Kashmir awaits return of its prized pre-historic treasure


Senior Test Player
Aug 30, 2012
Post of the Week
A gallery has been reserved at the SPS Museum for the antiquities that were excavated at Burzhom, one of the world’s rare pre-historic archaeological sites, but were not returned to state in the past 50 years.

Burzhom site is unique for showcasing different stages of the evolution of people from food gatherers to food producers, between 3000 BC and 1000 BC. It shows fourfold sequence of the oldest cultures in Kashmir--Neolithic period I & II, Megalithic and early historical cultures.

The extensive excavation was conducted at the site by TN Khazanchi under Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) from 1960 to 1971. The antiquities recovered at the site were transferred to Kolkata probably for carbon dating.

The archaeological records state that huge stones called as megalithic menhirs on a karewa were first noticed by foreigners De Terra and TT Paterson in the year 1939, as part of their Yale-Cambridge expedition. The two archaeologists are believed to have collected some bone and stone tools from the site.

Prominent writer Ghulam Nabi Khayal said both foreigners abandoned their excavation after a rumor was floated that storm will struck the site from Taelbal side.

“There was a motive behind it. The local people were apprehensive that excavation of the site will ruin their fields,” he said.
Khayal, who is among the very few people to have witnessed the excavation out at the site during GM Sadiq’s tenure in 1967, said whatever antiquities were found at the site were transferred by the Government of India to Kolkata “on pretext of chemical examination” and also that “these antiquities were not safe in Kashmir”.

This, Khayal said, despite state government’s plan at the time to construct an international standard museum to house the recoveries made at the site.

“I along with some 12 journalists was taken to witnesses the excavation at Burzhom. We saw a stone that had a carving depicting a deer-hunting scene. The area was a jungle then. I saw a long skeleton and pits. One pit had skull and small tools,” said Khayal.

To add weight to Khayal’s observations, last year a team of astrophysicists from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, had revealed that rock art found at Burzhom is likely the oldest human-made star chart and supernova record that occurred in 3600 BC.

The artwork shows two bright objects in the sky, with figures of animals and humans underneath.

The ASI in its report last year had revealed new insights into the Burzahom culture, saying Kashmir had fledgling international trade with neighboring countries as early as 5000 years ago. The report also said people living in Burzahom were adept at weaving and intricate craftsmanship. It had also established links of the site to contemporary Indus Valley civilization and Harappan culture. The excavations carried out at the site revealed well-polished bone and stone tools including harpoons, needles, arrowheads, daggers and scrappers. The tools with fashioned put of antlers were also found, while pottery mostly crude and handmade with steel-grey and shades of dull red, brown and buff were also recovered from the site.

An engraved stone slab depicting a hunting scene showing an antler deer being speared by two hunters with long spear and arrow which dates back to Neolithic phase II, while remains of human and animal burials have been found.

The excavations suggested that humans were buried both primarily and secondarily in oval pits mostly dug into house floors or in the compound. The signs of people using iron and ceramics during megalithic period were also found at the site. The last period of the site belongs to 3rd to 4th century of Christian era. In this period, archaeologists suggest mud bricks were frequently used for building houses, in ceramics, red ware of fine to medium fabric was also used with a type of slip on it.

Despite five decades of wait, the antiquities continue to remain at Purana Qilla storehouse of the ASI in New Delhi and in the Kolkatta office of the Anthropological Survey of India.

Muneer-ul-Islam, director department of archives, archaeology and museums, said he has taken up the matter with the ASI and hopes that state’s prized antiquities would be returned soon.

“I am pursuing the case,” he said. Another official said three to four letters have been sent to the ASI but they haven’t responded. He said now the state has taken up the matter with the ministry of culture. Another worry haunting the state government is that it doesn’t have a record of the antiquities. “We have to accept whatever ASI gives us,” he added. Repeated attempts to reach out to the ASI officials in Delhi proved futile.

Source: https://www.greaterkashmir.com/news...-its-prized-pre-historic-treasure/306524.html
Incredible information this as i had very little knowledge of it. Such rich history which dates back thousands of years.

We need to get our artifacts back from Kolkata. It doesnt take decades to perform carbon dating.
[MENTION=5404]Wasim_Waqar[/MENTION] [MENTION=142117]hisham_ashraf[/MENTION] [MENTION=132658]m.shah[/MENTION] [MENTION=137893]enkidu_[/MENTION] [MENTION=137142]JaDed[/MENTION] [MENTION=142256]Pakistanian[/MENTION]
I had heard about it a bit.This was a knowledgeable article and yeah we need to get that back.Thanks for this sharing this information [MENTION=131678]Madplayer[/MENTION]
They have stole it; it's been decades. Can you lend me your car for research purposes and I will return it after 50 years. Good deal?

Kashmir is an entity under India. Central agencies have every right to take whatever they wish and for any amount of time as they see fit.
Dunno why a Pakistani is losing sleep over something that happened in India.
Kashmir is an entity under India. Central agencies have every right to take whatever they wish and for any amount of time as they see fit.
Dunno why a Pakistani is losing sleep over something that happened in India.

Kashmir is a disputed terroritory. Let's get our facts right first. We seen this week how much Indian the Kashmiris think they are. Let's close our eyes now #Indians
Kashmir is an entity under India. Central agencies have every right to take whatever they wish and for any amount of time as they see fit.
Dunno why a Pakistani is losing sleep over something that happened in India.

And can you lend me your car for 50 years please?
And can you lend me your car for 50 years please?

Didn't your country give away Aksai Chin to China, like give away..

On the topic interesting, but in 1967 should had been left in Kashmir .. hopefully there is more like on subject, there has been a lot.of talk of early.civilization excavation down south too but something went wrong and the lead was transferred,not sure Sang.period.may be.
Didn't your country give away Aksai Chin to China, like give away..

On the topic interesting, but in 1967 should had been left in Kashmir .. hopefully there is more like on subject, there has been a lot.of talk of early.civilization excavation down south too but something went wrong and the lead was transferred,not sure Sang.period.may be.

It was IN FACT your country that gave it away to China, or should I say surrendered it. I find it how Indians how Indians always confuse their defeat in Aksai Chin with Pakistan trading the Shaksgam hill tracts which are TWO DIFFERENT areas that don't even border each other and aren't even the same size :))


Here's another pic from an Indian source so it's easier for y'all to understand


Tl;dr India lost Aksai Chin to China.
It was IN FACT your country that gave it away to China, or should I say surrendered it. I find it how Indians how Indians always confuse their defeat in Aksai Chin with Pakistan trading the Shaksgam hill tracts which are TWO DIFFERENT areas that don't even border each other and aren't even the same size :))


Here's another pic from an Indian source so it's easier for y'all to understand


Tl;dr India lost Aksai Chin to China.

It was IN FACT your country that gave it away to China, or should I say surrendered it. I find it how Indians how Indians always confuse their defeat in Aksai Chin with Pakistan trading the Shaksgam hill tracts which are TWO DIFFERENT areas that don't even border each other and aren't even the same size :))


Here's another pic from an Indian source so it's easier for y'all to understand


Tl;dr India lost Aksai Chin to China.

Thanks..so we lost to China and Pakistan lent to China ,what did you trade it for?
Thanks..so we lost to China and Pakistan lent to China ,what did you trade it for?

The Karakoram highway and close bilateral relations, Pakistan already had 2 hostile neighbors and didn't want to make a third. Also since China had claims over the Shaksgam tracts and the way they humiliated the Indian army in Aksai Chin, they knew they didn't want to risk it.
The Karakoram highway and close bilateral relations, Pakistan already had 2 hostile neighbors and didn't want to make a third. Also since China had claims over the Shaksgam tracts and the way they humiliated the Indian army in Aksai Chin, they knew they didn't want to risk it.

Thanks,So Pak gave it in 1962-63 ,Hope [MENTION=142765]King-Misbah[/MENTION] is reading this.
Whatever that Historic artifact is, it is part of India and it is in good hands being analyzed. Don't know what the fuss is about.

There are many Buddhist artifacts from Andhra Pradesh in other states too. Nobody from Andhra cries about it. Its part of India and owned by India.
Kashmir is a disputed terroritory. Let's get our facts right first. We seen this week how much Indian the Kashmiris think they are. Let's close our eyes now #Indians

Kashmir is an entity under India. Central agencies have every right to take whatever they wish and for any amount of time as they see fit.
Dunno why a Pakistani is losing sleep over something that happened in India.
Kashmir is an entity under India. Central agencies have every right to take whatever they wish and for any amount of time as they see fit.
Dunno why a Pakistani is losing sleep over something that happened in India.
The issue needs to be resolved no matter what you believe in. Whatever the solution is, there are parties to it, Indian, Pakistanis & Kashmiris.
They took it for studies and research purposes.
It's not like they stole it.
Which study in the world takes five decades to complete. Stop fooling yourself India is looting kashmir in every way possible from decades.
The issue needs to be resolved no matter what you believe in. Whatever the solution is, there are parties to it, Indian, Pakistanis & Kashmiris.

Sorry brother but Kashmir belongs to India. I know I sound like a hardcore nationalist here but sometimes truth needs to be said.
India has a free hand in kashmir just like bristish had in pre-partitioned India. They not only kill us but their loot and plunder in the form of electricity is well documented
Sorry brother but Kashmir belongs to India. I know I sound like a hardcore nationalist here but sometimes truth needs to be said.

As I said whoever Kashmir belongs to, there are still three parties to it, Indian, Pakistan and Kashmir. The moment we accept this fact, we will get closer to the solution.