Imran Khan's rivals, Shehbaz Sharif and Asif Ali Zardari, form the Pakistan government


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Aug 29, 2023
Imran Khan’s rivals Nawaz Sharif and Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Wednesday agreed to form a coalition government in Pakistan, bringing an end to the stalemate days after national elections returned a hung parliament.

The latest development came hours after Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) – all of them rivals of the country’s imprisoned former prime minister – met in Islamabad.

While it remains unclear who would lead the alliance, Mr Sharif nominated his brother Shehbaz Sharif, said party spokesperson Marriyum Aurangzeb.

PML-N is the largest recognised party with 75 seats while PPP is second with 54.

"We have decided that we will form government together to take Pakistan out of crisis," the co-chairman of the PPP, former president Asif Ali Zardari, told a news conference, seated beside Shehbaz Sharif and leaders of other political parties. The decision thereby ensures that candidates backed by cricketer-turned-politician Khan remain out of power despite getting the most – 93 out of 265 – National Assembly seats.

The surprisingly strong showing for Mr Khan-backed candidates was a shock for former prime minister Sharif who was marked out as the powerful security establishment’s preferred candidate following his smooth return to the country last October.

Pakistan‘s military has always cast itself as the ultimate arbiter in who becomes prime minister.

Tuesday’s move by the rivals of Mr Khan came hours after his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party refused to hold any talks with them.

The PPP does not want a perpetual economic crisis or a fresh election leading to a political crisis in Pakistan, Mr Bhutto Zardari said.

Shehbaz Sharif welcomed the support from the PPP and other parties and said all the parties had come together because they needed to tackle numerous challenges, particularly the economy.

The country of 241 million people is grappling with an economic crisis amid slow growth and record inflation, along with rising militant violence.

It narrowly averted a sovereign default last summer with a $3bn bailout from the International Monetary Fund, but the lender’s support ends in March, following which a new, extended programme will be needed.

Negotiating a new programme, and at speed, will be critical for the new government.

Analysts had hoped the election would bring a solution to the crises faced by Pakistan, but the split verdict, with a large number of independents at loggerheads with the influential military, could only mean more instability.

Explaining the challenges before the coalition, Asees Bajaj, Associate in Strategic Intelligence at international think-tank S-RM says that PML-N lacks credibility in tackling economic crisis and is likely to face political opposition from elected members of PTI.

Mr Khan is in jail on charges of corruption and revealing state secrets, and his party was barred from contesting the election, forcing members to run as independents. His PTI has alleged that the vote was rigged and vowed to legally challenge some results. The caretaker government and election commission have rejected those accusations.

“The coalition government led by PML-N in 2022 after Khan’s ouster was deeply unpopular and blamed for failing to address an economic crisis that has battered the country and sent inflation to record highs,” she told The Independent.

Any incoming government is likely to face opposition in parliament from PTI and its supporters who would be “willing and able to stage disruptive anti-government protests” she said.

“With the vote counting process marred by delays, a mobile network blackout and other alleged irregularities, the PTI has accused the government and Election Commission of widespread vote-rigging that prevented the party from winning at least 70 further seats – which would have definitely delivered the PTI a majority,” said Ms Bajaj.

“The party has consequently launched legal challenges, which could embroil the PML-N and Election Commission in lengthy legal battles, and called for its supporters to protest outside election commission offices in constituencies where voter rigging has been alleged.”

Is this a case of all's well that end's well or there are more nuances to it?
Is this a case of all's well that end's well or there are more nuances to it?
It’s probably what Pakistan needs at the moment. PTI need a rest, some time off to reassess their strategy.
Imran was the most incompetent and unprepared PM in Pakistan history. He over promised and over committed but delivered nothing because his campaign was built around rhetoric.

He very quickly realized that it is easy to talk a good game but the ground realities are often different. As a result, his tactic was very simple - blame the previous governments for anything that goes wrong and take credit for anything that goes right.

Not only did he destroy Pakistan’s economy, he also humiliated Pakistan on international forums by officially losing the Kashmir cause. In addition, he poisoned the minds of the youth and spread hatred and anarchy.

Imran is the sole reason for the political instability and chaos that we have witnessed in Pakistan over the last 10 years and now it is time to close his chapter once and for all so that we can all move on and get Pakistan back on track.
Imran was the most incompetent and unprepared PM in Pakistan history. He over promised and over committed but delivered nothing because his campaign was built around rhetoric.

He very quickly realized that it is easy to talk a good game but the ground realities are often different. As a result, his tactic was very simple - blame the previous governments for anything that goes wrong and take credit for anything that goes right.

Not only did he destroy Pakistan’s economy, he also humiliated Pakistan on international forums by officially losing the Kashmir cause. In addition, he poisoned the minds of the youth and spread hatred and anarchy.

Imran is the sole reason for the political instability and chaos that we have witnessed in Pakistan over the last 10 years and now it is time to close his chapter once and for all so that we can all move on and get Pakistan back on track.
I definitely agree with what you said. Imran is the sole reason we are in the position we are in now. Inflation in the country is so bad that even the middle class are struggling.

Having said, what are your thoughts on the upcoming government? I personally wanted Nawaz Sharif as PM, as he is the only leader I find competent in the whole country.

For some strange reason he has nominated Shehbaz Sharif as PM. Maryam as CM is fine and I believe that she will do a very good job. But I am not convinced about Shehbaz as PM again.

This is so heartbreaking. NS won’t be the PM himself. He deserves a gig especially for the years he suffered abuse from the PTI thugs
Well with less than 20 seats he deserved his humiliation. What little legacy he had left has been binned forever. His daughter had to blackmail and jail a young mother to withdraw. You guys deserve these thugs
Well with less than 20 seats he deserved his humiliation. What little legacy he had left has been binned forever. His daughter had to blackmail and jail a young mother to withdraw. You guys deserve these thugs
And you guys can seek liberation of KPK and make Khan your PM there.
It's a real pity that PTI which has turned out the largest grouping despite all the obstacles - visible and invisible placed against it will not be a part of the ruling coalition. The people of Pakistan will not get the governing party they had democratically voted for and that...for everyone whether an Imran Khan supporter or not, should be recognised as a tragedy.

Of course the major blame for this lies with the Pakistani establishment and the politicians who're willing to act as it's lapdogs but Imran Khan must take a substantial chunk of the blame for being too naive and unable to what modern governance means.

It's all very well to scream "no compromise" but if you want to rule effectively in a democracy and in a developing country democracy at that, you have to be able to work within the system and in fact, make the system work for you. Very important to first carefully consolidate your power base...then steadily work to remove the imperfections out of the system - the military if it's too powerful, corruption...especially big corruption if it's too endemic etc. Trying to shortcircuit the system like Imran Khan has done - I'm not sure that has ever worked.

If you look at the big economic and human development success stories of the last 25-30 years, I'm not sure there's been a single case where corruption has been eliminated and a spotlessly clean leader has emerged like the Imran Khan fans here are dreaming of. Malaysia (Mahathir), Bangladesh (Hasina), Thailand (Shinawatra) are all obvious examples.

It's easy to rile the public with stories of the elite living in corrupt, effete wealth. Every aira-gaira politician in third world countries does it. To harness that public support to drive development by striking the right compromises, deals, pushes and pulls - that takes a visionary. Unfortunately, Imran Khan is not that and therein lies Pakistan and this election's tragedy. The country is back to the same old rut.
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Sorry about the long post

It's a real pity that PTI which has turned out the largest grouping despite all the obstacles - visible and invisible placed against it will not be a part of the ruling coalition. The people of Pakistan will not get the governing party they had democratically voted for and that...for everyone whether an Imran Khan supporter or not, should be recognised as a tragedy.

Of course the major blame for this lies with the Pakistani establishment and the politicians who're willing to act as it's lapdogs but Imran Khan must take a substantial chunk of the blame for being too naive and unable to what modern governance means.

It's all very well to scream "no compromise" but if you want to rule effectively in a democracy and in a developing country democracy at that, you have to be able to work within the system and in fact, make the system work for you. Very important to first carefully consolidate your power base...then steadily work to remove the imperfections out of the system - the military if it's too powerful, corruption...especially big corruption if it's too endemic etc. Trying to shortcircuit the system like Imran Khan has done - I'm not sure that has ever worked.

If you look at the big economic and human development success stories of the last 25-30 years, I'm not sure there's been a single case where corruption has been eliminated and a spotlessly clean leader has emerged like the Imran Khan fans here are dreaming of. Malaysia (Mahathir), Bangladesh (Hasina), Thailand (Shinawatra) are all obvious examples.

It's easy to rile the public with stories of the elite living in corrupt, effete wealth. Every aira-gaira politician in third world countries does it. To harness that public support to drive development by striking the right compromises, deals, pushes and pulls - that takes a visionary. Unfortunately, Imran Khan is not that and therein lies Pakistan and this election's tragedy. The country is back to the same old rut.
“No Compromise” but then build your party on lunatics and extremist mined people.

The motto for all other parties should be ‘No Thanks’
IK is the winner, let these corrupt parties get to power again because they have their laces tied together, the nation has marked the line no worries
Rana sab politics is different, every person who voted for PTI is jubilant and those against are giving sheepish look, infact the institutional are on back foot. Don't you see PPP was desperate for PTI Ind to join them
Which I think is a massive shame for PTI not to take the olive branch extended to them by the PPP even after all the hate narrative against them by PTI over the years. It’s up to Khan really, he can carry on with this suicidal “all or nothing” mindset to in order to maintain his own image in front of his supporters all he wants. It serves nobody.

Politics is a Test series times 1000. The Sharifs and the Zardaris know how to play this format. No wonder Naya Pakistan only loves T20
Which I think is a massive shame for PTI not to take the olive branch extended to them by the PPP even after all the hate narrative against them by PTI over the years. It’s up to Khan really, he can carry on with this suicidal “all or nothing” mindset to in order to maintain his own image in front of his supporters all he wants. It serves nobody.

Politics is a Test series times 1000. The Sharifs and the Zardaris know how to play this format. No wonder Naya Pakistan only loves T20
Imran whole ideology is anti PPP & N, people still taint him for Pervaiz Elahi so it's a risk too much of his appetite
Shehbaz Sharif set for Pakistan's top job as elder brother steps aside

Shehbaz Sharif is set to begin a second term as Pakistan's prime minister in coming days, returning to the role he had until August when parliament was dissolved ahead of last week's elections.

Sharif, 72, was named by his party and coalition allies to head the nuclear-armed nation despite his elder brother and three-time Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif winning a seat in the assembly and being favourite to be sworn in for a fourth term.

Nawaz Sharif's daughter Maryam said in a post on X that her father did not want to run a minority coalition government having had clear majorities in his three previous stints as premier. Their Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) party controls only 80 seats in the 264-seat parliament but has been promised support by six other parties for a majority.

The younger Sharif played a key role in keeping together a coalition of disparate parties for 16 months after parliament voted former premier and rival Imran Khan out of office in 2022, and in securing a last gasp International Monetary Fund (IMF) deal in 2023.

Shehbaz Sharif became prime minister as the PML-N buried differences with the powerful military in the face of their common rival, Khan, who was at odds with top generals over policy differences.

At the time, Nawaz Sharif was in self-imposed exile in London and disqualified from holding public office.

Before his stint as prime minister, the younger Sharif was known more as a good administrator than a politician, having served as chief minister thrice in the country's largest province, Punjab.

But as prime minister, he quickly took on the role of peacemaker between coalition parties often at odds with one another over key policies.

Shehbaz Sharif's biggest achievement in his short tenure was clinching a bailout from the IMF with Pakistan on the brink of a debt default. The deal was signed after Sharif personally called on IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva last June.

However, under his government, inflation touched a high of 38% with record depreciation of the rupee currency - mainly due to structural reforms necessitated by the IMF programme to stabilise the economy.

He blames the economic meltdown on Khan's government, which he says broke an agreement with IMF just before he was ousted. Sharif said his government had to introduce a slew of reforms and scrap subsidies, causing inflation to surge.


Pakistan continues to be enmeshed in the economic crisis with inflation remaining high, hovering around 30%, and economic growth slowing to around 2%.

Sharif will need to emulate his feat of securing a short-term IMF bailout with the current programme expiring next month and a new extended deal needed to keep Pakistan on a narrow path to recovery.

But his main role will be to maintain ties with the military, which has directly or indirectly dominated Pakistan since independence. Unlike his elder brother, who has had a rocky relationship with the military in all his three terms, the younger Sharif is considered more acceptable and compliant by the generals, analysts say.

For several years, the military has denied it interferes in politics. But it has in the past directly intervened to topple civilian governments three times, and no prime minister has finished a full five-year term since independence in 1947.

Privatising some lumbering state giants, including the national airline, and securing foreign investment will also be key to ease the economic crisis. The Sharifs have close ties with rulers in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which could help in securing investments in several projects Pakistan has lately showcased for sale.

Although defence and key foreign policy decisions are largely influenced by the military, Sharif will have to juggle relations with the U.S. and China, both major allies. He is also faced with dealing with fraying ties with three of Pakistan's four neighbours, India, Iran and Afghanistan.

Sharif was born in the eastern city of Lahore in a wealthy Kashmiri-origin family that was in the steel business. He started his political career as the chief minister of Punjab in 1997 with a signature "can-do" administrative style.

His cabinet members and bureaucrats who have worked closely with him call him a workaholic.

As chief minister, the younger Sharif planned and executed a number of ambitious infrastructure mega-projects, including Pakistan's first modern mass transport system in Lahore.

He was caught up in the national political upheaval when his brother was ousted from the premiership by a military coup in 1999 and he went into exile in Saudi Arabia.

Sharif entered the national political scene when
he became the chief of the PML-N after the elder Sharif was found guilty in 2017 on charges of concealing assets related to the Panama Papers revelations.

Married twice, Shehbaz Sharif has two sons and two daughters from his first marriage but none from the second. One of the sons is in politics but the others are not in public life.

His second wife is Tehmina Durrani, the well-known author of "My Feudal Lord", an autobiography about an abusive married life with an earlier husband.

Source: Reuters

The poor prime minister candidate, Shahbaz Sharif, already had a stint as the prime minister of Pakistan before elections, and we all saw how helpless and clueless he was.
Imran was the most incompetent and unprepared PM in Pakistan history. He over promised and over committed but delivered nothing because his campaign was built around rhetoric.

He very quickly realized that it is easy to talk a good game but the ground realities are often different. As a result, his tactic was very simple - blame the previous governments for anything that goes wrong and take credit for anything that goes right.

Not only did he destroy Pakistan’s economy, he also humiliated Pakistan on international forums by officially losing the Kashmir cause. In addition, he poisoned the minds of the youth and spread hatred and anarchy.

Imran is the sole reason for the political instability and chaos that we have witnessed in Pakistan over the last 10 years and now it is time to close his chapter once and for all so that we can all move on and get Pakistan back on track.
Under IK we got 6% growth,we had exports go up by a 1/3rd, we had a plan to improve the economy, we dealt with Corona better than 95% of the World, we gave the poor dignity with health care, we started a revolution in environmental protection with the planting of a billion trees, human rights were protected under us and no one was killed. And then there is the disaster of the criminal mafia. Killed innocent people, kidnapped and destroyed lives. Beghairat leaders and their supporters
I said at the time of the elections that PTI should get together with PPP to basically kill off PML-N. But, PML-N has done that without PTI having to do anything by stealing the peoples mandate.

Besides, a PPP + PTI coalition would’ve meant that we could’ve seen another VONC fiasco in the future where the PPP would’ve withdrawn their support for PTI.
JUIF decided not to vote for PMlN candidate for PM , tyring to get leverage may be PTI gets vindicated yet another tome
JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman on Wednesday said his party has ‘completely’ rejected the results of the February 8 general elections, inviting PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif to sit in the opposition benches with the former, ARY News reported.

Addressing a press conference, the JUI-F chief also rejected the Election Commission of Pakistan’s (ECP) statement in which it declared the polls free and fair, alleging that the rigging witnessed during these polls was unmatched.

Maulana Fazlur Rehman claimed that “rigging” in 2024 broke records of 2018 elections, regretting that the Parliament has lost its importance and democracy was losing its case. Hinting at protests, he said it seems as if decisions will now be taken in the ground and not Parliament.

Elaborating on the next strategy, Fazlur Rehman said that his party would play its parliamentary role but would become a part of the assemblies with reservations. “Defeating the JUI-F through poll rigging was a conspiracy of anti-Islamic elements,” he alleged.

“Our fault is that we spoke up against Israeli brutalities in Gaza and supported Hamas,” Fazl added.

He added that the JUI-F was an ideological force and would not compromise on any of its ideological stances. “Our workers are determined to start a movement,” he added.

Moreover, the JJUI-F chief said that the ECP’s role “from day one has been dubious”. He claimed that the electoral watchdog rejected petitions filed by the JUI-F’s candidates.

“On Feb 22, we will hold a meeting with the JUI-F’s local general council, on Feb 25 we will hold a meeting in Balochistan, on Feb 27, we will hold a meeting in KP and meetings will be held in Karachi and Lahore on March 3 and March 5,” he added.

Meanwhile, Fazlur Rehman also invited PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif to sit in the opposition benches, saying that the PML-N brought Nawaz Sharif in the name of Pakistan’s Hope.

He alleged that the election results clearly showed that bribes were taken from successful and unsuccessful candidates. “I therefore invite the PML-N and Nawaz to come with us and sit in the opposition,” he added.

Responding to a question, Fazl said that the JUI-F was not subservient to both the PPP and the PML-N. “We are not the government’s coalition partners,” he said when asked about giving vote to Shehbaz Sharif for prime minister slot.

A day earlier, JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman apprised PML-N president Shehbaz Sharif of party’s reservations over what he called ‘fraudulent’ elections, alleging that his party’s mandate was stolen.

Source: ARY

Whenever he loses an election, he starts claiming that the elections were fake and rigged. He's a strange person.
Imran was the most incompetent and unprepared PM in Pakistan history. He over promised and over committed but delivered nothing because his campaign was built around rhetoric.

He very quickly realized that it is easy to talk a good game but the ground realities are often different. As a result, his tactic was very simple - blame the previous governments for anything that goes wrong and take credit for anything that goes right.

Not only did he destroy Pakistan’s economy, he also humiliated Pakistan on international forums by officially losing the Kashmir cause. In addition, he poisoned the minds of the youth and spread hatred and anarchy.

Imran is the sole reason for the political instability and chaos that we have witnessed in Pakistan over the last 10 years and now it is time to close his chapter once and for all so that we can all move on and get Pakistan back on track.

You yourself are on record as saying the Kashmir cause was a waste of time. But regardless, now that the other two parties and the military are on the same page, I hope you will accept responsibility and back the leadership to take YOUR country forward. Or back on track in your own words.

Please stick around and don't run away now that the time to move forward has finally landed in the direction you craved.
The poor prime minister candidate, Shahbaz Sharif, already had a stint as the prime minister of Pakistan before elections, and we all saw how helpless and clueless he was.
This what you get when a family of Little talent and even less votes become puppeteered by Munir and Co.
It's good that Imran didn't get into bed with Zardari/Bilawal.

That would have stained his cause massively.
Following the recently-concluded general elections, discussions on the composition of the new federal cabinet are underway, with the possibility of a 25-member cabinet in its initial phase.

The PML-N leadership, comprising Nawaz Sharif and Shehbaz Sharif, engaged in a crucial meeting to review the party's interactions with various allies and considered the names of potential cabinet members, sources privy to the development told The Express Tribune on Wednesday.

During the meeting, Shehbaz Sharif briefed his elder brother on the party's alliances and deliberated on potential candidates for the federal cabinet. In the first phase, the cabinet is expected to have 25 members, with MQM-P likely to secure three to five ministries.

Leaders from MQM-P, including Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, Farooq Sattar, Mustafa Kamal, Aminul Haque, and Khawaja Izharul Hasan, are being considered for key positions within the federal cabinet, according to PML-N sources.

PML-N has shortlisted 15 senior leaders for ministerial roles, including Ishaq Dar, Ayaz Sadiq, Khawaja Asif, Ahsan Iqbal, Marriyum Aurangzeb, Attaullah Tarar, Shaza Fatima Khawaja, Riazul Haq Juj, Bilal Azhar Kayani, Dr Tariq Fazal Chaudhry, Qamarul Islam Raja, and Rana Tanveer Hussain.

Awn Chaudry from the Istehkam-e-Pakistan Party (IPP) is expected to be appointed as the special assistant to the prime minister.

In earlier reports, the PML-N outlined an initial power-sharing formula for the upcoming federal government. The formula suggests that if the coalition agrees to appoint a PML-N candidate as the prime minister, the positions of president and speaker would go to the PPP.

On Tuesday, Shehbaz emerged as a leading contender for the premiership, garnering support from former coalition partners, including PPP, MQM-P, PML-Q, BAP, and IPP. Nawaz Sharif strategically nominated his younger brother for the premiership and his daughter, Maryam Nawaz, for the role of Punjab chief minister.

A joint news conference held in Islamabad featured prominent political figures, including Shehbaz, Asif Ali Zardari from PPP, Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui from MQM-P, Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain from PML-Q, Sadiq Sanjrani (representing BAP), and Aleem Khan from IPP. They expressed unequivocal support for Shehbaz and pledged to address the country's challenges collaboratively in a coalition government.

While the details of the power-sharing formula remain undisclosed, the conference hinted at Zardari's potential candidacy for the presidency in the near future.

Source: Express Tribune

PML-N may struggle to survive in the current political landscape. Some may argue that they should have given the PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) a chance to govern, as it could have helped bring clarity and transparency to the situation.

It seems to me, PML-N has made unwise decisions and will not be able to sustain themselves for long. PTI should have been given the opportunity to govern in order to resolve the ongoing issues.
Imran was the most incompetent and unprepared PM in Pakistan history. He over promised and over committed but delivered nothing because his campaign was built around rhetoric.

He very quickly realized that it is easy to talk a good game but the ground realities are often different. As a result, his tactic was very simple - blame the previous governments for anything that goes wrong and take credit for anything that goes right.

Not only did he destroy Pakistan’s economy, he also humiliated Pakistan on international forums by officially losing the Kashmir cause. In addition, he poisoned the minds of the youth and spread hatred and anarchy.

Imran is the sole reason for the political instability and chaos that we have witnessed in Pakistan over the last 10 years and now it is time to close his chapter once and for all so that we can all move on and get Pakistan back on track.
While we are at it, let us blame him for sakoote dhaka and the failure to build any damns in the country as well. He is also responsible for the BLA.

And NS, Mushy, PPP, etc were almost on the verge of liberating Kashmir, had it not been for this meddling yahoodi who took over in 2018 and single handedly buried the country in debt in his three years in charge. The country was thriving and debt free until 2018. Heck, we would have found a cure for COVID and landed on MARS if he had not taken over.
It’s probably what Pakistan needs at the moment. PTI need a rest, some time off to reassess their strategy.
Pakistan needs the will of its people undermined at the moment? I that what you are saying?
PML-N may struggle to survive in the current political landscape. Some may argue that they should have given the PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) a chance to govern, as it could have helped bring clarity and transparency to the situation.

It seems to me, PML-N has made unwise decisions and will not be able to sustain themselves for long. PTI should have been given the opportunity to govern in order to resolve the ongoing issues.
Watch them crash and burn baby. Short term power for long term destruction

Opposition not Government would have been better for PMLN If they would have thought wisely.​


Nawaz Sharif remains decision-maker, to play ‘factual’ role in govt formation: Khawaja Asif​

PML-N leader Khawaja Asif has made it clear that party supremo Nawaz Sharif will remain the decision-maker even without the premiership. Speaking on a Geo News programme ‘Capital Talk’, the former defence minister said Nawaz would have a “factual role” in the formation of the government and afterwards. “Obviously, Shehbaz has the support of Nawaz,” he said. “Nawaz is the Quaid. Even if he doesn’t become PM, every last decision will be his.”

Asif maintained that apart from some, most of the general elections in the country have been controversial. “Despite this, things did move forward. I feel the system should not be disrupted,” he said. “Even we have reservations in these elections. You cannot say fair and free polls were held.”

In response to a question, Asif said there would always be a risk of PPP “pulling the rug”, adding that PML-N has initiated talks with PPP leaders over this. “Once the way to get the economy on track is achieved, a way for political stability will also be found,” he added.

Source: Dawn News
While we are at it, let us blame him for sakoote dhaka and the failure to build any damns in the country as well. He is also responsible for the BLA.

And NS, Mushy, PPP, etc were almost on the verge of liberating Kashmir, had it not been for this meddling yahoodi who took over in 2018 and single handedly buried the country in debt in his three years in charge. The country was thriving and debt free until 2018. Heck, we would have found a cure for COVID and landed on MARS if he had not taken over.
He feels humiliated more than NS. His favourites( btw I predicted that he would claim he didn't vote for them) lost in a historical manner.

Opposition not Government would have been better for PMLN If they would have thought wisely.​


Nawaz Sharif remains decision-maker, to play ‘factual’ role in govt formation: Khawaja Asif​

PML-N leader Khawaja Asif has made it clear that party supremo Nawaz Sharif will remain the decision-maker even without the premiership. Speaking on a Geo News programme ‘Capital Talk’, the former defence minister said Nawaz would have a “factual role” in the formation of the government and afterwards. “Obviously, Shehbaz has the support of Nawaz,” he said. “Nawaz is the Quaid. Even if he doesn’t become PM, every last decision will be his.”

Asif maintained that apart from some, most of the general elections in the country have been controversial. “Despite this, things did move forward. I feel the system should not be disrupted,” he said. “Even we have reservations in these elections. You cannot say fair and free polls were held.”

In response to a question, Asif said there would always be a risk of PPP “pulling the rug”, adding that PML-N has initiated talks with PPP leaders over this. “Once the way to get the economy on track is achieved, a way for political stability will also be found,” he added.

Source: Dawn News
Khawaja couldn't beat a house wife after having her sons kidnapped. This talks like he actually knows politics but has never ever won his seat without the Establishment.
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The establishment meddling in the elections saved face on paper for PML and PPP supporters but its idiotic for some posters to posit here that they won the mandate of the people.

These guys are shameless and seem to think they can fool us all.
PML-N may struggle to survive in the current political landscape. Some may argue that they should have given the PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) a chance to govern, as it could have helped bring clarity and transparency to the situation.

It seems to me, PML-N has made unwise decisions and will not be able to sustain themselves for long. PTI should have been given the opportunity to govern in order to resolve the ongoing issues.

All the PML N sees when they are ruling are their cases, how to loot as much as possible, how to enjoy as much as possible and how to take maximum revenge from their opposition, they don't care about the country or how much damage they have done to their electoral long term prospects. With a population which now has access to cellphones, a decent data internet, youtube videos, blogs, social media, people today are no longer politically uneducated as they were in the 90's.

PML N should have zero complaints if when PTI takes power in Punjab and the Centre they subject PML N to ruthless crackdown because the amount of persecution and suffering PTI politicians, workers and supporters have had to face in the last 2 years is unparralled in our history.
It's good that Imran didn't get into bed with Zardari/Bilawal.

That would have stained his cause massively.
Imran's too proud to agree to any coalition involving his party. He would prefer sitting in the opposition to sharing power with someone else any day.

Besides what impact would Imran have even if he agreed to be a part of a coalition? Being in jail, he cannot make his presence felt and would have to rely on someone else to run the party. As a driver's seat sort of a guy, he wouldn't want anyone else at the front.
Imran's too proud to agree to any coalition involving his party. He would prefer sitting in the opposition to sharing power with someone else any day.

Besides what impact would Imran have even if he agreed to be a part of a coalition? Being in jail, he cannot make his presence felt and would have to rely on someone else to run the party. As a driver's seat sort of a guy, he wouldn't want anyone else at the front.
It would directly undermine his stance. If he did it, he will lose a lot of support from people who are tired sick of the dynastic looters.

I would much rather he stay in opposition. But the more important question is "why". Even a blind man can see the elections were rigged. DO you cave into this and accept it by sitting in opposition?
It’s probably what Pakistan needs at the moment. PTI need a rest, some time off to reassess their strategy.

If PTI can't form a government, does that mean their future chances are bleak? Imran Khan has to wait another 5 years. He is already 71 now, and after 75, it's not easy for him. I think it's the end of IK, but given Pakistan's politics, anything could happen in the next couple of years.
I'm really confused.

The election was rigged, a great crime was committed and people are discussing whether IK/PTI should have formed a coalition with these criminals?

What has this world come to?
If PTI can't form a government, does that mean their future chances are bleak? Imran Khan has to wait another 5 years. He is already 71 now, and after 75, it's not easy for him. I think it's the end of IK, but given Pakistan's politics, anything could happen in the next couple of years.
Yeah I’m not a great political forecaster but I think that is the case. Desperate times. NS did the right thing by not taking the PM’s position and has invested in the longer game with his brother… soon Junaid Safdar will enter the game.

For PTI, it’s Khan now or never unfortunately.
I feel there is too
I'm really confused.

The election was rigged, a great crime was committed and people are discussing whether IK/PTI should have formed a coalition with these criminals?

What has this world come to?

I am even more confused that you. Ok even if the election was rigged, it's done now, Khan is in jail and his party has been successfully sidelined and from the establishment point of view I would imagine long term damaged beyond repair.

Why are we still talking about the opposition and who will form it? Why aren't Bhutto clan or Sharif clan supporters discussing what are their plans to take Pakistan into a golden future? All I am hearing in this thread is a load of defeatist talk that this party or that should have stayed as opposition. Not very inspiring stuff at all.
Asif Zardari offering an olive branch to Imran Khan…

Khan: Absolutely Not!

*Zardari proceeds to buy out members of PTI instead
Asif Zardari offering an olive branch to Imran Khan…

Khan: Absolutely Not!

*Zardari proceeds to buy out members of PTI instead
how many PTI backed MNAs/MPAs have joined PMLN/PPP or other coalition parties. Can anyone provide the full list?
I don’t know mate, maybe they have guys like Aleem Khan financing them too?
When you can't win elections you buy them. You need more than stolen money for izzat. Apparently SS won't even be allowed to select his own FInance Minister, afterall, if you are selected, you can't be selecting your own Finance Chief🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
IK is the winner, let these corrupt parties get to power again because they have their laces tied together, the nation has marked the line no worries
Only in Pakistan winning is languishing in jail and losing means forming next government. Lol PTI fans are like England cricket team, irrespective of what happens on the ground, England always win off the field. They always have a moral victory :)
Asif Zardari offering an olive branch to Imran Khan…

Khan: Absolutely Not!

*Zardari proceeds to buy out members of PTI instead
OK. And your point is. AZ would be better off spending money on Sindh, a province that couldn't even provide free health insurance when Kaptaan managed it in 2 provinces. Its the reason the PPP, the Nooras and MQM are state owned. You guys can't break wind without permission.
Only in Pakistan winning is languishing in jail and losing means forming next government. Lol PTI fans are like England cricket team, irrespective of what happens on the ground, England always win off the field. They always have a moral victory :)
I am not sure what your point is but if it's criticising the PTI for winning the elections when your party is banned, we will take that.
It appears the PTI has decided to take the legal, moral route of relying on tribunals, courts, pressing their case in the media but they are not going to go on the streets to risk another May 9 again. I don't think they are in a rush to take Punjab, Centre
Yeah I’m not a great political forecaster but I think that is the case. Desperate times. NS did the right thing by not taking the PM’s position and has invested in the longer game with his brother… soon Junaid Safdar will enter the game.

For PTI, it’s Khan now or never unfortunately.
NS got humiliated. Which seat is on for 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
It appears the PTI has decided to take the legal, moral route of relying on tribunals, courts, pressing their case in the media but they are not going to go on the streets to risk another May 9 again. I don't think they are in a rush to take Punjab, Centre
A group of thugs desperate to kill their fellow citizens, with a CJP that is crook and a public that hates them all. This will not end well
The seat he chose for his brother. He is a king maker, free to do what he wants. What seat did Khan choose for himself? The one closest to Adiala canteen?
He is no king maker. The guy wanted to be King, or did they not educate you last week. NS PM they said and look at the duffer, humiliated by AZ. AZ has done one good thing and it's this.
don't think they are in a rush to take Punjab, Centre
Yeah I mean they have no business trying to become Abdullah deewana in Punjab. They should deal with their own area, KPK.

Let the real ballers deal with Punjab. They won their fairly.
Who won fairly? Nani? A crook that had to have a young mother locked up without trial and still needed the help of the boots.
Yeah I mean they have no business trying to become Abdullah deewana in Punjab. They should deal with their own area, KPK.

Let the real ballers deal with Punjab. They won their fairly.
Who won fairly? Nani? A crook that had to have a young mother locked up without trial and still needed the help of the boots.
What’s your proof PTI won anywhere? Screenshots from TV channels? :ROFLMAO:

Form 45s? (Whatever that is)

Well guess what you can do with those fabricated form 45s? A nice and not explicit use of them would be to wipe your tears.
What’s your proof PTI won anywhere? Screenshots from TV channels? :ROFLMAO:

Form 45s? (Whatever that is)

Well guess what you can do with those fabricated form 45s? A nice and not explicit use of them would be to wipe your tears.
Well I suggest that you educate yourself on what a form 45 is before you post on here. Surely you can do basic maths, or are you guys so dumb that adding up is difficult. If you need help, I am here. I specialise in helping the FA fails.
Well I suggest that you educate yourself on what a form 45 is before you post on here. Surely you can do basic maths, or are you guys so dumb that adding up is difficult. If you need help, I am here. I specialise in helping the FA fails.
Na the ones that need help are the ones counting their seats at 180 whereas the true number is half of it….and is reducing every hour with IND’s jumping to PMLN and PPP :ROFLMAO:
I think this is lost on most people. Who cares who gets what? Why are we completely ignoring the biggest travesty in the name of elections here?
I'm really confused.

The election was rigged, a great crime was committed and people are discussing whether IK/PTI should have formed a coalition with these criminals?

What has this world come to?
The seat he chose for his brother. He is a king maker, free to do what he wants. What seat did Khan choose for himself? The one closest to Adiala canteen?
These are public servants. They work for us the people. And yet for some reason, you seem more proud of a leader who chose the seat sitting in the comfort of his property in a foreign land (bought by funds that are highly questionable and allegedly stolen) than the leader who is willing to accept jail and not run away.

Our moral standards have declined alarmingly if we use your standards to gauge the greatness of a leader.
Na the ones that need help are the ones counting their seats at 180 whereas the true number is half of it….and is reducing every hour with IND’s jumping to PMLN and PPP :ROFLMAO:

Not sure if you're just trolling but honestly, you're coming across as pretty crass, trying to change the narrative when the whole world, including Independant observers, have stated that the election results were not transparent

Here's just one article,

Na the ones that need help are the ones counting their seats at 180 whereas the true number is half of it….and is reducing every hour with IND’s jumping to PMLN and PPP :ROFLMAO:
It makes no difference. You can buy all of them. You have no moral authority in PK, everyone knows. The question your own guys are asking is who betrayed NS, well how can anyone be asking that question if they had won. So who betrayed your loser🤣🤣🤣🤣
It makes no difference. You can buy all of them. You have no moral authority in PK, everyone knows. The question your own guys are asking is who betrayed NS, well how can anyone be asking that question if they had won. So who betrayed your loser🤣🤣🤣🤣
We have no moral authority in KP?

Oh dear! What are we to do? We lost the Paris of Pakistan!
Who is we? You're a nobody. So stay within your lane. Anyways your own man, the leader of the PDM has just destroyed his crooks. Listen to this

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-media-max-width="560"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The establishment has made results by taking money and has taken billions of rupees.<br>Maulana Fazl ur Rahman accused the establishment of taking bribe<a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#ElectionResults2024</a> <a href="مجھے_کیوں_بلایا?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#مجھے_کیوں_بلایا</a><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Zahir U Din (@ZahirK_IK) <a href=" ">February 14, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Who is we? Who are you? Are you in Pakistan right now fighting the injustice? Or are you sitting comfortably at home getting ready to pay your self assessment taxes to the British government?
Who is we? Who are you? Are you in Pakistan right now fighting the injustice? Or are you sitting comfortably at home getting ready to pay your self assessment taxes to the British government?
We are Pks, sons of ex soldiers, the we that send back billions each year while your are the "we" that steal them anf send them back to London.
We are Pks, sons of ex soldiers, the we that send back billions each year while your are the "we" that steal them anf send them back to London.
I don’t speak against the army/establishment because I still have and always will have the utmost respect for them.

Now I don’t want to expose too much about my personal life or my family. But I would know the feeling of being the son of an ex Pakistan army soldier. So, let’s leave it at that.
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Ok maybe you are the son of an ex soldier. But I am disappointed at your hate for them.
Its not hate. I don't like trolls and particularly ones that troll when real people have been killed, our fragile democracy has been destroyed and an election has been stolen. Yes or No