Help me differentiate between bats!


Tape Ball Regular
Feb 3, 2012
Hi, i've just got a new Slazenger V100 Ultimate from an online store, i don't know much about bats, but i have some experience playing with some nice bats like GN Powerbow L.E GN Oblivion Players
GM Epic L.E
So, don't know why i am getting the feeling that this particular bat isn't a genuine bat, i'm talking about the Slazenger V100 Ultimate.
So i am attaching some close ups of the bat, so i'd like to know your views about the bat!
By the way, the stickers and the other stuff like packing and the tags sort of things seem to be of good quality! So i am just worried about the willow!


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hmmm, the color was causing the doubt, that's right, they might be a bit white in color, but still, look at the grains, aren't they far much more in quantity? I mean they should have been about 8-9 in number, but they are around 15 i guess.
hmmm, the color was causing the doubt, that's right, they might be a bit white in color, but still, look at the grains, aren't they far much more in quantity? I mean they should have been about 8-9 in number, but they are around 15 i guess.

yup usually most English bats have around 6-12 grains but that's a good thing having more grains, it will play better then a less grained bat.
yup usually most English bats have around 6-12 grains but that's a good thing having more grains, it will play better then a less grained bat.

yeah i know that, more the grains, better the outcome! but man, if you're paying for a bat to have 10 grains, why would it have 15? And even i payed for Slazenger V100 County, then sent me an Ultimate! So that adds to the doubt as well!
Looks genuine. The toe, shoulder, grip, look like Sondhi made Slaz alright.
Looks genuine. The toe, shoulder, grip, look like Sondhi made Slaz alright.

On some tag attached to the bat, it was stated "Made in India"
every characteristic of the bat represents its originality except the amount i got it in, the number of grains and that little vibration of ball collision. I mean the ball response isn't that good!
V100 is prone to that vibration; V200 and V500 are better options. Sorry mate :(

How much did you pay for it and where from did you get it?

Yes, like I said, Sondhi makes Slaz in India.