You know nothing neither is there any complex on my behalf! Just coz I am saying many Pak's have foreign roots does not mean the likes of the Turks or Arabs are better then us. I don't think you have seen any green eyed Pathan of Khyber or the Kalash people who look Caucasian. There are also many black people in Lyari's Karachi as well as Chinese looking ones .
Look whose talking considering how Indian people fall over each other to be like Americans, Europeans and Brits!. Most of today's Indian youth can't even speak their own language without feeling ashamed such is the rapid westernization of your country, society and culture

They wouldn't even know how to tie a tunic or dhoti even if their life depended on it!

You feel proud to engage in the English language and ashamed of all other languages spoken in India. Many Indian's even feel humiliated calling themselves Hindu's. Just look at your films and TV shows to see what you lot have become like aliens living in your own country. In Indian educational institutions the common language is English thereby you are in no position to mock Pak.
The new trend in India nowadays is girlfriend and boyfriend culture even single mothers. All this because the west does it.