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IMDB Top 250 movies - how many have you seen?

67 for me.

Rest of the movies that i haven't watched are too old, no point watching them now. So not planning on improving it. :)
84, although wasnt sure whether i had seen a few, so id guess 82-85ish.
22 only....

How the hell did Django Unchained made it in top 250? The worst Di Caprio movie i have ever seen.
102. Many of those don't deserve to be in the top250. TBH, Imdb is the worst list of top movies.
Haha 7 only really that means i have mostly watched rubbish movies :facepalm: need to clean up the drive to download some of these
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Once I got so jobless that watching countless number of movies was my pastime and got bored of watching them gain and again.

So I took this list and started downloading from movie #1 and also I had some of them in my collections. Movies pre 70's I watched were that of Alfred Hitchcock's and Clint Eastwood's

Hoping to improve the list soon
248 ..... I have watched all except "Gone with the wind "& "citizen kane" ..

Iv watched a total of 1464 non-Indian movies in the world ..

Have listed & stored all in textual database :msd

From 1930 to 2013... Almost all famous movies iv watched in last 4 yrs :D
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My considerable amount of naivety concerning the topic of films is epitomised by the number I managed to acquire from the quiz: a measly 9 (which is quite surprising in itself as I genuinely believed it would be less, given how I hardly ever watch films in my abundant spare time).
249 ..... I have watched all except "Gone with the wind "..

Iv watched a total of 1464 non-Indian movies in the world ..

Have listed & stored all in textual database :msd

From 1930 to 2013... Almost all famous movies iv watched in last 4 yrs :D

Are you actually being serious - surely, one can't possibly have watched virtually all of the films?
There are so many great movies not in Imdb top 250. Texas Chainsaw Massacre(1974), Matilda(1996), Edward Scissorhands(1990), Ed Wood(1994). Ed Wood was there in top 250 but seems to have vanished. Even The Aviator was superb.
Are you actually being serious - surely, one can't possibly have watched virtually all of the films?
I'm serious ....iv noted down all the 1464 movies that iv seen in textual database in categories of Genre & year of release and have my ratings for them :)

I'm an aspiring Bollywood screenwriter & director..watching movies is my passion.. currently I'm a software techie ,but soon I'm planning to join a Film institute to pursue my dreams ... Let's see wat happens :kohli
Are you actually being serious - surely, one can't possibly have watched virtually all of the films?
If we have passion then its possible ... 4 yrs & I still haven't lost ...
Now almost all good suspense, action, animation,thriller, horror,comedy movies r done... Feeling hungry for more good movies

Missed out on a lot of Charlie Chaplin movies and some Japanese flicks. Overall a good list. Saw some movies there which Ive always wanted to watch and are on my to do list but haven't gotten around to watching them yet.
There are so many great movies not in Imdb top 250. Texas Chainsaw Massacre(1974), Matilda(1996), Edward Scissorhands(1990), Ed Wood(1994). Ed Wood was there in top 250 but seems to have vanished. Even The Aviator was superb.

I like the "Theyshootpictures" critically aclaimed list. It goes beyong the fad successes.
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I'm serious ....iv noted down all the 1464 movies that iv seen in textual database in categories of Genre & year of release and have my ratings for them :)

I'm an aspiring Bollywood screenwriter & director..watching movies is my passion.. currently I'm a software techie ,but soon I'm planning to join a Film institute to pursue my dreams ... Let's see wat happens :kohli

If we have passion then its possible ... 4 yrs & I still haven't lost ...
Now almost all good suspense, action, animation,thriller, horror,comedy movies r done... Feeling hungry for more good movies

Considering you are declaring that this claim isn't fabricated, I'm a little taken aback especially because I hardly ever watch films - primarily due to the fact that I simply never get round to doing so and aren't too fussed that I haven't watched many.

How are you able to fit watching such a substantial amount of movies into your daily life - does your current occupation not demand too much work or do you predominantly congest a significant amount of films into the spare time you have available?
he did say he was in IT :)
182 but its missing a lot of great movies.

Some of the Japanese ones are awesome.
Akira Kurosawa
without doubt one of the most influential directors of all time
Seven Samurai -- English remake the Magnificent Seven
The english one could never capture the pathos of the original though

and what can one say about roshomon its a classic
Saw all of top 20
Missed 4 in top 50

Overall all i saw 186 out of 250.
I made it to 150 in the Empire Top 500 movies list. That list's greatness can be summed up by the fact that Texas Chainsaw Massacre is ranked ABOVE The Exorcist. :bow: to whoever made the list.
31 haha
A lot of movies like Inception, the Dark Knight Rises and The Shining and so on in the list are the ones which I only managed to watch half. They either got boring or I just didn't have the patience to watch them.
IMDB top 250 Movies- how many have you seen

87. I need to watch more.
79, going through that list i realise just how many great movies i still haven't watched.
61. I have quite a few more of them downloaded, but haven't gotten round to watching them.
Considering you are declaring that this claim isn't fabricated, I'm a little taken aback especially because I hardly ever watch films - primarily due to the fact that I simply never get round to doing so and aren't too fussed that I haven't watched many.

How are you able to fit watching such a substantial amount of movies into your daily life - does your current occupation not demand too much work or do you predominantly congest a significant amount of films into the spare time you have available?
My journey started wen I decided to watch only IMDb 250... Then as I got into it more & more , It became a hobby to finish all IMDb 8 above movies... Then after that finished then it was 7 above ..then 6 ...
I was an engineering student until just recently I got job on August .... During engg I hardly used to study & watch around 2-3 movies daily :msd . Now I'm able to watch only 1-2 movies, but this has become an addiction / passion I can't stop..

Now its 1467 in total ... Watched "We're the Miller's" just now ,before that "the WoLVerine " :D

If u have doubt that its fabricated then , name a 'Decade' & I shall post all the movies I watched in that year ....
Don't say 2000-10 because it will have around 800 of them(say the particular year ,in this case) .lol

Or name a GENRE & I'll put out my list on that too.. :afridi
221. As I said before, no one on this forum has seen as many movies as me.
Though I have a self imposed rule that I don't watch movies made prior to year 2000 so accounting for that I've watched a bit more percentage wise from the lost
Though I have a self imposed rule that I don't watch movies made prior to year 2000 so accounting for that I've watched a bit more percentage wise from the lost

The best stuff is made before 2000. Man you're missing out. 2000-2010 was great but this is the worst decade for movies. Something amazing comes out once in a blue moon. This year has been especially awful. Almost as bad as 2011.
Though I have a self imposed rule that I don't watch movies made prior to year 2000 so accounting for that I've watched a bit more percentage wise from the lost

Why's that? Not like the video quality was bad in the 90s. You're missing out on some of the greatest movies ever made, man.
Why's that? Not like the video quality was bad in the 90s. You're missing out on some of the greatest movies ever made, man.

They are PPP, pleet pleet pleet that's why :mv The bear has seen 234 out the LIST
Whoa, that's amazing! I've only seen 64 so far lulz

What would be your top 3 movies of all time?

Bah gawd you're still stuck in the mid card, one day I will put you over. From the top of me head No.1 there's no doubt as the movie which is the best for me but no.2 and no.3 I could replace but here they are:

2.One flew over the cuckoo's nest
3.The Seven Samurai

What are your top 3 ?
Bah gawd you're still stuck in the mid card, one day I will put you over. From the top of me head No.1 there's no doubt as the movie which is the best for me but no.2 and no.3 I could replace but here they are:

2.One flew over the cuckoo's nest
3.The Seven Samurai

What are your top 3 ?

Have you seen the crow shaz? did u like it
Have you seen the crow shaz? did u like it

Yeah I've seen it, it inspired the character for Crow Sting in WCW :akhtar, I need to watch it again! Really enjoyed it, underated movie loved the dark/gritty tone and visually was amazing what did you think? A shame what happened to Lee

A bit disappointed by some of the choices.....
Though I have a self imposed rule that I don't watch movies made prior to year 2000 so accounting for that I've watched a bit more percentage wise from the lost

No The Third Man, no Casablanca, no Citizen Kane? Three of the best films ever and all before 1950.
The best stuff is made before 2000. Man you're missing out. 2000-2010 was great but this is the worst decade for movies. Something amazing comes out once in a blue moon. This year has been especially awful. Almost as bad as 2011.

The golden age of Hollywood is long past. So few films are made now that only likely-sure-fire hits get greenlit. It's why we have so much suiperhero stuff, reboots and sequels.
Yeah I've seen it, it inspired the character for Crow Sting in WCW :akhtar, I need to watch it again! Really enjoyed it, underated movie loved the dark/gritty tone and visually was amazing what did you think? A shame what happened to Lee

I think it was a decent time pass.Visually stunning and good background music.Shame that it gets overlooked in movie discussions.One of the few underrated movies from 90s.
Lol. Yeah sure

Yes, I did, I spent 3-4 years, few years ago doing nothing, but downloading 3-4 movies based on IMDBs recommendation and watching, it next day. You can call me privileged, lots of time and no work. I was official downloader in my small town, friends used to bring their Hard Drives and copy my collection.
Yes, I did, I spent 3-4 years, few years ago doing nothing, but downloading 3-4 movies based on IMDBs recommendation and watching, it next day. You can call me privileged, lots of time and no work. I was official downloader in my small town, friends used to bring their Hard Drives and copy my collection.

I'm gonna ask you something and you have to reply within 20 seconds of my post. It'll be an easy question for someone who has seen so much
95 of 250 movies (38%)

I have seen many movies not mentioned, specially horror movies which i think i have seen them all!
Though I have a self imposed rule that I don't watch movies made prior to year 2000 so accounting for that I've watched a bit more percentage wise from the lost

You need to change your policy. Some of the movies like Casablanca, 12 angry men, One flew over the cuckoo's nest are a joy to watch.
The best stuff is made before 2000. Man you're missing out. 2000-2010 was great but this is the worst decade for movies. Something amazing comes out once in a blue moon. This year has been especially awful. Almost as bad as 2011.

But some very good reviews are coming about the current lot. La La Land, Manchester by sea, Moonlight, Arrival, Rogue one and Hacksaw ridge all have very good reviews. Sully, the accountant, doctor strange, Deepwater Horizon all very decent movies.
But some very good reviews are coming about the current lot. La La Land, Manchester by sea, Moonlight, Arrival, Rogue one and Hacksaw ridge all have very good reviews. Sully, the accountant, doctor strange, Deepwater Horizon all very decent movies.

Only Manchester by the Sea and Hacksaw Ridge will go down as classics. I am watching La La Land today
88 out of 250 - 35%.

I was genuinely surprised as I thought maybe I'd seen half.

TBH I don't watch oldies from 1960 or below but I will try n watch the rest.
i am not a movie person at all... yet i have seen 51... i thgt i would be around maybe 12-15....