Indian cricketers who are least liked by Pakistani cricket fans

Lot of Pakistanis didn't like Tendulkar for the same reason that Madridistas dislike Messi. It's hard to find fans of one team warming up to the best player of their bitter rival, no matter how talented he is.

I think Tendulkar being the social introvert that he is, can sometimes come across as having an indifferent attitude towards Pakistan as he tended to avoid making comments in the media, both positive and negative against Pakistan, and pretty much every team tbh. It's different with Kohli because he is an extrovert and goes out of his way to being nice towards Pakistan and then the obvious Punjabi connect, whereas Tendulkar simply used to avoid media comments, and was neither as positive as Kohli nor as negative as Gambhir.

Tbh most of our yesteryear cricket players like Sachin, Dravid, Laxman used to be very diplomatic and it was guys like Ganguly, Harbhajan and even Kumble (when he criticised Australia for playing against the spirit of the game) who made the media headlines.

Dravid is pretty liked and rated highly in Pakistan though. He wasn't extrovert as such either.

I think it has got to do with Indian fans hyping Tendulkar as the best thing since Bradman ( he has stats and longevity backing up) and also a bit of jealousy.
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Lot of Pakistanis didn't like Tendulkar for the same reason that Madridistas dislike Messi. It's hard to find fans of one team warming up to the best player of their bitter rival, no matter how talented he is.

I think Tendulkar being the social introvert that he is, can sometimes come across as having an indifferent attitude towards Pakistan as he tended to avoid making comments in the media, both positive and negative against Pakistan, and pretty much every team tbh. It's different with Kohli because he is an extrovert and goes out of his way to being nice towards Pakistan and then the obvious Punjabi connect, whereas Tendulkar simply used to avoid media comments, and was neither as positive as Kohli nor as negative as Gambhir.

Tbh most of our yesteryear cricket players like Sachin, Dravid, Laxman used to be very diplomatic and it was guys like Ganguly, Harbhajan and even Kumble (when he criticised Australia for playing against the spirit of the game) who made the media headlines.

Well, when Pakistan played India I was always praying for Tendulkar's early dismissal more than any other, but that was just because of how good he was. Other than that I used to marvel at his strokeplay against other teams. One shot in particular where he'd take the ball from off stump and hit it through midwicket just by flicking his wrist in such a way that the bat still stayed relatively straight up to the point of contact. You don't see ordinary players do that. Actually Babar has a bit of this as well, although perhaps not to the same level.
Dravid is pretty liked and rated highly in Pakistan though. He wasn't extrovert as such either.

Yes. I had a lot of admiration for Dravid. One of the most technically accomplished defences I've ever seen.
people doesn't like gg same reason Afridi is hated. but gg 2 times world cup winner on own.
Dravid is pretty liked and rated highly in Pakistan though. He wasn't extrovert as such either.

That was because Dravid was India's second best player and was often seen as the guy who didn't get as much appreciation as he deserved. The fact that Dravid was a thorough gentleman only helped. If Tendulkar didn't exist and Dravid was India's best player, maybe Pakistanis may not have warmed up to him as much as they did.

This is no different from many Madrid fans warming up to Iniesta more than Messi eventhough there wasn't a huge difference in behaviour between the two.

I think it has got to do with Indian fans hyping Tendulkar as the best thing since Bradman ( he has stats and longevity backing up) and also a bit of jealousy.

This is true as well. Indian fans often went overboard with the hype on Tendulkar and that tended to rub not just the Pak fans, but also the Aussie and the English fans the wrong way.
Well, when Pakistan played India I was always praying for Tendulkar's early dismissal more than any other, but that was just because of how good he was. Other than that I used to marvel at his strokeplay against other teams. One shot in particular where he'd take the ball from off stump and hit it through midwicket just by flicking his wrist in such a way that the bat still stayed relatively straight up to the point of contact. You don't see ordinary players do that. Actually Babar has a bit of this as well, although perhaps not to the same level.

Oh I don't think there was any wrong in Pakistanis not warming up to Tendulkar.

I could never warm up to Ronaldo as a Barca fan or even Djokovic (as a Rafa fan) even though I know both are unbelievably good in what they do. Tbh only when Ronaldo left Madrid for Juventus that I could properly admire his game. Of course, both Ronaldo and Djokovic can come across as cocky, so it makes it a bit easier to hate them:yk
I would say most cricketers from India and Pakistan are well respected and liked in respective countries.

Saeed Anwar used to smash our 90’s trundlers for fun but I loved watching him bat and used to try and imitate his leg side lofted flicks in gully cricket.

Wasim Akram and Inzamam are adored in India. Sure people might make fun of Inzamam’s build but it’s always more in an adoring way than with malice no different than Sachin’s height.

Misbah,Younis are gentleman.

Shoaib Akthar and Rameez have a few million subscribers and we know where most of that comes from.

I used to dislike Aquib Javed,Rana Naved and Abdul Razzaq only for the fact that India used to get through all the great bowlers like Wasim,Waqar,Shoaib,Saqlain etc and then these guys used to run through us. Was really annoying. Same thing with Ijaz Ahmed who was painful to watch from an aesthetics perspective but magically became a right handed Chris Gayle against us.

However apart from Razzaq post retirement none of the dislike was personal.

Afridi there was always a fear factor even though he flopped more than he delivered but as a cricketer was super entertaining to watch. His statements even if they are anti-india at times are a non issue because the next day it would be a total 180, so don’t think his statements are taken seriously just like his retirements :)) but yes was a fan of his. He is as underrated by the ROW as he is overrated in Pakistan.

Javed I have mad respect for him as a cricketer and as a cricket brain and even the last ball 6 is something that has to be admired as a cricket fan however his relation with Dawood Ibrahim is definitely a deal breaker.

Imran the politician is not the same as Imran the cricketer so there is that.

The current lot like Babar,Rizwan,Hafeez etc are very likeable. Shoaib Malik is one of our own :)
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The source of this hatred?

btw to all posters, the thread says least liked...not necessarily most hated.

For me when we play India it’s war, so dislike/hate is all the same to me!
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OP like many Indians has zero clue about Pakistani mentality. I have seen this habit in many Indians who still think that Pakistanis and Indians are same people with some minor political or religious divide among them. Something that Indian media tries to portray for political reasons but it is totally false. Starting from times of Indus valley we have lived under one flag for roughly 10-15 % of the time (someone is free to challenge me).

Pakistanis are a very self absorbed nation with zero interest outside world. Most are lost in their families and social circles and follow sports to an extent in free time. You would not find the mad cricket fan following in masses in Pakistan that India has. This is the reason that Pakistani cricket industry or sports in general failed to create markets inside Pakistan even with luxury of having legendary players, stars and now leagues loaded with regional teams. People just do not care that much. Stop any Pakistani on road and ask him to name 6 players out of current playing 11 and majority would fail to do so. Even the more dedicated fans behave same, they have limited interest in their own international team. If they win they are celebrated and if they loose, people do not care which is why there are no nation wide cries for accountability of corruption in PCB or among players themselves. Something that kept the corruption growing even today.

So if a nation is not that much interested in its own sports, why would they be interested in liking or disliking players of another country. I can safely say that other than Kohli, hardly any other current playing Indian player would be known in details to current Pakistani public and thick majority of fans. Nobody cares that much. Our fan cultures are just different, Afridi says anything about India, its triggers Indians on social media and they post trash but when Gambhir the politician says hostile political stuff against Pakistan, no one cares in Pakistan because not many know Gambhir or care about his character or his issues (him being from a partition suffering family originally from Pakistan). I can safely say that Indian players are not even known inside Pakistan that much anymore than people will have opinions about them. Same goes for other stuff from India like movie stars from India in 80s and 90s. May be it is for the better, we both as nations are drifting apart culturally. Isolated from each other. Culturally Pakistan is drifting more towards its western side with the rising birth rate of Pashtuns esp.
Afridi says anything about India, its triggers Indians on social media and they post trash but when Gambhir the politician says hostile political stuff against Pakistan, no one cares in Pakistan because not many know Gambhir or care about his character or his issues (him being from a partition suffering family originally from Pakistan). I can safely say that Indian players are not even known inside Pakistan that much anymore than people will have opinions about them. Same goes for other stuff from India like movie stars from India in 80s and 90s..

That’s nothing to boast about, that might be due to more people (in volume) in India having access to internet, newspapers and cable TV than in Pakistan.

I mean strange that someone can know Afridi but not know any Indian players when probably Afridi made a career out of 2-3 great performances against India. I mean Javed Miandad himself talks about the last ball 6 as if that’s the only thing that defines his career even though he is one of the greats of the game and Imran Khan is the PM of Pakistan for winning a cricket World Cup.

I would be worried why there isn’t more awareness if I were you. That’s not a diss but only possible conclusion.
That’s nothing to boast about, that might be due to more people (in volume) in India having access to internet, newspapers and cable TV than in Pakistan.

You should have researched a bit before before claiming anything. Pakistani internet user % per total population is 48 % while Indian is at 56 %. Not much difference. Pakistan's own TV broadcast station % (117 stations for 230 million people) is equivalent to India (860 for 1364 million people). All of this has changed in last 20-25 years.

I mean strange that someone can know Afridi but not know any Indian players when probably Afridi made a career out of 2-3 great performances against India.

Pakistanis know Afridi because he was a Pakistani star I am failing to see the logic in your comment ?

Afridi performed against Indian team made of Tendulkar, Ganguly, Dravid and those people have retired decade ago and so has Afridi. Can we say same about pakistani fans knowledge of prithivi shaw and lokesh rahul?

I mean Javed Miandad himself talks about the last ball 6 as if that’s the only thing that defines his career even though he is one of the greats of the game and Imran Khan is the PM of Pakistan for winning a cricket World Cup.

Why are you equating Pakistani cultural drift from India with Pakistan's position in global arena? we can become completely isolated from India yet we will maintain our position among other nations. It is already happening with changing demography that brings change in genetics and culture. In 30-50 years gap will be even more wider. I do not know how much you follow Pakistani cricket, our team used to be dominated by Urdu speaking population and Punjabis and now 50-60 % are ethnic Pashtuns.

Again, Javed Miandad played 30-40 years ago. Pakistan at that time used to play and win against India a lot which is why we have numerical supremacy against India. This old ex players have these stories because they interacted with each other on field more than other teams. Kapil would not shut up about Imran and Wasim would keep telling stories about stylish Gavaskar, Shoaib keep obsessing with his wickets of Tendulkar, ganguly had too much to say about his friendship with Inzamam ... all of these people are old and gone now. Pakistanis fans have moved on but Indians have not. I sometimes see Indians following pakistani matches with typical indian way of childish name calling etc but you would not see same from Pakistanis because they just do not care. We do not play with eachother anymore, there is no test cricket going on between two nations, there is no cultural exchange, no joint media projects and with changing pakistani demography this will just happen more and more. Like I said, it is for the better.
Our fan cultures are just different, Afridi says anything about India, its triggers Indians on social media and they post trash but when Gambhir the politician says hostile political stuff against Pakistan, no one cares in Pakistan.

Lol at "nO oNe cArEs". :91:

Maybe you chose not to see it but Pakistanis do get triggered a lot whenever Gambhir says anything. Even in this very thread, you can see your fellow countrymen hating on him for those statements.
I sometimes see Indians following pakistani matches with typical indian way of childish name calling etc but you would not see same from Pakistanis because they just do not care. We do not play with eachother anymore, there is no test cricket going on between two nations, there is no cultural exchange, no joint media projects and with changing pakistani demography this will just happen more and more. Like I said, it is for the better.

Lel, yet in the match thread after every Indian loss, you find more Pakistanis gloating in schadenfreude than the other way around.

Have to appreciate the commendable attempt at mental gymnastics though. Hopefully you get a ticket to the Tokyo olympics if it's not too late:yk
Speaking for many that I know, it has to be Tendulkar.

One reason: we haven't seen the best of him against us. Yes he has scored runs here and there, but we seem them scored after plenty of chances, doggy decisions or against a team which was deeply divided and rank suspicious.

Therefore we don't see the hype around him the same way and don't stomach it well.

Add to that his lack of 4th innings impact (please don't throw meaningless stats at me), vanilla personality overall and his totally unreasonable, even disrespectful attitude post Champion's trophy win, Balakot etc and you have a cocktail which is hard to digest.
Did a little googling on it and as Sachin was from the same state, then I can imagine you have to pay your respects to the leader of the state whatever you may think of his policies so perhaps unfair to tarnish him with the same brush.

Yup. Bal Thackeray was Mafiosi type leader of Mumbai - bit like Altaf Husain in Karachi . All top cricketers, Bollywood superstars & businessmen wud pay obeisance to him - else u wud be in trouble
I would say most cricketers from India and Pakistan are well respected and liked in respective countries.

Saeed Anwar used to smash our 90’s trundlers for fun but I loved watching him bat and used to try and imitate his leg side lofted flicks in gully cricket.

Wasim Akram and Inzamam are adored in India. Sure people might make fun of Inzamam’s build but it’s always more in an adoring way than with malice no different than Sachin’s height.

Misbah,Younis are gentleman.

Shoaib Akthar and Rameez have a few million subscribers and we know where most of that comes from.

I used to dislike Aquib Javed,Rana Naved and Abdul Razzaq only for the fact that India used to get through all the great bowlers like Wasim,Waqar,Shoaib,Saqlain etc and then these guys used to run through us. Was really annoying. Same thing with Ijaz Ahmed who was painful to watch from an aesthetics perspective but magically became a right handed Chris Gayle against us.

However apart from Razzaq post retirement none of the dislike was personal.

Afridi there was always a fear factor even though he flopped more than he delivered but as a cricketer was super entertaining to watch. His statements even if they are anti-india at times are a non issue because the next day it would be a total 180, so don’t think his statements are taken seriously just like his retirements :)) but yes was a fan of his. He is as underrated by the ROW as he is overrated in Pakistan.

Javed I have mad respect for him as a cricketer and as a cricket brain and even the last ball 6 is something that has to be admired as a cricket fan however his relation with Dawood Ibrahim is definitely a deal breaker.

Imran the politician is not the same as Imran the cricketer so there is that.

The current lot like Babar,Rizwan,Hafeez etc are very likeable. Shoaib Malik is one of our own :)

This is so true. Nobody is really hated in India

Of course some Indians do get triggered by political statement by Afrdi / Imran but most people understand its mere politics. U wud expect Imran to make statements against India just like our leaders keep making similar statements. Thats par for the course
Yes I enjoy it when India loose, it’s brings the cricket teams arrogance down a peg or two!
GG for fairly obvious reasons. I also thought Sehwag's trolling got a lot of PPers riled up.
Speaking for many that I know, it has to be Tendulkar.

One reason: we haven't seen the best of him against us. Yes he has scored runs here and there, but we seem them scored after plenty of chances, doggy decisions or against a team which was deeply divided and rank suspicious.

The starting sentence itself is ironic given Tendulkar was one of the biggest reasons for India's unbeaten world cup record vs Pakistan and why India won against Pakistan in '92 WC, '03 WC and '11 WC. And it's funny how whenever Sachin performed against Pakistan, it was because of multiple lives and even when he did play a chanceless innings, it was because Pakistan weren't united as a team.:yk

Yeah no you hated him because he was India's best batsman. There's nothing more to it.
Lol at "nO oNe cArEs". :91:

Maybe you chose not to see it but Pakistanis do get triggered a lot whenever Gambhir says anything. Even in this very thread, you can see your fellow countrymen hating on him for those statements.

Lel, yet in the match thread after every Indian loss, you find more Pakistanis gloating in schadenfreude than the other way around.

Have to appreciate the commendable attempt at mental gymnastics though. Hopefully you get a ticket to the Tokyo olympics if it's not too late:yk

Cricket forums are usually dominated by outsiders though, not home based Pakistanis. What he says has some truth to it, the popularity of cricket in general has declined in Pakistan, not least because since the WOT, there has been very little international cricket played in Pakistan. It was bound to have an effect over the long term.

Pakistan's domestic cricket was always underdeveloped and they got away with it as long as there was plenty of international cricket available, but without it, it's not much of a career. It's not seen as a spectator sport any more like it used to be 30 years ago.
Cricket forums are usually dominated by outsiders though, not home based Pakistanis. What he says has some truth to it, the popularity of cricket in general has declined in Pakistan, not least because since the WOT, there has been very little international cricket played in Pakistan. It was bound to have an effect over the long term.

Pakistan's domestic cricket was always underdeveloped and they got away with it as long as there was plenty of international cricket available, but without it, it's not much of a career. It's not seen as a spectator sport any more like it used to be 30 years ago.

Current generation of Indian kids are not playing much cricket, particularly in urban areas, most of the parents are sending their kids to badminton or football coaching.

A lack of open space or shrinking open spaces in the suburbs forces kids to spend time on either badminton or Football coaching classes rather than cricket.
Lol at "nO oNe cArEs". :91:

Maybe you chose not to see it but Pakistanis do get triggered a lot whenever Gambhir says anything. Even in this very thread, you can see your fellow countrymen hating on him for those statements.
I wouldn’t call that being triggered.

It’s more like laughing at his expense and wondering what did Afridi say to him in 2007 that the little man still holds a grudge to this day and has a yearly meltdown
Speaking for many that I know, it has to be Tendulkar.

One reason: we haven't seen the best of him against us. Yes he has scored runs here and there, but we seem them scored after plenty of chances, doggy decisions or against a team which was deeply divided and rank suspicious.

Therefore we don't see the hype around him the same way and don't stomach it well.

Add to that his lack of 4th innings impact (please don't throw meaningless stats at me), vanilla personality overall and his totally unreasonable, even disrespectful attitude post Champion's trophy win, Balakot etc and you have a cocktail which is hard to digest.
lol, tell me you weren't serious when you wrote this!

Scored runs only here and there? And if he didn't wish you guys post your win in CT, did that mean he was disrespectful towards you? What else did you want? Everyone in India must have congratulated you that day?
I didn't mean there is any hate as such among Pakistani fans for Tendulkar for non-cricketing reasons like it maybe for Gambhir or it is among some Indian fans for Imran. However, I have seen Pakistani posters call Tendulkar a selfish batsman, non-match winner and a coward.

The non-match winner part is hard to explain because Tendulkar has done very well in World Cups vs Pakistan in particular and that too when they were a pretty strong side(1992,2003,2011).

The selfish one is again hard to explain because SRT has a S/R of 86 in the same era in which equally aggressive batsman like Lara and Ponting strike at 78 and 80 respectively. The hundredth century he got was a selfish one but he had to get over that and it was in the final year of his career. It was a rare one-off which doesn't illustrate his character over his entire career.

The coward one is for illogical reasons like he batted at 4 in test cricket for his entire career. Well, most teams do the same, the batsman with tighter defense bats in top 3 and the more prolific batsman generally bats at no 4. Kohli also bats at 4 and Pujara at 3.

No disrespect to anyone here but in my opinion, the arguments put by Pakistan fans to demean Tendulkar has always been pretty illogical and I feel it is because of slight jealousy as Pakistan were a pretty strong side too and also during Tendulkar's time, he was hyped by Indian fans to the moon because he has the stats and longevity which was better than pretty much anyone bar Bradman.

I dont know you make valid agreements and I dont think anyone can call him coward but Pakistanis are definitely more worried about say kohli now a days than they ever were when Sachin used to play India.

It could be because Pakistan team was much stronger so they did not fear Sachin as much? But growing up I heard a lot of talk about Sachin scoring soft runs and how we can still win even if Sachin score runs.

Even in 2011 WC for instance most of the talk I hear is that we should have scored the runs down rather than 4 drop catches of Sachin or those runs being match winning.

But now a days when India Pakistan play its like we must get the top 3 out or we are not going to win etc.
I dont know you make valid agreements and I dont think anyone can call him coward but Pakistanis are definitely more worried about say kohli now a days than they ever were when Sachin used to play India.

It could be because Pakistan team was much stronger so they did not fear Sachin as much? But growing up I heard a lot of talk about Sachin scoring soft runs and how we can still win even if Sachin score runs.

Even in 2011 WC for instance most of the talk I hear is that we should have scored the runs down rather than 4 drop catches of Sachin or those runs being match winning.

But now a days when India Pakistan play its like we must get the top 3 out or we are not going to win etc.

If India had Bumrah & Shami in the 90s - Pakistan wud have feared Sachin more
The starting sentence itself is ironic given Tendulkar was one of the biggest reasons for India's unbeaten world cup record vs Pakistan and why India won against Pakistan in '92 WC, '03 WC and '11 WC. And it's funny how whenever Sachin performed against Pakistan, it was because of multiple lives and even when he did play a chanceless innings, it was because Pakistan weren't united as a team.:yk

Yeah no you hated him because he was India's best batsman. There's nothing more to it.

Never considered him India's best batsman. I was scared of Sehwag and Dravid and to some extent Ganguly's captaincy - and they came along much much after Tendulkar. That's when India started winning more often too.

You can build whatever it is you build in your head.
lol, tell me you weren't serious when you wrote this!

Scored runs only here and there? And if he didn't wish you guys post your win in CT, did that mean he was disrespectful towards you? What else did you want? Everyone in India must have congratulated you that day?

No but he pointedly congratulated India hockey team to make a point the same day. It was petty, in keeping with the rest of him.
I dont know you make valid agreements and I dont think anyone can call him coward but Pakistanis are definitely more worried about say kohli now a days than they ever were when Sachin used to play India.

It could be because Pakistan team was much stronger so they did not fear Sachin as much? But growing up I heard a lot of talk about Sachin scoring soft runs and how we can still win even if Sachin score runs.

Even in 2011 WC for instance most of the talk I hear is that we should have scored the runs down rather than 4 drop catches of Sachin or those runs being match winning.

But now a days when India Pakistan play its like we must get the top 3 out or we are not going to win etc.

How you don't know I am making valid arguments here? I presented facts clearly.

Non-match winner ? He won man of match in winning cause in 1992 WC, 2003 WC and 2011 WC vs Pakistan. This is fact, not a valid argument.

Selfish batsman? His Strike rate is 86. Compare it to Ponting or Lara from his own era who have S/R of 78 and 80. Again a fact.

You are talking about 2011 WC semi final. How you say he is not a match winner? There were catches dropped of him, so what? That doesn't make him a non match winner because he ultimately won them that match. He also won two more WC matches vs Pakistan, 2003 and 1992. Pakistan were a strong team in both cases but he won us the match against them.
GG has to be at the top :)))

The guy makes no reservations about his hate for Pakistan so why would a regular Pakistani not dislike him to death. I would expect even sensible and friendly Pakistanis like Mamoon, Saj etc also to be hating GG.


But on a more relevant note, I'd pick Gambhir and Sehwag as the most disliked. Both obnoxious, hateful, and full of ___.
I dont know you make valid agreements and I dont think anyone can call him coward but Pakistanis are definitely more worried about say kohli now a days than they ever were when Sachin used to play India.

It could be because Pakistan team was much stronger so they did not fear Sachin as much? But growing up I heard a lot of talk about Sachin scoring soft runs and how we can still win even if Sachin score runs.

Even in 2011 WC for instance most of the talk I hear is that we should have scored the runs down rather than 4 drop catches of Sachin or those runs being match winning.

But now a days when India Pakistan play its like we must get the top 3 out or we are not going to win etc.

Pakistan fear Kohli but it is Rohit Sharma or Shikhar Dhawan who absolutely run through the Pakistan bowling most times be it Asia cup,WC 2019,WC 2015 or even the forgotten Ind-Pak encounter of CT 2017.

On the flip side back in the day get Sachin and win the game was the mantra for any team leave alone Pakistan. Wasim and a lot of 90’s Pak cricketers attested to this fact.

Dravid was a great player but I think the love Pakistanis have for him is more or less the love Indians have for Misbah. A player we don’t fear but is a thorough gentleman and mr.nice guy. Sachin is more aloof because most geniuses are. Seems usually more like a coping mechanism when Pakistanis bring up Dravid but sure genuinely deserves respect though.
How you don't know I am making valid arguments here? I presented facts clearly.

Non-match winner ? He won man of match in winning cause in 1992 WC, 2003 WC and 2011 WC vs Pakistan. This is fact, not a valid argument.

Selfish batsman? His Strike rate is 86. Compare it to Ponting or Lara from his own era who have S/R of 78 and 80. Again a fact.

You are talking about 2011 WC semi final. How you say he is not a match winner? There were catches dropped of him, so what? That doesn't make him a non match winner because he ultimately won them that match. He also won two more WC matches vs Pakistan, 2003 and 1992. Pakistan were a strong team in both cases but he won us the match against them.

Pakistan were not strong in 2003 thats the biggest misconception. He has played many good innings his record speak for himself all I am saying is that Pakistan fans didnt fear him much like some present day Indian batters.
Pakistan fear Kohli but it is Rohit Sharma or Shikhar Dhawan who absolutely run through the Pakistan bowling most times be it Asia cup,WC 2019,WC 2015 or even the forgotten Ind-Pak encounter of CT 2017.

On the flip side back in the day get Sachin and win the game was the mantra for any team leave alone Pakistan. Wasim and a lot of 90’s Pak cricketers attested to this fact.

Dravid was a great player but I think the love Pakistanis have for him is more or less the love Indians have for Misbah. A player we don’t fear but is a thorough gentleman and mr.nice guy. Sachin is more aloof because most geniuses are. Seems usually more like a coping mechanism when Pakistanis bring up Dravid but sure genuinely deserves respect though.

Pakistanis do fear Sharma and Shikar dhawan they are very aware of Indian top 3.
No but he pointedly congratulated India hockey team to make a point the same day. It was petty, in keeping with the rest of him.
And your point being?

Why can't he congratulate his own team? Why was it necessary for him to congratulate Pakistan team as well? Just to prove that he was not being petty?
No but he pointedly congratulated India hockey team to make a point the same day. It was petty, in keeping with the rest of him.
And you somehow miraculously read his mind that he wanted to make a point by congratulating his hockey team and not Pakistan team!

Well done!

Dhoni, Kohli, Sachin, Dravid and many others mentioned are all quite likable and admirable personalities/athletes.

Would never dislike someone on them being good performers against Pak - respect is respect.

It's the being political or unreservedly biased to the point of being unnecessary (which shines through with Ganguly, personally) that I dislike.

Dhoni, Kohli, Sachin, Dravid and many others mentioned are all quite likable and admirable personalities/athletes.

Would never dislike someone on them being good performers against Pak - respect is respect.

It's the being political or unreservedly biased to the point of being unnecessary (which shines through with Ganguly, personally) that I dislike.

Gambhir I can understand but why Ganguly though? Is it due to him being president of BCCI?
Lol at "nO oNe cArEs". :91:

Maybe you chose not to see it but Pakistanis do get triggered a lot whenever Gambhir says anything. Even in this very thread, you can see your fellow countrymen hating on him for those statements.

Do not get insecure. I did not say no one cares about India. If some former nobody like Gambhir makes political statement against another nation to score brownie points from local population then they will get some moderate level coverage but that is about it. No one in Pakistan watches Indian cricket now to the point that they would know personalities and style of games of current lots of cricketers let alone childish name calling, posting roast rhymes etc that Indians do during Pakistani matches. More we drift apart the better. We were never really connected anyways except for foreign rules.
I find him to be very biased.

Everyone carries a personal bias but does that affect his professional work?
Also Ganguly is known to be a leader of men but never seen him badmouthing or tweet triggering on anyone
Lel, yet in the match thread after every Indian loss, you find more Pakistanis gloating in schadenfreude than the other way around.

If you are a sensible person which I hope you are then you will see the fault in your statement. I never see Pakistanis cricket fans dancing on Indian losses or name calling indian players. Indians do that which is understandable because this name calling, taking cheap shots is kinda political culture in India. It was same in Pakistan but with changing demography Pakistanis are now getting less interested in sports in general.
If you are a sensible person which I hope you are then you will see the fault in your statement. I never see Pakistanis cricket fans dancing on Indian losses or name calling indian players. Indians do that which is understandable because this name calling, taking cheap shots is kinda political culture in India.It was same in Pakistan but with changing demography Pakistanis are now getting less interested in sports in general.

I'll just ignore all the whataboutery but I'm genuinely interested to know more about this "demography change". Can you elaborate more on that?

Thanks. :angel: