How much support has Imran Khan really got?


Tape Ball Star
Jun 22, 2010
The Pakistani News channels dont really show much about Pakistan Tehreek-e-insaf and if they do say they say only a couple hundred support imran khan... what is the truth how many supporters are there in pakistan for the legandary leader we want to lead us :)
I support Imran Khan---. But was born here in Denmark...:

For me Imran Khan is the last hope sadly...
I support Imran Khan---. But was born here in Denmark...:

For me Imran Khan is the last hope sadly...

Yeah so do i but how much support has he got in Pakistan
he is the only real voice of the poor i guess
Imran khan has gained a lot of popularity recently- ppl understand now that he's the last hope.

I can't believe my stubborn friend who supported PMLN has switched to PTI.

A few months ago, I couldn't imagine this!

And attracting over 100k people in Dharna isn't a small thing considering the security there.
hopefully theres even more then 100k people the more the better he is the only hope as far as i am concernd
the support for imran khan is growing quickly and you would see a lot of people defecting from their parties and joining Imran Khan soon. There was an article in The nation about a week ago about this. PTI has their foot on PML(N)'s throat who many consider to be government waiting to be in power. PML(N)'s frustration and confusion is quite visible as they don't know how to counter Imran Khan and PTI. They usually rely on PPP's bad governance but now there is a third front that is countering both PPP and PML(N)
If Imran becomes the leader I think Pak will only make some serious progress at least against corruption.
very little support.
if there is an election in the near future then he may win a few seats and that will be about it.
Meaning that he will have little or no influence from the handful of seats he wins and hence wont be able to change much at all.

Many people say they support Imran but in an election will vote for the traditional parties
If there are fair elections then I think Imran Khan can win cuz now ppl are seeing the reality.....
He is on every second Talk Show!

yes Imran is on every channel..........but PTI's other members don't get much coverage........

but u see other PPP, PMLN and Q, MQM, and ANP lullos all over the channel spreading BS.............saying something, and doing something else
yes Imran is on every channel..........but PTI's other members don't get much coverage........

but u see other PPP, PMLN and Q, MQM, and ANP lullos all over the channel spreading BS.............saying something, and doing something else

Now they have started to come,like dr shireen mazari,omer cheem,brig samson and others.
yes Imran is on every channel..........but PTI's other members don't get much coverage........

but u see other PPP, PMLN and Q, MQM, and ANP lullos all over the channel spreading BS.............saying something, and doing something else

No sympathy for any Lalloo but It's Imran's duty to talk about his other party members and introduce them in Talk shows. He never talks about them.
Now they have started to come,like dr shireen mazari,omer cheem,brig samson and others.

well they need to come more often on media..........repeatedly............thats how u get noticed...........

majority of PAK public aren't even aware of other names in PTI except Imran Khan..........

PTI has a lots of ground to terms of familiarizing themselves to public by using media....

look at PPP, PML N and Q, ANP and MQM thugs and cronies...........they become popular nationwide cause of media.....

i wish Pak has Presidential system like the US instead of the Parliamentary system of the Brits...........that way Imran Khan had way more chances of winning........
with this parliamentary system, a lot depends on how many MNA's/MPA's of ur party have get more seats hence shot at PM'ship or CM'ship...
so in that regard strong parties with Head-starts like PPP and PML-N are at advantage.

but i hope awaam wakes up soon.......and vote for PTI and Imran Khan :inti
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Ma toh Imran k sath hun aur InshahAllah islamabad wale dharnay ma zauru jaonngah.
Something tells me that one day Imran Khan and Shah Mahmood Quereshi will be forming an allianz.
21 years long struggle in 1 picture...

21 years long struggle in 1 picture...


Pretty easy for arm chair critics to say he is only popular because of cricket or establishment. His struggle throughout the years have been amazing and none of the current leaders went through such struggle. At times he had no more than dozen people and most even left him but not sure how/why he just keeps going.
Pretty easy for arm chair critics to say he is only popular because of cricket or establishment. His struggle throughout the years have been amazing and none of the current leaders went through such struggle. At times he had no more than dozen people and most even left him but not sure how/why he just keeps going.

Never giving up attitude!
If only this support translates into votes which unfortunately can never be the case in the corrupt system of Pakistan.
Sad thing is that he had to sacrifice few principles.

In our system you need to compromise for your dreams (not on your dreams) to achieve your goals otherwise you become another Asghar Khan.
If only this support translates into votes which unfortunately can never be the case in the corrupt system of Pakistan.

I think racism also plays a part.

If Imran was punjabi he would win by a landslide imo.
I think racism also plays a part.

If Imran was punjabi he would win by a landslide imo.
That's not true... Sindhi Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and his daughter both won elections from Punjab
I think racism also plays a part.

If Imran was punjabi he would win by a landslide imo.

He is a Punjabi born and raised in the heart of Punjab (Lahore). Niazis are pakhtoon by blood but they moved to Punjab and changed their language centuries ago. Sharifs are also not pure Punjabis they are Kashmiris by blood...
That's not true... Sindhi Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and his daughter both won elections from Punjab

He is a Punjabi born and raised in the heart of Punjab (Lahore). Niazis are pakhtoon by blood but they moved to Punjab and changed their language centuries ago. Sharifs are also not pure Punjabis they are Kashmiris by blood...

Sure but the average village based Pakistani in Punjab doesnt understand this.

I think it does play a part but if im wrong here, ill be glad.
Sure but the average village based Pakistani in Punjab doesnt understand this.

I think it does play a part but if im wrong here, ill be glad.

The village based Punjabi does not vote on racial lines at all. In rural areas people vote on the basis of personal relations, baradaris , families. It's mostly about PR in rural areas along with ticket of a major party.
Pakistanis have not yet evolved to demonstrate racist traits.

I would appeal to PTI supporters to calm down as they are going to win in 2018.