Indian/Pakistani Ads


ODI Debutant
Mar 25, 2011
Post Good /Nostalgic new/90's Adds in this thread.

Saw this new Airtel Add ...Liked it very much. So it will be nice to have a collection of good new/old adds from our countries in one thread. Especially the 90's adds should be fun.

The Airtel Add

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This is one of my All Time Favorite Adds...I remember watching it as a very small Kid in the early 90's.

The way she dances in the end always brings a smile!!!
man i love Indian ads, they are hilarious. And i enjoy watching them. Makes you wana buy the product.

But nobody could beat our Pepsi AD which features Miandad. :))
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I am not sure how Cadbury adds are now...but back in the day there were just so awesome and creative!!! This one is just brilliant...

Haha... Watching this add reminds of this one. Such Fun days...

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As the Youtube comment says " From perk to Punjab times change" !!! She was so cute :D ...loved this add during the over break during cricket matches...I think perk used this add for a long time ....
This and Liril shot her to fame...
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Who remembers this one?? It always made me crave jalebis.

Who remembers this one?? It always made me crave jalebis.


Dont Remember it..but What a cute add!!!! Thanks for sharing

the kid should have left the house by now I guess :D
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haha..What an Add. I think it was aired during 99 WC... Poor Rahul does not get recognized in the add also....always overshadowed :D
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Shahid And Ayesha Takia :D :D
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:anwar and :afridi

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do goli disprin :asif
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^^ Yeah that's a classic. I remember, as a 7-8 year old, blowing away pack after pack of Morven Golds in celebration of Pakistan's unity.
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Have I made it large :bhajji

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Best Ad in the history of Mankind

nahi mein Cigarette nahi peeta :wasim

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man i love Indian ads, they are hilarious. And i enjoy watching them. Makes you wana buy the product.

But nobody could beat our Pepsi AD which features Miandad. :))

Actually I beg to disagree, see all these ads are ok as long as they are not overdone which is precisely the case in india right now I.e every other ad is trying very hard to come up with some kind of twisted smartass logic and in the process goes so much beyond reality / imagination that it becomes ridiculous

Moreover, I don't know wether you guys have observed it or not but while most of these ads are definitely interesting ( just like jokes) and at least manage to grab your attention for a first couple of times yet more often than not in their obsession of comin-up with some kind of "never heard / never seen / never imagined " idea they forget it big time that the focus should be on the product come what may( one of the very basic aim of adverts of any kind )

Result : The product is lost somewhere in the background (or in some cases it never even come to the fore to begin with ) while the advert just remains in the memory of the individual ( that too for not very long ) merely as a Joke

After all there's a reason why the west which originally came up with such ads didn't overdid it like india

I can even talk about certain ads just to further justify my point. :)
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Well it dosent apply to the thread,but i think u ALL r undersatnading/thinking person so i want to share my view.... there is no iran/afrganistan/pakistan/india/us/EU /white/brown/black/islami/christian/hindu/budhhisit etc......there is only one earth.and v r lucky human with better intellectual than fellow creatue on the earth..using the intellect in wrong way ..though its a place for all creature as created by almighty...We r All human who came b4,,,, creating country, custom, culture & last is the religion. Almighy god gave us thinking power better than other creature on earth( and we createated diffrent religion & country=selfish/egoistic cretaure with 2 leg & 1 brain with analyzing power) we have to use it for betterment for fellow creature than thinking of our custom/culture/community/religion/country ,,,are better than fellow crearure on earth created by same all mighty... be more intellectual & think beyond human selfish/egoistic natue.v r not in stone age.....our ancestor were fighitng in name of land , religion and other selfish human the civilization has progresed, v should think better for fellow human being/creature & progress..i understand that all religion says good for fellow life on earth..but some of the followers take diffrently..well I POSTed IN wrong thread.....there will be some spelling/grammatical error in my post as i was was in forgive me for that...if the human ego allows & and i will not react to non rational thinking,,so dont feel bad...its abt civilization of huamn with 2 leg , 2 hand & 1 brain with thinking ability which can be used in diffrent way as u all know..based on emotion. or ratoiinal thinking as taught by enviornments around,,,.Influenced by many have indepepedent thinking not influnenced by sorruouding....but with full knowlledge of history of humankind with open mind...No one way traffic....influnenced by wrong throey...yr choice...have is one..ENJOY IT..TAHTS THE ULTIMATE

Not funny but I liked this ad a lot. Simple way of telling about a product and it's popularity in a diverse culture.

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Dhoni is that guy who only works out his arms. :msd
i remember this ad featuring dhoni and a harbhajan impersonator about 'Make it Large'

that has to be the most hilarious ad of all time. I literally LOLed at that :)))