Homeland (TV Series)

Is the finale on torrents?

Use spoiler tags if you've seen it please :)
I have watched the first season of this show and found it to be quite good. Judging by some of the comments I take it has gone down hill?

Yeah. Season 2 is arguably even better but Season 3 has been a bit of a soap opera.
That was a great season finale. The hanging scene was really well made. Whilst I'm happy that it's continuing, this really was a great way to end it all had the makers chosen to. Not sure where it goes next.
Completely disagree with the above:


It was absolute rubbish...

From the ease of Brodies escape...

to the Akbari is a bad man who leads children to die line...this when they are putting in Javadi...

To the fact that Nazir's wife hangs him yet that convenient point of him telling her about Javadi wasn't mentioned...

Or the fact that he had a meeting about Javadi wasn't addressed...

Or the fact that Carrie was let go not looking suspicious...

Carrie's cringeworthy Human Rights Watch, Amnesty line...this when a man had assassinated someone...its pathetic...the implication that Iran were acting incorrectly...

The propaganda nonsense with Khamanei in the background when the hanging happened...

The melodramatic 'Brodie' when Carrie jumped on the rails and made the hanging scene pathetic...

The last 20mins was boring as hell...

The ridiculous fact that Carrie not only keeps her job but gets a promotion...

Carrie's boring mummy concerns...

I was waiting for the episode to end...

Absolute drivel...
Quietly enjoyed the finale. More low-key than I was expecting. I kept expecting Brody to be saved by something, right until the last moment, but he wasn't.

I think putting the star on the wall and all the resolution beforehand would have made a really good ending-ending.

As it is, let's see how they go with the already commissioned 4th series.

Which characters will be left/will they use?
Completely disagree with the above:


I think you are taking it too seriously.

Of course there are massive holes in the plot and of yes it's ridiculously far fetched at times. But that's what most of their viewers want. It's only entertainment after all, not a documentary.

It's like 24, Dexter, Prison Break etc. Utterly ridiculous and implausible for much of it yet they have all been hit shows because it's what the viewer wants.

B.S sells. I think it's a great show. Do I think it's a realistic show, well no I don't
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I somehow never got into this show. Saw the first season partially. It's good but it's not the A level entertainment I like. I would say Dexter pre season 5, The Shield and Breaking Bad are miles ahead of this, no offence to the fans.
I somehow never got into this show. Saw the first season partially. It's good but it's not the A level entertainment I like. I would say Dexter pre season 5, The Shield and Breaking Bad are miles ahead of this, no offence to the fans.

Wait till the series end... You're probably going to go on a marathon again.
Completely disagree with the above:


I agree with all the stuff you mentioned but still enjoyed the episode. I decided to embrace the madness a few episodes ago.

Some of the propaganda was hilarious!
Completely disagree with the above:


It was absolute rubbish...

From the ease of Brodies escape...

to the Akbari is a bad man who leads children to die line...this when they are putting in Javadi...

To the fact that Nazir's wife hangs him yet that convenient point of him telling her about Javadi wasn't mentioned...

Or the fact that he had a meeting about Javadi wasn't addressed...

Or the fact that Carrie was let go not looking suspicious...

Carrie's cringeworthy Human Rights Watch, Amnesty line...this when a man had assassinated someone...its pathetic...the implication that Iran were acting incorrectly...

The propaganda nonsense with Khamanei in the background when the hanging happened...

The melodramatic 'Brodie' when Carrie jumped on the rails and made the hanging scene pathetic...

The last 20mins was boring as hell...

The ridiculous fact that Carrie not only keeps her job but gets a promotion...

Carrie's boring mummy concerns...

I was waiting for the episode to end...

Absolute drivel...

Absolutely rubbish? All the items are nit picky.

The whole meeting about Javadi can be explained by simply saying he wanted to get a one on one with the General.
Just watched the episode, it actually felt like a series finale.

Don't know which direction they'll take it in next year.
The last 20 minutes was a sort of epilogue wasn't it. I reckon they wrote it so it could be a finale, but they've found themselves commissioned again, so it'll be fascinating to see what they do with it. A season set in Istanbul with Carrie as station chief perhaps.
Absolutely rubbish? All the items are nit picky.

The whole meeting about Javadi can be explained by simply saying he wanted to get a one on one with the General.

Srsly I almost fell out of my chair loling
the widow showed up at the execution, very deliberate attempt to link all levels of Iranian regime with terrorism

And also when Carrie
started climbing a fence at a public execution screaming for the guy who was going to get killed

What was that all about?
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I didn't know they did hangings like that, I thought they just kicked the stool away or whatever.
I found Carries boring Mother worries as Shaykh put it, to be quite good viewing. These people go out and cheat, lie and steal in an effort to protect their country and don't seem to possess any paternal instincts so watching Carrie in anguish about what to do made for good viewing.

In a catch-22 sort of way she realised that the best way for her to be a good mother would be to not be a mother. Tough decision.
It not only felt like a series finale but with the end of Brody, it probably should have been.

Let's be honest, from the pilot to the end of season 3 he was not just a crucial figure in ensuring various events took place. Javadi's last words with Carrie were very true in that everything she did from the bombing onwards (all of season 3) was based around Brody and we can even extrapolate that all the way back to around the end of season 1.

Don't quite understand how they'll keep this going with some success but if they do, you would think Javadi and Saul would have to be there along with Carrie.
Srsly I almost fell out of my chair loling
the widow showed up at the execution, very deliberate attempt to link all levels of Iranian regime with terrorism

And also when Carrie
started climbing a fence at a public execution screaming for the guy who was going to get killed

What was that all about?

I didn't think Al-Qaeda! when I saw his wife. But yes, the fact that she's even there and using that angle to get him in Iran made no sense.

Thought that scene with Carrie on the fence was silly. Homeland's better than that to have a corny incident like that.

Neither enough for me to call the finale "absolute rubbish".
I agree, not enough for me to call it ' absolute rubbish' either GC but still the episode the episode was very poor in parts.

The Israeli version of the show sounds like it would have been amazing and more shocking. I will probably watch that next. A guardian article of the show makes it sound interesting http://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/shortcuts/2012/mar/04/israeli-homeland-even-more-shocking

A Pakistani version of the show would be great no? A soldier captured by TTP and then unleashed. Would be a hit and would probably work much better than the American or Israeli version.

You heard it here first!
It not only felt like a series finale but with the end of Brody, it probably should have been.

Let's be honest, from the pilot to the end of season 3 he was not just a crucial figure in ensuring various events took place. Javadi's last words with Carrie were very true in that everything she did from the bombing onwards (all of season 3) was based around Brody and we can even extrapolate that all the way back to around the end of season 1.

Don't quite understand how they'll keep this going with some success but if they do, you would think Javadi and Saul would have to be there along with Carrie.

Very much agree on the Brody thing. I was saying to my other half that Homeland's greatest strength, unique selling point was the 'is he or isn't he' angle but at the same time was always potentially its undoing, because once Brody's shelf life has expired then what do you do with the show then? It's not like 24 where you just make up another day for Jack to get caught up in - Brody was the show itself.
Absolutely rubbish? All the items are nit picky.

The whole meeting about Javadi can be explained by simply saying he wanted to get a one on one with the General.

We can agree to disagree...I dont think im being nitpicky...fair comment on the Javadi point...the rest of my post still stands...

Silly melodrama...implausible escape...the hanging scene made me cringe especially with Carrie's pathetic 'Brodie'...which didnt seem to garner a reaction from anyone...

And anyone who thinks this show isnt an anti Iran propaganda exercise is on crack...
Very much agree on the Brody thing. I was saying to my other half that Homeland's greatest strength, unique selling point was the 'is he or isn't he' angle but at the same time was always potentially its undoing, because once Brody's shelf life has expired then what do you do with the show then? It's not like 24 where you just make up another day for Jack to get caught up in - Brody was the show itself.

Exactly. To be honest I thought that angle (and Brody's character) was over at the end of season 2 hence my doubts about season 3 in earlier posts. However in the end they did a decent job in using Brody, at least from an entertainment perspective. This time though it will take an even better job to clear my even bigger doubts about season 4.
Sometimes shows need to finish...Homeland has well and truly run its course...it should have ended after season 2...i presume the one benefit of season 4 is no more Dana...
Week behind everyone..... I see why the moaning last week.

The show has run its course....
Exactly. To be honest I thought that angle (and Brody's character) was over at the end of season 2 hence my doubts about season 3 in earlier posts. However in the end they did a decent job in using Brody, at least from an entertainment perspective. This time though it will take an even better job to clear my even bigger doubts about season 4.

They were going to kill him in season 2 but changed the script.
James Rebhorn, the actor who played Carrie's dad, passed away today at the age of 65 due to melanoma.
British actor Raza Jaffery will play role of lieutenant-colonel of ISI.

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Going to have to get into this. I never watched the first three seasons, but if it's on Sky, they'll have them on box office anyway.
watched all seasons tbh season 3 was a bit dragging hopefully this time they will be working on some plot line.
oh for petes sake..more anti pakistan propaganda?? im waiting to see the desert that is Islamabad and the extremists in the ISI trying to getour nukes to new delhi..bakwaas!!
oh for petes sake..more anti pakistan propaganda?? im waiting to see the desert that is Islamabad and the extremists in the ISI trying to getour nukes to new delhi..bakwaas!!

Lol. But seriously anybody with an ounce of intelligence wouldn't consider it more than entertainment whether its anti Pakistan or not.
One thing I do know is that the latest season is being filmed on location in Cape Town, South Africa.
Lol. But seriously anybody with an ounce of intelligence wouldn't consider it more than entertainment whether its anti Pakistan or not.

These kind of propaganda's really work and that is the reason every Afghani and Pakistani is considered as terrorist but those who are making weapons ala america , france , russia and countries who are funding terrorist groups to play proxy wars are considered peaceful.
Lol. But seriously anybody with an ounce of intelligence wouldn't consider it more than entertainment whether its anti Pakistan or not.

sorry mate but why do you think pakistan has such a negative image? because of garbage like this!! and I'm talking about people who may never have heard pakistan.
Ahhh Homeland. A show with so much potential that kind of got lost during its way. I still think its a pretty solid show however the level of sophistication in the geopolitical analysis has been lacking post Season 1.

Here's hoping they dont portray Pakistan as outright evil. They'll probably do the usual. Hint and tease towards U.S. unconstitutional actions (drones, innocent civilians killed via collateral damage) but will eventually conclude that their narrative is the saner one. To be fair they're entitled to do that its their production. Cant wait.
sorry mate but why do you think pakistan has such a negative image? because of garbage like this!! and I'm talking about people who may never have heard pakistan.

It depends how it's done. 24 also had a running theme where Muslamic terrorists kept popping up interspersed with evil Russian commies, but on the whole it was done quite sensitively and was a brilliant show. I haven't seen Homeland yet, but if it's similar then I can live with it. Far rather watch that than 70's style crap like Citizen Khan.
These kind of propaganda's really work and that is the reason every Afghani and Pakistani is considered as terrorist but those who are making weapons ala america , france , russia and countries who are funding terrorist groups to play proxy wars are considered peaceful.

Bro I would need some source to back up the claim that every Afghan and Pakistani is considered terrorist! Are you sure they are considered terrorists because of bunch of Dramas? Because when ever I heard something bad about Pakistan, people actually use real news instead of some random drama as their reference. Of course you get some random idiots using these kind of series to stereotype but its better to ignore them as long as they don't get physical.
These countries are considered peaceful by their own people. Don't tell me Pakistanis have high opinion of america or consider themselves terrorists. I am sure when Pakistanis realize their mistakes, people from those countries will too. At least when dealing with Pakistan.
Be ready to see every woman in those ninja niqabs and every man with a foot long beard. And ofcourse it will take place in the desert that is Ialamabad inhabited by Arabic speaking tribals
sorry mate but why do you think pakistan has such a negative image? because of garbage like this!! and I'm talking about people who may never have heard pakistan.

Ok sir. But who ever uses homeland as an example to portray Pakistan or any country as bad is acting like a 10 year old and same for the person that takes this stereotypical person seriously. No intelligent person should waste their time with either of these individuals.
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Bro I would need some source to back up the claim that every Afghan and Pakistani is considered terrorist! Are you sure they are considered terrorists because of bunch of Dramas? Because when ever I heard something bad about Pakistan, people actually use real news instead of some random drama as their reference. Of course you get some random idiots using these kind of series to stereotype but its better to ignore them as long as they don't get physical.
These countries are considered peaceful by their own people. Don't tell me Pakistanis have high opinion of america or consider themselves terrorists. I am sure when Pakistanis realize their mistakes, people from those countries will too. At least when dealing with Pakistan.

Bro i have first hand experience of living in a country where even when i travel in taxi , many times i have been asked that how many weapons i own in pakistan and what osama was doing in pakistan. One of my colleague said while making fun of afghanis that all afghanis are terrorist and make bombs.
I dont blame these guys for behaving in such manner actually they believe what media show to them.They dont even know basic thing that pakistan army is doing operation in north of pakistan but general sentiment is that we have situation of iraq and syria in pakistan and all areas are war effected.
sorry mate but why do you think pakistan has such a negative image? because of garbage like this!! and I'm talking about people who may never have heard pakistan.

Entirely because of 'garbage like this'? Nothing to do with Pakistan's kartoots?

Be ready to see every woman in those ninja niqabs and every man with a foot long beard. And ofcourse it will take place in the desert that is Ialamabad inhabited by Arabic speaking tribals

Which would not be far off the mark from reality. In Islamabad and Pindi at least, both are omnipresent(the ninja niqaab more so than the footlong beards, other way round in Peshawar where the beard is universal but the ninja niqab has some way to go before it gets as prevalent as it is in Islamabad/Pindi). Can't speak for all other cities but it wasn't that bad in Multan(it's worse in the smaller cities of the region like Sahiwal, Jhang and Khanewal) though I was only there for a month and Lahore isn't too far behind either although purely in terms of the pace at which the garbs you referred to are taking over, no city comes close to Islamabad.
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Bro i have first hand experience of living in a country where even when i travel in taxi , many times i have been asked that how many weapons i own in pakistan and what osama was doing in pakistan. One of my colleague said while making fun of afghanis that all afghanis are terrorist and make bombs.
I dont blame these guys for behaving in such manner actually they believe what media show to them.They dont even know basic thing that pakistan army is doing operation in north of pakistan but general sentiment is that we have situation of iraq and syria in pakistan and all areas are war effected.
That is unfortunate. But you should directly confront them and make them realize that they are wrong or just ignore them. But still they are just individuals. It doesn't mean every western considers every Pakistani and Afghan a terrorist. You would get such individuals even in Pakistan that make fun of Afghans or other nations but does that mean every Pakistani thinks like that because of some random TV series. I don't think so. If they are not aware of that then brother you should inform them. How else do you expect them to know?
That is unfortunate. But you should directly confront them and make them realize that they are wrong or just ignore them. But still they are just individuals. It doesn't mean every western considers every Pakistani and Afghan a terrorist. You would get such individuals even in Pakistan that make fun of Afghans or other nations but does that mean every Pakistani thinks like that because of some random TV series. I don't think so. If they are not aware of that then brother you should inform them. How else do you expect them to know?

Bro I always ignore them because even if i argue it will be useless because i cant take them with me to pakistan and show the truth and the only thing i will have is to use words but media show them images so ofcourse media propaganda is more powerful and this is what makes majority of people to believe that all pakistanis are extremist.
With all due respect to indian friends on this forum , India media has done a wonderful job to portray a positive image of india, Indian drama's/ indian movies which are dubbed in to local language are v.famous here.So indians earns more respect than us.
Anyways its another debate that currently pakistan is more unsafe than india due to terrorist attacks and thats a fact.
to make one thing clear i am talking about central asian countries people , I didnt pass judgement on any western country citizen.
Just to add one more example when this news was floated that pakistanis footballs will be used in world cup someone said that what if pakistanis hide a bomb in football.
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Enjoyed the first season. Couldn't continue watching it. It never did show muslims as being super evil or anything.
oh for petes sake..more anti pakistan propaganda?? im waiting to see the desert that is Islamabad and the extremists in the ISI trying to getour nukes to new delhi..bakwaas!!

that what the impression is for aveg yahoo - for pakistani, its all pathans with guns running around and with india it's a well, with women in saris who now are tech spport everywhere lol
Entirely because of 'garbage like this'? Nothing to do with Pakistan's kartoots?

Which would not be far off the mark from reality. In Islamabad and Pindi at least, both are omnipresent(the ninja niqaab more so than the footlong beards, other way round in Peshawar where the beard is universal but the ninja niqab has some way to go before it gets as prevalent as it is in Islamabad/Pindi). Can't speak for all other cities but it wasn't that bad in Multan(it's worse in the smaller cities of the region like Sahiwal, Jhang and Khanewal) though I was only there for a month and Lahore isn't too far behind either although purely in terms of the pace at which the garbs you referred to are taking over, no city comes close to Islamabad.

My grandpa used to say that the burqa was really rare back in his day
oh for petes sake..more anti pakistan propaganda?? im waiting to see the desert that is Islamabad and the extremists in the ISI trying to getour nukes to new delhi..bakwaas!!

Unfortunately it's these types of shows that tend to stick in people's memories. "Pakistan? Oh that's the country of terrorists in Homeland isn't it" and all that.
These shows and the media are not totally reflective of the complete reality but not far from it either. We are kidding ourselves if we argue that there are no terrorists, religious extremists and fanatics in our part of the world.
Accoridng it leaks the plot is about drone attacks in pakistan and Afghanistan and how terrorists and Taliban extremists are using that as a recipe to recruit, if has a good and bad isi and good and bad Pakistanis
Accoridng it leaks the plot is about drone attacks in pakistan and Afghanistan and how terrorists and Taliban extremists are using that as a recipe to recruit, if has a good and bad isi and good and bad Pakistanis

If it includes some ISI-CIA double games than it can be really exciting regardless of biased narrative.
Accoridng it leaks the plot is about drone attacks in pakistan and Afghanistan and how terrorists and Taliban extremists are using that as a recipe to recruit, if has a good and bad isi and good and bad Pakistanis

so in other words, drones are actually good but those evil terrorists use them to recruit..sorry but this narrative is soo old I dont know where to start. No doubt theyll play on the "secretly the pak govt want it" and the ISI is a state within a state rubbish..sorry but I liked the first season because it was different , now its just 24 with another face! made by zionists too.
My grandpa used to say that the burqa was really rare back in his day

rare in the cities. In the dihaat my grandma wouldnt be seen dead outside without either the burqa or similar covering..but my maternal grandpa was more cosmopolitan, even they would wear burqay when required.
The trailer is pretty terrible to be honest. Homeland is overrated with typical stereotypical crap
BTW this series is the copy of Israeli drama series "Prisoner of War" written by Israeli born Gideon Raff.
Homeland was good for the first three season. They could have killed the show with Brody but why kill something thats still raking in the $$$ ?
Will Homeland show the Pakistan I know?
Thrilled to hear that Carrie is headed to Pakistan for the next season of Homeland, at least according to the trailer. Excited to find out whether her experiences here tally with mine – broadly of hospitality, friendship and warmth. I imagine the opening going something like this:
Episode 1 scene 1: interior, Istanbul CIA office
A phone rings.
Carrie: Hello, Istanbul Station.
Raymondo Davieso (senior CIA figure in Langley): Hello Carrie, how are you settling in?
C: OK. Istanbul is….
R: Great. Excellent. Never mind that. We need a full report on what the Pakistani military is up to, how it is backing the Taliban and suchlike.
C: But I’m in Istanbul.
R. Exactly. Fast as you can.
C: I know nothing about Pakistan.
R: Er, imagine the people you are writing the report for know nothing about it either. At least you speak Arabic. And we’ve sent you a disguise.
Cut to a figure draped in a blue burqa sitting in a smart Islamabad restaurant eating sushi, awkwardly, being stared at by every other customer wondering why she’s wearing a burqa.
Episode 2
ISI chief arrives at CIA station, Islamabad with a welcome gift of a box of mangoes, prompting panic and confusion. After analysis they are good only for milkshakes.
Episode 3
Carrie chases down key Taliban figure. Is plied with samosas, milk tea and chicken haandi, rendering her rather sleepy and unable to concentrate for the rest of the afternoon.
Episode 4
Carrie tracks down feared alleged terror leader in Lahore by calling his press officer. Has dinner with him but is asked not to report back to Langley that he uses Heinz Tomato Ketchup. Carrie complains of indigestion.
Episode 5
Carrie intercepts key militant handler as he arrives at US embassy to check progress of his visa application. Carrie explains that she can’t help with that sort of thing. It’s a different department. He takes her to Peshawar because you can get better lamb there.
Episode 6
Carrie is helicoptered out after medics diagnose the early stages of diabetes.
Episode 7
CIA gives up. Resorts to drones again.
NB: I will watch every episode, completely gripped, while complaining about deficiencies in the plot and the poor depiction of Pakistan.
I bet some of you will be shouting at the TV, if they mistake some arabian customs as the Pakistani ones.
Just watched the first 2 episodes of season 4. Looks like we're in for another exciting season.
Lol @ are any of the Pakistani characters actually Pakistanis or did they hire all Indians as per status quo?

An interesting first couple of episodes...

Sammy kinda got what was coming to him really...thought the line him and Carrie pulled blaming civilians for their own deaths was apt...cos it is a disgraceful yet much repeated comment in real life...

The lieutenant argument was a little convenient...i don't quite get what he expects...hes upset cos he's killed a whole set of civilians at a wedding...this wouldn't be the first time its been done so why take such a role...he was right about Carrie being a monster though :) ...

Brodies absence is making the show stronger...and of course no Dana...and im glad we won't have to see Carrie the useless mother for much longer...I hope they focus more on just the terror plot and less on all the melodrama...

My urdu is not perfect by any means but other than the guys nephew the other Pakistani accents sound awkward to me...the women tending to him in particular...

Quinns dalliance with the fat girl was random...not sure what it was supposed to show...he is becoming increasingly disillusioned but we saw that last season...Carrie being the biatch that she always has been probably didn't help with her usual callousness...

So far though the plot line is interesting...like the fact that Pakistan is the base too...
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Episode one was excellent, two was decent.

Good start to the season and hopefully it is an improvement to the poor third season.

The'Pakistani' acting was awful. The Urdu was painful to listen to, the accent made my ears hurt and it was like somebody google translated the script and paid people to read it out, awful awful awful sentence structure.
All the actors are Indians obviously that's why they don't speak urdu as much as hindi.
Its a great show if youre into spy thrillers. Season 1 is the best but I've liked the other seasons despite what some of my friends think. Really looking forward to this season as its got a subcontinent tinge.

Wish it was filmed on location in India though as opposed to South Africa. Probably cost related reasons.
Ive seen both seasons 1 and 2. I was specifically asking about this season. Is it worth me watching or is it the evil Pakistanis trying to harm the good loving americans and their great understanding allies across the border??
I dont follow why was it unbearable? I found the dialogue to be fine. The actors are obviously Indian and I'm sure they know how to speak their own language.
I dont follow why was it unbearable? I found the dialogue to be fine. The actors are obviously Indian and I'm sure they know how to speak their own language.

The scene where the kid was lying on a bed after his mum and sister got killed

He turns around and asks the lady - 'Maan or behan kahan hai'? ( doesn't sound right to me

Woman turns around and says - 'Ayaan Mujhey maaf kareye' ( Again sounded strange as hell, translated as I'm so sorry).

My urdu isn't fantastic (more of a punjabi speaker) but that dialogue made me cringe. Is it normal in Hindi?
I dont follow why was it unbearable? I found the dialogue to be fine. The actors are obviously Indian and I'm sure they know how to speak their own language.

for crowd generation they used people from different places from middle east(Lebanon, Syria, Iraq), east africa(blacks) to India(none of them looked very people of Pakistan tribal areas but overall it did OK) and language was too refine/textbook URDU for daily Pakistan level let alone the more crude Indian one.
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typical American bakwaas by the sounds of things. Station chief gets stomped tod eaht in the middle of a slum they say is Islamabad? lol anyone heard of Raymond davis?
Ive seen both seasons 1 and 2. I was specifically asking about this season. Is it worth me watching or is it the evil Pakistanis trying to harm the good loving americans and their great understanding allies across the border??

If you take it for what it is, a work of fiction, then it's well worth watching - it's entertaining.

If you are expecting historical and factual accuracy then surely a documentary is more appropriate anyway.
If you take it for what it is, a work of fiction, then it's well worth watching - it's entertaining.

If you are expecting historical and factual accuracy then surely a documentary is more appropriate anyway.

im not expecting a documentary but I do expect accuracy. you can be accurate and still tell a good fictional story. A good example is how native americans ere and are now portrayed in film. The more accurate modern portrayal does not detract from the story line.

If what the above article is saying is true then it is clearly either sloppy/ignorant research or is intentional. Either way i'd rather not watch more propaganda. I'll stick to my other TV watching.

not watching this garbage this season. Rather watch something else.

Actually tgk it wasnt too bad.

From a Pakistani pov the Indian actors and poor urdu was annoying. Yanks wont know any better though and them hearing perfect urdu doesnt matter much in the grand scheme of things.

Imagining it as a Yank viewer. This episode shows the devastating effect of a missile strike on innocent people. IMO it showed the extent the Yanks go to to cover things up, the dodgy methods they use to gain 'intelligence' and general incompetence.

Most American viewers only see deaths of drone strikes as a statistic....perhaps humanising them by showing a young lad lose his innocent family is a good thing?

I suspect the series will pan out with the lad who has lost his mother and sister becoming a terrorist which fully supports the line of guys like Imran Khan, shows the Americans create the terrorists with their own behaviour.

I was ok with the episode in general. Id give it a watch if I was you.
typical American bakwaas by the sounds of things. Station chief gets stomped tod eaht in the middle of a slum they say is Islamabad? lol anyone heard of Raymond davis?

Actually i think a viewer watching the show will find it difficult to sympathise with the dead chief.