How to lose belly fat fast?


First Class Star
Nov 28, 2009
getting married in 2 months ....need to loose belly fat fast ..dont' care about any other body parts ...just wanna loose belly fat fast ...
which excercise works best for belly fast ??
i hate treadmill...
and i am planning to do exercise at home..without any weights??
also please recommend some drugs to make the process fast...

fiance is keep looking at pics .and keep commenting about loosing weight ...
..and its making me insane ....
pls help
*if u can't help then don't laugh ....
Diet, Drink a lot of water and Run. Good luck mate.
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Why did you leave it so late? If you're really fat then you need more than 2 months to fully be in shape

And on a more serious note, so what if you dont lose weight? Your fiance cant do anything about your weight once you get married :16:

Just forget about all of this :ahmed
You can't lose a belly fast without doing plenty of excercise and going on a diet. Even then it's very difficult unless you put in some serious effort which doesn't seem to be in your plans.

Some of my mates have used Ephedrine but it can only do so much, best to stick to excerise and a diet.
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On a serious note its impossible to lose weight just off one area of the body. Do you just hate running on the treadmill or do you hate running altogether?
This thread has been done to death on PP. You can't lose 'spot fat' i.e target a specific area to lose fat from. Fat loss occurs evenly. Time to bump that gym thread as I too need to lose weight again since my knee injury.
Treadmill is the best for losing weight...I've been doing it for past 3 months and I have gone from 75 to 65 kgs...You have to be fully will have to give up on lot of junk food...even our desi food isn't very have to cut down on the roti or rice you eat, and switch it with carrots, lettuce, and fishes.

Treadmill seems very hard and boring at have to get over that phase because that's the biggest demotivator...once you get over that phase, you don't feel much and treadmill becomes part of your life...I personally don't feel good until I do 30 mins on treadmill everyday...2 months is a lot of time to lose like 7 to 8kgs or 15 pounds...start the treadmill but remember don't go too hard at first, start with 10 min each day then go up to 30 mins....I have gone through that phase and I can tell you it was tough at first but now that I am used to this lifestyle, I don't feel so bad.

checkout this video -
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It's pointless anyway since after marriage it will come back on very quickly. :)
Regular intake of illegal drugs would indeed see you losing weight quickly. But I have a legal herb for you to try instead - Tongkat Ali (the proper stuff). Raises your testosterone, reduces your appetite, gives you more motivation to exercise, and increases muscle mass. It's crazy good but costs about 60 quid for 6-8 weeks supply, and you have to stick to the 'four capsules a day' routine. I've tried all sorts of supplements and only a few have done what they claimed to, and this was the best of the lot. I tried it once just as an experiment and it really did work. Will get some more in the summer when I'm earning money again. If you want the website I'll give you it.

Either way, you'll need to run and exercise loads to have a chance. Anyone can get rid of moobs and chubby cheeks, but belly fat and love-handles take a long time to shift.
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I lost 6 kgs in two weeks without doing anything, well except for contracting malaria....

Seriously though it isn't rocket science. You need to burn off more calories then you take in. No magic pill or sauna belt will work. You need to eat several times a day instead of one or two big meals. Obviously some cardio as well. Along with this you need a steady sleep cycle. Read this article for more info
On a serious note its impossible to lose weight just off one area of the body. Do you just hate running on the treadmill or do you hate running altogether?

hate running alltogeather
so busy was with studies...
sitting allday ...
now what to do
hate running ..
after 5 mins i get so breathless that i give up .
so i started with little jogging but still same problem..
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Why did you leave it so late? If you're really fat then you need more than 2 months to fully be in shape

And on a more serious note, so what if you dont lose weight? Your fiance cant do anything about your weight once you get married :16:

Just forget about all of this :ahmed

not fat just belly fat ...
hate running alltogeather
so busy was with studies...
sitting allday ...
now what to do
hate running ..
after 5 mins i get so breathless that i give up .
so i started with little jogging but still same problem..

I'm pretty much the same hate running + I smoke, best thing is then to play a sport like football or tennis maybe even cricket?

Go down to your local gym aswell. They should have some fancy machines that may make things more enjoyable for you.
Regular intake of illegal drugs would indeed see you losing weight quickly. But I have a legal herb for you to try instead - Tongkat Ali (the proper stuff). Raises your testosterone, reduces your appetite, gives you more motivation to exercise, and increases muscle mass. It's crazy good but costs about 60 quid for 6-8 weeks supply, and you have to stick to the 'four capsules a day' routine. I've tried all sorts of supplements and only a few have done what they claimed to, and this was the best of the lot. I tried it once just as an experiment and it really did work. Will get some more in the summer when I'm earning money again. If you want the website I'll give you it.

Either way, you'll need to run and exercise loads to have a chance. Anyone can get rid of moobs and chubby cheeks, but belly fat and love-handles take a long time to shift.

thx bro will try that ...
so basically what i noticed from last year when i used to do exercise ..joggin on thredmill that i used to loose breath so fast..
so need something good so i don't loose energy
thx mate will try that ..
any proper website where i can buy this * Tongkat Ali (the proper stuff)'some good website to buy this ??
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I'm pretty much the same hate running + I smoke, best thing is then to play a sport like football or tennis maybe even cricket?

Go down to your local gym aswell. They should have some fancy machines that may make things more enjoyable for you.

thx bro..
go on the atkins for a few weeks, the weight will come off. prob not good for your kidneys, but a few weeks shouldnt be too bad for you. once you stop itll come straight back on again, so the longer term solutions above are best, but as a quick fix the atkins diet does work.
tennis is great, but its hell on the knees, for me at least. im assuming if u wna lose your belly u aint a ten stone athlete.
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Exercise and control your diet. It's the only way.
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One capsule with breakfast, one with lunch, one with dinner, and one with a drink at bedtime.

The cycle: do five days on the capsules, then two days off them.

Energy levels will be increasing by the end of the first week and will peak after about a month.

Do lots of walking and running, and lifting too if you're up to it. You will notice an extra edge when you exercise, and you will keep going for longer. That's the tongkat doing its stuff.
One capsule with breakfast, one with lunch, one with dinner, and one with a drink at bedtime.

The cycle: do five days on the capsules, then two days off them.

Energy levels will be increasing by the end of the first week and will peak after about a month.

Do lots of walking and running, and lifting too if you're up to it. You will notice an extra edge when you exercise, and you will keep going for longer. That's the tongkat doing its stuff.

thx a bunch ....
theres this gym equipment where you do sort of crunches.. dont know the name,,

that leads you to reduce belly fat
If you have a laptop, put it above your belly, heat from the bottom of your laptop should help burn the belly fat.
i was just joking about the drugs, it does work though.

on a side note i think ive accidently inhaled my deodarant, i feel all wierd. my nose is all sensitive, my eyes are dry and my head feels heavy.

reminds me of time i once painted my computer case with spray paint in a not very well ventilated room, gave me a head ache and made me depressed for a day.
getting married in 2 months ....need to loose belly fat fast ..dont' care about any other body parts ...just wanna loose belly fat fast ...
which excercise works best for belly fast ??
i hate treadmill...
and i am planning to do exercise at home..without any weights??
also please recommend some drugs to make the process fast...

fiance is keep looking at pics .and keep commenting about loosing weight ...
..and its making me insane ....
pls help
*if u can't help then don't laugh ....

If you can discipline yourself on 2 things I can guarantee you'll lose at least 2lbs a week.

First exercise , nothing fancy but start running 4-5 miles 3 times a week. No need to run fast but run slow, enough to be able to talk or hold a conversation without losing breath.
Push ups and squats 20 each, then weights, practice shadow punching with 15-20lb dumbbells.

Second control your diet especially your dinner, I usually eat a hearty lunch and a very light dinner, boiled stir fry vegetables and a bowl of soup.

In 2 months I lost 2inches off my waist and my stomach is now flat but not hard and over 15lbs in weight.
Do something you enjoy so you will stick to if you like running then do that...if there is a sport you like then do that...things like boxing, squash and badminton...if you enjoy activities then time will will get a work out and will continue to do it...

If you have done weights before then do that...helps burn fat too...

None of that is useful however if you dont eat pick a decent diet and stick to it...

As for the Lipo takes about 6 months to show properly...

Shes met you before right?...why the rush...after marriage you could find an activity you both enjoy...
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Try P90X or 10-minute trainer.

Youtube them and learn more about it. I've met people who have tried that and results are unbelievable. All you need is commitment!
Nick Mitchell, the UK's premier personal trainer, reckons 80% of body shape is down to diet, 10% on genes, and only 10% due to exercise.

As for exercise, free weights are easily the best way to burn fat. Along with interval training.
Brother it worked for me, especially if you want to loose that fast < 2 months the go for at least 4 cycles of cabbage soup diet. This will give you .

****************Disclaimer ***************

Follow 100% percent if you want 100% results, also means no sugar or soda for next 2 months not even sip, you need multi vitamens with it, and trust me this will be HELL of hard to follow 4 cycles best is go this way

1 complete cycle and 3 days rest
2nd complete cycle and 3 days rest'
3rd cycle and week rest
4th cycle and go get ur wedding suit :)

I LOST 70 pounds on this diet, it comes back if u eating junk after diet so be very careful


Day One:

Fruit: Eat all of the fruit you want (except bananas). Eat only your soup and the fruit for the first day. For drinks- unsweetened teas, cranberry juice and water.
Day Two:

Vegetables: Eat until you are stuffed will all fresh, raw or cooked vegetables of your choice. Try to eat leafy green vegetables and stay away from dry beans, peas and corn. Eat all the vegetables you want along with your soup. At dinner, reward yourself with a big baked potato with butter. Do not eat fruit today.
Day Three:

Mix Days One and Two: Eat all the soup, fruits and vegetables you want. No Baked Potato.
Day Four:

Bananas and Skim Milk: Eat as many as eight bananas and drink as many glasses of skim milk as you would like on this day, along with your soup. This day is supposed to lessen your desire for sweets.
Day Five:

Beef And Tomatos: Ten to twenty ounces of beef and up to six fresh tomtoes. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water this day to wash the uric acid from your body. Eat your soup at least once this day. You may eat broiled or baked chicken instead of beef (but absolutely no skin-on chicken). If you prefer, you can substitute broiled fish for the beef one one of the beef days (but not both).
Day Six:

Beef and Vegetables: Eat to your heart’s content of beef and vegetables this day. You can even have 2 or 3 steaks if you like, with leafy green vegetables. No Baked Potato. Eat your soup at least once.
Day Seven:

Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices and vegetables: Again stuff, stuff, stuff yourself. Be sure to eat your soup at least once this day.
P90 X get it.. if your training at home.. and cut out junk food, milk, cheese, mayo, and sugary stuff from diet, and as much carbs as you can.. eat small meals 5-6 times a day with lots of water

and take multi vitamins too
High Intensity Interval Training.

If you start doing you will at least lose 10-15 pounds in 2 months.

But I'm warning you, your going to have to dig down deep to complete this workout!!!
Took me 3 yrs to get from 38 waist to 33 inches. :D

^ That is without gyming and exercising, just football and diet :)

@ Topic. Like it or not Cardio supplemented with good diet is the best way to lose weight. And spot reduction just wont happen.
I suggest you could run up/down steps if you hate treadmill. Equally Effective.
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Cut down on carbs and add protien to your diet . Cut sugar from diet , drink lots of water but never right after a meal . Go for small portions and eat frequently like 4-5 times throughout the day .

For belly , you can do sit ups . for fat below your waist line , your lower abdominal area , do reverse crunches . you can also do oblique crunches is for the side area of your stomach .

but make sure to do it properly , youtube it first . you do not want to hurt yourself so start with a light warm up

you should see how this works out for you for a month . do not take any meds , not good for you in the long term .
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Just don't take any drugs to lose fat quickly. Do it in the natural way and even if it takes a few months more, it won't make any difference in the long run.

Fat lose karne ke chakkar mein life lose mat karna.
Dude, Just take jog or run 20-25 minutes on treadmill everyday, if you have low stamina, then do 5 minutes brisk walk then 30 second run, repeat. Just cut down on junk food, you'l lose around 4-5 kgs per month, also do some sit ups and other ab exercises
Bro if you are serious about losing weight try HIIT. Do weights and HIIT after that.. you'll get ripped in no time :akhtar
Weights and Cardio with proper diet..all ya need..everyyday till u get married foo!
Exercise and control your diet, Running, swimming and badminton/squash are good exercises.

Drugs that you could take are Clenbuterol and T3, alot of bodybuilders take these to lose fat and get ready for competition. Do your research on em.
All those suggesting Liposuction and drugs please stop. To lose fat you are going to have to burn more calories in the day then you consume. Calories can be burnt through a combination of cardio and strength exercises. Also diet is KEY. Stay away from junk and just eat healthy. Also, saying "oh I get tired after five minutes of running" is bull crap and an excuse. No **** it hurts after 5 minutes because your out of shape!...besides its supposed to hurt! Get off your butt and run and develop a proper workout regimen. Those suggesting high interval training...let the guy start off slower and build up his stamina before he moves onto that level. If you dont want to do weights, just cardio will be fine for losing fat but you have to put in effort. Also there is no method to lose "just belly fat" your body gradually loses fat throughout the entire body. Again, getting fit is tough at first but if you continue for a while it should get easier and more enjoyable. It becomes a part of your life like brushing your teeth daily is. Once its a habit you wont ever go back (hopefully). Again its not going to be easy for if it were everyone would have a flat abdomen and nice muscles!
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^ and not to forget , you will feel more energetic throughout the day
Why are you so obsessed with losing weight in two months?

You should definitely try and improve your health, but don't try this short-term nonsense. Exercise, eat healthy, and you will have to do cardio. If you cannot run for long, then just start walking.

You are just being a gigantic white knight, tell your fiance that you will work on getting healthier, but it will take some time. Either grow some balls now or you will forever be dominated throughout your marriage.
I think the main issue is your fear towards your fiancée.

Putting in effort will probably impress her. If she isn't happy with effort then you two have a lot to talk about and weight isn't the main topic.

Take your time. Two months isn't a "do or die" situation as you are making it out to be!
Nah, you're not gonna burn any fat in 2 months.

Just break up with your fiancée.
Nah, you're not gonna burn any fat in 2 months.

Just break up with your fiancée.

Yeah - it's much easier.

All he has to say to her is, "I think you should lose belly fat".

:)) or tell his fiancée to gain belly fat or forget him forever.
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getting married in 2 months ....need to loose belly fat fast ..dont' care about any other body parts ...just wanna loose belly fat fast ...

It's probably 85% diet.

Cut out all crisps, biscuits and so on. Eat fruit and veg instead.

Don't do situps because you would have to do about 1000 per day before you burned any gut fat.

Get out and run three times per week.
like this?

ا weds ن

this would be more appropriate imo

ہ weds ن
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If you cannot run, then how about stair master or just run up and down the stairs in your home or apartment every day? Spend about half hour in total every day running up and down the stairs. Then lift some weights immediately after when your heart rate is up. Since you seem to have trouble running continuously for long periods of time, you can do this for shorter periods of time take a break and do it again, but the effort you will be putting in will be more thus burning more calories. When I want to change things up I do this instead of just running on flat ground just to confuse my body.
As of today I am on this diet plan.

During the first seven days you must abstain from all alcohol
You must drink 10 glasses of water each day

Day One
All fruits except bananas. Your first day will consist of all the fruits you want. It is strongly suggested that you consume lots of melons the first day. Especially watermelon and a loupe. If you limit your fruit consumption to melons, your chances of losing three lbs. on first day are very good.

Day Two
All vegetables. You are encouraged to eat until you are stuffed with all the raw or cooked vegetables of your choice. There is no limit on the amount or type. For your complex carbohydrate, you will start day two with a large baked potato for breakfast. You may top the potato with one pat of butter.

Day Three A mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No bananas yet. No potatoes today.

Day Four Bananas and milk. Today you will eat as many as eight bananas and drink three glasses of milk. This will be combined with the special soup which may be eaten in limited quantities.

Day Five Today is feast day. You will eat beef and tomatoes. Eat two 10 oz. portions of lean beef. Hamburger is OK. Combine this with six whole tomatoes. On day five you must increase your water intake by one quart. This is to cleanse your system of the uric acid you will be producing.

Day Six Beef and vegetables. Today you may eat an unlimited amount of beef and vegetables. Eat to your hearts content.

Day Seven Today your food intake will consist of brown rice, fruit juices and all the vegetables you care to consume.

Today I had two cups of team with very small amount of sugar and semi skimmed milk.Its fruit day today and I intend to stick to that.
Brother it worked for me, especially if you want to loose that fast < 2 months the go for at least 4 cycles of cabbage soup diet. This will give you .

****************Disclaimer ***************

Follow 100% percent if you want 100% results, also means no sugar or soda for next 2 months not even sip, you need multi vitamens with it, and trust me this will be HELL of hard to follow 4 cycles best is go this way

1 complete cycle and 3 days rest
2nd complete cycle and 3 days rest'
3rd cycle and week rest
4th cycle and go get ur wedding suit :)

I LOST 70 pounds on this diet, it comes back if u eating junk after diet so be very careful


Day One:

Fruit: Eat all of the fruit you want (except bananas). Eat only your soup and the fruit for the first day. For drinks- unsweetened teas, cranberry juice and water.
Day Two:

Vegetables: Eat until you are stuffed will all fresh, raw or cooked vegetables of your choice. Try to eat leafy green vegetables and stay away from dry beans, peas and corn. Eat all the vegetables you want along with your soup. At dinner, reward yourself with a big baked potato with butter. Do not eat fruit today.
Day Three:

Mix Days One and Two: Eat all the soup, fruits and vegetables you want. No Baked Potato.
Day Four:

Bananas and Skim Milk: Eat as many as eight bananas and drink as many glasses of skim milk as you would like on this day, along with your soup. This day is supposed to lessen your desire for sweets.
Day Five:

Beef And Tomatos: Ten to twenty ounces of beef and up to six fresh tomtoes. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water this day to wash the uric acid from your body. Eat your soup at least once this day. You may eat broiled or baked chicken instead of beef (but absolutely no skin-on chicken). If you prefer, you can substitute broiled fish for the beef one one of the beef days (but not both).
Day Six:

Beef and Vegetables: Eat to your heart’s content of beef and vegetables this day. You can even have 2 or 3 steaks if you like, with leafy green vegetables. No Baked Potato. Eat your soup at least once.
Day Seven:

Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices and vegetables: Again stuff, stuff, stuff yourself. Be sure to eat your soup at least once this day.

probably the worst dieting plan ever.
On a serious note. Adequate amounts of fibre in your diet coupled with a decent intake of water should clean out your gut which is very very important. Stick to a healthy diet of veggies and lean/white meat. Cut out fried rubbish, use olive oil, eat your greens, drink skimmed milk (dietary calcium has been proven to flush fat from the system, don't ask for a source coz I ain't givin' you none!) grill your meats rather than fry them. Thats it really. Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself either. The more comfortable and relaxed your tummy is the better it will work and a happy digestive system is an effective one. I lost 10kg in 20 days and did nothing but change my diet slightly.
10kg in 20 days? I think not..if really that is the case, how much have you gained now? must have lost a lot of liquid.. best way to loose belly fat = simple.. work out. More muscle= more calories you burn. Best way is to create a one year plan, with small goals, stick to it. GYM and GYM and GYM = in the end you will follow a new lifestyle instead of dieting which sucks really.. what you want to achieve is a new heathly lifestyle which you follow so when your 50 years old you are still fit for fight.. the more you start getting involved in working out, the major changes you will make automatically in your life ..i.e. your social circle changes, you stop eating crap/drinking booze.. its amazing really.
3 bags epsom salt, in hotwater in bath tub.. 40 mins, ull lose 3 pounds or somethin..UFC fighters do it
As of today I am on this diet plan.

During the first seven days you must abstain from all alcohol
You must drink 10 glasses of water each day

Today I had two cups of team with very small amount of sugar and semi skimmed milk.Its fruit day today and I intend to stick to that.

No cheating!!... I have tried it and it DOES work.... ofcourse it will as you are in calorie deficit.

Anyway, the first 3 days are the worst... mild headaches all day long and you are constantly thinking about food. Once you pass that stage... its not too bad. Although I could'nt stomach the beef so replaced it with chicken.
I lost 7 kgs in about 1.5 months. All I did was .... train for a half marathon :yk

But seriously, I have never been used to 'running' as a separate activity before and getting into the habit is extremely helpful on many levels (obviously weight and fitness, its a massive stress-buster too!). The key is to slow down to a level where you can keep going and not succumb to any adrenaline rushes. Wanting to stop is just a signal that you have been running too fast. You can jog at just above walking speed and still make a massive difference towards your waistline. I would recommend jogging at 5 kms every other day for a few days before you gradually increase the distances to 7, 10, etc kms..

The good thing about it is that even 60 year olds can jog decently in marathons, etc meaning its not a bad habit to get into.
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ok guys i am trying p90x ab ripper exercise from youtube
and its 30 reps per session ..trying it for few days now...
30 is too much i can barely do 15-20 reps..that work out is very painful..
any one know how long we can take a break between exercise (can we take one to two mins)
what is best way
i will try to do atleast 4 times a week and see how it work out
will also try jogging as mentioned by lot of you ...
hope it work out ...
thx for all ur suggestions..
salt water does it work?? ..
pls keep it comming ...:)
ok guys i am trying p90x ab ripper exercise from youtube
and its 30 reps per session ..trying it for few days now...
30 is too much i can barely do 15-20 reps..that work out is very painful..
any one know how long we can take a break between exercise (can we take one to two mins)
what is best way
i will try to do atleast 4 times a week and see how it work out
will also try jogging as mentioned by lot of you ...
hope it work out ...
thx for all ur suggestions..
salt water does it work?? ..
pls keep it comming ...:)

It's best to fully immerse yourself into the P90x workout.

Picking and choosing programs (e.g ab ripper x) won't show results. Do the entire thing, work your entire body out. If you are going to put in the effort, do it properly.

Anyway, that is your choice!

As far as the reps - go at your own pace. The main point is to feel the "burn" that comes along with the workout. As you continue to workout - you will see improvements in how many reps you can do. It'll take a while until you can go along with them rep by rep.

The breaks between exercises are up to you. Two minutes might be excessive, though! :))

Still, your main focus has to remain on your DIET and CARDIO. Those are the main things for reducing belly fat. You maintain discipline and the results will start showing.

Hope you see the results you wish to see. :)
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Will gladly try anything! Will revert in ten days <a href=""></a></p>— Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) <a href="">8 September 2017</a></blockquote>
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Cut out all junk food. Eat in moderation. Simple.