Homeland (TV Series)

Mian Hassan

First Class Star
Aug 12, 2008
I don't want to give away to much but there have already been 2 episodes been shown... its a total of 12 episode.

You can watch them here if you miss it live


It story about a Marine that gets caputured in Iraq or Afghanistan and kept in captivity for 8 years but then gets resqued by Navy Seals team. But a CIA agent thinks that he is now on the side of the Terrorist and that he has converted to Islam.

A must watch ...episode 1 & 2 are available on the Channel4 site.. Its live on tv every sunday Channel 4.

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I just finished watching season 1 of homeland in 3 days and boy, not since Prison Break and Lost has a show captivated me and got me hooked as this did. Really a brilliant series. Any fans?
i'm following it on c4..not sure what to make of it yet..seems full of the usual stereotypical propaganda..
Any shows recommended by you guys, want to watch something to keep me busy whilst I'm working LOL
Any shows recommended by you guys, want to watch something to keep me busy whilst I'm working LOL

you should watch this show Jericho
Most awesome t.v. series I've seen so far. Watched all episodes in a week on netflex and some nights stayed up until 4 or 5 in the morning. Great acting and good believable plots all the way through, it just kept getting better and better.
I watched lost until Season 4 Epsiode 6 or 7 but got bored, Should I continue watching it?
lost had the worst ever ending. after you've seen it, you'll wonder why you actually wasted all those hours and what exactly happened :moyo
Homeland (season 2)

Did anyone watch latest episode of Homeland season 2? How good was it?
Watching it after the cricket! Will give my thoughts later.
Gonna watch tonight.
Along with The Mentalist and Boardwalk Empire. Busy evening
Homeland was excellent as usual. Carrie and Brody are two of the most beautifully raw and ambivalent characters to share a screen in some time.
Firefly is one of the more overlooked shows out there. Cancelled after one season by FOX:)pissed:) Brilliant sci-fi western.

Serenity, the movie inspired by it had a seriously awesome villain The Operative
Rubbish. In season 2 episode one that b*tch throws the Holy Quran on the floor .. no more homeland for me .. I protest this evil act by the drama producers, director and actors . Shame on them
Rubbish. In season 2 episode one that b*tch throws the Holy Quran on the floor .. no more homeland for me .. I protest this evil act by the drama producers, director and actors . Shame on them

I hope this show doesn't disappoint me because I had heard great things about mad men but got disappointed. Great acting, tremendous attention to detail, boring beyond belief.

Is homeland like the shield? Besides it stars firefly actress morena baccarin :heart:
Downloading 1st season right now :D

got faith in my fellow PPers :p
Rubbish. In season 2 episode one that b*tch throws the Holy Quran on the floor .. no more homeland for me .. I protest this evil act by the drama producers, director and actors . Shame on them

Seriously? Why did you even bother with Homeland to begin with?
I hope this show doesn't disappoint me because I had heard great things about mad men but got disappointed. Great acting, tremendous attention to detail, boring beyond belief.

Is homeland like the shield? Besides it stars firefly actress morena baccarin :heart:

I don't think you will be disappointed. This show really keeps you thinking and as the series goes on becomes more intense.
one of the best shows of last year- talking only season 1 of course.

Very fair too.

spoiler alert
you got decorated american soldiers who think the US war is evil and sympathise with and are part of a terrorist middle eastern org.

Whats stereotypical about that?
I would say a an American war hero who also happens to be a domestic terrorist and at the same time a sympathetic character is far from stereotypical.

If somebody thinks Homeland is stereotypical i bet they didn't watch it or couldn't follow it.
And remember at the end of the day its all fiction.
Dana is great actress i think. And nice twist at the end of episode 2, cant wait for next week.
This is certainly my favourite show on TV atm...


It was slightly disappointing how he was able to get his message to Abu Nazir...but what a cliffhanger with Brodie being discovered...last nights episode cliffhangers even better...good to see Brodie and Carrie sharing screentime and can't say I expected that ending...wonder where it goes from here...
The only other show like this i've seen is Sleeper Cell...anyone have any other suggestions?...

Up to date now as well. Very surprised with the ending to Ep 4. Thought she'd have gone to his room for...other reasons.

Not sure what they do with the show now - especially seeing as Homeland has already been picked up for a third season. The ratings have been amazing, so I guess this has to happen, but I hope it doesn't end up going cack. The sixteen episodes to date have usually ranged from excellent to stupendous, with but a few being merely good.

Perhaps now (an ever ambivalent) Brody will 'help' them catch Nazir, with many more twists along the way. Wouldn't be surprised though if Season 3 doesn't feature Danes and Lewis.

Up to date now as well. Very surprised with the ending to Ep 4. Thought she'd have gone to his room for...other reasons.

Not sure what they do with the show now - especially seeing as Homeland has already been picked up for a third season. The ratings have been amazing, so I guess this has to happen, but I hope the show doesn't end up going cack - which is what tends to happen. The sixteen episodes to date have usually ranged from excellent to stupendous, with but a few being merely good.

Perhaps now (an ever ambivalent) Brody will 'help' them catch Nazir, with many more twists along the way. Wouldn't be surprised though if Season 3 doesn't feature Danes and Lewis.
Homeland vs 24..which one is more worth watching right now?

Homeland without a doubt.

Actually most of the shows on AMC, HBO and Showtime are quite brilliant. There's Homeland, Dexter, Californication, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones and Shameless that I'm following at the moment.
Homeland is a higher quality show than 24 - much better acting, writing and directing, and more sophisticated themes and ideas at work - but 24 is tremendous fun, and great throwaway viewing.

I have to watch a series of Homeland slowly to fully appreciate what is going on, to grasp the complexities of the narrative - but meanwhile, I could blast out a full season of 24 in a day or two.

With Homeland, you have the two brilliant, multilayered lead performances, an ambitious allegorical script and immaculate production values to absorb. Meanwhile with 24, apart from Sutherland, Haysbert and Itzin there is little world-class acting on display at any point. You're there for the real-time aspect and the thrill ride.

There's ultimately a large place for both of these shows on any self-respecting DVD shelf.

Homeland is a higher quality show than 24 - much better acting, writing and directing, and more sophisticated themes and ideas at work - but 24 is tremendous fun, and great throwaway viewing.

I have to watch a series of Homeland slowly to fully appreciate what is going on, to grasp the complexities of the narrative - but meanwhile, I could blast out a full season of 24 in a day or two.

With Homeland, you have the two brilliant, multilayered lead performances, an ambitious allegorical script and immaculate production values to absorb. Meanwhile with 24, apart from Sutherland, Haysbert, Itzin and Smart there is little world-class acting on display. You're there for the real-time aspect and the thrill ride.

There's ultimately a large place for both of these shows on any self-respecting DVD shelf.


If you're after quality acting then you should check out Breaking Bad, if you haven't already :) the intensity in that show feels real, and I reckon it's about on par with Homeland.
Great show. I was given a heads up before hand that this show will be morally ambiguous, having many shades of gray. I dont quite feel that way though and i'm not completely sold on that idea BUT it still does a decent enough job in not making the antagonists one dimensional.

In relation to 24, they are both produced by Howard Gordon. He is the reason for 24's nosedive as he wanted to introduce the Bauer family subplot which was the beginning of the end.

You know a lot of people(even the caucasian liberals) in USA dismiss 24 as a conservative show, but honestly they never watched it or given it a decent chance. Given its time constraints that made it difficult to develop characters often, 24 did a good job in creating enough shades of gray to the extent that it made the show click. All one needs to see is the cyprus recording subplot in season 2 to get the idea of how twisted U.S. policy was shown to be and how victimized those "3 arab countries" became at the hands of domestic tussle. Simply great. Too bad 24 lost that edge later on.

As for Homeland, I liked the drone attack arch a lot. It was solid. It did raise new policy questions that I dont doubt is the intention of the writers. However, it is still somewhat weak. Since it is on showtime and since it does not have the time constraints of 24, they can still develop antagonist characters like they did with Brody.

And honestly, they should not carry on with the Brody storyline for too long. This show has a good enough platform with compelling and divisive protagonist characters that can keep the show fresh for a long time without the need of Abu Nazir and Brody.
currently watching the first series
got to episode 5
the first 3 episodes were good but the 4 th was boring
hopefully they get better
Respect for smoothcriminal as ever, but disagree with one of his points; I feel that Carrie and Brody on screen together makes for the best moments of the show. This was shown again in another brilliant episode this weekend: Brody's interrogation.
Best show on TV at the moment. New respect for Claire Danes...brilliant performance especially the scenes where she was fighting her inner self.
Wow what an episode...


That interrogation was brilliant...and how well acted...the fact that we don't know how much of either Brodie or Carrie was genuine or not...the manner in which Carrie broke him down if she actually did was something and then the ambiguous hand holding...was wondering where the show would go from here and its back to the is he or isnt he a terrorist...

I do wonder what Brodie's actual motivations are...is it vengeance cos of Esa and consequently his hatred for Walden,, some sort of Islamic ideological conviction, or just cos hes very Stockholmed in regards to Nazir, or even fear of Nazir?...was trying to work out if Brodie was being genuine when he told Carrie that Nazir would get his family or whether that was him playing the game...
Interrogation scene was one of the best in the entire series.

Not sure how this is going to develop with a season 3 already confirmed. Surely the chapter of either Abu Nazir, Carrie or Brody has to end with this season.
Both actors absolutely killed it in the interrogation scene. That was masterful acting by Claire Danes and Lewis. Simply breath-taking. This show really keeps you guessing what is going to happen next and doesnt drag on the same plot lines over and over again. Wonderful stuff.

Half way through and the WMD is in play...at the expense of 6 operatives...Roya Hammad is no joke and Abu Nazir certainly won this round...

Carrie is still emotionally drawn to Brodie...among her strategies there is a lot of truth to her mannerisms when in Brodies presence...the last scene wasn't her faking imo...Brodie I'm still trying to work out...logically he's genuinely switched allegiances but its better for the show if hes fronting...

I have no idea what they are gonna do with this considering there is a season 3...
This show continues to surpass itself. Brilliant episode again.

Love it that Nazir is the only one who calls him 'Nicholas'. Very clever plot device.
Fantastic episode again...

Damian Lewis really is such a class actor...seems he has another interrogation scene ahead...been hoping that he and Abu Nazir get some screen time together...
The only plausible way Nazir is in the States Is if someone inside the government is helping him. If they dont use that explanation, I personally believe it would be too big a suspension of disbelief for the writers to not explain clearly as to how he was able to reach U.S. soil( let alone have choppers at his disposal etc). They can use other explanations but they have to be somewhat convincing and should not require the reader to suspend an enormous amount of disbelief.

Not to bring 24 up, but for those that watched it(till Season 2 at least), think of it as somewhat analogous to Season 2( back when there was still an element of realism in the show). The terrorists were able to sneak a nuclear bomb in and later on in the season they explain that Roger Stanton( head of NSA) aided them so that they could delegitimize Palmer's presidency. While not the most convincing explanation, it at least added to the plot and made it more realistic that such weapons were stolen in.
The only plausible way Nazir is in the States Is if someone inside the government is helping him. If they dont use that explanation, I personally believe it would be too big a suspension of disbelief for the writers to not explain clearly as to how he was able to reach U.S. soil( let alone have choppers at his disposal etc). They can use other explanations but they have to be somewhat convincing and should not require the reader to suspend an enormous amount of disbelief.

Not to bring 24 up, but for those that watched it(till Season 2 at least), think of it as somewhat analogous to Season 2( back when there was still an element of realism in the show). The terrorists were able to sneak a nuclear bomb in and later on in the season they explain that Roger Stanton( head of NSA) aided them so that they could delegitimize Palmer's presidency. While not the most convincing explanation, it at least added to the plot and made it more realistic that such weapons were stolen in.

Thats a valid point...and they didn't really expand on it this episode either...just shock that he made it in...
Interesting episode...one wonders whether Brodie will realise that his life is dispensable once Nazir is found...

It wasn't particularly surprising that Nazir wasn't in the car...I'm surprised they thought he would be...

Brodie's cover is essentially blown now...so far Nazir an co haven't come off as incompetent but if what happened was Nazir's actual plan then they have been shown to be too trusting...that or this is a decoy which Brodie also knows about...Nazir may yet be a bet manipulator than Carrie...

Jessica cheating seemed inevitable...Estes involvement with this dodgy ex agent is interesting...

Three episodes to go...I really do wonder how they can finish this season off and leave room for another one...
Ugh, these episodes are just getting unbearably good. But a valid criticism RE Nazir's sudden arrival.
The last three are going to be off the chart, the TV event of the year.
The last episode was disappointing. Released the nervous tension.

It was a filler episode but not disappointing imo...we've now been presented with a reason for Brodie to turn again...as essentially he isn't safe either way now...

I do hope that Abu Nazir used the incident as a decoy...their trust in Brodie isn't warranted and considering if there is a legitimate threat to the family you would presume that Nazir has them under surveillance?...you would monitor your means of leverage...

I'm still thinking there is a possibility that Brodie has told Nazir he is a CIA asset...
Yeah notice how Nazir and Brody prayed together after their discussion, but he didn't tell the CIA that part.
They always keep Brody ambivalent.

There are some twists to come. I reckon Brody will end up dead having killed Nazir, leaving Carrie and Saul to track some new targets in Season 3. Or maybe Carrie will go mental and Saul will become the main character going forward.

Though I still don't get how they're going to even do a Season 3. Kill off Brody, leave Nazir alive and put Carrie on the trail of his entire cell, with her finally ending triumphant? But Damian Lewis is almost as important as Claire Danes to the success of this show, and Brody has a huge effect on Carrie's character, so we want Homeland to remain an essentially human drama and not just a terrorist-hunting 24 clone.

Maybe they shouldn't do a third season at all. One suspects it would disappoint. Leaving this at two seasons would make it pound-for-pound one of the most high quality pieces ever of international relations drama.
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Yeah notice how Nazir and Brody prayed together after their discussion, but he didn't tell the CIA that part.
They always keep Brody ambivalent.

There are some twists to come. I reckon Brody will end up dead having killed Nazir, leaving Carrie and Saul to track some new targets in Season 3. Or maybe Carrie will go mental and Saul will become the main character going forward.

Though I still don't get how they're going to even do a Season 3. Kill off Brody, leave Nazir alive and put Carrie on the trail of his entire cell, with her finally ending triumphant? But Damian Lewis is almost as important as Claire Danes to the success of this show, and Brody has a huge effect on Carrie's character, so we want Homeland to remain an essentially human drama and not just a terrorist-hunting 24 clone.

Maybe they shouldn't do a third season at all. One suspects it would disappoint. Leaving this at two seasons would make it pound-for-pound one of the most high quality pieces ever of international relations drama.

It can only work with Carrie and Brodie still in the game...as you have stated the relationship between him and Carrie is integral to the show...

I'm gonna hold off deciding whether three seasons is too much depending on how they finish this season...knowing there is a 3rd season if anything makes the ending of this one all the more unpredictable...

Have you seen Sleeper Cell btw?...if not you may enjoy it...
its only 13 eps a season which isnt much..hence doing a third shouldnt be a problem..

I would like to see more about brodie as a muslim and how his family and those around him react to that.. Also (yes this is a massive longshot considering who developed this show etc) a move away from the easy Nazir is a bad guy trying to kill amreekis and the brave but human CIA will stop him eventually..what if walden is the man behind it all? what if he uses estes and the cia and nazir to help him get elected with sweeping anti liberty powers??
its only 13 eps a season which isnt much..hence doing a third shouldnt be a problem..

I would like to see more about brodie as a muslim and how his family and those around him react to that.. Also (yes this is a massive longshot considering who developed this show etc) a move away from the easy Nazir is a bad guy trying to kill amreekis and the brave but human CIA will stop him eventually..what if walden is the man behind it all? what if he uses estes and the cia and nazir to help him get elected with sweeping anti liberty powers??

Well his daughter seemed a lot more accommodating to him being Muslim...his wife was furious which culminated in her chucking his Quran on the floor and him burying it with Dana...there is very little positive generally to say about Jessica who finds it all too easy to cheat...

They haven't explored Chris whatsoever...

Walden was supposed to die wasn't he?...the insider thing would be a straight 24 twist...if anything 24 made Islamic terrorists look like American tools more often than not and then Russian tools in the final season...I would actually prefer the Nazir is an independent actor idea...although there being US involvement with Nazir would explain the ease at which he entered the country...
^I've watched the first season again and IMO they are very critical of the West in the last five episodes. You can tell it's a cable show because none of the mainstream channels would ever dare show drones killing Asian children, nor dare suggest that Nazir's cause might even be justifiable (albeit through the sympathetic character of Brody - Lewis's performance in the final two episodes is superb).

Yeah they have only briefly looked at his following of Islam in this season, Dana helping him bury the Qur'an was a nice touch though. To show American audiences a white ginger British guy performing articulate Muslim prayers on television is a big step itself in this climate, remember. They've done good things with this show on the whole.
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For me, this show is all about Carrie and Brody. Brody's character is obviously highly dependant on Nazir. Therefore I don't see how they could continue into season 3 with one of these 3 out of the picture.

I'm also a bit skeptical about some of the potential twists being mentioned above. Sure, they would make for interesting viewing. But I'd find it hard to accept Brody being on Nazir's side again after we've seen his genuine wish for everything to be over so he can live a normal life with his family.
For me, this show is all about Carrie and Brody. Brody's character is obviously highly dependant on Nazir. Therefore I don't see how they could continue into season 3 with one of these 3 out of the picture.

I'm also a bit skeptical about some of the potential twists being mentioned above. Sure, they would make for interesting viewing. But I'd find it hard to accept Brody being on Nazir's side again after we've seen his genuine wish for everything to be over so he can live a normal life with his family.

Thats the thing...his life won't be normal...he'll likely learn that hes dispensable soon...he knows hes a tool for both...

Saul alluded to it but Nazir's personal influence over Brodie isn't to be underestimated...he has some feeling for Nazir hence he risked everything to save him...
But I'd find it hard to accept Brody being on Nazir's side again after we've seen his genuine wish for everything to be over so he can live a normal life with his family.

I don't think that they showed us everything that happened in that meeting. How did they suddenly go from discussing his family's safety, to praying together? There's a lot more to reveal IMO.