India's top court legalises abortion regardless of marital status


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
India's top court on Thursday upheld the right of a woman to an abortion up to 24 weeks into pregnancy regardless of marital status, a decision widely hailed by women's rights activists.

The right to abortion has proved contentious globally after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned in June its landmark 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade that had legalised the procedure across the United States.

"Even an unmarried woman can undergo abortion up to 24 weeks on par with married women," said Justice D.Y. Chandrachud of India's Supreme Court, holding that a woman's marital status could not decide her right to abort.

A law dating from 1971, the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, had limited the procedure to married women, divorcees, widows, minors, "disabled and mentally ill women" and survivors of sexual assault or rape.

"The decision to have or not to have an abortion is borne out of complicated life circumstances, which only the woman can choose on her own terms without external interference or influence," the court ruling said.

It added that every woman should have the "reproductive autonomy" to seek abortion, without consulting a third party.

Thursday's decision came in response to a petition by a woman who said her pregnancy resulted from a consensual relationship but she had sought abortion when the relationship failed.

The ruling is a milestone for the rights of Indian women, activists said.

"It is a first step, it is a progressive step," said Yogita Bhayana, founder of PARI (People Against Rapes in India).

The court added that sexual assault by husbands can be classified as marital rape under the MTP law. Indian law does not consider marital rape an offence, though efforts are being made to change this.

"In an era that includes Dobbs vs Jackson, and makes distinctions between the marital status of women who are raped, this excellent judgment on abortion under the MTP Act hits it out of the park," Karuna Nundy, an advocate specialising in gender law and other areas, said on Twitter.

She was referring to the case that led to the U.S. Supreme Court judgment in June.

Express Tribune
Non-emergency abortion is simply murder.

But, not surprised that India did this. They want to appear progressive I guess.
Non-emergency abortion is simply murder.

But, not surprised that India did this. They want to appear progressive I guess.

Not every random thought that pops in the head needs to be a post. It’s counter productive.

In sub continent countries there is a lot of abuse etc that is swept under the carpet.

Also lot of deaths happen during child labor etc due to ectopic and other dangerous pregnancies.

Non-emergency murder or murder is illegal and no one wants to do that for fun unless they are criminals.

Such laws can only be binary. You can’t wait for court permissions etc in such medical cases which might make it too late. So best bet is to make it binary and leave it to peoples morality.

Hope that is clear.
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Non-emergency abortion is simply murder.

But, not surprised that India did this. They want to appear progressive I guess.

Murder or not, you cannot force a woman to undergo pregnancy & give birth to a baby if she doesnt want to, especially if the state is not in a position to take care of that baby later throughout his/her life, Period.

Hope we had saner minds prevailing on this topic here in the States as well.
Murder or not, you cannot force a woman to undergo pregnancy & give birth to a baby if she doesnt want to, especially if the state is not in a position to take care of that baby later throughout his/her life, Period.

Hope we had saner minds prevailing on this topic here in the States as well.

Baby has a right to live.

You do not murder someone just because someone doesn't feel like it.

Emergency situations should be the only exceptions when abortion can be permitted.
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Baby has a right to live.

You do not murder someone just because someone doesn't feel like it.

Emergency situations should be the only exceptions when abortion can be permitted.

The baby cannot live if mother doesnt want to give birth to it, so how can you say that its rights trumps that of the mother?

And if people are so concerned about the babies, let them/ the concerned government give an undertaking to the mother that they will take complete financial, educational, emotional care of the baby for the rest of his life - but no, their concern for the child ends at the moment of its birth.

If the emotional, social & financial repercussion of the child has to be unfortunately borne by that poor woman for the rest of her life, then it is her right to choose to give birth to an urborn child or not - especially if the father is no longer in the picture.
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The baby cannot live if mother doesnt want to give birth to it, so how can you say that its rights trumps that of the mother?

And if people are so concerned about the babies, let them/ the concerned government give an undertaking to the mother that they will take complete financial, educational, emotional care of the baby for the rest of his life - but no, their concern for the child ends at the moment of its birth.

If the emotional, social & financial repercussion of the child has to be unfortunately borne by that poor woman for the rest of her life, then it is her right to choose to give birth to an urborn child or not - especially if the father is no longer in the picture.

If mother's life is in danger, abortion is understandable and justified.

If your excuse is hardship, that's not a valid excuse. We do not know the future; why kill a baby based on unknown future?
If mother's life is in danger, abortion is understandable and justified.

If your excuse is hardship, that's not a valid excuse. We do not know the future; why kill a baby based on unknown future?

For me, the right of a woman on her own body is worth more than 10 babies. A group of men forcing a woman to give birth to an unwanted child while the father who is equally culpable escapes without any repercussions, is a big patriarchal issue.

Also there are many reasons a women may not want a child - rape or incest could be one, developmental diseases like down syndrome in the fetus could be other. But economic or emotional hardship is as good excuse as any. Giving birth to a child is not the only duty of a parent, nurturing him or her is equally important- We all see social repercussions of kids who dont have involved parents in their lives emotionally or financially - most live on the fringes of the society living in orphanages/foster system &/or fall prey to crimininal gangs. Only a few lucky ones actually get adopted into good families & lead good lives.

Besides any reason to reduce the population burden on the planet is good enough for me. Especially one whom nobody wants- not even its mother.
more Gendercide to come in India.

Already 1.2 MILLION fetuses are aborted every year in India when the gender of fetus is revealed to be a female.

Perhaps the most miserable country in the world to be in as a female.

Six months ago, I traveled to India to see firsthand what the prime minister of that country calls a national shame. It is the systematic, widespread, shocking elimination of India's baby girls. Some 50,000 female fetuses are aborted every month in India. Baby girls are often killed at birth, either thrown into rivers, or left to die in garbage dumps. Its estimated that one million girls in India "disappear" every year....

Elizabeth Vargas ABC News
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more Gendercide to come in India.

Already 1.2 MILLION fetuses are aborted every year in India when the gender of fetus is revealed to be a female.

Perhaps the most meetable country in the world to be in as a female.

Firstly revealing sex of the child before birth in India is illegal. Which means these people won’t be affected one way or the other regardless of the law which is unfortunate but true.

So apart from attempt at some bizarre point scoring of no relevance your post accomplishes nothing.
Firstly revealing sex of the child before birth in India is illegal. Which means these people won’t be affected one way or the other regardless of the law which is unfortunate but true.

So apart from attempt at some bizarre point scoring of no relevance your post accomplishes nothing.

Yep, 1.2 million baby girls are killed in your home, and you yawn. Are we even surprised?
Yep, 1.2 million baby girls are killed in your home, and you yawn. Are we even surprised?

Look you probably went googling for the first anti-india article you could find but let me try and explain at least for the benefit of others who want to discuss the topic.

Firstly yes what you posted is a horrible and disgusting statistic. I am not even going to debate that because it is possible. The government did its best by having some laws to avoid gender reveal. This is not new law but existed in India since many years. However just like rapists, terrorists, murderers etc criminals will exist.

Also preferring male child etc is an unfortunate cultural and social evil in subcontinent and not exclusive to India. I don’t want to fall in the trap of looking up disgusting things that happen in Pakistan with regards to women/girl child and start a measuring contest just for some online point scoring.
For me, the right of a woman on her own body is worth more than 10 babies. A group of men forcing a woman to give birth to an unwanted child while the father who is equally culpable escapes without any repercussions, is a big patriarchal issue.

A group of men preventing a woman from murdering a baby (without an emergency reason). Fixed it for you.

If a woman thinks she is not ready for parenting, she shouldn't get pregnant. I am not referring to rape or incest here; I am referring to normal lustful activities.

Also there are many reasons a women may not want a child - rape or incest could be one, developmental diseases like down syndrome in the fetus could be other. But economic or emotional hardship is as good excuse as any. Giving birth to a child is not the only duty of a parent, nurturing him or her is equally important- We all see social repercussions of kids who dont have involved parents in their lives emotionally or financially - most live on the fringes of the society living in orphanages/foster system &/or fall prey to crimininal gangs. Only a few lucky ones actually get adopted into good families & lead good lives.

Economic or emotional hardship is not a valid excuse. Sorry to say.

How can you be sure that child wouldn't be successful? Why assume he would be in a criminal gang? That's harmful pessimism.

Besides any reason to reduce the population burden on the planet is good enough for me. Especially one whom nobody wants- not even its mother.

What a strange comment!

So, you want to see babies murdered just to reduce world population. Why not execute some of the criminals instead?
Yep, 1.2 million baby girls are killed in your home, and you yawn. Are we even surprised?

People become sad when a mass shooter kills 20-30 people.

But, they do not seem to care if millions of baby die in unnecessary abortions.

Just one example of hypocrisy.
A group of men preventing a woman from murdering a baby (without an emergency reason). Fixed it for you.

Men who dont go through the emotional trauma of carrying & delivering an unwanted child (or rather any child) have no locus standii on this issue. It is not our cross to bear.

If a woman thinks she is not ready for parenting, she shouldn't get pregnant. I am not referring to rape or incest here; I am referring to normal lustful activities.

It takes two to tango. If the man is not willing to accept the child, why should a woman be forced to bring it into the world? And if both of them do not want the child, who are we to protest it?

Economic or emotional hardship is not a valid excuse. Sorry to say.

How can you be sure that child wouldn't be successful? Why assume he would be in a criminal gang? That's harmful pessimism.

Thats what statistics say - most violent criminals are products of broken homes. I would rather a child be aborted now, than have another one of those roaming the streets.

What a strange comment!

So, you want to see babies murdered just to reduce world population. Why not execute some of the criminals instead?

I am all for execution of violent criminals as well. As do i support voluntary euthanasia.
We are on the same page on one issue then (executing violent criminals).

I do not support euthanasia, however.

Sorry, my other comments were lost in the formatting of previous comment (I am typing this from my cell)
Parents especially the mother has the right to abort to child if she wants. Many ladies get pregnant outside their own will through rape or forced marriages. With India's population it is the sensible thing to do.