allows...not a single Indian muslim want to go there. Afterall who would leave an emerging economic giant like India?

India is not getting divided again..definitely not till the BJP is in power. Let them try any secessionist act in future, hindus will come in double force against them. It took just 20 mins to bring down the Babri Masjid, remember? So you are crediting Indian muslim with more power than they actually are.
Pakistani intelligence is already actively involved in this. But worry not, my friend, India will birth another Pakistan in the next 75 years. The Muslim population is increasing faster than any other community in India - and currently, they are a tiny minority compared to the Hindus, yet the Hindus are so disturbed. Imagine the situation in a few decades when the Muslim population has started to catch up.

This is not the West where different populations can somewhat peacefully coexist. A second partition on the basis of religion, be it through civil war or plebiscite, is almost certain. India will crumble to pieces. And you can bet your kidneys that Pakistan will be actively involved in this.

Even now, Indians are worried about the fast pace with which its Muslim population is growing.

Muslim fertility rates have crashed faster than ever and will normalise to the same level as that of Hindus pretty soon.

There's also a rapidly growing wave of "secularisation" of Indian Muslims with religiosity levels declining among Muslims in India.

So, this 2nd Partition of India may not happen any time soon , if at all.

Sadly, for Pakistan , the PAK state is so broke and their population bomb so real that a Balkanisation of Pakistan along ethnic looks more likely in the near future.
Muslim fertility rates have crashed faster than ever and will normalise to the same level as that of Hindus pretty soon.

There's also a rapidly growing wave of "secularisation" of Indian Muslims with religiosity levels declining among Muslims in India.

So, this 2nd Partition of India may not happen any time soon , if at all.

Sadly, for Pakistan , the PAK state is so broke and their population bomb so real that a Balkanisation of Pakistan along ethnic looks more likely in the near future.
Someone people love living in a parallel world. 'Israel will cease to exist on world map', 'Kashmir Banega Pakistan', 'Ghazwa E Hind', '9/11 and Mumbai attacks were both inside jobs' ..... it does not end.
A second partition on the basis of religion, be it through civil war or plebiscite, is almost certain. India will crumble to pieces. And you can bet your kidneys that Pakistan will be actively involved in this.

Even now, Indians are worried about the fast pace with which its Muslim population is growing.

I am more worried that another partition of Pakistan is around the corner where Balochistan breaks away and becomes a separate country...

Pakistan has no money and living of bail outs, somethings gotta give here..

So far the muslim Ummah has hung Pakistan dry...

I am more worried that another partition of Pakistan is around the corner where Balochistan breaks away and becomes a separate country...

Pakistan has no money and living of bail outs, somethings gotta give here..

So far the muslim Ummah has hung Pakistan dry...
Their issues, let them worry. Regardless, the answer to all of their economic issues is IMF.
Not gonna bother reading the entire novel posted, however, from the headline if it’s true that Indian agencies killed “terrorists” in Pakistan then on the behalf of every Indian I would like to say “Your Welcome” to my Pakistani friends.

You don't have any Pakistani friends.
Someone people love living in a parallel world. 'Israel will cease to exist on world map', 'Kashmir Banega Pakistan', 'Ghazwa E Hind', '9/11 and Mumbai attacks were both inside jobs' ..... it does not end.
9/11 was an inside job, an excuse to invade the middle east. No jew attended the wtc that day.
Every country worth its salt indulges in these activities, taking out hostile elements in foreign soil. ISI will also have its sleeper cells in India, RAW in Pak, CIA/MI6/Mossad/SVR-RF everywhere.
If a terrorist flees to Pakistan, we'll kill him there: Defence minister Rajnath Singh
NEW DELHI: Union defence minister Rajnath Singh on Friday caused a sensation when he refrained from scotching a report in a foreign daily alleging that Indian agencies used hired guns to eliminate 20 Pakistan-based terrorists who were on India's 'most wanted' list for killings and other acts of violence.

Asked about a report in the UK daily The Guardian tying a spate of mysterious killings inside Pakistan to Indian agencies, Singh told TV channel News 18, "You mean terrorists? If any terrorist tries to disturb peace in India, tries to create turmoil in our country, he will not be spared, he will be given a befitting reply.

Even if he enters Pakistan, we shall enter Pakistan and kill them."

Won’t show mercy if someone tries to threaten India: Rajnath

When told that Rajnath’s remarks were in line with the “yeh naya Bharat hai, ghar me ghus kar marenge” stand delineated by PM Narendra Modi earlier in the day at his rally in Churu in Rajasthan, the defence minister nodded in affirmation and said, “The PM has rightly said... this is the power of India, Pakistan has also realised it. India has always tried to maintain cordial relations with its neighbours and there is no history of India trying to annex anyone’s territory, but if someone tries to threaten our country, and encourages terror activities, he will be shown no mercy.”

The Guardian report alleged that India rolled out a pre-emptive anti-terror policy after realising that terrorists in Pakistan could carry out more Pulwama-type attacks. It also alleged that the policy was greenlighted by the country’s external intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing, which, inspired by the example of Israeli and Russian agencies, decided to nip terror threats before they matured and, for that purpose, set up a special cell in the UAE. The newspaper alleged that people working with RAW-recruited accomplices, many of them Pakistanis, in Dubai who engaged local actors, some of them jihadis, who believed they were targeting infidels, to carry out assassination plots.

Earlier in the day, MEA had denied allegations that India carried out targeted assassinations in Pakistan, and called them “false and malicious propaganda”. The Guardian report quoted intelligence operatives in India and Pakistan to claim that India’s move was part of wider strategy to eliminate terrorists living on foreign soil.

The ministry also underlined a previous statement by foreign minister S Jaishankar in which he said that targeted killings in other countries were “not the policy of govt of India”. The killings last year of a number of terrorists, whose existence was denied by Pakistan as it rebuffed India’s efforts for cooperation, had foxed agencies and others in Pakistan.

Lashkar-e-Taiba commander Riyaz Ahmed was killed outside Al Quddus Masjid in Rawalakot, PoK, in Sept last year. Chief of Khalistan Commando Force, Paramjit Singh Panjwar, was shot dead by unidentified gunmen while he was on a morning walk near his residence in Lahore in May last year. Others killed were LeT operatives Maulana Ziaur Rehman, who was shot dead in Karachi’s Gulistan-e-Jauhar locality, and Mufti Qaiser Farooq, killed in Gulshan-i-Umar seminary last year. Jaish-e-Muhammed terrorist Shahid Latif, the chief handler of the fidayeen squad that attacked the Pathankot airbase in 2016, was gunned down by unidentified assailants in a mosque in Sialkot on Oct 10 last year.

It goes beyond that. india have been actively undertaking bombs in masjids and markets etc. india were involved in the Sri Lanka cricket shooting
So the Inds have killed PKs on PK soil in extra Judicial killings and our establishment connived.
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Every country worth its salt indulges in these activities, taking out hostile elements in foreign soil. ISI will also have its sleeper cells in India, RAW in Pak, CIA/MI6/Mossad/SVR-RF everywhere.
Probably one of the few common sense posts in the thread.

I heard this long story by an individual yesterday, who was involved in investigating Shehbaz Sharif's corruption and a done deal of a conviction case, stated that at every turn his path was impeded by ISI when it came to investigations. Dr Rizwan (the chief investigator) was already killed and this individual was hiding in England and police were protecting him. ISI still almost assassinated him, the police confirmed it was a professional job and since then his life hasn't been the same. Adil Raja in the UK cannot live in his house due the fact his life is in danger.

My point is, one nation is creating deterrence and going after their enemies, the other is ignoring corrupt scum like the Sharifs living abroad in luxury or traitors like Hussain Haqqani in the US and is using its intelligence agencies to hunt PTI sympathisers or investigators uncovering corruption in Pakistan's establishment and busy molesting women and torturing men in jails and making voyeur videos in bedrooms of Pakistani citizens.

We can guess which one of these nations is practicing self interest and looking after its house and heading to space and which one is nearing bankruptcy.
Every country worth its salt indulges in these activities, taking out hostile elements in foreign soil. ISI will also have its sleeper cells in India, RAW in Pak, CIA/MI6/Mossad/SVR-RF everywhere.
Exactly, why are people beating around the bush about this ?

I would obviously prefer to live in a world where every country has extradition treaties and ensure every suspected militant is charged, read their rights, sits through a court trial etc.

Equally obvious is the distinction between idealism and reality. We know how the judicial system, especially in the subcontinent, is easily influenced by external forces, subject to lengthy bureaucratic delays, and riddled with corruption. Of course there must be reasonable limits to this kind of extraterritorial activities, but what RAW are doing is no different to any major intelligence agency including ISI.
Who is the foreign terrorist that is hosted on Indian territory ? I mean, apart from His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Whereas in Pakistan .. u have Dawood Ibrahim, the IC814 hijackers of 1999, 26/11 masterminds .. the list goes on.
Pakistani intelligence is already actively involved in this. But worry not, my friend, India will birth another Pakistan in the next 75 years. The Muslim population is increasing faster than any other community in India - and currently, they are a tiny minority compared to the Hindus, yet the Hindus are so disturbed. Imagine the situation in a few decades when the Muslim population has started to catch up.

This is not the West where different populations can somewhat peacefully coexist. A second partition on the basis of religion, be it through civil war or plebiscite, is almost certain. India will crumble to pieces. And you can bet your kidneys that Pakistan will be actively involved in this.

Even now, Indians are worried about the fast pace with which its Muslim population is growing.
75+ year gone but Pakistan hasn't even take Kashmir now thinking of breaking india. Nice dream
So postpone the dream till 75 years? Even in Kashmir Muslim majority exist, still it’s a part of India… now kashmiri Muslim r saying they are Indians….. u can’t creat nation on majority basis…. If tomorrow black population in New York outnumbered whites, then Blacks demand for new nation justified?

Sometimes I am just amazed at the audacity of you guys, honestly. You got your own country in 1947 but still not satisfied. Now want this country to be divided again bcoz the remaining muslims in India aparently can't co exist with hindus. Never seen such entitlement from any other group.

Why don't Pakistan take over some of these 'Dara hua Mussalman' from India? Just like India is doing with persecuted minorities of Pak,BD & Afg and giving them citizenship based on CAA bill, why don't Pakistan give shelter to Indian muslims as well? You know why? Bcoz even if Pakistan allows...not a single Indian muslim want to go there. Afterall who would leave an emerging economic giant like India?

India is not getting divided again..definitely not till the BJP is in power. Let them try any secessionist act in future, hindus will come in double force against them. It took just 20 mins to bring down the Babri Masjid, remember? So you are crediting Indian muslim with more power than they actually are.

Muslim fertility rates have crashed faster than ever and will normalise to the same level as that of Hindus pretty soon.

There's also a rapidly growing wave of "secularisation" of Indian Muslims with religiosity levels declining among Muslims in India.

So, this 2nd Partition of India may not happen any time soon , if at all.

Sadly, for Pakistan , the PAK state is so broke and their population bomb so real that a Balkanisation of Pakistan along ethnic looks more likely in the near future.


I am more worried that another partition of Pakistan is around the corner where Balochistan breaks away and becomes a separate country...

Pakistan has no money and living of bail outs, somethings gotta give here..

So far the muslim Ummah has hung Pakistan dry...

Their issues, let them worry. Regardless, the answer to all of their economic issues is IMF.
Dear friends,

Why are you burning? Just shared my thoughts. I genuinely think this will happen. We Muslims ruled you for over a thousand years. Don’t forget we ruled you for over a thousand years.


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Why are you burning? Just shared my thoughts. I genuinely think this will happen. We Muslims ruled you for over a thousand years. Don’t forget we ruled you for over a thousand years.
We, lol since when did you become persian or turkish. You have never ruled over anyone and even after getting independence you have been under the boots of the americans, Chinese and the saudis.

The only thing you are good at is begging others for loans.

Peace, no need to take it personally just because there's good coming out of your country
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We, lol since when did you become persian or turkish. You have never ruled over anyone and even after getting independence you have been under the boots of the americans, Chinese and the saudis.

The only thing you are good at is begging others for loans.

Peace, no need to take it personally just because there's good coming out of your country
Do you know my ethnic background? And you do admit that you were ruled helplessly for over a thousand years?

And anyway, I said Muslims ruled you for a thousand years - and will rule you for another thousand. A hundred years or even a couple of hundred years of independence is a speck in your history of being ruled by Muslims.
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I am more worried that another partition of Pakistan is around the corner where Balochistan breaks away and becomes a separate country...

Pakistan has no money and living of bail outs, somethings gotta give here..

So far the muslim Ummah has hung Pakistan dry...
Rich of you to speak -Only until a couple of decades ago you were also getting loans from the IMF. Don’t act all might - waqt boht jaldi badalta hai. What doesn’t change is the fact that we ruled you and you were helpless for 1000 years.
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Despite making claims of Superpower and strategic heads in Asia specifically, poverty line in India is alarming and crisis about to explode yet they are busy meddling in others issue
Why are you burning? Just shared my thoughts. I genuinely think this will happen. We Muslims ruled you for over a thousand years. Don’t forget we ruled you for over a thousand years.



Not quite accurate is it? I'm talking about the "We" part.

A group of Central Asian Muslims ruled the land called current day India/Pakistan for over a thousand years. The rule involved conversion of a section of the population to Islam, and you were the first to fold and continue to be so to this day. The rest of us have retained our identity.
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Do you know my ethnic background? And you do admit that you were ruled helplessly for over a thousand years?

And anyway, I said Muslims ruled you for a thousand years - and will rule you for another thousand. A hundred years or even a couple of hundred years of independence is a speck in your history of being ruled by Muslims.

And yes a broke poor, downtrodden country which is surviving on foreign loans is going to going to rule over lol, thanks for the laugh but this me worry about the education system of our padosis
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Rich of you to speak - Only until a couple of decades ago you were also getting loans from the IMF. Don’t act all might - waqt boht jaldi badalta hai. What doesn’t change is the fact that we ruled you and you were helpless for 1000 years. All your machismo is only for show like your scam call centers.

Your country is fast becoming an asian somalia, and you guys cant even do a single thing without the permission of your foreign masters.

If they gave out Nobel prizes for being delusional, Pakistanis would sweep all of them. Try getting out of the FATF list 1st before dreaming about rulling others lol
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Not quite accurate is it? I'm talking about the "We" part.

A group of Central Asian Muslims ruled the land called current day India/Pakistan for over a thousand years. The rule involved conversion of a section of the population to Islam, and you were the first to fold and continue to be so to this day. The rest of us have retained our identity.

They either folded or they saw the light, depending on who you ask.
Not quite accurate is it? I'm talking about the "We" part.

A group of Central Asian Muslims ruled the land called current day India/Pakistan for over a thousand years. The rule involved conversion of a section of the population to Islam, and you were the first to fold and continue to be so to this day. The rest of us have retained our identity.

Has the same desperate energy as "Hahahah we Christians colonised you Hindus/Muslims for 200 years" by some random lungi wearing fisherman named Joseph Selvarajan from coastal Tamil Nadu.. :ROFLMAO:

But i guess that's what identity crisis an ddeep-seated bitterness does.
Why are you burning? Just shared my thoughts. I genuinely think this will happen. We Muslims ruled you for over a thousand years. Don’t forget we ruled you for over a thousand years.


Nobody is burning, brother Express Pacer. Those who are debt slaves and cannot even rule themselves shouldn't really be talking thus.
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Has the same desperate energy as "Hahahah we Christians colonised you Hindus/Muslims for 200 years" by some random lungi wearing fisherman named Joseph Selvarajan from coastal Tamil Nadu.. :ROFLMAO:

But i guess that's what identity crisis an ddeep-seated bitterness does.
But the thing is no indian Christian ever does that, but I guess when you are secure of yourself and have a hope, future and live in an area with a functioning economy you don't need to
Every country worth its salt indulges in these activities, taking out hostile elements in foreign soil. ISI will also have its sleeper cells in India, RAW in Pak, CIA/MI6/Mossad/SVR-RF everywhere.

ISI sleeper cells must still be asleep, they don't appear to have targeted anyone in India, as has been said already, their main focus seems to be going after PTI.
They either folded or they saw the light, depending on who you ask.
I guess when we’re all dead and buried or burnt (whichever you prefer) then you will see who was correct in their beliefs and who wasnt.
There is no compulsion in Islam, to you your faith, to me mine. Anyone who says otherwise is lying.