Is it the right decision by PTI to ask IMF to refuse payments to Pakistan due to allegations of rigging

Is it the right decision by PTI to ask IMF to refuse payments to Pakistan due to allegations of rigg

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Sep 11, 2023
Imran pens letter to IMF as Senator Zafar says party supports engagement with financial body

Shortly before PTI founding chairman Imran Khan revealed having written a letter to the IMF on Friday, asking it to make its next loan programme conditional to Pakistan conducting an audit of the February 8 general elections, party leader Senator Barrister Ali Zafar clarified that the country should continue to engage with the IMF.

Senator Zafar said that the engagement with IMF should continue to "ensure financial discipline, good governance, and economic stability which is critical for the prosperity of the people of Pakistan".

However, shortly after Senator Zafar’s statement, Imran told the media that he had written a letter to the IMF addressing allegations of election rigging.

In an unofficial conversation with media representatives at Adiala jail, following the hearing of the £190 million case, the PTI supremo stated that the letter raises concerns about obtaining loans in such circumstances, questioning who would be responsible for repaying the international monetary body in the current circumstances.

Expressing apprehension that this loan would exacerbate poverty, the PTI founder maintained that investment needs to be attracted otherwise the loans will keep piling up. "Political stability needs to come to the country before anything else."

Imran alleged that institutions were compromised to ensure PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif's ‘selection’, causing harm to courts and organisations, including the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) in the process.

Imran contended that "rigging occurred in favour of Nawaz" during the elections after unfairly subjecting him to allegations.

Referring to the Rawalpindi commissioner backtracking from his earlier ‘poll rigging revelations’, the ex-premier claimed that the former official was “picked up and tortured”. "A Vigo came and picked him up. Now his software has been updated," he added.

In today’s statement, PTI leader Barrister Zafar said that Pakistan will always remain a top priority for the party.

Zafar's statement came a day after Imran Khan announced from jail that he would write a letter to the IMF, demanding it to halt the next loan to Pakistan unless there was a thorough probe into the alleged election rigging.

The party faced backlash over the statement’s timing as the country is embroiled in a severe economic crisis, and the upcoming government is already eying a new IMF programme. Experts believed that writing such a letter was a terrible idea as it would not have any value but would lead to burning political capital and creating more rifts between the PTI and powerful stakeholders.

Zafar stated that the PTI will endorse all the initiatives that align with the "benefit of the country and in national interest".

Furthermore, the party leader maintained that the PTI remained steadfast in its "struggle for democracy" and "will continue to raise its voice at all forums and expect the international community’s support".

Zafar, speaking to the media outside Adiala jail later in the day, said the PTI founder has maintained that the IMF programme should continue for the country.

He further quoted Imran by saying that the party supremo has said that the need is to better the economy.

"The PTI founder has said that there is a need for political and economic stability and we will raise our voice for democracy on every forum possible," Zafar said quoting Imran.

A day earlier, Zafar said, “The whole world saw that the peoples' vote was stolen in Pakistan.” After meeting with Imran in jail he emphasised that “democracy cannot run on the mandate of theft”. He added that “when lending institutions see that there is no democracy, they do not give loans.”

In his media talk, Zafar, accompanied by incumbent PTI chairman Barrister Gohar, said that “our letter will be addressed to the IMF, and if the IMF desires discussion, an audit of election rigging must precede any dialogue.” He stressed, “Where rigging is proven, rectification must occur before the IMF engagement.”

“Our agreement with the IMF is contingent upon an audit against rigging,” he reiterated. In response to a question regarding asking Imran to reconsider writing the letter to the IMF, as such a move could enhance economic crises, Zafar said that he instead agreed with the move, saying linking loan with audit was “a necessary condition”.

Also addressing the media outside Adiala jail today following his meeting with Imran, PTI’s Barrister Gohar Khan reiterated the party’s intention to write a letter to the IMF, “reinforcing commitment to the welfare of the nation”.

He stressed on the PTI's "unwavering commitment to not taking any step that would go against the state and democracy". The letter to the IMF, he assured, would be presented promptly, “underscoring the party's dedication to the well-being of Pakistan”.

During this interaction, Barrister Gohar criticised the current caretaker setup and asserted that it failed to oversee fair and just elections.

In the course of the media briefing, he mentioned the request made for the protection of commissioner Rawalpindi and his family to the judiciary. “The absence of this safeguard,” he claimed, “is what led to a change in the commissioner's earlier statement”.

Touching upon electoral matters, the PTI chairman clarified that Form 45 were accurate, deeming Form 47 as fraudulent.

However, the PTI leader, looking ahead of the current situation, conveyed that the PTI will be a part of parliament.

Furthermore, Gohar highlighted that collective efforts were being made to enhance the country's economy, legal framework, and democratic processes.

A day earlier, Analysts and rival political leaders criticised the PTI supremo's decision to write a letter to the IMF.

“Imran Khan reportedly plans to write a letter to the IMF demanding it not to fund Pakistan due to election rigging. Such a letter would be disregarded and have no value, but what a terrible idea. Pakistan badly needs a new loan. Not getting one could be catastrophic for the economy.” Michael Kugelman, the director of the South Asia Institute at the Washington DC-based Wilson Centre, stated on X, formerly Twitter.

Renowned political expert, Zaigham Khan said that Imran Khan has taken a dangerous decision by deciding to write a letter to the IMF.

“The IMF’s new programme is a matter of life and death for Pakistan,” Zaigham said, saying it is the only thing that can stop Pakistan from default at the moment. Without the IMF programme, he said, neither friendly countries nor any global institutions would provide any financial support to Pakistan. He warned that such a situation could lead to a similar situation that Sri Lanka faced a few months ago.

Furthermore, PPP leader Sharjeel Inam Memon said that the PTI has again stooped to its nefarious practices of destabilising the country for its lust for power.

The PTI has sent a letter to the IMF urging it to link the release of funds to the audit of the electoral process, Sharjeel said, adding that “it is a shameful act”.

The PTI’s demand to freeze the funds for Pakistan means causing economic misery for the people of the country, he said while talking to The Express Tribune.

The recent move by the PTI is an eye opener for the people of Pakistan, Sharjeel said and elaborated that the PTI was trying to torment the entire country to get power or to undo the elections.

Express Tribune

If he was genuinely concerned about the Pakistani economy, he should have joined the coalition government for the sake of Pakistan.
Bro his own Ego is bigger than carrying about the country.

He would rather be the PM of the state and watch it be destroyed than try to help the country.

I think politicians need to have a retirement date set because as they get older they become buffoons.
Poll added. Please vote and shed some light on this decision by the PTI.
He's looking to handicap the current government+establishment combo. I suppose his anger against them is justified, but the pain will be borne by the populace.
I don't think these kinds of letters have any importance for IMF to take some serious action against Pakistan.
If he was genuinely concerned about the Pakistani economy, he should have joined the coalition government for the sake of Pakistan.
If they were genuinely concerned about the economy they shouldn't have stolen the mandate of the people.
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What about Pakistani sovereignty ? Imran ironically now asking an external body to interfere in an internal matter.
Bro his own Ego is bigger than carrying about the country.

He would rather be the PM of the state and watch it be destroyed than try to help the country.

I think politicians need to have a retirement date set because as they get older they become buffoons.
So those that have stolen the election care for the country? And those that have won the mandate with a 2/3rd majority are just supposed to support them. Well how about those that stole the elections and won less than 60 seats( PPP,PML and MQM) support those that have the peoples confidence.
He's a pure fasadi

He's a modern day peer roshan and his biggest support is in the ethno fascist heartlands of kpk and illegal Afghans.

He wants to create a 1971 situation with the pashtun hinterlands and balochistan rebelling against the center.

The mughals faced the same nonsense from these people.
It is a reasonable request.
how so?
Because of the ukraine war, the inflation will keep on increasing in Pakistan. 2024 is going to be a bad year, how is it a reasonable request to make to imf to refuse payment. Pakistan will suffer, its people will suffer.

Pakistan is bigger than imran
He's a pure fasadi

He's a modern day peer roshan and his biggest support is in the ethno fascist heartlands of kpk and illegal Afghans.

He wants to create a 1971 situation with the pashtun hinterlands and balochistan rebelling against the center.

The mughals faced the same nonsense from these people.
The biggest Fasadi is the establishment .

I don't blame ANY politician for decline or stagnation of Pakistan progress. Establishment is the reason Pakistan is where it is today. Why do we keep on going to IMF? A begging bowl country for last 76 years
how so?
Because of the ukraine war, the inflation will keep on increasing in Pakistan. 2024 is going to be a bad year, how is it a reasonable request to make to imf to refuse payment. Pakistan will suffer, its people will suffer.

Pakistan is bigger than imran
Pakistan is bigger than Establishment as well.
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how so?
Because of the ukraine war, the inflation will keep on increasing in Pakistan. 2024 is going to be a bad year, how is it a reasonable request to make to imf to refuse payment. Pakistan will suffer, its people will suffer.

Pakistan is bigger than imran

He didnt ask for them to not make payments to Pakistan.

He asked for them to make it conditional on an audit.

The IMF has many conditions, whats the harm in asking for an audit as an extra condition?

An audit if satisfactory will also give confidence to the public and strengthen the government.
IMF should also audit the assets all those serving in government. Ask them to relinquish the right to travel for 10 years, and make it mandatory for their children to remain in Pakistan for there studies.

@Major you openly acknowledged that they rigged and stole the seats yet you have faith in them to secure and distribute large sums of cash.
If this isn't treason then I don't know what is. IK is a arsonist who will do anything just to fuel his lust for power.

Funny thing is that this isn't the first time he has tried to burn the country to the ground. His 2014 dharna, 2022 subversion of the constitution and attempts to stop COAS's appointment were all acts of treachery and yet he continues to get away scot free
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Asking outside agencies to not supporting the recognized government is asking them to work against the best interests of your country. It can easily be seen as treason. In olden days people used to conspire against the kings by working with enemy ministers and generals. Now IK is doing the same with non Pakistani institutions.

Greed for power is the most corrupting force in the world. IK seems to feel it’s okay to bring down Pakistan to achieve his goals. Lots of Indian forums make fun that IK is the best Indian mole in Pakistan, Indian ever had. It is easy to believe that based on the way he has behaved in the last two years. He has to lean to work with the other people to take the country forward not believe that whole world is corrupt and he alone is the savior when lot of what he has done is very questionable
It's clear you dont know what treason is buddy.
I mean if trying to prevent the entry of a billion dollar loan- a loan which is the only thing saving us from default- just because you cannot cooperate with other political parties is not considered treason than I don't know what is
I mean if trying to prevent the entry of a billion dollar loan- a loan which is the only thing saving us from default- just because you cannot cooperate with other political parties is not considered treason than I don't know what is
Working with international institutions to undermine the recognized government is the definition of treason. He accused the opposition of doing the same thing regarding the VONC. Now he is openly doing it. He tried to start a revolution with just his unproved accusations resulting in death if innocent people. Now he is actually doing what he accused others.
It is a right decision to warn the IMF of chors who are coming in via stolen mandate. They will loot and plunder whatever amount they will get and run away in a year time.

He is merely asking the IMF to investigate the mother of all riggings.
Asking outside agencies to not supporting the recognized government is asking them to work against the best interests of your country. It can easily be seen as treason. In olden days people used to conspire against the kings by working with enemy ministers and generals. Now IK is doing the same with non Pakistani institutions.

Greed for power is the most corrupting force in the world. IK seems to feel it’s okay to bring down Pakistan to achieve his goals. Lots of Indian forums make fun that IK is the best Indian mole in Pakistan, Indian ever had. It is easy to believe that based on the way he has behaved in the last two years. He has to lean to work with the other people to take the country forward not believe that whole world is corrupt and he alone is the savior when lot of what he has done is very questionable
Recognized government? When did that happen?

Mother of all rigging took place post Feb 8. And fake ballot papers are still being stamped today!
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Will make no difference. Big daddy USA will give the corrupted government the green light.

Remember they are the reason why imran is in jail today.
Asking outside agencies to not supporting the recognized government is asking them to work against the best interests of your country. It can easily be seen as treason. In olden days people used to conspire against the kings by working with enemy ministers and generals. Now IK is doing the same with non Pakistani institutions.

Greed for power is the most corrupting force in the world. IK seems to feel it’s okay to bring down Pakistan to achieve his goals. Lots of Indian forums make fun that IK is the best Indian mole in Pakistan, Indian ever had. It is easy to believe that based on the way he has behaved in the last two years. He has to lean to work with the other people to take the country forward not believe that whole world is corrupt and he alone is the savior when lot of what he has done is very questionable
We say the same about Modi. Our man has destroyed India's interfaith Harmony.
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*"Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan’s main opposition leader, urged Washington on Friday to consider withdrawing aid and military support from the country’s military-led regime until a return to full democracy is assured. Ms Bhutto’s call came ahead of the arrival in Pakistan of John Negroponte, the US deputy secretary of state."*

Wonder if she should have arrested for treason? What say you Major?
Recognized government? When did that happen?

Mother of all rigging took place post Feb 8. And fake ballot papers are still being stamped today!
If other word power are ready to work with your government they are recognized by international communities. Even Pak's best friend China has no problem recognizing them. All PTI supporters can whine on the social media but it won't change the fact that what ever government comes up will be recognized by every international forum.
Yes, because the Establishment will get the money to plunder and choose the government and future generations ll have to repay for the sons and daughters of the Establishment and other thieves.
According to journalists close to establishment. Establishment wants firewall like system like in China

China is a superpower and one of the most developed nations in the world, people there can tolerate censorship. We are third country with one of the worst HDI in the world. The more you suppress people, people will hate you more.
Yes, because the Establishment will get the money to plunder and choose the government and future generations ll have to repay for the sons and daughters of the Establishment and other thieves.
These establishment guys are not even accountable. Buy a good house abroad, live there peacefully after retirement. It is insane how much money Bajwa has made during his tenure.
If other word power are ready to work with your government they are recognized by international communities. Even Pak's best friend China has no problem recognizing them. All PTI supporters can whine on the social media but it won't change the fact that what ever government comes up will be recognized by every international forum.
Come back in a year.
IMF is an international body, why would they give any importance to a letter from a political party from Pakistan? I think PTI should not have done that. It will make no difference.
The letter by itself is pretty pointless and hardly worth debating. The IMF just approved a $4.7B loan to Bangladesh. Does anyone seriously think the election there was free and fair? They care about 2 things
- The government should be relatively stable: dicey in the short term but okay in the medium term since the Army stands guarantee
- The government should not be anti-west or more specifically anti-US: fine in this case

Pakistan will get the loan. Whether it can use the breathing space it will give to make the necessary fundamental changes in the economy is the bigger question.
The letter by itself is pretty pointless and hardly worth debating. The IMF just approved a $4.7B loan to Bangladesh. Does anyone seriously think the election there was free and fair? They care about 2 things
- The government should be relatively stable: dicey in the short term but okay in the medium term since the Army stands guarantee
- The government should not be anti-west or more specifically anti-US: fine in this case

Pakistan will get the loan. Whether it can use the breathing space it will give to make the necessary fundamental changes in the economy is the bigger question.
Imf denied Veneuzla loans for the same reason we want them to deny us loans

*"Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan’s main opposition leader, urged Washington on Friday to consider withdrawing aid and military support from the country’s military-led regime until a return to full democracy is assured. Ms Bhutto’s call came ahead of the arrival in Pakistan of John Negroponte, the US deputy secretary of state."*

Wonder if she should have arrested for treason? What say you Major?
I guess no answer to this
Imf denied Veneuzla loans for the same reason we want them to deny us loans
Whatever the official reason given, Venezuela precisely fits the second condition I outlined for getting a loan from the IMF. They are virulently anti-US. In reality, you can have an utter sham of an election as long as you can show stability and not be anti-US.
We say the same about Modi. Our man has destroyed India's interfaith Harmony.
Lol at interfaith harmony. Just because there was no social media, doesn't mean they were living in peace. Hindus and Muslims have never lived in harmony.
Can someone please educate me why there is so much dependency on IMF in first place? What have the politicians done all these years for Pakistan? They have got richer and the country is in a complete mess.
According to journalists close to establishment. Establishment wants firewall like system like in China

China is a superpower and one of the most developed nations in the world, people there can tolerate censorship. We are third country with one of the worst HDI in the world. The more you suppress people, people will hate you more.
Twitter has been down but the guys that blocked twitter are themselves using VPNs.
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Can someone please educate me why there is so much dependency on IMF in first place? What have the politicians done all these years for Pakistan? They have got richer and the country is in a complete mess.
The IMF is a lender of last resort. Their support is used to shore up Foreign reserves as PK doesn't export enough and hasn't done so for decades. They rose under Mush, stayed OK under PPP and crashed Munshi and his expertise. This was when the international prices of raw materials was low but somehow Munshi destroyed this great opportunity. IK and the team got them to rise by a 1/3rd and we were heading for $40bn. The other reason IMF is important is because it creates confidence that the govt won't go rogue and start spending billions that it doesn't have. This gives confidence to other lenders. This is similar to Fitch and other ratings agencies
Benazir demanded sanctions be placed on Pakistan from the US in the 80's.

PML-N and PPP refused to support and Co operate with the pti on the IMF deal.

PML-N and PPP refused to co operate with the PTI government on helping them pass legislation to meet the requirements in order to get out of the FATF Grey list and instead demanded an NRO from all their corruption cases in exchange for their support on the FATF legislation.

PML-N and PPP supporters should not be passing patriotism and treason certificates on others.
The letter is a master stroke. Any loans given by the IMF to this PDM administration after this letter will qualify as odious debt which means in the future a pti administration can refuse to pay the debt stating that it qualifies as odious debt which means pti will have legal grounds to refuse to repay it.

Keep in mind when IK and PTI helped the PDM government to obtain their last imf loan in June 2023 by signing off on it, did so subject to the promise that free and fair elections will be held.
Imran has particularly low equity with the IMF because if I remember right, he broke the deal and commitments he signed with them with zero notice when he felt he was in danger of losing power.

They will have very little trust in him and military assurances that he will not be allowed to return may play a part in their decision on whether to enter into a fresh loan agreement with Pakistan.
Selfish if true.

Similar to the Modi mentality of winning at any cost, nation be damned.
Can someone please educate me why there is so much dependency on IMF in first place? What have the politicians done all these years for Pakistan? They have got richer and the country is in a complete mess.
Politicians? Have you seen the budget of your Establishment?
Selfish if true.

Similar to the Modi mentality of winning at any cost, nation be damned.
Modi works for the nation.

He doesn't have any wives or kids or property overseas.

I hope Pakistan get a Modi one day ( minus treatment of minorities).
The letter is a master stroke. Any loans given by the IMF to this PDM administration after this letter will qualify as odious debt which means in the future a pti administration can refuse to pay the debt stating that it qualifies as odious debt which means pti will have legal grounds to refuse to repay it.

Keep in mind when IK and PTI helped the PDM government to obtain their last imf loan in June 2023 by signing off on it, did so subject to the promise that free and fair elections will be held.
Yeah the loan is for Establishment, they want the loan, if Pakistan doesnt pay the pay the loan how will Establishment get its next loan?
Political stability is more valuable than pity cash injections. Without structural reforms, even $100B wouldn't take Pak out of its economic hardships.

If the IMF goes ahead and cooperates with PDM, then the IMF will be working with a government that was not elected.

According to the letter sent by PTI, the IMF must include conditions that assure that the mandate of the people of Pakistan is respected, a perfectly reasonable request. Those who are arguing otherwise are not familiar with Pakistan and its current unstable state. Working with PDM right now would lead to a much larger economic crisis down the line because PDM seems to have lost any shred of consciousness it once possessed. PDM is currently behaving like a zombie with no sense of direction. It would be expected that PDM will mess up the economy again, as they did in 2022-23.

I think PTI wouldn't be as aggressive with its narrative as it currently is if the PDM parties didn't lose by such a big margin. The scale of rigging and manipulation that took place in the recent election is unparalleled.
Tarar criticises Imran over letter to IMF

PML-N leader Ataullah Tarar has questioned the basis under which PTI founder Imran Khan wants to write a letter to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) regarding an audit of the general elections.

“Under what relation do you say that you will write a letter to the IMF?” he asked while speaking to the media in Lahore.

Tarar stated that if Imran should also mention in the letter that he had been imprisoned after being convicted in corruption cases.

“Would you tell them that your cabinet carried out the $190m scandal?” Tarar asked. “When you write a letter to the IMF then mention it in the letter that you used religion for your political narrative,” he added

Tarar criticises Imran over letter to IMF

PML-N leader Ataullah Tarar has questioned the basis under which PTI founder Imran Khan wants to write a letter to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) regarding an audit of the general elections.

“Under what relation do you say that you will write a letter to the IMF?” he asked while speaking to the media in Lahore.

Tarar stated that if Imran should also mention in the letter that he had been imprisoned after being convicted in corruption cases.

“Would you tell them that your cabinet carried out the $190m scandal?” Tarar asked. “When you write a letter to the IMF then mention it in the letter that you used religion for your political narrative,” he added

These are the people who are in PMLN...

Supporters of these idiots should open their eyes
Tarar criticises Imran over letter to IMF

PML-N leader Ataullah Tarar has questioned the basis under which PTI founder Imran Khan wants to write a letter to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) regarding an audit of the general elections.

“Under what relation do you say that you will write a letter to the IMF?” he asked while speaking to the media in Lahore.

Tarar stated that if Imran should also mention in the letter that he had been imprisoned after being convicted in corruption cases.

“Would you tell them that your cabinet carried out the $190m scandal?” Tarar asked. “When you write a letter to the IMF then mention it in the letter that you used religion for your political narrative,” he added

Tarrar makes the witch look like a Rhodes scholar.
Politicians? Have you seen the budget of your Establishment?

Was curious so I googled it:

In terms of the armed forces, the Pakistan Army will receive the majority of the 2023–24 defence budget, as is customary. The army's allocation will reportedly be PKR824.6 billion or about 46% of the expenditure. The Pakistan Air Force and Pakistan Navy will receive PKR368.6 billion and PKR188.2 billion, respectively.

I think it's brilliant how the Pakistani establishment has conditioned the supporters of the major parties to hate and blame each other for everything.

The corruption arguments are really funny. Let's assume the ruling party steals a billion a year (ridiculous I know). That's only 0.3% off the growth rate of $340 Billion economy. Barely a pinprick.

It's human nature though though to save your worst vitriol for those you think are stealing the pennies off you and the establishment knows how to exploit that.

If all the democratic parties got together and demanded izzat for the vote, the establishment wouldn't stand a chance but no, all of them are in the 'No compromise' mode
Was curious so I googled it:

In terms of the armed forces, the Pakistan Army will receive the majority of the 2023–24 defence budget, as is customary. The army's allocation will reportedly be PKR824.6 billion or about 46% of the expenditure. The Pakistan Air Force and Pakistan Navy will receive PKR368.6 billion and PKR188.2 billion, respectively.

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Benazir demanded sanctions be placed on Pakistan from the US in the 80's.

PML-N and PPP refused to support and Co operate with the pti on the IMF deal.

PML-N and PPP refused to co operate with the PTI government on helping them pass legislation to meet the requirements in order to get out of the FATF Grey list and instead demanded an NRO from all their corruption cases in exchange for their support on the FATF legislation.

PML-N and PPP supporters should not be passing patriotism and treason certificates on others.
Well remembered. These crooks refused to support the FATF agreement, even though we were in FATF because of these crooks.
Politicians? Have you seen the budget of your Establishment?
Who passes the budget in NA? When people vote for these people they should have guts to take the right decisions for the country, otherwise just stay out of politics.
Ik has warned Imf of the consequences because here monkeys have got the rifle, these jokers have promised 200-300 units free electricity, IMF mission should be aware of the mental capacity if these clowns. But I guess it's the Co. Which will polish off U.S to get backing for loan
The salaries, perks and privileges for the National Assembly members in the budget for this year will be Rs 1.5 billion and each MNA is entitled to 25 Business Class tickets paid by the state. This is what our tax money and IMF loans are used for.
Who passes the budget in NA? When people vote for these people they should have guts to take the right decisions for the country, otherwise just stay out of politics.

The 'passing the budget' I'm sure is just a formality. The establishment gets what it wants, leaving the scraps for the civilian populace.
Who passes the budget in NA? When people vote for these people they should have guts to take the right decisions for the country, otherwise just stay out of politics.
You think these people have a choice? If they don’t pass a budget the required person they get chucked out as seen with the three, it’s pretty obvious these people are just middle men for IMF and Establishment.
Looks like some Pakistani posters are still of the view its the PML N AND PTI who are in charge of things, that’s amazing, they are corrupt puppets yes but are they in charge?
You think these people have a choice? If they don’t pass a budget the required person they get chucked out as seen with the three, it’s pretty obvious these people are just middle men for IMF and Establishment.
Lol, I wasn’t born yesterday. I am fully aware of who runs the show there. That was not the point. The people give their votes to political parties and it’s up to them to stop taking dictations from elsewhere and rather make the best decisions for the country. But instead they are making compromises, getting richer themselves and leave the country in a mess. Unless this changes the people will continue suffering. Again the people vote and they want answers from those they vote for.
Looks like some Pakistani posters are still of the view its the PML N AND PTI who are in charge of things, that’s amazing, they are corrupt puppets yes but are they in charge?
Lol calm down with your lecture. Every mature poster knows what is happening in the country.
In other words IMF is also trying to convey that we can't trust this "ganja party" as they are corrupt to the core.
Political stability is more valuable than pity cash injections. Without structural reforms, even $100B wouldn't take Pak out of its economic hardships.

If the IMF goes ahead and cooperates with PDM, then the IMF will be working with a government that was not elected.

According to the letter sent by PTI, the IMF must include conditions that assure that the mandate of the people of Pakistan is respected, a perfectly reasonable request. Those who are arguing otherwise are not familiar with Pakistan and its current unstable state. Working with PDM right now would lead to a much larger economic crisis down the line because PDM seems to have lost any shred of consciousness it once possessed. PDM is currently behaving like a zombie with no sense of direction. It would be expected that PDM will mess up the economy again, as they did in 2022-23.

I think PTI wouldn't be as aggressive with its narrative as it currently is if the PDM parties didn't lose by such a big margin. The scale of rigging and manipulation that took place in the recent election is unparalleled.

Very well put. I don't think there's going to be any impact of this letter but it gives ammunition to anti Imran Khan and PTI to reinforce what they believe about Imran Khan to be anti state. It also to give many of the pro PTI people to have something to criticize Imran Khan on. It's tragically funny and ironic seeing the PDM parties teaming up "in the best interest of the country" like how stupid do they think the poeple of this country are? Nothing will improve and these dynastic parties will maximize their profits from corruption ensuring their future generations are secure and mantain their stronghold over the political infrastructure.
Lol, I wasn’t born yesterday. I am fully aware of who runs the show there. That was not the point. The people give their votes to political parties and it’s up to them to stop taking dictations from elsewhere and rather make the best decisions for the country. But instead they are making compromises, getting richer themselves and leave the country in a mess. Unless this changes the people will continue suffering. Again the people vote and they want answers from those they vote for.
Lets assume a party tries to do that, tries to cut Establishment’s budget what do you think will happen?
Lol, I wasn’t born yesterday. I am fully aware of who runs the show there. That was not the point. The people give their votes to political parties and it’s up to them to stop taking dictations from elsewhere and rather make the best decisions for the country. But instead they are making compromises, getting richer themselves and leave the country in a mess. Unless this changes the people will continue suffering. Again the people vote and they want answers from those they vote for.
If the politicians or civilians question a Black Vigo comes and picks them up.. and boom. They disappear.
Pakistan is a Garrison state serving the boots and Americans and Western nations are happy to keep Pakistani civilians as slaves to IMF etc. A revolution is required but so far majority of Pakistani populace is sleeping like cowards.
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He has done similar thing in the past also when he was doings dharnas in 2014, and he called for a civil disobey movement which failed badly. His useless dharnas alone cost Pakistan billions of loss as well as China's president cancelled his tour to pakistan for CPEC.

But he is not the only to blame here, as he was betrayed by PMLN - NS in 2008 elections also in 2020 or 2021 opposition walked out of important session of NA when PTI led government was passing important FATF legislation. It is part and parcel of our politicians to back stab each other. Nothing new here
Lol, I wasn’t born yesterday. I am fully aware of who runs the show there. That was not the point. The people give their votes to political parties and it’s up to them to stop taking dictations from elsewhere and rather make the best decisions for the country. But instead they are making compromises, getting richer themselves and leave the country in a mess. Unless this changes the people will continue suffering. Again the people vote and they want answers from those they vote for.

You constantly try to let the establishment off the hook. Why?
Asking outside agencies to not supporting the recognized government is asking them to work against the best interests of your country. It can easily be seen as treason. In olden days people used to conspire against the kings by working with enemy ministers and generals. Now IK is doing the same with non Pakistani institutions.

Greed for power is the most corrupting force in the world. IK seems to feel it’s okay to bring down Pakistan to achieve his goals. Lots of Indian forums make fun that IK is the best Indian mole in Pakistan, Indian ever had. It is easy to believe that based on the way he has behaved in the last two years. He has to lean to work with the other people to take the country forward not believe that whole world is corrupt and he alone is the savior when lot of what he has done is very questionable
Recognized Government??? Recognized by whom?? Surely not by the tens of Millions of Pakistanis!!!
IMF is an international body, why would they give any importance to a letter from a political party from Pakistan? I think PTI should not have done that. It will make no difference.
What if millions of Pakistanis wrote letters to IMF? Will it make no difference then as well?
What if millions of Pakistanis wrote letters to IMF? Will it make no difference then as well?
If something at that level could be organised, it would be difficult for the IMF to ignore. I doubt it could though.

If someone's going to be able to manage that scale of co-ordination and organisation, why waste it on denying your country a loan? It would be better used in a peaceful civil disobedience campaign or silent marches or sit-ins in front of Army HQs. Or maybe a countrywide bandh where literally nothing moves in the whole of Pakistan for a day to show the Establishment the extent of support or solidarity Imran has. That I doubt the Establishment could ignore. If there's violent protests, they can suppress but such tactics are tougher to beat without completely taking the mask off.
People are missing the point, the point is not to deny Pakistan the loan, PTI going forward when they take charge, they can refuse to pay back the IMF loans stating that these loans qualify as Odious Debt.
Yes, we know PPP and PML-N are corrupt guys but with that aid, one has to be realistic and rational, and therefore it would be reasonable to assume that at least a small % of that aid would be used for the greater good to help Pakistanis.

The poll right here is perhaps the greatest illustration of how PTI is just a cult and it’s for this very reason why I distance myself from PTI supporters because these lot don’t care one bit about Pakistan.

Fear the Almighty before it’s too late because you will be judged for all of your deeds.
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People are missing the point, the point is not to deny Pakistan the loan, PTI going forward when they take charge, they can refuse to pay back the IMF loans stating that these loans qualify as Odious Debt.
I think that's a very dangerous fantasy that can only be entertained be those who have very little idea how the world works.

The money that the IMF lends is not it's own. It belongs to the 190 countries who have contributed their quota (including Pakistan). Of course the big Western countries contributed the most but they have the most as well.

To refuse to repay IMF loans, whatever the country's excuse would essentially be accepting international pariah status in the financial markets. Nobody...N.O.B.O.D.Y...would lend to you any more and you wouldn't even have the lender of last resort which is the IMF. You can stretch, squeeze, renegotiate the loans but you cannot default on an IMF loan.
Pakistan is already struggling with debt and financial crisis. This country cannot afford a default for now. TBH, writing such letters to IMF does not matter. IMF does not care about this letter sent by a party which is running a movement against Rigging and still got nothing to prove in the court as of yet.
People are missing the point, the point is not to deny Pakistan the loan, PTI going forward when they take charge, they can refuse to pay back the IMF loans stating that these loans qualify as Odious Debt.

nation refusing to payback loans when you don't have chance of ever meeting BOP requirements: world will let you starve to death.

Think Pak can do that with the investment loans from from china with their guaranteed returns.
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