Help me improve my technique??

Jul 27, 2013
Guys I do realizae that I have quite a lot of errors in my techinque, but could u please talk about what I could do to improve!
Thanks. Here are the attachmentsImageUploadedByTapatalk1376707440.525323.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1376707455.659846.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1376707468.323328.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1376707486.185640.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1376707507.460319.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1376707518.593567.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1376707543.278144.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1376707555.098945.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1376707572.344896.jpg
oh I thought maybe sir imran farhat made this thread. Seriusly, see a proper coach if you can, getting advice from random people on the internet might do more harm to your game than good.
Sorry brother. Batting ability is a gift from birth. Batting well comes naturally. There is no point trying to learn batting. Either you are good or not.

If you are not good enough, don't worry too much. Just play cricket for fun. Casual cricket is also very fun.
Sorry brother. Batting ability is a gift from birth. Batting well comes naturally. There is no point trying to learn batting. Either you are good or not.

If you are not good enough, don't worry too much. Just play cricket for fun. Casual cricket is also very fun.

I'm afraid that's true... :'(
I'm no coach but I can't really judge you from the pictures you provided, maybe a video might help sort out some things, but I certainly can't comment from just the pictures themselves.
High elbow is missing as said above, you need your elbow to almost be at 90 degrees for any front foot shot.
Your head is not over the ball, no where near the ball, part of this is due to your elbow not being bent and i am guessing your front foot is not close enough to the ball. For front foot shots you want to get close, low and over (head) the ball.
Your front leg is not bent enough and your back leg is bent too much. This will lead to too many balls going in the air and wrong body position.

And batting is not a thing that comes naturally to humans, the movements are just so awkward. The thing that comes naturally is hand eye co-ordination and reflexes. You can't improve these but you can increase your efficiency.