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Indian government ordered killings in Pakistan, intelligence officials claim

ISI sleeper cells must still be asleep, they don't appear to have targeted anyone in India, as has been said already, their main focus seems to be going after PTI.
Or may be ISI & Army is scared bcoz they know India might again get them FATF grey listed & jeopardize the IMF bailout - which can be catastrophic for Pakistan given the current economic crisis

Like Imran Khan said - beggars cannot be choosers !
Or may be ISI & Army is scared bcoz they know India might again get them FATF grey listed & jeopardize the IMF bailout - which can be catastrophic for Pakistan given the current economic crisis

Like Imran Khan said - beggars cannot be choosers !

So kind of disproves the Bharati constant media barrage about Pakistan being a dangerous terrorist nation then. Seems that description would be better applied to India. :unsure:
I guess when we’re all dead and buried or burnt (whichever you prefer) then you will see who was correct in their beliefs and who wasnt.
There is no compulsion in Islam, to you your faith, to me mine. Anyone who says otherwise is lying.

I hope you aren't saying that I'll be burning in hell like a rotisserie chicken if I don't convert to Islam.
Or may be ISI & Army is scared bcoz they know India might again get them FATF grey listed & jeopardize the IMF bailout - which can be catastrophic for Pakistan given the current economic crisis

Like Imran Khan said - beggars cannot be choosers !
Dont think it was IK was who said that. it was inds favourite corrupt Pak family.
If Pak doesn’t get the bailout, it maybe the best thing for Pakistan.
I hope you aren't saying that I'll be burning in hell like a rotisserie chicken if I don't convert to Islam.
If you are confident in your beliefs then you have nothing to be worried about. Live your life and treat others how you wish them to treat you. If that means being roasted like a rotisserie chicken then… well you do you
Despite making claims of Superpower and strategic heads in Asia specifically, poverty line in India is alarming and crisis about to explode yet they are busy meddling in others issue

Worry about Pakistan.

Pakistan is surviving on loans and bailouts.
So kind of disproves the Bharati constant media barrage about Pakistan being a dangerous terrorist nation then. Seems that description would be better applied to India. :unsure:
Terrorist are those who killed innocent civilians. Like Pakistan based terror groups did in Mumbai

India killed 20 terrorists who did Mumbai attacks. Not civilians !

Its like saying US is terrorist bcoz they killed Osama Bin LAden !
Or may be ISI & Army is scared bcoz they know India might again get them FATF grey listed & jeopardize the IMF bailout - which can be catastrophic for Pakistan given the current economic crisis

Like Imran Khan said - beggars cannot be choosers !

Or there may be conventional escalation on the border. Pakistani economy can't handle it
Terrorist are those who killed innocent civilians. Like Pakistan based terror groups did in Mumbai

India killed 20 terrorists who did Mumbai attacks. Not civilians !

Its like saying US is terrorist bcoz they killed Osama Bin LAden !

They didn't kill Bin Laden, he was already dead. The Mumbai attack was to Modi's advantage, had all the hallmarks of a false flag operation to finally cement the hindutva rise in India.
if the report is true, which I think it broadly is Pakistanis, who really like to see their country improve should be ecstatic. Why don’t you want these terrorists eliminated? I am sure most common Pakistanis won’t. So you should be happy and thank the Indian government for cleaning up your trash.
They didn't kill Bin Laden, he was already dead. The Mumbai attack was to Modi's advantage, had all the hallmarks of a false flag operation to finally cement the hindutva rise in India.
A false flag operation to cement modi back in 2008 when even his biggest supporters couldn't ever imagine him being pm?

Genius levels of intellect here
Not quite accurate is it? I'm talking about the "We" part.

A group of Central Asian Muslims ruled the land called current day India/Pakistan for over a thousand years. The rule involved conversion of a section of the population to Islam, and you were the first to fold and continue to be so to this day. The rest of us have retained our identity.
Ironic that you and several others like brother @Nikhil_cric are quick to assume my heritage. I, for one, have ancestors who have migrated from Arabia to this region.

Having said that, brothers and sisters in the past who have converted have entered the fold of Islam and are included in the “we” that mercilessly ruled your kind for centuries.

We don’t look down on them.
Dear friends,

Why are you burning? Just shared my thoughts. I genuinely think this will happen. We Muslims ruled you for over a thousand years. Don’t forget we ruled you for over a thousand years.


Dear friends,

Why are you burning? Just shared my thoughts. I genuinely think this will happen. We Muslims ruled you for over a thousand years. Don’t forget we ruled you for over a thousand years.



Keeping joke of that 'We' word aside, its just like how Israel is ruling over Palestine now.

However, you guys are getting impatient when this rule which is only 65 years old but questioning us why are we burning for 1000 years of Islamic rule?
Said it before, will say it again - a Hindutva government represents the largest terrorist organisation known to man.

We're just seeing the snippets. First in Oman, then Canada, now Pakistan.

The great news is that Western media is now reporting so. Modi thought he would could flash a few ruppees for protection but the 5EYES publicly humiliated his government, and now the Western media.

Give it a couple more years and the terrorists in Hollywood movies will be of Indian origin - you know you've made it big then!
Keeping joke of that 'We' word aside, its just like how Israel is ruling over Palestine now.

However, you guys are getting impatient when this rule which is only 65 years old but questioning us why are we burning for 1000 years of Islamic rule?
Sorry I didn’t understand what you meant. Can you elaborate?
That's what they all say. It's not fooling anybody, and is part of the identity crisis.
I have no reason to lie. In any event, as I stated above, I have no insecurity complexes. The Islamic faith, as AR Rahman would tell you, is not about creating distinctions by caste or creed.

If you convert to Islam, you are considered to be part of the fold of Islam. Therefore, when we say “WE” - it does not matter where you come from, we consider ourselves one Ummah.

Is AR Rahman forcibly converted or weak too?

Also, just to clarify, a large part of Pakistanis in the North such as Gilgitis or Pashtuns were never Hindus. My ancestors and current family still speak Farsi so I am very much sure of my heritage. Or were Farsi speakers Hindu too?
Said it before, will say it again - a Hindutva government represents the largest terrorist organisation known to man.

We're just seeing the snippets. First in Oman, then Canada, now Pakistan.

The great news is that Western media is now reporting so. Modi thought he would could flash a few ruppees for protection but the 5EYES publicly humiliated his government, and now the Western media.

Give it a couple more years and the terrorists in Hollywood movies will be of Indian origin - you know you've made it big then!
Every thread you are on about Western nations hypocrisy and blah blah and over here the Zionist media is right eh..
Israeli's are genociding Palestinians but Muslims just ruled over India, is it?
Please do.. the moghuls are not equal to the Palestinians, but you being up the israelis every time. Seems like you are enjoying the genocide of muslims..

P.s the Moghuls are not my relatives
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Said it before, will say it again - a Hindutva government represents the largest terrorist organisation known to man.

We're just seeing the snippets. First in Oman, then Canada, now Pakistan.

The great news is that Western media is now reporting so. Modi thought he would could flash a few ruppees for protection but the 5EYES publicly humiliated his government, and now the Western media.

Give it a couple more years and the terrorists in Hollywood movies will be of Indian origin - you know you've made it big then!

Pakistan needs a fighter like you, why are you wasting your life in England? it's clear your mind is not in Europe, you are deep into the whole world vs Islam, PM Modi etc. Just move down to Pakistan, join the ISI and atleast give the Indians a beating..

You can do it.

Lets go..
Please do.. the moghuls are not equal to the Palestinians, but you being up the israelis every time. Seems like you are enjoying the genocide of muslims.

P.s the Moghuls are not my relatives

Brother @guard not sure whom are you guarding your ignorance from but brother @ExpressPacer mentioned that he is proud of 1000 years that Muslims ruled over Hindus. That 1000 years not only include Mughals but also Ghaznis & Taimurs and other barbaric Islamic rulers who killed Thousands and Thousands of Hindus in Delhi alone. So if you can support and take pride of such evil regime, not sure with what face you can criticize Israel. I debated on the same topic on Mughal glorification thread with another brother named @sweep_shot and he is missing for sometime after losing the battle badly. :confused:
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Ironic that you and several others like brother @Nikhil_cric are quick to assume my heritage. I, for one, have ancestors who have migrated from Arabia to this region.

Having said that, brothers and sisters in the past who have converted have entered the fold of Islam and are included in the “we” that mercilessly ruled your kind for centuries.

We don’t look down on them.
Never once assumed your heritage, @ExpressPacer
Having said that, brothers and sisters in the past who have converted have entered the fold of Islam and are included in the “we” that mercilessly ruled your kind for centuries.
Nah, not really bro, converts were never part of the ruling elite.

Convert is just a convert at the end of the day, no matter how much they appease...
But the thing is no indian Christian ever does that, but I guess when you are secure of yourself and have a hope, future and live in an area with a functioning economy you don't need to

Even Indian Muslims don't do that (except a tiny minority). Some in places like Hyderabad and UP have lineage that goes directly back to the ruling Nawab/Nizams but they don't even give a crap about all that and are just generally chilled out and surprisingly progressive.

It's only our 'brothers' across the western border who like to embarass themselves with these takes even though they can't name a single Punjabi/Sindhi/Kashmiri Muslim ruler who "ruled over us Hindus for 1000 years". I guess it's just a sad coping mechanism to piggy back on some Central Asian dynasties, when you consider the fact that the most notable feat by actual Pakistani Muslim establishment was losing all 4 wars against India after starting them and getting their country cut in half within 24 years of ceasing power. Again sad...
Well looks like it’s proven again that shining India are also sponsors of terrorism. Of course we’re going to hear Indians counter with worry about your poor country, or our GDP is this or that, or 26/11 blah blah because that’s what they do: deflect.
Brother @guard not sure whom are you guarding your ignorance from but brother @ExpressPacer mentioned that he is proud of 1000 years that Muslims ruled over Hindus. That 1000 years not only include Mughals but also Ghaznis & Taimurs and other barbaric Islamic rulers who killed Thousands and Thousands of Hindus in Delhi alone. So if you can support and take pride of such evil regime, not sure with what face you can criticize Israel. I debated on the same topic on Mughal glorification thread with another brother named @sweep_shot and he is missing for sometime after losing the battle badly. :confused:
IMO, Mughal rule was far from perfect but it was not barbaric especially in context of the time. Several Mughal rulers had Hindu ministers, advisors and generals.
A false flag operation to cement modi back in 2008 when even his biggest supporters couldn't ever imagine him being pm?

Genius levels of intellect here

Modi's rise to national fame started when? 2002 in the Gujarajat massacres carried out under his watch. This is how movements built on a foundation of insecurity and hatred flourish. In that context 2008 would have been an important milestone and possibly the crowning achievement to swing the vote of a majority which has always nursed doubts about the passive nature of it's religion.
Modi's rise to national fame started when? 2002 in the Gujarajat massacres carried out under his watch. This is how movements built on a foundation of insecurity and hatred flourish. In that context 2008 would have been an important milestone and possibly the crowning achievement to swing the vote of a majority which has always nursed doubts about the passive nature of it's religion.
This doesn't really make sense. The attack happened in 2008 and congress won in 2009, the BJP performed poorly the year after when the attacks were still fresh in everyone's minds.

And before 2013, no one thought that modi could ever be the pm. He wasn't a national leader at all, nitish kumar had a bigger status than him and modi was still kind of a pariah figure
This doesn't really make sense. The attack happened in 2008 and congress won in 2009, the BJP performed poorly the year after when the attacks were still fresh in everyone's minds.

And before 2013, no one thought that modi could ever be the pm. He wasn't a national leader at all, nitish kumar had a bigger status than him and modi was still kind of a pariah figure

Congress was also competing with BJP in pandering to hindutva movements, this is actually an idea which is often stressed by Indian posters on this site when they want to defend BJP against charges of Islamophobia. You would know the mechanics of Indian political parties better than me, I just look at who benefits politically from terror attacks on civilians in India. I don't see how this would benefit Pakistan in any way, but if you can suggest a reason I am open to hearing it.
Modi's rise to national fame started when? 2002 in the Gujarajat massacres carried out under his watch. This is how movements built on a foundation of insecurity and hatred flourish. In that context 2008 would have been an important milestone and possibly the crowning achievement to swing the vote of a majority which has always nursed doubts about the passive nature of it's religion.

Lol you have no clue as usual.

If Modi actually had risen to "national fame" in 2002 , he would have been BJP's PM candidate in 2004 and 2009 but he wasn't. Was he? Guess what? It was Congress/UPA that won both the elections by a thumping majority.

Modi rose to fame on the back of development projects he undertook as the CM of Gujarat and the self sabotaging Congress clowns made it easier.
This doesn't really make sense. The attack happened in 2008 and congress won in 2009, the BJP performed poorly the year after when the attacks were still fresh in everyone's minds.

And before 2013, no one thought that modi could ever be the pm. He wasn't a national leader at all, nitish kumar had a bigger status than him and modi was still kind of a pariah figure

He has no idea what he's talking about. It's not new.

The plan here is to use the usual buzz words like "Hindutva" , "Islamophobia" , RSS" etc and try to come across as an expert on Indian politics in an ecochamber like PP when in reality those arguments are just 🤡.
Congress was also competing with BJP in pandering to hindutva movements, this is actually an idea which is often stressed by Indian posters on this site when they want to defend BJP against charges of Islamophobia. You would know the mechanics of Indian political parties better than me, I just look at who benefits politically from terror attacks on civilians in India. I don't see how this would benefit Pakistan in any way, but if you can suggest a reason I am open to hearing it.
But hindutva votes hate congress and have always accused them of pandering to minorities.
Manmohan singh said that minorities have the 1st right to the nation's resources and digvijay singh blamed rss for the 2008 attacks.

Doesnt seem like pandering to them
Lol you have no clue as usual.

If Modi actually had risen to "national fame" in 2002 , he would have been BJP's PM candidate in 2004 and 2009 but he wasn't. Was he? Guess what? It was Congress/UPA that won both the elections by a thumping majority.

Modi rose to fame on the back of development projects he undertook as the CM of Gujarat and the self sabotaging Congress clowns made it easier.

The Gujarat massacres were reported worldwide, never mind nationwide. As the leader of Gujarat, that was when Modi first came to prominence outside of Gujarat. I don't think that is too difficult to grasp.
The Gujarat massacres were reported worldwide, never mind nationwide. As the leader of Gujarat, that was when Modi first came to prominence outside of Gujarat. I don't think that is too difficult to grasp.

That's not what you said in your earlier post but nevermind.

Insinuating that Modi/BJP came into power only because "they murdered Muslims in Gujarat" 12 years before and then lamely attempting to change the line is not a good look.
But hindutva votes hate congress and have always accused them of pandering to minorities.
Manmohan singh said that minorities have the 1st right to the nation's resources and digvijay singh blamed rss for the 2008 attacks.

Doesnt seem like pandering to them

So even inside India there was suspicion that 2008 attacks were organised by RSS. Just because hindutvas hate Congress doesn't mean that the party has to dismiss their concerns. Hindus are the majority by a big margin in India, no political party can ignore their wants or needs, including hindutvas.
So even inside India there was suspicion that 2008 attacks were organised by RSS. Just because hindutvas hate Congress doesn't mean that the party has to dismiss their concerns. Hindus are the majority by a big margin in India, no political party can ignore their wants or needs, including hindutvas.
No suspicion inside india, only a certain braindead politico known as diggy said it but the arrest of kasab made everything clear
No suspicion inside india, only a certain braindead politico known as diggy said it but the arrest of kasab made everything clear

Given the nature of the topic in question, nothing is ever clear. That is the whole point in having secret services operating abroad, one of the key objectives is to spread disunity and undermine the enemy. Sending a terrorist to kill civilians from Pakistan would have the opposite effect, and indeed the Indian politicians have been milking it for 16 years now, as have their hindutva bots on social media.
Pakistan already done that in past by calling Kashmir separatists in their land, but nothing worked… Pakistan needs to be focus at present economy crises rather than adventuring impossible thing…. Indian defence minister already issued warning to Pak
No. You see the Pak government is a western stooge. We have been reactive not proactive when it comes to India. I see this changing this year.
It was the late Zia-ul-Haq who went to India under the garb of watching a Cricket match. There he told Rajiv Gandhi if India did not recall it's troops from the border before he returned to Islamabad Pak would nuke them. A sweating Gandhi did exactly as he was told. This is the type of ultra aggressive leadership we need.
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It was the late Zia-ul-Haq who went to India under the garb of watching a Cricket match. There he told Rajiv Gandhi if India did not recall it's troops from the border before he returned to Islamabad Pak would nuke them. A sweating Gandhi did exactly as he was told. This is the type of ultra aggressive leadership we need.
Can you post a single non Pakistani source that says the same things as in that article you posted? I tried searching on Google, I couldn't find any.

By the way, I'm not disbelieving you. I just want to know how legitimate that story is. It's a topic that interests me.
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Your country is fast becoming an asian somalia, and you guys cant even do a single thing without the permission of your foreign masters.

If they gave out Nobel prizes for being delusional, Pakistanis would sweep all of them. Try getting out of the FATF list 1st before dreaming about rulling others lol
Or may be ISI & Army is scared bcoz they know India might again get them FATF grey listed & jeopardize the IMF bailout - which can be catastrophic for Pakistan given the current economic crisis

Like Imran Khan said - beggars cannot be choosers !

Far too much Bollywood & IPL being watched here . India has 3-4X more people in extreme poverty than the population of Pakistan. More than Somalia & all of sub Sahara together

Both countries are a mess , poverty stricken , filthy & still 3rd world . Both also have nukes , there is no winner here or superior power . These killings make no difference. Pls watch some fake agent Bollywood movie & continue to live in pigeon land
Far too much Bollywood & IPL being watched here . India has 3-4X more people in extreme poverty than the population of Pakistan. More than Somalia & all of sub Sahara together

Both countries are a mess , poverty stricken , filthy & still 3rd world . Both also have nukes , there is no winner here or superior power . These killings make no difference. Pls watch some fake agent Bollywood movie & continue to live in pigeon land
One country is self sufficient, the other has knocked the IMF's door with a begging bowl a record 24 times.
One country is self sufficient, the other has knocked the IMF's door with a begging bowl a record 24 times.

You may be munching on lettuce & lentils but over 600 million of your brethren are starving , ask them to login & comment on how self sufficient they are .
You may be munching on lettuce & lentils but over 600 million of your brethren are starving , ask them to login & comment on how self sufficient they are .
:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: A valid and credible link would settle the debate. Can you? Go ahead, prove your claim.

Once again, the record of knocking the IMF's door with a begging bowl the maximum times belongs to Pakistan, 24 times. India has gone to the IMF just once till date.

"Beggars can't be choosers" - Shehbaz Sharif
Worth reading


Subterfuge of Modi government

It is now quite well known that Narendra Modi and his BJP regime is involved in carrying out murders of its perceived enemies in both India and abroad. There is now clear evidence of killings of many opponents of Modi’s BJP government with many foreign governments openly accusing India of carrying out nefarious acts.

Hitherto Modi regime exploited its economic muscle to keep protestations in check but the killings happening in Canada and the US compelled governments of these countries to bring to light the highly illegal and provocative actions of the Indian government. Pakistan has repeatedly complained about Modi government’s malicious actions inside Pakistan. This seedier policy has put the Modi regime in the spotlight although Modi is very thick-skinned and has in the past not only avoided talking about the matter but has declared all such claims as frivolous and unreal.

Along with Canadian PM, the Pakistani government is very vocal in condemning such actions of New Delhi. Pakistani officials specifically mention that they have credible proof of Indian hand behind extrajudicial killings in Pakistan. It was specifically mentioned the murders last year of Mohammad Riaz in Rawlakot and Shahid Latif in Sialkot. Both these individuals were suspected by the Indians to be associated with Kashmiri militants and were targets of Indians.

Pakistani officialdom also named the names of the local suspects for their involvement in these killings along with identifying by name Indian agents believed to have overseen these operations. It was also pointed out that one of the Indian operatives was operating from a Gulf country. The suspicions have grown stronger by the day as some Indian mainstream and social media accounts had mentioned the killings as retribution.

The issue took a crucial turn when a credible UK newspaper the Guardian printed an investigative report bringing to fore that on behest of Modi regime Indian foreign intelligence agency RAW carried out a series of operations in Pakistan since 2019 that involved assassination of Pakistani citizens under the pretext of national security. The fresh claims relate to almost 20 killings since 2020 carried out by unknown gunmen in Pakistan.

While India has previously been unofficially linked to the deaths, this is the first time Indian intelligence personnel have discussed the alleged operations in Pakistan and detailed documentation has been seen alleging RAW’s direct involvement in the assassinations.

Pakistani investigating agencies point out that these killings planned, organised and implemented by Indian intelligence sleeper cells mostly operating out of the United Arab Emirates. The rise in killings in 2023 was credited to the increased activity of these cells, which are accused of paying millions of rupees to local criminals carry out the assassinations.

Indian agents also allegedly recruited jihadists to carry out the shootings, making them believe they were killing infidels. Pakistani intelligence sources claimed that targeted assassinations increased significantly in 2023, accusing India of involvement in the suspected deaths of about 15 people, most of whom were shot at close range by unknown gunmen.

RAW was following in the footsteps of notorious intelligence agencies, Israel’s Mossad and Russian KGB that are reported to specialise in extrajudicial killings of foreign soil. It is worthwhile to point out that RAW operates under the direct instructions of India’s prime minister Modi who is an avowed Hindu supremacist and violently reacts to any opposition to his rule.

The alleged shift in Indian strategy was in line with Modi’s more aggressive approach to foreign policy and that just as western states have been accused of extrajudicial killings abroad in the name of national security, there were those in Delhi who felt that India reserves the right to do the same.

Finally, the cat came out of the bag when Indian defence minister Rajnath Singh confirmed that the Indian government did carry out extrajudicial killings in Pakistan. India had previously denied all involvement in the assassinations but after the publication of the Guardian’s report, Rajnath Singh came out in open to confirm Indian role in such killings.

He categorically stated that if any terrorist from a neighbouring country tries to disturb India or carry out terrorist activities here, he will be given a fitting reply. If he escapes to Pakistan then India will ensure that he is eliminated there. He emphasised that Narendra Modi considers such policy as correct and that India has the wherewithal to do that. Crucially, Modi who is campaigning for a third time in office has alluded to such operations abroad stating that now India goes inside the enemy to strike.

Pakistani officialdom responded by mentioning that the killing spree exposed the increasing sophistication and brazenness of Indian-sponsored terrorist acts inside Pakistan, with striking similarities to the pattern observed in other countries, including Canada and the United States. It is more than clear that Modi wants to target anyone opposed to his rule but India should bear in mind that murdering people with impunity is not possible because it will have very serious consequences.

Even Indian Muslims don't do that (except a tiny minority). Some in places like Hyderabad and UP have lineage that goes directly back to the ruling Nawab/Nizams but they don't even give a crap about all that and are just generally chilled out and surprisingly progressive.

It's only our 'brothers' across the western border who like to embarass themselves with these takes even though they can't name a single Punjabi/Sindhi/Kashmiri Muslim ruler who "ruled over us Hindus for 1000 years". I guess it's just a sad coping mechanism to piggy back on some Central Asian dynasties, when you consider the fact that the most notable feat by actual Pakistani Muslim establishment was losing all 4 wars against India after starting them and getting their country cut in half within 24 years of ceasing power. Again sad...
Tbf most of these are British Pakistanis and they have an identity crisis.

Pakistanis across the border are actually much saner and understanding.
Tbf most of these are British Pakistanis and they have an identity crisis.

Pakistanis across the border are actually much saner and understanding.
True! I've hardly seen Pakistanis living across the border make such ludicrous claims. British Pakistanis suffer from an identity crisis.
Tbf most of these are British Pakistanis and they have an identity crisis.

True! I've hardly seen Pakistanis living across the border make such ludicrous claims. British Pakistanis suffer from an identity crisis.

Yes probably. And we must also consider the fact that these guys in Britain live side by side with the Indian diaspora, which is usually considered the richest and the most well off immigrant group in the country. Same for the US as well.

This also explains the cringeworthy "600 gazillion in your country are poor" cope that usually props up here without any source to back it. Must be really frustrating...
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True! I've hardly seen Pakistanis living across the border make such ludicrous claims. British Pakistanis suffer from an identity crisis.
Which Pakistanis from across the border have you actually seen?? Are they the ones that say Janaab Janaab constantly?
Yes probably. And we must also consider the fact that these guys in Britain live side by side with the Indian diaspora, which is usually considered the richest and the most well off immigrant group in the country. Same for the US as well. Meanwhile their own image is pretty much in the garbage dumps as you'd expect.

This also explains the cringeworthy "600 gazillion in your country are poor" cope that usually props up here without any source to back it. Must be really frustrating...
All the inds in the UK are millionaires and all the Pakistanis in the UK are destitute.
come and visit UK and see for yourself , not that Pakistianis want your certificates
Pakistan Zindabaad!!

Pakistani Awaam Zindabaad!!

Crooks Murdabad
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All the inds in the UK are millionaires and all the Pakistanis in the UK are destitute.
come and visit UK and see for yourself , not that Pakistianis want your certificates

No need to resort to strawman arguments just because the truth hurts.

It's common knowledge that Indians and East Asians are the most successful immigrant groups in most of the Western nations.
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Tbf most of these are British Pakistanis and they have an identity crisis.

Pakistanis across the border are actually much saner and understanding.

What is this identity crisis? All I'm seeing in the last few replies is Indian posters trying to talk big about how impressive their image is compared to British Pakistanis. According to who? Who is it you think is so impressed with Indians abroad because we don't see too much respect for them over here.
Can you post a single non Pakistani source that says the same things as in that article you posted? I tried searching on Google, I couldn't find any.

By the way, I'm not disbelieving you. I just want to know how legitimate that story is. It's a topic that interests me.
You know when two bitter rivals hate each other others are not really interested. The reverse question to what you are saying is there anyone who refuted Zia?. Th recent comment by Rajnath of entering Pak well he should first get rid of China in Eastern Ladakh. Everyone knows China is sitting there apart from Modi.
Neither do Pakistani posters cooking delusions of breaking apart and ruling over India.
Our forefathers have done that already for 800 years! This thread is about Indian's ordering killings abroad. Now that the source for this information is non Pakistani one you should have no hesitation is accepting it. You have no right to cry when Pak and the ISI do the same in Uri, Pathankot and elsewhere in India. Tough!
No. You see the Pak government is a western stooge. We have been reactive not proactive when it comes to India. I see this changing this year.

Pakistan already done that in past by calling Kashmir separatists in their land, but nothing worked… Pakistan needs to be focus at present economy crises rather than adventuring impossible thing…. Indian defence minister already issued warning to Pak
India's threats only embarrass themselves. Their one million warnings make them look even more stupid when they fail to deliver!. When Pak shows it's red eyes the Indian media cries "why does Pak want war when we want peace?". Let's see India enter Pak and do what Rajnath says if they have the guts. I assure you Pak will reply far more aggressively then you can imagine. We have seen this before some years back. By the way we have issued countless warnings to India as well. The dossiers you sent are used to wipe our general's and soldiers boots or as toilet tissue!. This India general spoke wisely when saying "with our economy doing well in any war India has much more to lose then Pakistan!". By the way we still have Kulbushan Yadav then again perhaps we have killed him.
Thing with Pak is if we want to do something we just do it without warnings or giving a damn! We don't give billions of warnings like India resulting in nothing.
Our forefathers have done that already for 800 years! This thread is about Indian's ordering killings abroad. Now that the source for this information is non Pakistani one you should have no hesitation is accepting it. You have no right to cry when Pak and the ISI do the same in Uri, Pathankot and elsewhere in India. Tough!
Your forefathers? Which person from present day Pakistan ever ruled over India?
Your forefathers? Which person from present day Pakistan ever ruled over India?
Akber, Hamayoun and Saleem etc it is an endless list. These Mughal's have left plenty of architecture in Pak too.
They were central Asian lol, none of them were punjabi guys from multan and sialkot
Many Paks have Afghan and Turkish roots as well. Ever heard of the six degrees of separation theory?. Once more the Mughal's may have foreign roots yet they married in to what is Pakistan today as well.
Many Paks have Afghan and Turkish roots as well. Ever heard of the six degrees of separation theory?. Once more the Mughal's may have foreign roots yet they married in to what is Pakistan today as well.
Plz, most pakistanis are sindhis, punjabis and muhajirs. You have nothing to do with their so called royal blood lol.

Such a severe inferiority complex, you guys are so ashamed of being desi that you try to larp as central asian
Many Paks have Afghan and Turkish roots as well. Ever heard of the six degrees of separation theory?. Once more the Mughal's may have foreign roots yet they married in to what is Pakistan today as well.

So what's your position on your ancestry? I will tell you mine with 100% certainty that it is purely Dharmic and truly grateful to my ancestors 🙏
India's threats only embarrass themselves. Their one million warnings make them look even more stupid when they fail to deliver!. When Pak shows it's red eyes the Indian media cries "why does Pak want war when we want peace?". Let's see India enter Pak and do what Rajnath says if they have the guts. I assure you Pak will reply far more aggressively then you can imagine. We have seen this before some years back. By the way we have issued countless warnings to India as well. The dossiers you sent are used to wipe our general's and soldiers boots or as toilet tissue!. This India general spoke wisely when saying "with our economy doing well in any war India has much more to lose then Pakistan!". By the way we still have Kulbushan Yadav then again perhaps we have killed him.
Pakistan already lost 2 wars to India.. in 71 war, Indian army captured Pakistan area including Lahore… Pakistan was lucky to get back that region as India was ruled by congress party, a traitor party… but BJP is very different they will teach Pak a lesson which the world will not forget for next 1000 years
Pakistan already lost 2 wars to India.. in 71 war, Indian army captured Pakistan area including Lahore… Pakistan was lucky to get back that region as India was ruled by congress party, a traitor party… but BJP is very different they will teach Pak a lesson which the world will not forget for next 1000 years

The BJP's track record in conflict is horrendous though - they will run away at the slightest sign of pressure.

The RSS was historically helping the British. It killed Gandhi, and most recently had a pilot captured and paraded like a mule.

Kargil was the only success.

The Congress has done much better. Comparing the two political parties in this regard is like comparing Australia with Zimbabwe.
The BJP's track record in conflict is horrendous though - they will run away at the slightest sign of pressure.

The RSS was historically helping the British. It killed Gandhi, and most recently had a pilot captured and paraded like a mule.

Kargil was the only success.

The Congress has done much better. Comparing the two political parties in this regard is like comparing Australia with Zimbabwe.
If the Congress leadership post independence had been wiser, we would not have had any conflicts.
And if the Congress leadership during the past four decades had been wiser, we would not have a BJP either.
Pakistan already lost 2 wars to India.. in 71 war, Indian army captured Pakistan area including Lahore… Pakistan was lucky to get back that region as India was ruled by congress party, a traitor party… but BJP is very different they will teach Pak a lesson which the world will not forget for next 1000 years

It wasn't luck, hindutva elements in Indian govt would be terrified of taking back Pakistani land or Bangladesh for that matter. Half a million more Muslims in their population? It would be the end of BJP. :rahi