Homeland (TV Series)

Brody has looked on the verge of spontaneously combusting since episode 3, would IMO be implausible for him to still be Nazir's trump card at heart.
Is this show shot like the shield or Bourne ultimatum? Lot of handheld cameras and stuff? I am interested to watch.
Is this show shot like the shield or Bourne ultimatum? Lot of handheld cameras and stuff? I am interested to watch.
It has it's own style, it's more realistic and plausible, if I can put it that way. Get through the first season and you'll be hooked.
I don't see the first season as one to 'get through', maybe the first few episodes. Episode 6 onwards is mega
I don't see the first season as one to 'get through', maybe the first few episodes. Episode 6 onwards is mega

I know of a few people who felt that the pace was a bit too up and down in the first season - starting off well, slowing down during the middle (with the whole Carrie/Brody infatuation phase), then picking up again towards the end. The reason why I would recommend powering through the entire first season is because you end up having a lot more appreciation for the character development that took place in earlier episodes when it may have seemed like the pace was a bit slow.
its only 13 eps a season which isnt much..hence doing a third shouldnt be a problem..

I would like to see more about brodie as a muslim and how his family and those around him react to that.. Also (yes this is a massive longshot considering who developed this show etc) a move away from the easy Nazir is a bad guy trying to kill amreekis and the brave but human CIA will stop him eventually..what if walden is the man behind it all? what if he uses estes and the cia and nazir to help him get elected with sweeping anti liberty powers??

I think also on this point, the Vice President has been portrayed as a bloodthirsty tyrant and an unequivocal moron since his first appearance. Remember Saul's recording of Walden talking to Estes ahead of the Isa drone strike: 'it's our conclusion that the collateral damage falls within our accepted matrix parameters'. More critique of the US to be found in that.
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They could've come up with a better codename for Nazir than Sandman *cringe*
Words fail me! This was the mother of all episodes! Just watched it and cant even grasp at the levels of intensity. Brilliant just brilliant.
Pure insanity. Going to have to watch it again tonight after work.

What's happened to Saul?
If you haven't caught up yet, I advise you not to visit this thread, which is all about discussing the show and the latest episodes.

Thrilling episode. So as I thought, Brody wasn't secretly 'back with Nazir'. What wasn't as expected though was Brody's murder of Walden, especially after he had been unsure of giving Nazir the number since Carrie was safe, and was in a sense forced by Nazir's threat to chase her. But even though his job was to simply hand over the number, he willingly ensured Walden would die.
A good cliffhanger to end, however one thing that bugs me is how such a big terrorist like Nazir is alone in the building, without any of his men.
Lewis will probably relinquish his Emmy next year, he is nowhere near as sympathetic and nuanced as last time. To be frank he is getting a bit hammy.

But Claire Danes...wow. Surely she has to retain her gong. Genuinely brilliant acting again - she continues to raise the bar. Her scene with Nazir this week was one of the best of the season.
Lewis will probably relinquish his Emmy next year, he is nowhere near as sympathetic and nuanced as last time. To be frank he is getting a bit hammy.

But Claire Danes...wow. Surely she has to retain her gong. Genuinely brilliant acting again - she continues to raise the bar. Her scene with Nazir this week was one of the best of the season.

Thats because they have made Brody's character too weak all of a sudden. He was much more ruthless, complicated and solid last year.

This year all it took was one episode for them to break him and turn him in their favor. Now, after the latest episode, it looks like he is silly putty in the hands of CIA or Abu Nazir and both sides tend to use him as they please with him having zero say in the matter. He seems utterly lost and helpless and lets the tide take him in whatever direction. He does not seem to be as calculated and cautious as he was last season. Most of his actions are spur of the moment and reactionary this time around. But the show has managed to maintain its brilliance due to its fast pace and unexpected turns and some solid work by claire danes and the g uy who plays abu nazir.

What I do want to see before this season ends, is Brody ***** slapping the crap out of Roya Hammad. I hate that woman.
Yeah this week was the first where I began to view the Nazir guy as not just a serviceable performance but a quality actor. Some serious intensity between him and Danes that we obviously hadn't experienced before.
Thats because they have made Brody's character too weak all of a sudden. He was much more ruthless, complicated and solid last year.

This year all it took was one episode for them to break him and turn him in their favor. Now, after the latest episode, it looks like he is silly putty in the hands of CIA or Abu Nazir and both sides tend to use him as they please with him having zero say in the matter. He seems utterly lost and helpless and lets the tide take him in whatever direction. He does not seem to be as calculated and cautious as he was last season. Most of his actions are spur of the moment and reactionary this time around. But the show has managed to maintain its brilliance due to its fast pace and unexpected turns and some solid work by claire danes and the g uy who plays abu nazir.

What I do want to see before this season ends, is Brody ***** slapping the crap out of Roya Hammad. I hate that woman.

It's hard to tell whether his apparent weakness is just an act though, given what happened in the scene with the Vice President. He seemed to be in on the whole thing.
It's hard to tell whether his apparent weakness is just an act though, given what happened in the scene with the Vice President. He seemed to be in on the whole thing.

Well he is conflicted, that is for sure. He wants revenge for death of Abu Nazir's kid and he wants to change the system from inside out without killing innocent civilians but ever since CIA got his confession video, he has been made to look like a rag doll in their hands. He is not completely in control in my opinion and it shows now. Even in the latest epi, his actions in the VP's office were basically driven due to the opportunity presenting itself and his desperate desire to protect Carrie, I dont think he would have planned something like that himself, is what I am saying.

That takes away some of the edge away from his character.
Well he is conflicted, that is for sure. He wants revenge for death of Abu Nazir's kid and he wants to change the system from inside out without killing innocent civilians but ever since CIA got his confession video, he has been made to look like a rag doll in their hands. He is not completely in control in my opinion and it shows now. Even in the latest epi, his actions in the VP's office were basically driven due to the opportunity presenting itself and his desperate desire to protect Carrie, I dont think he would have planned something like that himself, is what I am saying.

That takes away some of the edge away from his character.

Not sure hey. They didn't show the entire scene between him and Nazir during a previous episode. They went directly from him being interrogated to the two of them praying together, leaving me feeling that there's crucial info missing.

The protecting Carrie thing could have been an act for her to witness, as was Nazir laying into him for "betraying" him. And it almost seems like he was expecting the VP's heart attack, and that it was not a matter of circumstance.
^Well Nazir basically told Brody what would happen when they had the serial number...
Not sure hey. They didn't show the entire scene between him and Nazir during a previous episode. They went directly from him being interrogated to the two of them praying together, leaving me feeling that there's crucial info missing.

The protecting Carrie thing could have been an act for her to witness, as was Nazir laying into him for "betraying" him. And it almost seems like he was expecting the VP's heart attack, and that it was not a matter of circumstance.

interesting take.. i thnk it sounds a bit stretched but not entirely out of the realm of possibility. this show does push the boundaries from time to time.
^Well Nazir basically told Brody what would happen when they had the serial number...


Brody wanted VP dead there is no question about it. That had been his mission all along. he just didnt want other collateral damage with it which is why he didnt do the deed in the disaster room last season. well that and that he didnt want to kill himself either when his daughter called him.

So I will not really think too much about what he did in the last episode. this was a given, sort of that at the first safe opportunity, he would off the VP. But if he had been acting like that all along as a part of elaborate plan with Abu Nazir is questionable. I think it is more a case of opportunity presenting itself and him taking advantage of it.
Walden is a hideous individual though, they have tailored his discourse and dialogue so it represents everything that is wrong about American foreign policy. Kind of satisfying to see Brody (who we really shouldn't identify with, but the writing and acting raises the possibility) off him.

Brody wanted VP dead there is no question about it. That had been his mission all along. he just didnt want other collateral damage with it which is why he didnt do the deed in the disaster room last season. well that and that he didnt want to kill himself either when his daughter called him.

So I will not really think too much about what he did in the last episode. this was a given, sort of that at the first safe opportunity, he would off the VP. But if he had been acting like that all along as a part of elaborate plan with Abu Nazir is questionable. I think it is more a case of opportunity presenting itself and him taking advantage of it.

Agree with this. Ever since the start he's wanted justice but without killing innocent lives.
Not sure hey. They didn't show the entire scene between him and Nazir during a previous episode. They went directly from him being interrogated to the two of them praying together, leaving me feeling that there's crucial info missing.

The protecting Carrie thing could have been an act for her to witness, as was Nazir laying into him for "betraying" him. And it almost seems like he was expecting the VP's heart attack, and that it was not a matter of circumstance.

Up until this episode I acknowledged the possibility of this plot line but given what we've seen I think we can safely rule it out.

I think the praying part was there to firstly show Brodys hesitance to reveal his new faith and also to temporarily leave viewers in mystery with what you have suggested.
Internet rumours largely correlate on the imminent deaths of Nazir and Brody.

Looks like Claire Danes will be carrying Season 3 on her shoulders.
After reading reviews of the show over here I had downloaded a few episodes of the show. I have watched 4 episodes of the first season yet but the show did not take off as prison break like previously mentioned by a user. Kinda slow. However, interesting sex scenes have made the show quite watchable ...lol....tbh. Even serious American shows are quite funny....who says Americans have a bland sense of humor....lol
*US Spoilers*

Aside from the commencement of the action starting not a second after the end of the last edition, which is IIRC a unique device for this show and worked well, that was a pretty transitional and shock-free episode - until the last 20 minutes that is! Wow!!! CANNOT WAIT for the finale.

Episode 11 was called 'Mother****** in a Turban'. For a show that usually has strong episode titles, this was one of the less articulate attempts. But Episode 12 is called something far more interesting and elusive: 'The Choice'. Reportedly it will focus on Carrie and Brody's struggle to start anew, and whether or not Brody has one final u-turn up his sleeve. And what is 'the choice'? Is it one choice made by one person, or several choices made by several persons?

I'm going to guess it: Estes is exposed; Saul's career survives. The ever-ambivalent and occasionally likeable Quinn makes the 'choice' to let Brody disappear after a Mexican standoff with Carrie.
aannndd....bored now..thought this show would have really twisted things but then i come back to reality and realise americans have written it based on an isreali show. personally I would kill off carrie! but hey thats just me. And I would actually show some CIA agents doing what they "really" do around the wall instead of the "cuddly" "nice" saul and the heroic but flawed carrie. What made it worse is she suddenly became an islamic scholar overnight! whoppedy doo. And Brody is a Muslim? er yeah Hollywood Muslim more like. The show had so much potential to engage the viewer in a sliglty different way but is now just 24 Plus. Ultimatley I guess the overall narrative just wont ever change. I was hoping they would have expanded on Brodies conflict of being Muslim and juggling all these new problems that brings, but alas. And also upping the ante in the CIA.

Yes ok you can argue that Estes is upto no good but isnt he still the good guy? For me its just not brave enough.
Quite an underwhelming episode...

The end of Nazir was quite abrupt...and for the worlds most wanted terrorist I expected better...its becoming a little 24 like in places...

The CIA come off badly too...the Galvez thing where Carrie's sole reason for suspecting him is 'hes a Muslim' indicates the reactionary nature within them...also the manner in which Estes has ended Sauls career or atleast attempted to...

I wish we didn't know there was another season...it takes away from the tension...essentially we already know that Carrie and Brodie will be fine...

Its become a bit like season 1 which got gradually stronger but then didn't finish so strongly...hopefully the final episode will surprise me...
The second season has been solid television, with a few great moments - the Carrie bazaar/bizarre grin, the interrogation of Brody - but Season 1 goes down as the better production for me.

Also a bit worried that Homeland is becoming a more intelligent but nonetheless still contrived spin on 24.
Its become a bit like season 1 which got gradually stronger but then didn't finish so strongly...hopefully the final episode will surprise me...

I disagree. The final two episodes of Season 1 had me in a cold sweat.
aannndd....bored now..thought this show would have really twisted things but then i come back to reality and realise americans have written it based on an isreali show. personally I would kill off carrie! but hey thats just me. And I would actually show some CIA agents doing what they "really" do around the wall instead of the "cuddly" "nice" saul and the heroic but flawed carrie. What made it worse is she suddenly became an islamic scholar overnight! whoppedy doo. And Brody is a Muslim? er yeah Hollywood Muslim more like. The show had so much potential to engage the viewer in a sliglty different way but is now just 24 Plus. Ultimatley I guess the overall narrative just wont ever change. I was hoping they would have expanded on Brodies conflict of being Muslim and juggling all these new problems that brings, but alas. And also upping the ante in the CIA.

Yes ok you can argue that Estes is upto no good but isnt he still the good guy? For me its just not brave enough.

Yeah it has become a little 24 like lately...the murder of Walden was a tense moment and a great bit of TV but more in the 24 mould...I think Sleeper Cell is a much more superior show to this as it focuses on the terrorists a lot more...

Carrie was very annoying especially with Roya...shes a combatant...was Roya supposed to get upset that she was attacked by Nazir...

I found Nazir's capture very disappointing...

As for Estes being the good guy...I guess thats where opinion gets divided...some will not care about his involvement in the drone strike or the fact that hes reneged on his deal with Brodie...you yourself for instance feel the likes of Saul for instance are too soft (Dar Adal's view)...

I do also agree that the Islamic conflict has been non-existent really...if anything Brodie's relationship with Islam appears to simply be because of his attachment to Nazir...other than one episode there is very little to suggest there is anything remotely Islamic in him...this show had a lot of potential but has descended into 24 mode which is still interesting to watch but not what Homeland was supposed to be which is a more serious and realistic look at terrorism...
Season 1 was a much more bold examination of Islam, drone strikes and the civilised/terrorist dichotomy.

Oh well. Great Homeland is outstanding, but Decent Homeland is still better than most television and film.

Maybe Season 3 will surprise us.
I did enjoy the conclusion to Season 1...i just felt it wasn't as strong as what preceded it...the Brodie being talked around by Dana thing was a little anticlimactic but still good TV...its necessary though cos obviously there was a Season 2...

Season 1 was all about the characters involved...Season 2 was too for a lot of it...but its descended into an action thriller show...still very entertaining though granted and still something I look forward to every Monday morning...
Anti-climax of an episode for me. As for the comparisons with 24, the action thriller moments have been far below the standard of 24, which was for me the peak of action thriller TV. Homeland on the other hand, had been great in exploring interesting issues and characters in a unique storyline. But IMO the last episode ruins some of the good work done.

Abu Nazir being caught so easily was disappointing, along with the fact that a major terrorist is working alone unprotected on foreign soil. All the power, intelligence and ruthlessness we had understood from his character over a season and a half has been washed down the sink somewhat.

Hoping for a good last episode. But I hope they stop there or kill Brody.
IMHO many of our misgivings about this season and the season to come have just been trumped by that finale.......that was worth the wait! WOW!!!
I am up to season 2 and 3 episodes right now...I'd say that it is a decent series but I have not felt any adrenaline rush through out .....I felt sleepy in some moments of the show. Everyone involved has done a good job when it comes to acting and all that. Definitely better than some of the shows currently going on...
ok just saw the penultimate episode and it was better. for me the best bit was in the interrogation room between Roya and Carrie. About time they did something like this. Not everyone wants to join the godamned CIA carrie!!
Well...a great season finale in the end. Some of the cabin scenes were a bit stretched out but the 2nd half more than made up for it. I'm not completely convinced season 3 will be as good as seasons 1 and 2 but there is a little hope after what we've just seen. I hope we continue to see Quinn in some capacity as he's become increasingly likeable.
ok just saw the penultimate episode and it was better. for me the best bit was in the interrogation room between Roya and Carrie. About time they did something like this. Not everyone wants to join the godamned CIA carrie!!

Yeah, that was a nice linguistic pivot they did with that interrogation. What I would also say is some of the muddier points of the penultimate episode look more powerful when you've seen the finale. Enjoy!
Great final episode...for all the cussing I have done of Nazir and how incompetent hes been made to appear...it seems that he was the smartest of everyone all along...the part with Brodie's confession playing on CNN was brilliant...also the way they made Nazir's burial coincide with the bombing was smart work...

Good episode after a slow start...how Quinn must be feeling now...I presume he will have some involvement in catching Brodie in season 3...wonder how Carrie is going to explain her disappearance to Saul...

Ending made the previous disappointing episodes seem less disappointing...
Yeah the way Nazir got revenge on Brody from beyond the grave was just brilliant!! A very neatly edited sequence leading up the shock detonation. And when the video started playing on the news report, I got it all completely, and my mouth dropped. Great screenwriting.

Saul had seen the video before though, so perhaps he will understand that Brody was framed.

...or was he framed? eeeeeek.
Also, thankfully the problematic sub-plot of the Walden family has now been comprehensively tied up. That was some serious soap opera tosh that was going absolutely nowhere, the writers must have realised as much.
Yeah the way Nazir got revenge on Brody from beyond the grave was just brilliant!! A very neatly edited sequence leading up the shock detonation. And when the video started playing on the news report, I got it all completely, and my mouth dropped. Great screenwriting.

Saul had seen the video before though, so perhaps he will understand that Brody was framed.

...or was he framed? eeeeeek.

Lol I did briefly wonder but then it was Carrie who lead him away to safety...and then the video playing put to bed the theory of Brodie committing the act...

Good riddance to Estes btw...a really slimy character...

Kudos to the writers...really wasn't expecting Brodie's secret to come out...
Frustrating fianle..just when everything seemed to be ok..boom (pun intended) everything is worse than before. Great ending!
Today I am finally done with watching season 2.

David Estes , Galves and other 430 intelligence officers were dead in the finale but how come not Saul? Was he involved in CIA's attack if Brody did not do it? Why was he reluctant to do his lie detector test previously?

The only thing I liked about the second season was its Finale.

Overall, decent show so far.
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Today I am finally done with watching season 2.

David Estes , Galves and other 430 intelligence officers were dead in the finale but how come not Saul? Was he involved in CIA's attack if Brody did not do it? Why was he reluctant to do his lie detector test previously?

The only thing I liked about the second season was its Finale.

Overall, decent show so far.

He was only just released by Estes...and as for why he was reluctant to answer any questions...its cos he knew it was a sham hence his constant comments about an assassination on Brodie...the purpose of the lie detector test was for Estes to shaft him...
He was only just released by Estes...and as for why he was reluctant to answer any questions...its cos he knew it was a sham hence his constant comments about an assassination on Brodie...the purpose of the lie detector test was for Estes to shaft him...

Ok. one more thing, what's up with him reciting Arabic verses in the finale and in some other scenes previously?

It was so funny to Carrie;s six sense for catching Abu Nazir....go back to the tunnel and he was hiding there....lol...during 23 episodes all i heard was "Abu Nazir", "Abu Nazir" and then the way he was caught up was very hilarious....sort of like Osama Bin Laden in real time....no enemy casualties....at all. I assume you must carry a gun with you at all times since you are running a powerful terrorist organization.
Saul recites words in Hebrew as a form of prayer. He is an American Jew.
Saul recites words in Hebrew as a form of prayer. He is an American Jew.

Is Hebrew close to Arabic? I took it for Arabic by mistake.

EDIT: Did a quick google search. They are amazingly similar in spoken part. An Israeli and a Palestinian can understand each other without knowing each other's language.
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Yeah I was fooled as well, got suspicious til I googled it lol.
So I've started this show and am two episodes in. Its been very engaging so far and an interesting premise to the show even though its unlikely that such a thing could occur in real life.

I'll be checking out the original Israeli version of the show after I'm done with this as I think that plot is a bit more realistic.

Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed every minute so far.
Great final episode...for all the cussing I have done of Nazir and how incompetent hes been made to appear...it seems that he was the smartest of everyone all along...the part with Brodie's confession playing on CNN was brilliant...also the way they made Nazir's burial coincide with the bombing was smart work...

Good episode after a slow start...how Quinn must be feeling now...I presume he will have some involvement in catching Brodie in season 3...wonder how Carrie is going to explain her disappearance to Saul...

Ending made the previous disappointing episodes seem less disappointing...

Re : Quinn. My interpretation was that he kept him alive in order to frame him. Could be completely wrong tho
Watched both Season 1 and 2 in 3 days. Simply brilliant show, my favt characters are Saul and Virgil (Albeit having a minute side kick role) and one character which I hate to the core is Dana Brody (Geez! Can she be anymore of a drama-queen?) Always coming up with an irritating facial expression and incoherent mumble as dialog delivery(makers of Homeland plz kill this dumbo real quick)
You're kind of supposed to hate Dana though IMO. Because it's set up so the viewer often finds themselves following Brody around and looking for ways to empathise with his situation, Dana's ability to see right through him at every turn can be very frustrating! Her acting improves in the second season as well.

Anyway. Homeland wins Best Drama, Best Actor and Best Actress for the second Globes running. A great achievement. But Season 3 needs to be the best yet to really cement this as a seminal television show.
Sorry, correction. It was Damian's first Golden Globe but last year the others did win - and they also cleaned up at the Emmys. Wonder if the latter will also happen again.

So everyone knows how great Homeland, Claire Danes and Damian Lewis are, but I would now like to see wider recognition for Mandy Patinkin's Saul. Some of his best work in a while.
Agreed about Dana, James. But still feel that the actress playing that character can do better than what she is doing now(just can't stand her face or voice).
So I finished both series. Wow. It was emotional. One of the few shows that get you really attached to the characters. None of them are kne dimensional, each one straddles the good/bad line. Fantastic stuff. The episode where Brody was in the bunker with the vice president had me almost sweating

I have some suspiciouns regarding Saul though. Very minor ones. He is an excellent character, very likeable and seems to be one of the few CIA guys who is concerned with ethics but he can be linked to the deaths of eileen and that ex guard of brodyz. Plus he wasnt around when the bomb went off as he was at nazirs burial.
Watched both Season 1 and 2 in 3 days. Simply brilliant show, my favt characters are Saul and Virgil (Albeit having a minute side kick role) and one character which I hate to the core is Dana Brody (Geez! Can she be anymore of a drama-queen?) Always coming up with an irritating facial expression and incoherent mumble as dialog delivery(makers of Homeland plz kill this dumbo real quick)

I think she played the part of a 16 year old girl quite well. Rebellious, wants to make her own way, testing the boundaries and being cynical and misersble is how id expect 16 year old girls to be like in that situation.
The episode where Brody was in the bunker with the vice president had me almost sweating.

This one, and also when Nazir has Carrie captive and is talking to Brody on the smartphone. Borderline terrifying.
Great show. Sets the bar high at times... too high for its own good.(otherwise superb finales dont seem the ultimate height anymore)

Great character development- continuously happening even throughout season 2. Not the usual - once established the characters dont surprise you anymore. Good new incoming characters like whacky Quinn give it an extra dimension.

After end of season 2 we are back to thinking - is Brody a terrorist or isnt he??
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Just finished the first episode. So ignored all the comments above :D

Pretty good pilot. Gets you hooked. Will watch the rest tomorrow. I quite liked the characters. Lot of acting with the eyes and body language. Mystery seems to be interesting enough.

PS: Why does Nicholas Brody's wife call him Brody? :13:
Just finished the first episode. So ignored all the comments above :D

Pretty good pilot. Gets you hooked. Will watch the rest tomorrow. I quite liked the characters. Lot of acting with the eyes and body language. Mystery seems to be interesting enough.

PS: Why does Nicholas Brody's wife call him Brody? :13:

I suspect he's always been called Brody by people that know him and she must have known him before marrying him.
Finished episode 2. Good so far. The praying scene was a shocker! I like the ending of episodes so far. Pack a punch.
Amazing show! Last few episodes were truly magnificent. Bomb exploding was totally unexpected.

I'm expecting some new characters to come through in S3, and some taking a bigger role ie. Quinn.

8 more months :(
Finished episode 7 of season 1. I really enjoyed it. Till then it was solid but unspectacular. Ep 7 especially with the Cabin in the woods confrontation between Carrie and Brody was pretty classic. I also like Saul and Carrie's relationship.

I personally feel Homeland is kind of overrated till now. It's good but not jaw dropping(for jaw dropping try Dexter Season 4 especially "Hungry Man"). Hopefully it gets better. Ep 7 is a step in the right direction. Intriguing stuff...
Just finished Season 2 and hated the ending even though unexpected, looks really contrived, almost like an after thought to prolong it to another season. Season 3 should be the last anything else would feel stretched and milking the series.