Liz Truss resigns - New Prime Minister for UK 'within the next week'


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
Liz Truss will become the next prime minister after defeating Rishi Sunak in the Conservative Party leadership contest.

Ms Truss, who was the favourite to win the contest, will succeed Boris Johnson on Tuesday and become the nation's third female leader.

She secured 81,326 votes (57%) to Mr Sunak's 60,399 (43%).

It means she won by a comfortable majority, though it was tighter than some had expected.

Ms Truss said it is an "honour to be elected" as she thanked her party for organising "one of the longest job interviews in history".

Mr Johnson, who was forced to announce his resignation after a wave of ministers left his government over a series of controversies, will visit the Queen at Balmoral Castle in Scotland to formally tender his resignation.

People walking past a mural on Hill Street in Belfast by Ciaran Gallagher Art, commissioned by local bar owner Willie Jack, showing conservative party candidates, Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss as two boxers about to fight it out to be the UK Prime Minister. Picture date: Tuesday August 16, 2022.

Shortly after this, Ms Truss will also meet the Queen, who will invite her to form a government.

Ms Truss is expected to make a speech outside Number 10 once she takes office and will then get to work on appointing her cabinet.

She faces the immediate challenge of coming up with a package of support to help households weather a worsening cost of living crisis driven by soaring energy bills.

Ms Truss has promised big tax cuts to boost economic growth, including reversing the rise in National Insurance.

Who is Liz Truss? The prime minister who sees herself as disruptor-in-chief

Mr Sunak and Ms Truss were whittled down to the final two candidates after five rounds of voting by Tory MPs.

The pair went head to head over a summer of hustings and live television debates, during which they clashed repeatedly over their plans for the economy.

Party members had from 1 August to 2 September to cast their votes, which were counted over the weekend.

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Choosing between Truss & Sunak was like
choosing between Vomit & Diarrhea
UK headed to the pits.

I predict a coalition at next GE; I have little faith in Truss - she was a member of the LD party after all. She was a Remainer, than switched to a Brexiteer. She was a disaster as Foreign Secretary.

Recipe for disaster!
All the Tory vermin are cut from the same cloth, but I don’t know, he may have been less of a war mongerer then her and that may have cost him

Let’s get real. These are Tory members. 96% white and mostly old.

What cost him was the colour of his skin.
Let’s get real. These are Tory members. 96% white and mostly old.

What cost him was the colour of his skin.

He wouldn’t have made it this far Robert if that was the case, and I say that as a mixed race bloke. I don’t think that was a significant factor here, this was a very close contest in the end, correct me if am wrong but isn’t the gap smaller between these two compared to previous Tory leadership contests…
He wouldn’t have made it this far Robert if that was the case, and I say that as a mixed race bloke. I don’t think that was a significant factor here, this was a very close contest in the end, correct me if am wrong but isn’t the gap smaller between these two compared to previous Tory leadership contests…

I didn’t say every Tory member is racist. But enough are to make it impossible for Sunak. Remember that they have absorbed much of UKIP.
I didn’t say every Tory member is racist. But enough are to make it impossible for Sunak. Remember that they have absorbed much of UKIP.

I wouldn’t deny that given how they all suck up to Patel’s policies but Rishi for me was too popular for them to have been influenced by race, he did well to pander to the committee and was considered one of them
I wouldn’t deny that given how they all suck up to Patel’s policies but Rishi for me was too popular for them to have been influenced by race, he did well to pander to the committee and was considered one of them

But he still wasn't truly considered one of them. I am not a fan either, I already criticised Rishi plenty on the thread about him, but if we are being honest, he is a far more impressive figure than Truss. If a similar person with the same looks and characteristics but of white heritage stood for the leadership, I am pretty sure he would have won.

Other tories simply don't trust him, maybe they feel Truss will be more dogged and trustworthy when the chips are down.
IMO yes. He has more gravitas and is not gaff-prone like Truss.

I am not familiar with Liz Truss and her agendas, but here in India, most foreign policy analysts are of the opinion that she will be as friendly to India as a Cameron or Johnson, perhaps more.

Tell me one thing, and ask this with no intent to cause offence,

But would a non native non white be acceptable to the wider tory voter? And what about the labour voters?
Guess this is the end of Sunak's political career. He will at the most languish as a MP on the back benches.

May be going back to investment banking is a better choice.
Liz Truss gave a hint of what she plans to do as prime minister in her victory speech after she beat Rishi Sunak in the Conservative Party leadership race.

Here is her speech in full:

"Well, thank you, Sir Graham [Brady]. It's an honour to be elected as leader of the Conservative and Unionist Party.

"I'd like to thank the 1922 committee, the party chairman and the Conservative Party for organising one of the longest job interviews in history.

"Thank you very much. I'd also like to thank my family, my friends, my political colleagues and all of those who helped on this campaign. I'm incredibly grateful for all of your support.

"I'd like to pay tribute to my fellow candidates, particularly Rishi Sunak. It's been a hard-fought campaign. I think we have shown the depth and breadth of talent in our Conservative Party.

"And I also want to thank our outgoing leader, my friend, Boris Johnson. Boris, you got Brexit done, you crushed Jeremy Corbyn, you rolled out the vaccine and you stood up to Vladimir Putin. You are admired from Kyiv to Carlisle.

"Friends and colleagues, thank you for putting your faith in me to lead our great Conservative Party, the greatest political party on earth.

"I know that our beliefs resonate with the British people - our beliefs in freedom, in the ability to control your own life, in low taxes, in personal responsibility, and I know that's why people voted for us in such numbers in 2019.

"And as your party leader, I intend to deliver what we promised those voters right across our great country.

"During this leadership campaign, I campaigned as a Conservative and I will govern as a Conservative.

"My friends, we need to show that we will deliver over the next two years. I will deliver a bold plan to cut taxes and grow our economy. I will deliver on the energy crisis, dealing with people's energy bills, but also dealing with the long term.

"And I will deliver on the National Health Service, we will deliver for all for our country, and I will make sure that we use all the fantastic talents of the Conservative Party, our brilliant members of parliament and peers, our fantastic councillors, our MSs, our MSPs, all of our councillors and activists and members right across our country, because, my friends, I know that we will deliver, we will deliver and we will deliver.

"And we will deliver a great victory for the Conservative Party in 2024, thank you."

The co-chair of the Conservative Party, who raised millions for the 2019 general election, has quit just hours after Liz Truss was announced as the new prime minister.

Ben Elliott, a close ally of Boris Johnson, resigned this afternoon.

With a reshuffle coming tomorrow, some members of the current top team in the government may stand down in anticipation of any changes.

However, a source says that Mr Elliott is still supportive of the PM-elect.

Speaking to Sky News about the development, our deputy political editor, Sam Coates, said: "[Mr Elliott] was a friend of Boris Johnson, he is now departing the scene.

"He is important because he was the fundraiser for the Conservative Party.

Liz Truss speaks at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre, London, after being announced as the new Conservative Party leader and next prime minister
Taxes, the economy, energy, the NHS: Liz Truss's Conservative leadership election victory speech in full

"He did an incredible job in the 2019 general election, raising something like £56m, much of it just in the weeks before that general election."

He said whoever replaces him will have "big shoes to fill".

He added: "They were controversial, but nevertheless, few could pull in the favours, have the friendships, have the contacts to deliver money on that scale for a leader.

"Liz Truss is going to have to find somebody - and find somebody soon - who is willing to do a similar job."

Our deputy political editor Sam Coates explains why Liz Truss will be keen to find someone to replace the man behind the party's fundraising campaigns.

Mr Elliott's departure comes after the minister for the Ukrainian refugee programme quit on Sunday.

Lord Richard Harrington said the role was no longer required because a permanent system was now in place for arrivals.

He has previously distanced himself from the government's controversial scheme to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda, which both the tory leadership contenders pledged to ramp up.

The results of the contest were announced earlier today, with Ms Truss beating rival Rishi Sunak by a comfortable margin - though her victory was slimmer than in other recent leadership contests.

The next question will be who the freshly crowned premier chooses to sit around her cabinet table.

Work and Pensions secretary and ardent supporter of Ms Truss, Therese Coffey, confirmed on Monday afternoon that the new PM will appoint her top team on Tuesday - as she hinted she might be in for a top job.

"I'm really excited and looking forward to taking office tomorrow and get on delivering (our) manifesto and getting growth and I'm really thrilled", she said as she left the Conservative Campaign Headquarters in Westminster

Asked if she's expecting to keep her post in the cabinet, Ms Coffey said: "That is up to the leader of the party, and soon to be prime minister.

"All the posts will be confirmed tomorrow."

Mss Truss has been warned by senior Tories not to stack her cabinet with Boris Johnson allies and offer top positions to MPs aligned with Rishi Sunak to heal divisions.

Key figures expected to be included in the new cabinet include Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng, who is widely tipped to become chancellor, and Education Secretary James Cleverly, who is rumoured to be in line for the post of foreign secretary.

But Dominic Raab, the deputy prime minister and justice secretary, has said he does not expect to be in Liz Truss's government.

Mr Raab was one of Rishi Sunak's most vocal supporters, and was critical of Ms Truss during the campaign.

Speaking after her victory, he said: "Now is the time for unity, we need to get behind Liz Truss."

He added: "I've said I would support her in any capability or capacity...(but I'm) certainly not expecting to be given an appointment."

At least Patel has resigned as Home Sec so some good has come of this.
SKY news headline - "Queen has accepted the resignation of Boris Johnson"

As if had she refused...Boris would have stayed :)))

This age old colonial culture makes me sick to the stomach.
SKY news headline - "Queen has accepted the resignation of Boris Johnson"

As if had she refused...Boris would have stayed :)))

This age old colonial culture makes me sick to the stomach.

Why? What colonies exist? Elizabeth was never Empress of India.
What cost him was the colour of his skin.

Not sure. I think his extreme wealth (even in the context of the Conservative Party) played a part. It’s one thing being comfortably middle class, and it’s quite another being a starry eyed billionaire.
Guess this is the end of Sunak's political career. He will at the most languish as a MP on the back benches.

May be going back to investment banking is a better choice.

Heard rumours that he is headed back to the private sector in the US. He has already held a green card in the past.
Liz Truss has become the prime minister of the United Kingdom after being officially asked by the Queen to form a new government.

The former foreign secretary beat her rival Rishi Sunak to win the Conservative leadership race on Monday and will replace Boris Johnson in Number 10.

In a break with tradition, Ms Truss travelled to Balmoral, where the Queen is on holiday, for her formal appointment.

It was thought to be best for the Queen, 96, not to travel back to London due to her intermittent mobility issues.

A picture of the pair showed them meeting in the drawing room of Balmoral in front of an ornate fireplace.

The smiling monarch, who was wearing a tartan skirt and holding her walking stick, was pictured shaking hands with Ms Truss as she became the 15th prime minister of the Queen's reign - the first being Sir Winston Churchill.

'This is it folks': Boris Johnson calls himself a 'booster rocket' in final speech as PM

Liz Truss to see Queen in Scotland and unveil energy price freeze that could last until 2024 on day one as new prime minister

Now that the so-called kissing the ring ceremony has passed, Ms Truss will return to Downing Street to begin assembling her cabinet.

Several well-known figures have resigned ahead of the expected reshuffle, including Priti Patel, the home secretary, and Nadine Dorries, the culture secretary.

Other MPs will be eagerly waiting by their phones for a job offer, or their marching orders.

Earlier, Mr Johnson gave his last speech as prime minister to a packed Downing Street before travelling to Balmoral to formally tender his resignation to the Queen.

He said he would "get behind Liz Truss every step of the way" and told the Conservative Party that "it is time to get behind" his successor.

Mr Johnson also hinted at a possible political comeback, comparing himself to Cincinnatus, a Roman statesman who resigned and returned to his farm before, according to tradition, becoming leader again in later years.

After Ms Truss returns from Scotland, she will make her own speech on the steps of Number 10 to set the agenda for her leadership.

Supporters of the new prime minister tweeted their congratulations, with one of her closest allies, the current Work and Pensions Secretary Therese Coffey, calling the appointment "brilliant news".

Education Secretary James Cleverly said she had been "a great friend" to him and his wife, adding: "She's been a great foreign secretary, and she will be a great prime minister."

Ms Truss also got well wishes from further afield, with the Irish Taoiseach, Michael Martin, saying he was "committed to a strong and deep relationship between our countries, and to working in an open and constructive way" with the PM.

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Not sure. I think his extreme wealth (even in the context of the Conservative Party) played a part. It’s one thing being comfortably middle class, and it’s quite another being a starry eyed billionaire.

Bodge was always well above "comfortably middle class" though. A middle class family can't afford Eton fees.
Heard rumours that he is headed back to the private sector in the US. He has already held a green card in the past.

Good, no place for a poisonous snake at Downing Street. The back-stabbing serpentine! He will no doubt take his tax avoiding wife with him! Domicile my foot!
What other choice does he have?His career is done in politics..

How so? You can still be a politician without being PM. If he was putting himself forward as PM of this country, it's hardly a good look for him to run to the US just because he didn't get voted as leader of the nation. Especially since his wife has already tried to avoid paying taxes by claiming to be Indian.
In the UK we have some of the most intelligent people who are also caring but after a buffoon called Boris we know have this robotic crazy woman as leader.

More evidence there is no real democracy here but puppets in charge.

Lis Truss already has the blood of British people on her hands. She encouraged Brits to go to Ukraine to fight, many did. Later she did a u-turn asking them not to go when realising under UK law fighting for a foreign nation is illegal.

This woman is a huge warmonger, she will spend more millions to send weapons to Ukraine while her own people will be eating from food banks and hanging around in warm banks this winter.

The downfall of the British nation continues.
Pranksters target Liz Truss's Wikipedia and swap her photo for Celebrity Big Brother star Lauren Harries, 'Big Mo' and cleaning TV star Kim Woodburn (before the page is locked due to 'vandalism')
  • Liz Truss' official Wikipedia page today protected against malicious pranksters
  • Rogue editors swapped out an official portrait for bizarre photographs of celebs
  • Among those included were cleaner Kim Woodburn and EastEnders stars

Liz Truss's Wikipedia page was locked due to 'vandalism' today after rogue editors swapped out her photographs for random celebrities on the day she was crowned Britain's next Prime Minister.

Pranksters ignored the website's terms of use as they targeted the official profile of the new Tory Leader before the page was eventually 'locked' to prevent further malicious edits.

Ms Truss's official Wikipedia page today showed a picture of professional cleaner, Kim Woodburn, 80, who co-presented the Channel 4 hit How Clean Is Your House? with Aggie MacKenzie.

Other bizarre entries to the page included tweaking the images to show fictional EastEnders characters and Celebrity Big Brother star Lauren Harries. In all, her profile was revised more than 75 times on Monday morning alone.

Wikipedia later announced at around 12.15pm that the PM-in-waiting's profile was granted enhanced protections until September 7 in a bid to stamp out 'vandalism'.

According to Wikipedia's official rules, edits will now only be made on Ms Truss's page if a user has been registered for longer than 30 days and has made more than 500 tweaks to existing articles.

Ms Truss's official Wikipedia page instead showed a picture of professional cleaner, Kim Woodburn, who co-presented the Channel 4 hit How Clean Is Your House?

It comes after comedian Joe Lycett sparked the fury of critics after he mockingly applauded Ms Truss and described himself as ‘incredibly right-wing'.

Ms Truss, 47, used the opportunity on Laura Kuenssberg's first flagship Sunday political show to promise 'immediate' action to help Britons with energy costs if she was confirmed as Tory leader.

But her interview was followed by sarcastic applause from Lycett who then claimed to be 'very right wing' despite his frequent criticism of the Tory party and the Government.

A senior Tory party source said: 'That's supposed to be a serious political programme. I think it made Laura Kuenssberg look stupid ... I think it is absurd.

'How could that possibly be the right thing for the BBC to do. If I was the BBC I would issue an apology and say we got it wrong, we made a mistake and we will go back to being a serious political programme.'

And following the announcement that Liz Truss will be the next Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party, Lycett tweeted: 'Yes @trussliz absolutely smashed it babe!!!'

Ms Truss takes the helm of a country in the grip of a cost-of-living crisis after seeing off the former chancellor's challenge with support from 81,326 party members, compared to Mr Sunak's 60,399.

The final margin of victory was smaller than polls had predicted - and lower than that secured by Boris Johnson, Theresa May and David Cameron.

The new Conservative Leader vowed to be 'bold' in cutting taxes and reviving the economy after defeating Rishi Sunak in the Tory leadership contest today.

She said it was an 'honour' to be the new leader of the 'greatest political party on Earth'. 'I know that our beliefs resonate with the British people,' she said.

'I campaigned as a Conservative and I will govern as a Conservative... I will deliver a bold plan to cut taxes and grow our economy.'

In a nod to the looming prospect of a general election, she added: 'We will deliver a great victory for the Conservative Party in 2024.'

Ms Truss also paid tribute to her 'friend' Boris Johnson, who will formally hand over power to her tomorrow, saying he 'got Brexit done, crushed Jeremy Corbyn, rolled out the vaccine, and stood up to Vladimir Putin'.

Tweeting his congratulations, Mr Johnson said Ms Truss 'has the right plan to tackle the cost of living crisis, unite our party and continue the great work of uniting and levelling up our country'.

There appeared to be little warmth between the candidates in the hall, as they sat one seat apart waiting for the outcome.

But Mr Sunak - who is not expected to be offered a big job in the new government - called for unity.

'It's right we now unite behind the new PM, Liz Truss, as she steers the country through difficult times,' he said.

Daily Mail
Some of her cabinet appointments are mind boggling.

Shame Jacob R Mogg hasn't been appointed to any senior role yet!
For the first time, not a single white man will occupy one of the "great offices of state" - PM, home secretary, foreign secretary and chancellor

I knew it! Her Liberalism is getting exposed now! Woke alert! Torjan horse!
Talks like ventriloquist act

Like Priti I wouldnt be surprised if some of these puppets are actual puppets with some sort of half computer brain. How they talk isnt normal for a human being.

Some of her cabinet appointments are mind boggling.

Shame Jacob R Mogg hasn't been appointed to any senior role yet!

Any details on all the names of this new cabinet?
Like Priti I wouldnt be surprised if some of these puppets are actual puppets with some sort of half computer brain. How they talk isnt normal for a human being.

Any details on all the names of this new cabinet?

Kwasi Kwarteng has been named chancellor, James Cleverly is foreign secretary and Suella Braverman is home secretary. Therese Coffey is the new health secretary and deputy PM.
Lis Truss already has the blood of British people on her hands. She encouraged Brits to go to Ukraine to fight, many did. Later she did a u-turn asking them not to go when realising under UK law fighting for a foreign nation is illegal.

It is is legal under UK law as long as the foreign nation is not hostile to UK.

But such a fighter is not protected by the Geneva Convention and can be shot as a spy if captured. Astonishing that she did not know this.
Kwasi Kwarteng has been named chancellor, James Cleverly is foreign secretary and Suella Braverman is home secretary. Therese Coffey is the new health secretary and deputy PM.

Appropriate for her masters & WEF. Kwasi is a big net zero man, Cleverly is ex forces warmonger, Suella is a bigger coconut than Rishi & Priti put together , will be aiming to get more African nations on board to send refugees too.
It is is legal under UK law as long as the foreign nation is not hostile to UK.

But such a fighter is not protected by the Geneva Convention and can be shot as a spy if captured. Astonishing that she did not know this.

So you think I can go to Palestine to fight alongside them against Israel ? Why did Truss then change her tune to say no Brits should go?

Its a grey area as acc to Ukraine and the Brits they are POWs as fighting under the international brigade of Ukrainian forces.
Can’t be worse than Boris.

I wonder. Truss is not a Tory, but a hard-right libertarian. Expect us to leave the ECHR in short order, and suspension of the NIP.
So you think I can go to Palestine to fight alongside them against Israel ? Why did Truss then change her tune to say no Brits should go?

Its a grey area as acc to Ukraine and the Brits they are POWs as fighting under the international brigade of Ukrainian forces.

Hamas is classed as a terrorist organisation. Such a Briton would face jail on return.

Thick Lizzy was ignorant of the auspices of the Geneva Convention. Then some civil servant set her straight. Cocq-up theory again.
Appropriate for her masters & WEF. Kwasi is a big net zero man, Cleverly is ex forces warmonger, Suella is a bigger coconut than Rishi & Priti put together , will be aiming to get more African nations on board to send refugees too.

Yup, it's the full on muppet show and I am convinced it will not be long before the Tories openly admit they miss Boris.

Despite all of this, I am so glad Sunak the snake didn't win!
Hamas is classed as a terrorist organisation. Such a Briton would face jail on return.

Thick Lizzy was ignorant of the auspices of the Geneva Convention. Then some civil servant set her straight. Cocq-up theory again.

Hamas is in Gaza. Palestine also inc the West Bank, so going there to kill a few occupying terrorist Israelis would be fine?
Yup, it's the full on muppet show and I am convinced it will not be long before the Tories openly admit they miss Boris.

Despite all of this, I am so glad Sunak the snake didn't win!

Im sure they will but they dont have a choice. Truss is more a warmonger, puppet of the Elite than Boris.

Sunak would have been worse for only one reason imo, better the shedevil you know.
Prime Minister Liz Truss is putting the finishing touches to her cabinet team.

We take a look at who is known to be leaving government, and some of the possible new faces.

Ms Truss's ally and friend Kwasi Kwarteng has been confirmed as the new chancellor, in charge of the economy. He was previously business secretary.

Therese Coffey - another close ally - moves from work and pensions to become health secretary and deputy prime minister.

James Cleverly moves from being education secretary to become the new foreign secretary.

Suella Braverman has become home secretary; while Ben Wallace stays as defence secretary. Nadhim Zahawi has become Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, running the Cabinet Office. He's also minister for intergovernmental relations and minister for equalities.

Penny Mordaunt is Leader of the Commons, the role that looks after legislation.

Who's out?

On Monday, Home Secretary Priti Patel and Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries made it known they would be standing down.

Ms Patel had been expected to be replaced at the Home Office but insisted leaving government was "her choice". Ms Dorries - a prominent figure in the Truss campaign - was asked to stay on, but plans to return to writing novels.

Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Secretary Dominic Raab - who backed Rishi Sunak in the leadership contest - has confirmed he is returning to the backbenches. So too are Transport Secretary Grant Shapps, Health Secretary Steve Barclay, Levelling Up Secretary Greg Clark, and Northern Ireland Secretary Shailesh Vara.

Veterans Minister Johnny Mercer, who attended Cabinet, has also been sacked. As has another figure who attended Cabinet, party co-chairman Andrew Stephenson.

Another Sunak supporter - former Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove - has said he expects not to be a member of the new government.

It's thought unlikely Rishi Sunak himself will feature in Ms Truss's team - he told the BBC a return to the cabinet was "not something I'm thinking about".

Former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith told the BBC's World At One he had been offered a cabinet job but turned it down in favour of staying on the backbenches.

Who could join the team?

None of these are confirmed but former Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch - who finished fourth in the leadership race after what was widely seen as an impressive campaign for a politician who had been little known outside Westminster - has been linked to several roles, including international trade secretary.

A position might be offered to one of the other contenders in the leadership contest, Tom Tugendhat.

Elsewhere, Ms Truss's fellow Norfolk MP Chloe Smith has been tipped for the work and pensions job.

Jake Berry - who chairs the Northern Research Group of Tory MPs - is said to be in the running for the role of party chairman.

But he still wasn't truly considered one of them. I am not a fan either, I already criticised Rishi plenty on the thread about him, but if we are being honest, he is a far more impressive figure than Truss. If a similar person with the same looks and characteristics but of white heritage stood for the leadership, I am pretty sure he would have won.

Other tories simply don't trust him, maybe they feel Truss will be more dogged and trustworthy when the chips are down.

Completely agree (in bold).

Sunak may not be popular for reasons one can understand but the Tories have gone so far-right that there's no chance for any brown/black skin person to become leader of the UK.

There's no way anyone half decent and relatively competent (like Rishi is) should be losing to Truss, who for me is by far the worst UK leader in living memory.

She wanted to increase sanctions on Russia and as rightly pointed out by [MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION] she was so moronic when she encouraged Brits to go fight for Ukraine.

Liz Truss has no idea when it comes to foreign policy and economics. She will do more harm to the UK.

Labour fans should rejoice as she's decreased the Tories' chance of winning the GE. I will also be voting for Labour.

I don't blame Rishi Sunak if he decides to quit politics. He knows deep down that Lizz Truss can't hold a candle to him and he's been hard done because of racial prejudice among the far-right Conservative members.

Disgusting result and disgusting party.
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When Boris Johnson was aware of allegations of sexual misconduct against Chris Pincher, that was obviously the straw that broke the camel's back.

Anyone with a shred of morality would have opposed Boris. Rishi Sunak was not a snake as [MENTION=149166]Technics 1210[/MENTION] continues to parrot about like a broken record.

If you still support Boris and despise Rishi for bringing him down then clearly you're part of the problem in the world we live in.
Let’s get real. These are Tory members. 96% white and mostly old.

What cost him was the colour of his skin.

It is an interesting point and one that is really very sad, if true.

I thought that perhaps the old white blokes voting for Truss were doing so because of her low tax, small government mantra. However, if that was the case, Rishi was hitting back and explaining that, if you’re making mass interventions in the market such as subsiding everyone’s energy, then by definition you can’t achieve low tax small government. It was puzzling to me why all the Tory voters were just willing to ignore that truth from Rishi. The question is, why? Was it because of the colour of Rishi’s skin?

How are all these Liz supporters going to feel when, on Thursday, she announces a £100m+ intervention in the energy market. Are they going to feel betrayed, or are they not going to care because their primary motives were skin colour not policy?
Hamas is in Gaza. Palestine also inc the West Bank, so going there to kill a few occupying terrorist Israelis would be fine?

Such hypocrisy. Hamas are classed as Terrorists yet the Zionest apartheid state of israel is the peacekeeper, what has the world come to. By the way Puppet Truss is a even bigger suck up to israelies than Boris ever was.
Liz Truss has rewarded her key allies with top jobs in a major reshuffle hours after succeeding Boris Johnson as prime minister.

Kwasi Kwarteng is made chancellor, James Cleverly becomes foreign secretary and Suella Braverman replaces Priti Patel as home secretary.

One of Ms Truss's closest friends, Therese Coffey, is appointed as health secretary and deputy PM.

Her new cabinet will meet ahead of her first Prime Minister's Questions later.

None of those who backed her defeated rival, Rishi Sunak, will remain in her full cabinet, with Dominic Raab, Grant Shapps, George Eustice and Steve Barclay all returning to the backbenches.

But Ms Truss's press secretary said the changes would "unify" the Tory Party and pointed to senior roles for five of her leadership rivals: Suella Braverman, Tom Tugendhat as security minister, Kemi Badenoch as trade secretary, Penny Mordaunt as leader of the Commons, and Nadhim Zahawi as chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.

For the first time, none of the top four "great offices of state" - prime minister, chancellor, home secretary and foreign secretary - is held by a white man.

Meanwhile, the new PM made her first call to a fellow foreign leader, pledging the UK's ongoing support to Ukraine in a call with president Volodymyr Zelensky.

No 10 said Ms Truss was also "delighted" to accept an invitation to visit Ukraine.

She later spoke to US President Joe Biden, where the pair discussed the importance of the UK reaching an agreement with the EU over post-Brexit trading rules in Northern Ireland.

Freezing energy prices and scrapping the social care tax. That's the populist ideas done straight away.

Interesting to see what her actually policies are apart from tax cuts.
It's absurd to even suggest Sunak lost because of his skin colour. This is a typical knee jerk ignorant view from liberals considering:

1. Sunak was in the lead for Tory leadership
2. Sunak made it to the final round in a field of over 10 candidates (most of which whom were white).
3. Sunak was supported by the media.
4. Sunak lost by approx 21000 votes.

What cost Sunak was simply his policies, his performance in the televised debates, his reluctance to cut taxes, his tenure as CoE, his wife's tax avoidance scandal, and his gaffs which revealed he was completely detached from the working class.

In facts it is Liberalism that represents far more racists, fascists, and mysogynists, than any other party in the UK.
It is an interesting point and one that is really very sad, if true.

I thought that perhaps the old white blokes voting for Truss were doing so because of her low tax, small government mantra. However, if that was the case, Rishi was hitting back and explaining that, if you’re making mass interventions in the market such as subsiding everyone’s energy, then by definition you can’t achieve low tax small government. It was puzzling to me why all the Tory voters were just willing to ignore that truth from Rishi. The question is, why? Was it because of the colour of Rishi’s skin?

How are all these Liz supporters going to feel when, on Thursday, she announces a £100m+ intervention in the energy market. Are they going to feel betrayed, or are they not going to care because their primary motives were skin colour not policy?

One said out loud that he would vote for Truss because she is white.

I don’t understand why so many black and brown people don’t grasp the ugly truth that a lot of right wingers are racists - more of late since they absorbed UKIP. These people hate you. The white liberals in Parliament, judiciary and media sat on them and shamed them, but they never went away, and it’s their time again.
Freezing energy prices and scrapping the social care tax. That's the populist ideas done straight away.

Interesting to see what her actually policies are apart from tax cuts.

These tax cut policies will definitely help in the short run and provide the usual bump in popularity.

She has a mammoth long term task with the NHS, Brexit arrangements, Immigration, civil services, cost of living, and of course foreign policy.

Plus if the GBP drops further into record breaking territory, then #11 will have a nightmare on his hands.

I don't see her as lasting beyond the next general election. I am predicting a coalition at the next GE because sooner or later her inner liberalism will come to light and the Tories will get rid of her in a blink of an eye.
Liberals are such narrow-minded folk they cannot think beyond skin colour or gender. This is why they fail to understand the realities of the world. They try to define and solve all problems using colour and gender only.

This is precisely why Liberalism is rooted in narrow-minded generalisations.
It’s also interesting to note that black and brown Tory Ministers are in denial about racism.

I guess they have to be to keep their jobs.
The problem for Liz Truss is she has no personality whatsoever.

She looks robotic and a prepared politician. Totally opposite compared to Boris who was a buffoon but could also apppeal to average joes.

She will appeal to the ultra rich because her mention of tax cuts will be music to their ears but this will only sink the economy to a deeper recession that looks certain to hit by the end of the year.

Regardless the Tories are doomed at the next election. Starner is not that appealing either but he will not need to do much to walk in as the economy will be in a mess for years to come.
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It's absurd to even suggest Sunak lost because of his skin colour. This is a typical knee jerk ignorant view from liberals considering:

1. Sunak was in the lead for Tory leadership
2. Sunak made it to the final round in a field of over 10 candidates (most of which whom were white).
3. Sunak was supported by the media.
4. Sunak lost by approx 21000 votes.

What cost Sunak was simply his policies, his performance in the televised debates, his reluctance to cut taxes, his tenure as CoE, his wife's tax avoidance scandal, and his gaffs which revealed he was completely detached from the working class.

In facts it is Liberalism that represents far more racists, fascists, and mysogynists, than any other party in the UK.

Agreed on Sunak, i watched all the debates and still can't remember a single policy he put forward
The problem for Liz Truss is she has no personality whatsoever.

She looks robotic and a prepared politician. Totally opposite compared to Boris who was a buffoon but could also apppeal to average joes.

She will appeal to the ultra rich because her mention of tax cuts will be music to their ears but this will only sink the economy to a deeper recession that looks certain to hit by the end of the year.

Regardless the Tories are doomed at the next election. Starner is not that appealing either but he will not need to do much to walk in as the economy will be in a mess for years to come.

Yup, Lizz has no persona, at least Boris provided the giggles.

If Labour do win then I don't think it will be down to Starmer but rather voter attrition.
Agreed on Sunak, i watched all the debates and still can't remember a single policy he put forward

He was further criticised and lambasted for making u-turns, one of which included a cut in VAT which he opposed all along.

Sunak was responsible for his loss, not the mystic racists. He played a blinder first move be resigning as CoE, but had no game plan.
Theresa May asks a splendid question, Why is it that all female PMs have been Tories. Truss responds by saying she doesn't know why and counters to Starmer by asking why Labour doesn't have a leader from outside of London!

Theresa May asks a splendid question, Why is it that all female PMs have been Tories. Truss responds by saying she doesn't know why and counters to Starmer by asking why Labour doesn't have a leader from outside of London!


Well Tony Blair is the only Labour leader to have won an election for over 50 years... how many Women led the Tories pre that?
Well Tony Blair is the only Labour leader to have won an election for over 50 years... how many Women led the Tories pre that?

1 more than Labour, Maggie of course, and that was in the 70s! But this isn't about winning an election either, just a leader of the opposition party will do. Heck, even LDs had a female leader at one point.

Labour sure do have a poor record of representing women and coloured people in leadership, all their leaders have been White Males in my time, yet the party is painted as the party of equality and justice, and the party brown and black voters should be voting for.
Truss has said she is against a windfall tax on energy companies, even though their profits are bigger than ever.

Energy companies donated huge amounts to the Tory party.

People still believe the UK is a democracy :))
Looks like first policy announcements today from LT.
Truss has said she is against a windfall tax on energy companies, even though their profits are bigger than ever.

Energy companies donated huge amounts to the Tory party.

People still believe the UK is a democracy :))

The modern Tory party is a machine for enriching its donors with public money.
All the Tory vermin are cut from the same cloth, but I don’t know, he may have been less of a war mongerer then her and that may have cost him

He also wants to get rid of human rights act, deprive poor areas and move to rich areas.

Both are dangerous...
We all know that Truss is a deeply ambitious woman with no charisma.

But the passing of the monarch will actually allow her the opportunity to show a human side. It could be an opportunity for her to display a human side.
<b>Truss-Biden meeting postponed until after funeral</b>

A planned meeting between Liz Truss and US President Joe Biden before the Queen's funeral has been cancelled, Downing Street has said.

No 10 said a "full bilateral meeting" between the PM and Mr Biden would instead take place at the UN General Assembly on Wednesday.

It is thought holding the talks after the period of national mourning would allow more wide-ranging discussions.

Ms Truss met her counterparts from New Zealand and Australia on Saturday.

The prime minister held informal talks with Jacinda Ardern and Australian premier Anthony Albanese at Chevening House in Kent.

And Number 10 confirmed Ms Truss will see Irish Taoiseach [prime minister] Micheál Martin, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, and Polish President Andrzej Duda at Downing Street on Sunday.

Although she met Mr Biden when she was foreign secretary, next week's UN meeting with him in New York will be Ms Truss's first as UK prime minister.

Monday's funeral will be one of the biggest diplomatic events of recent years, with some 500 heads of state and foreign dignitaries expected to attend.

It is providing Ms Truss with an opportunity to meet foreign counterparts less than two weeks after taking office.

But Downing Street had stressed that talks this weekend would not be formal bilateral meetings because of the official 10-day mourning period following the death of the Queen.

It would not be issuing summaries of the discussions as would normally happen after the PM's meetings with foreign leaders, No 10 added.

In advance of her talks with Ms Truss, Ms Ardern said the death of the Queen would be the "focus of conversation", and they were also likely to discuss Ukraine and the UK's free trade agreement with New Zealand. announced last October.

It was thought the meeting between Ms Truss and Mr Albanese focused on trade, after the signing of a deal between the UK and Australia in December.

Ms Truss also held a phone call with the President of the UAE, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan, on Saturday in which he expressed his condolences on the death of the Queen.

The meeting with Ireland's prime minister comes at a time of strained relations with the EU over post-Brexit checks in Northern Ireland.

The UK is refusing to apply some of the checks it signed up to in the Brexit withdrawal deal, prompting a series of lawsuits from the EU.

Mr Martin has expressed concern about legislation Ms Truss introduced as foreign secretary enabling the UK to alter the legal commitments it signed up in the exit treaty in 2019.

Ms Truss is expected to meet European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen for talks at the UN meeting in New York next week.

The state funeral service in Westminster Abbey on Monday is expected to be attended by hundreds of foreign dignitaries, including politicians and royalty.

Syria, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Russia and Belarus have not been invited - whilst Iran, North Korea and Nicaragua have been asked to only send a senior diplomat.

China's President Xi Jinping is on the guest list for the funeral ceremony but is not thought likely to attend.

A Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman said on Friday that no decision had been made on whether they would be sending a delegation, although press reports have suggested China's vice president will attend.

Ms Truss is expected to have a phone call with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Bin Salman this evening.

The de facto ruler's invitation to the Queen's funeral has sparked protests from human rights campaigners. A declassified CIA report concluded that he had authorised the murder and dismemberment of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi - allegations denied by the crown prince.
We all know that Truss is a deeply ambitious woman with no charisma.

But the passing of the monarch will actually allow her the opportunity to show a human side. It could be an opportunity for her to display a human side.

How do you know she has a human side? Most of the hardcore Royals have no human side.

Liz was anti-monarchy in her youth, now is a full puppet of the Elite.

She claims white Brits are not as hard working as immigrants. Is this the human side you are talking of?
She claims white Brits are not as hard working as immigrants. Is this the human side you are talking of?

Horrible woman. Devoid of compassion.

The thought of her writing the Letters of Last Resort to the four Trident skippers fills me with dread.

My one hope is that she has such a charisma bypass, and the economy is about to get so truly awful (exports to Europe down 33%, doubling energy prices, debt-to-GDP ratio 110%, 22% inflation next year) is that her party will be dumped out of power by end of 2024.
Prime Minister Liz Truss will vow to match UK spending on military support to Ukraine next year, as she restarts her government's agenda following the Queen's funeral.

Ms Truss will pledge military aid worth billions during a trip to meet world leaders in New York this week.

She will use a speech to the UN General Assembly to rally support for Ukraine.

The trip comes at a time of global economic turmoil driven by soaring energy prices and the Ukraine war.

The UK has been one of the leading donors of military aid to Ukraine, committing £2.3bn since Russian President Vladimir Putin's forces invaded the country in February.

A hectic week of diplomacy and policy announcements lies ahead for Ms Truss and her government after a period of national mourning for the late Queen ended.

Political activity and government business were paused until after the Queen's funeral, which was attended by Ms Truss, alongside other politicians, foreign dignitaries and members of the Royal Family.
That reading she gave at the funeral was awful. The King James is hard to read in places as the syntax is clunky, but still. She has no inner life.
Horrible woman. Devoid of compassion.

The thought of her writing the Letters of Last Resort to the four Trident skippers fills me with dread.

My one hope is that she has such a charisma bypass, and the economy is about to get so truly awful (exports to Europe down 33%, doubling energy prices, debt-to-GDP ratio 110%, 22% inflation next year) is that her party will be dumped out of power by end of 2024.

Yep. Im actually going to flip flop and give my vote to the liberals. Initially wasnt bothering to vote, then it occured it would automatically go to one of the parties any way.
How do you know she has a human side? Most of the hardcore Royals have no human side.

Liz was anti-monarchy in her youth, now is a full puppet of the Elite.

She claims white Brits are not as hard working as immigrants. Is this the human side you are talking of?

Yep. As a leader shes not inspiring at all.