If only the Justice Qayyum inquiry was not lenient


Test Captain
Feb 16, 2006
Post of the Week
We let all our star players who still had a few years under their belt off free while the likes of Salim Malik (who was past it) and Ata ur Rehman (out of favor) were given life bans.

Had the commision done its job properly and taken players to task, we would not have lost Asif and Aamir today. No Cricketer would dare indulge in match fixing or spot fixing ever again.
hindsight is always 20 by 20. In those days it was far more aggressive in that a huge chunk of players were into it in a far more braisen manner, u follow the money who knows how many ppl they wda had to ban, wda blown the pak team to bits.

But at least something has happened now, dair aye darust aye.
hindsight is always 20 by 20. In those days it was far more aggressive in that a huge chunk of players were into it in a far more braisen manner, u follow the money who knows how many ppl they wda had to ban, wda blown the pak team to bits.

But at least something has happened now, dair aye darust aye.

Don't need hindsight, common sense will tell you if you don't rid of the problem, it will just remain there and probably even growing
my point is its relatively easier when icc is going after 3 players, the pcb had a conflict of interests, imagine if they had banned wasim, and the others. the team would was quite good back in the day, getting rid of 3 or 4 guys would have caused a huge amount of problems financially and politically for the pakistan cricket board.

you can also never be sure that had pcb banned them they wd have stayed banned, i dont disagree with you on the sentiment, but when you are in a position of making the decision its not so black and white.
Savak - Unless you have a crystal ball, I cannot see how you can be so sure that a more rigid Qayyum enquiry would have stopped the latest corruption.

You would of thought that the Hansie Cronje scandal would have cleared up cricket so perhaps we should blame the SA board and the ICC too!

Nobody held a gun to the trio's head and the other players who are surely involved but never caught.

The ECb has employed Mushtaq as a senior coach within their setupo and I am sure they are fully sighted on the Qayuum Report.

The problem is not all the PCb or Justice Qayuum's fault. It is cricket's fault as a whole and mainly the ICC. SA did a poor job with the Cronje affair and Gibbs and others were let off. ECB were running scared with allegations against Alec Steward and the Aussie were lenient with Warne, Waugh etc. There have also been Indian , Sri Lankan and West Indian sagas.

Cricket as a whole has still not cleaned up.

Can somebody tell me where these bookies are who are allegedly profiting millions of pounds from these no balls?
Savak - Unless you have a crystal ball, I cannot see how you can be so sure that a more rigid Qayyum enquiry would have stopped the latest corruption.

You would of thought that the Hansie Cronje scandal would have cleared up cricket so perhaps we should blame the SA board and the ICC too!

Nobody held a gun to the trio's head and the other players who are surely involved but never caught.

The ECb has employed Mushtaq as a senior coach within their setupo and I am sure they are fully sighted on the Qayuum Report.

The problem is not all the PCb or Justice Qayuum's fault. It is cricket's fault as a whole and mainly the ICC. SA did a poor job with the Cronje affair and Gibbs and others were let off. ECB were running scared with allegations against Alec Steward and the Aussie were lenient with Warne, Waugh etc. There have also been Indian , Sri Lankan and West Indian sagas.

Cricket as a whole has still not cleaned up.

Can somebody tell me where these bookies are who are allegedly profiting millions of pounds from these no balls?

What the Qayyum inquiry did was that it sent the message out to the Pakistani players that if they were in form, world class players who had plenty of years to serve Pakistan Cricket they would be let off and be given lenient treatment.

As far as the Cronje incident was concerned, i still feel the likes of Boje and Gibbs got off lightly, a lot of other South African players did too. I just do not buy this crap that only Cronje was corrupt, trying to fix matches while the rest of the team wasnt in on it. He was made a scapegoat.
Forget the justice Qayyam report, if PCB had stritcly enforced the ban on Asif the first or second or third time he broke rules he might not have got into trouble again. But PCB kept on rescuing him every time he got into trouble. Maybe a stricter PCB might have not only helped Asif but scared young players like Amir too
Forget the justice Qayyam report, if PCB had stritcly enforced the ban on Asif the first or second or third time he broke rules he might not have got into trouble again. But PCB kept on rescuing him every time he got into trouble. Maybe a stricter PCB might have not only helped Asif but scared young players like Amir too

Cant disagree with you there but you also need to look at it this way, if you get out of serious trouble once, you are assumed to be wise enough never to get into such trouble again. Asif unfortunately just took pride in his controversies.
the trouble comes from weak pcb created on whims of presidents, a strong pcb can enforce bans, a weak pcb cannot.
We saved Wasim Akram then, everyone's trying to save Amir now. We are repeating our own mistakes. PLEASE! Let the Amir ban be....otherwise the exact same thing will be happening with our next best bowler..
Who knows? Maybe in 10 years, there may be a thread titled "If only the the trio were given life bans"
agree in prinicple although id claim that qayyum had no credibility anyway. how can anyone take the words seriously of a man who himself claims that he let someone off lightly because he was a cricketing superstar. it makes a mockery of his judgement, but importantly his integrity. his intelligence too since he was the one who revealed that recently when like most pakistanis he was dying for the limelight.

i still think the issues are most probably systemic, and that pakistan should have been banned from international cricket in order to force the pcb to be disbanded, and so a new organisation might be set up under the watch of someone like mani, which we could at least hope might be professional and might hold integrity as a virtue to protect.
Who knows? Maybe in 10 years, there may be a thread titled "If only the the trio were given life bans"

naaa. thats not a fair assesment. commentators in aussie vs Eng last odi went in that direction but i thought they were harsh. if it was shane warne, gilchrist and mcgrath at the trio's place, i doubt these guys would have said that. They would have been compalining about 2 year bans if that were handed by ICC. Pakistan is a bashing boy. Everyone feels good to hit it at the moment. Its no victim mentality, its truth. yes it does some irresposible bad things which shape people's perceptions against us but expecting a fair judgement in not asking too much. Leaving discussion on current judgement aside for a sec, adding something more to current punishments will be definately injustice.
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Why is it only bans on Pakistani players which are viewed as too lenient? Shane Warne only had his wrists slapped despite the attempted cover ups of his misdemeanours by the Australian Cricket Board, yet no one has held that against him.
No need to cry over spilt milk.
This corrupt judge has done more damage to Pakistan cricket than any individual I can remember bar Ijaz Butt.

The failure to properly punish those involved in matchfixing in the 90s due to "soft corners" for talented but corrupt players is haunting Pakistan cricket to this day. Qayyum failed to draw a line in the sand against corruption and encouraged a culture of impunity.

The talent of a player cannot be grounds for leniency.
We let all our star players who still had a few years under their belt off free while the likes of Salim Malik (who was past it) and Ata ur Rehman (out of favor) were given life bans.

Had the commision done its job properly and taken players to task, we would not have lost Asif and Aamir today. No Cricketer would dare indulge in match fixing or spot fixing ever again.

Shane Warne and Tim May publicly accused Salim Malik of offering them bribes to fix matches on 1994 Australia tour to Pakistan.


If it was a false accusation then Salim Malik could have easily sued them for libel or defamation but he has remained silent until now.
If accusation was true then Salim Malik took match-fixing to the next level